Hall (1977)
In director/actor Woody Allen's prized semi-autobiographical,
Best Picture-winning comedy - a bittersweet, cerebral, stream-of-consciousness,
70s, urban romantic comedy:
- in the plot, kvetchy, Jewish, neurotic, pessimistic,
Brooklyn stand-up comedian Alvy Singer (Woody Allen), involved
in therapy due in part to his death obsession, wistfully recalled
and remembered his bygone relationship (now broken-up) with flighty,
adorable, ditzy, clumsy and irrepressibly Midwesterner Annie Hall
(Diane Keaton) from Wisconsin - an aspiring singer and photographer
- he delivered the film's opening monologue (composed
of jokes about his relationships with women and his mid-life crisis)
told directly into the camera; he mused about his breakup with
Annie Hall (after a year's relationship), before launching into
a narrated autobiography about his early childhood
- in a scene of fantasy, while in
the line at the movie theatre, real-life media guru Marshall McLuhan
(Himself) was pulled out from behind a lobby standee by Alvy to 'tell
off' a pseudo-intellectual blowhard-critic (Russell Horton) who
was pontificating about director Fellini and Samuel Beckett - followed
by Alvy's rebuttal to the camera: ("Boy, if
life were only like this")
- at a movie theatre for a showing
of Marcel Ophul's grim documentary The Sorrow and the Pity, Annie
called it "a four-hour documentary on Nazis"; Alvy explained
his obsessive "anal" personality trait - that he couldn't miss
even a minute of the film
- there were many realistic scenes of the developing
relationship between Annie and Alvy; the first meeting
of the two insecure individuals was at a tennis club; then, in
a "mental
subtitles" scene
that was held on Annie's apartment balcony, both of them (during
two simultaneous dialogues) revealed their real feelings/thoughts
behind their nervous and fumbling chit-chatty words of flirtation;
in another zany sequence, Alvy and Annie spontaneously laughed
at crawling crustaceans on the kitchen floor as they clumsily
prepared a lobster dinner at a beach house in the Hamptons
With Annie Hall (Diane Keaton)

Tennis Club

Balcony of Apartment

Preparing Lobster
- during a weekend date, he
ended up accompanying Annie to a Saturday nightclub audition for
their first date - an awful debut experience as she timidly sang: "It
Had To Be You"; walking
along on the sidewalk afterwards, suddenly, he stopped and asked her
for a kiss so they wouldn't have to be tense all evening: "Hey,
listen, listen. Give me a kiss....Yeah, why not? Because we're
just gonna go home later, right, and uhm, there's gonna be all
that tension, you know. We've never kissed before. And I'll never
know when to make the right move or anything. So we'll kiss now
and get it over with, and then we'll go eat. Okay? We'll digest
our food better." They kissed, and then Alvy perfunctorily
stated: "Okay, so now we can digest our food. OK?"
- in the middle of the night, Alvy was called over
to Annie's place to struggle against a spider in her bathroom - "the
size of a Buick"
- the film used a number of cinematic techniques,
including fantasy elements (Annie and Alvy as animated characters,
Alvy talking directly to the audience or to his younger self and
Jewish relatives, and the split-screen family dinner scene, or split-screen
therapeutic sessions about their rates of intercourse)
- there was a funny sight gag of Alvy snorting coke - and sneezing,
and blowing about $2,000/ounce worth of cocaine into the room!
- Alvy met Annie's family including
her psychotic, suicidal brother Duane (Christopher Walken) and Grammy
Hall (Helen Ludlam)
- there were many jokes emphasizing the difference between
New York and LA, and Alvy's distaste for California; during Alvy's
visit to California, a So. California party guest (Jeff Goldblum)
told his guru on the phone: "I forgot my mantra!"
- Alvy delivered a famous quote as he was walking along
with Annie: "Hey, don't knock masturbation - it's sex with someone
I love"
Questioning Strangers on Street About Sex Life
- Alvy also questioned strangers on the street to find
the secrets to their happiness for sexual and romantic compatibility
- by film's end about a year after their relationship
ended, Annie and Alvy met up in New York for lunch as friends (they
were each dating other people) and reminisced about old times; Alvy
concluded the film with a flashbacked philosophical ending and chicken
joke - he summed up an understanding of how relationships were utterly
absurd and that love inevitably faded, although people still craved
relationships: "After that, it got pretty
late and we both had to go. But it was great seeing Annie again.
And I realize what a terrific person she was and how much fun it
was just knowing her...And I thought of that old joke. You know,
the, this, this guy goes to a psychiatrist and says, 'Doc, uh, my
brother's crazy, he thinks he's a chicken,' and uh, the doctor says,
'Well why don't you turn him in?' And the guy says, 'I would, but
I need the eggs.' Well, I guess that's pretty much now how I feel
about relationships. You know, they're totally irrational and crazy
and absurd and - but uh, I guess we keep going through it because
most of us need the eggs"

Opening Monologue
Alvy Singer (Woody Allen)
Movie Theatre Discussion with Marshall McLuhan

A Spontaneous Kiss

Cinematic Techniques
Snorting Cocaine

Ending and Parting