Mame (1958)
In director Morton DaCosta's and Warner's commercially-successful,
Technicolored comedic drama - it was based on Patrick Dennis' 1955
novel of the same name about an eccentric and zesty Bohemian aunt;
Best Actress-nominated Rosalind Russell portrayed the title character
- a recreation of her successful 1956-1958 Broadway stage role:
- the film opened with the unexpected
death of wealthy conservative Chicago businessman Edwin Dennis
in mid-September of 1928 in Chicago; he dropped dead in the steam
room of the Chicago Brokers Club; it was just one day after he
executed his will and testament. It was stipulated that Edwin's
sole heir to his estate, his 10 year-old son Patrick Dennis (Jan
Handzlik as young boy), would be raised as the ward of Edwin's
only living relative -- his elegantly flamboyant, ascerbic, equally-wealthy,
wisecracking, free-spirited spinster sister Mame Dennis (Rosalind
- Mame resided in Manhattan in NYC at 3
Beekman Place. It was the 1920s - a time of flappers, bootleg alcohol,
and bohemian lifestyles
- to help protect orphaned Patrick
from undue influences, his longtime Irish nanny Norah Muldoon (Connie
Gilchrist) accompanied him to New York; they arrived in the midst
of one of Mame's lavish parties, serving caviar, some pickled octopus
and raw fish tails to the guests
- surprisingly, the well-mannered
Patrick got along quite well with Mame, who immediately exposed
him to her socialite friends and their quirky behavior at a swanky
party she was holding; her unusual acquaintances included Broadway
actress Vera Charles' (Coral Browne) heavy drinking, the nudist
lifestyle of Acacius Page (Henry Brandon) - the progressive headmaster
of Bixby School (an experimental school in Greenwich Village where
he bragged: "At
my school, we wear nothing. It's heaven!"),
and Mame's publisher boyfriend Lindsay Woolsey (Patric Knowles)
- Mame promised Patrick:
"Your Auntie Mame will open doors for you. Doors you never
even dreamed existed. What times we'll have!"
- Mame offered Patrick and pencil and paper, and asked
him to write down any words he heard and didn't understand; his
list ultimately included: "Libido, inferiority complex, stinko,
blotto, free love, bathtub gin, monkey glands, Karl Marx....narcississistic,
Lysistrata, cubism, squiffed, neurotic, heterosexual" -
she quipped to him: "My, what an eager mind! You won't need these
words for months"

Vera Charles (Coral Browne)

Publisher Lindsay Woolsey (Patric Knowles)

Acacius Page (Henry Brandon)
Mr. Dwight Babcock (Fred Clark)
- the trustee of the will, stuffy
Mr. Dwight Babcock (Fred Clark) associated with the conservative Knickerbocker
Bank, was instructed to insure that the orphaned nephew of his "crazy" Aunt
was protected from any of Mame's many unconventional ideas or eccentric
attitudes and friends ("We must spare the boy certain influences from
the wrong side of the tracks")
- Babcock stated his preference to enroll Patrick in St. Boniface Academy, an
exclusive boys' boarding school in Massachusetts - his own alma mater,
away from Mame's daily influence; however Auntie Mame recommended
the Bixby School; but after Babcock visited the school, he
was flabbergasted: "There they were! A school room full of them!
Boys, girls, teachers, romping around stark naked, bare as the day
they were born"; he moved Patrick to St. Boniface to restrict
contact with Mame only during holidays and during the summer
- other problems arose when
the stock market crashed in late 1929 and Mame lost all of her
fortune ("Nothing's worth anything anymore"); refusing to
marry Lindsay in order to provide her with security, she broke off
her relationship with him. Mame realized that she must settle
down on her own, earn some money, and try a series of work-jobs as
the "only chance to get Patrick back," including a return
to the stage in a bit part, and working as a switchboard operator
- during a short time as
a Macy's Department store sales clerk before being fired, she met her
new future husband - wealthy Southern oil baron Beauregard Jackson
Pickett Burnside (Forrest Tucker) from Georgia. Mame's
whirlwind romance and world-tour honeymoon with him tragically ended
when he died in 1937 - he fell off a cliff on the Matterhorn (off-screen)
while taking pictures of Mame
Beauregard Jackson Pickett Burnside
(Forrest Tucker) - Mame's Future Husband
- Patrick (Roger Smith as older), who
had grown into adulthood, persuaded Mame to write her autobiography
to be published by Lindsay. For some months,
Mame dictated her memoirs to her frumpy stenographer-secretary Agnes
Gooch (Peggy Cass). Mame was also romanced by her live-in Irish fortune-hunting
ghostwriter-editor Brian O'Bannion (Robin Hughes)

