About Schmidt (2002)
In director Alexander Payne's existential character
study and nihilistic black comedy - it told about a retired, recent
widower seeking to find meaning:
- 66 year-old Warren Schmidt (Oscar-nominated
Jack Nicholson) was introduced as a reluctant, about-to-retire
Omaha, Nebraska insurance actuary who viewed his
entire life as disappointing
- in the opening shot, Schmidt was
in his barren, packed-up Woodmen of the World Insurance office
stoically waiting on his last day for 5 PM to approach
on the wall clock; when the second hand hit the top of the hour,
he stood up, took one last glance around, grabbed his briefcase
and coat, and shut out the lights as he exited
- in the rain,
he drove to a subdued, farewell retirement party at Johnny's Cafe
(a steakhouse) with his homely and overweight wife Helen (June
Squibb) after 42 years of marriage, where his younger replacement
Gary Nordin (Matt Winston) praised him, followed by his slightly
inebriated best friend and elderly co-worker Ray Nichols (Len Cariou)
offering an embarrassing tribute to him: ("None of these superficialities
mean a goddamn thing"); Ray concluded by congratulating Warren
on a meaningful and productive job well done - he could now respectfully
"retire in glory and enjoy riches far beyond the monetary kind"
- on a visit back to his office to offer assistance
to his younger replacement worker Gary Nordin, he was politely
and courteously disregarded; leaving the office, he noticed his
boxes of files in a dumpster area ready for disposal
- at home, after seeing a TV advertisement for Plan
USA, a Third World foster-child program in Africa asking for sponsorships,
he received an enrollment packet in the mail; impulsively, he decided
to enroll, and soon was engaging in correspondence with his Third
World "Childreach" adoptee
(delivered in voice-over soliloquies "Dear Ndugu...")
- his selected foster child was a young, uncomprehending Tanzanian
six year-old orphan named Ndugu Umbo
Tanzanian Foster Child Outreach Program
- in his first letter, he wrote about his rambling
feelings about his entire life, beginning with her earlier hopes
and dreams, and musing about his lack of accomplishments: ("...When
I was a kid, I used to think that maybe I was special, that somehow
Destiny would tap me to be a great man...");
he was able to vent through his letters his
suppressed anger about losing his job
to a younger worker, and his feelings of alienation from his long-time
wife Helen of 42 years - he asked: ("Lately every night.
I find myself asking the same question: Who is this old woman who
lives in my house? Why is it that every little thing she does irritates
me?"); he also expressed his concern
about his daughter's upcoming wedding to a loser; his only child
- estranged mousy daughter Jeannie (Hope Davis), was engaged to
her fiancee Randall Hertzel (Dermot Mulroney), a waterbed salesman:
("Maybe Jeannie is a little past of prime, but I still think she
could have done a heck of a lot better. I mean this guy is not
up to snuff, if you ask me, I mean not for my little girl")
- soon after, Warren discovered his unconscious wife
Helen on the floor in the kitchen - deceased due to a stroke from
a blood clot; it was a major turning point for him; during the
visit of Jeannie from Denver for her mother's funeral, Warren had
already expressed his outright loathing for his prospective or
future son-in-law Randall as a "nincompoop" waterbed
salesman, who had foolishly promoted a 'get-rich-quick' investment
scheme (actually a pyramid scheme) to him; Jeannie urged her father to
find a maid to temporarily help take care of him, while Warren recommended
that Jeannie postpone or delay the wedding scheduled a few weeks
later, and maybe "rethink things" and keep her "options open"; Jeannie
criticized her father for buying a cheap casket and for not treating
Helen properly: ("She waited on you hand and foot. Couldn't you
have splurged on her just once?"); Warren stressed that he had
bought Helen what she wanted - an expensive top of the line Winnebago
Adventurer RV ("She wanted the whole shebang")
- Warren suddenly felt lonely after being left to
fend for himself in his large house following the funeral: ("Now
that all the excitement is over and the smoke is clear, it's just
me and my thoughts knocking around in this big old house...adjusting
to life without Helen has been quite a challenge"); clutter and
trash had built up in the kitchen, with a bare refrigerator and
shelves, and Warren was becoming forgetful and neglectful about
keeping up the house and shopping for groceries
- while going through some of Helen's possessions in her closet, Warren discovered
a stack of old love letters, revealing that she had been involved
in a secret, long-ago affair with a mutual friend almost 30 years
earlier - with his co-worker Ray Nichols; enraged,
he threw all of her possessions in boxes and took them to a clothing
donation and recycling center drop-off, and then personally confronted
Ray outside a barber shop and punched him out
- Warren immediately decided to begin his road trip
to Denver in a newly-purchased, oversized Adventurer R.V. Winnebago,
to help with the marriage preparations - actually, he still wanted
to try and convince Jeannie to not marry the very-average Randall;
however, when he called Jeannie and announced he would be arriving
early, she firmly rejected his offer; to stall for time, Warren took
a meandering journey on his way from Omaha, Nebraska
westward to Denver; first, he visited his childhood
home in Holdrege, NE (he found it converted into a Tires Plus store),
and then backtracked to his alma mater the Univ. of Kansas
and his Beta Sigma Epsilon fraternity house (in Lawrence, KS); he
then proceeded westward and north to visit the Custer County
Historical Museum of Native-American arrowheads in Broken Bow,
NE, and again westward to Buffalo Bill Cody's house in North Platte,
NE; he backtracked east to Cozad, NE to visit an antique store wherre
he purchased some rare Hummel figurines (that Helen liked to collect)
- while killing time on his way to Denver, at an RV
trailer campground, he met a very congenial Winnebago RV
couple from Eau Claire, WI, John and Vicki Rusk (Harry Groener
and Connie Ray) and was invited to dinner; after too many beers,
the evening turned ugly when Warren made an unexpected pass at
the very empathetic Vicki and was soundly rejected; he raced back
to his Winnebago and fled the campground
- the next
starry night, Warren delivered a regretful, heartfelt prayer while
seated atop his RV lit by candles illuminating some Hummel
figurines that he had recently purchased; he spoke to his
deceased wife and asked to be forgiven for being an imperfect husband:
("Helen? What did you really think of me, deep in your heart? Was I really
the man you wanted to be with? Was I? Or were you disappointed
and too nice to show it? I forgive you for Ray. I forgive you.
That was a long time ago, and I know I wasn't always the king of
kings. I let you down. I'm sorry, Helen. Can you forgive me? Can
you forgive me?"); he noticed a possible
response - the passing of a shooting star
- in Denver, he resided in the home of uninhibited,
outgoing, flirtatious divorcee (and the mother of the groom-to-be)
Roberta Hertzel (Oscar-nominated Kathy Bates); during dinner with
the entire family, Warren brought up the uncomfortable subject
of Randall's investment scheme (or "pyramid scheme"); everyone
had to listen to Randall's father Larry Hertzel (Howard Hesseman),
Roberta's divorced ex-husband, deliver an inappropriate toast;
the experience confirmed Warren's doubts about the entire disagreeable
and "negative" Hertzel family
- after dinner, Warren pleaded with Jeannie in private
to not marry Randall: "You are making a big mistake. Don't marry
this guy. Don't do it....I am begging you not to marry Randall.
This guy is not up to snuff. He's not in your league"; his
warning was not well-received and Jeannie reprimanded him: "I
am getting married the day after tomorrow and you are gonna
come to my wedding and you are going to sit there and enjoy it
and support me, or else you can just turn right around right now
and go back to Omaha"
- as Warren got to know Roberta better, he became
very nervous about her description of the "positively
white hot" love life of Jeannie and Randall: ("Whatever problems those two kids
may run into along the way, they will always be able to count on
what happens between the sheets to keep them together"); to
soothe Warren's aching back after sleeping on a waterbed during his
first night in Denver, Roberta invited the very unwilling Schmidt
for an infamous nude hot-tub session in the backyard after the church
marriage rehearsal and dinner at Tony Roma's
- she casually approached the hot tub, greeted him
and asked: "Mind if I join you?" as she stripped off
her red robe to reveal her earthy, overweight body; she stepped
into the hot tub completely naked; during their
conversation, she kept hinting: "Just think, after tomorrow we'll all be one big family. And
I'm going to insist that you consider this is your second home" -
and then she bluntly proposed: "Here
we are, a divorcee and a widower. Sounds like a perfect match to
me!" as she reached out to touch his leg under the bubbling water
- intimidated by her, he jumped out as she asked: "What's
the matter?" He gave an obvious excuse as he quickly retreated
to his Winnebago RV for the night: "Oh, I have to go to bed
now"; she was astonished: "Just like that? Come on. We
were havin' such a nice talk"; he added: "I'm all tuckered out"
An Intimidated Warren Hot-Tubbing with Roberta
- after escorting Jeannie down the aisle, Warren sat
stone-faced in the front pew by himself during the wedding ceremony,
and cracked a brief smile and joined the applause when the presiding
offical announced the couple as "man and wife"; in the subsequent,
brilliant reception scene after the wedding of his only daughter
Jeannie to her fiancee Randall, the "proud" Warren delivered an
impassioned, kind, respectful and emotional speech full of tributes
to all the members of each family, and found some self-healing
and consolation: ("Thank
you, to you, Randall, for taking such good care of my daughter
especially recently with our loss. Ever since I arrived here a
couple of days ago, I have so enjoyed getting to know Jeannie's
new family... Everybody else, terrific people. Terrific. And in
conclusion, I just want to say on this special day, this very special
day, that I am very pleased")
- Warren wrote a despairing
last letter to Ndugu (heard in voice-over) while returning home
from the Denver wedding: ("I know we're all pretty small
in the big scheme of things and I suppose
the most you can hope for is to make some kind of difference. But
what kind of difference have I made? What in the world is better
because of me?...I am weak and I am a failure. There's just no
getting around it. Relatively soon, I will die. Maybe in twenty
years, maybe tomorrow. It doesn't matter. Once I am dead and everyone
who knew me dies, too, it will be as though I never even existed.
What difference has my life made to anyone? None that I can think
of. None at all")
- once Warren arrived home in the climactic catharsis,
he noticed in his stack of mail that he had received his first
letter back from Ndugu's missionary mother superior Sister Nadine
Gautier at the Sacred Heart orphanage; she had enclosed a
stick-figure crayon drawing of a smiling Warren and six year-old
Ndugu holding hands; she explained that the boy couldn't read or
write, but appreciated his letters nonetheless
- there was a closing close-up shot of a teary-eyed, elated Warren who realized
that he had made a real difference in the illiterate young boy's

Warren's Last Day in His Office

Warren with Wife Helen (June Squibb) at Retirement Party Dinner

Warren's Boxes of Office Files Ready for Disposal

Warren's Prospective Son-in-Law Randall (Dermot Mulroney)

Warren's Mousy Only Child - Daughter Jeannie (Hope Davis)

John and Vicki Rusk, RV Couple from Wisconsin

Warren's Prayer to Deceased Wife Helen Atop RV

Roberta Hertzel (Kathy Bates)

Randall Explaining the Failure of His "Investment" Scheme ("Pyramid Scheme")

Escorting Daughter to Altar

Stern-Faced Warren During Wedding
Warren's Memorable Wedding Reception Speech in Denver

Warren's Reaction to Letter from Tanzanian Adoptee with
Crayon Drawing