Patrick (Roger Smith as older)

Agnes Gooch (Peggy Cass)

Brian O'Bannion (Robin Hughes)
- Mame broke her date to
a party with O'Bannion, to sabotage his greedy intentions by diverting
his interest toward a transformed Agnes; Mame encouraged
Agnes to "Live!" - the message of her book: "You don't get the message
of my book. Live, that's the message....Yes! Life is a banquet
and most poor suckers are starving to death. Now, come on, Agnes,
live! Come, child. Live!"; the other servants doubted Mame's strategy:
"She'll never make a silk purse out of that sow's ear"

Mame to Agnes: "Live, that's the message...Yes! Life is a banquet and most
poor suckers are starving to death."

Agnes - Transformed to Date Mame's Editor/Writer O'Bannion
- after O'Bannion was set up to date the drunken Agnes,
their champagne-doused time together resulted in the stenographer's
unexpected pregnancy - and "unwed mother" relationship to O'Bannion
(later, she remembered that they were married)
- in the meantime, Patrick unexpectedly became engaged
to a Babcock-approved girlfriend named Gloria Upson (Joanna Barnes)
- a spoiled, shallow, dumb-blonde with boorish, snobby, bourgeois,
anti-Semitic parents: Claude and Doris Upson (Willard Waterman and
Lee Patrick)
- to
learn more about Patrick's fiancee Gloria before a planned September
wedding, Mame visited the bourgeois Upsons, who lived in a house
known as "Upson
Downs" in the Connecticut community of Mountebank near Darien, where she personally
witnessed their abhorrent, superficial and anti-Semitic attitudes;
she was dismayed by their plans for her nephew Patrick: "You've thought
of everything, haven't you? Laid out Patrick's career. Planned the
wedding. Even chosen my gift"
- a few weeks before Patrick's wedding to Gloria, Mame
invited many of the film's priincipal characters to an "intimate
family dinner" party
in her apartment, when the release of Mame's autobiography was
to be announced and chapters of the "red-hot" galleys were
distributed; hostess Mame had specifically designed the party to make
the Upsons uncomfortable, and force Patrick to cancel his wedding plans,
by serving flaming alcoholic drinks and pickled rattlesnake hors d'oeuvres,
and inviting some of her most obnoxious friends; one of the highlights
of the evening was Gloria's inappropriate and hilarious monologue about
her "ghastly" experience during an aborted ping-pong tournament
- during the awkward
night, Gloria insulted Patrick by calling his acquaintances "riff-raff";
Patrick retorted back about her many girlfriends, calling
them "a lot of vain, selfish, empty bigots"
- in the course of the climactic evening, Mame also
insulted Gloria's parents by having Lindsay declare that her book's
royalties would support a home for refugee Jewish children in Mountebank,
in the Epstein's property next-door to the Upsons; when the news
was blurted out, it was the ultimate straw; Gloria fell backwards
onto controls that raised and lowered the living room seats; and
Mame cried out: "JACKPOT!";
the family of Upsons left in a huff

Gloria's Hilarious Description of a "Ghastly" Ping Pong
Gloria's Collapse
Mame: "JACKPOT!"
- incensed and insulted with what had just happened,
Babcock claimed his duty was to protect Patrick from Mame's "idiotic,
cockeyed nincompoopery"; she stood up to Babcock before dismissing
him for manipulating and controlling her nephew's
life: "For 9 years I've tried to open some windows in his life. And now
all you want to do is shut him up in some safe deposit box. Well, I won't
let you do that to my little one. Oh, no. He's not little anymore"
- Patrick - who had recently become attracted
to Mame's new secretary Miss Pegeen Ryan (Pippa Scott), broke off his
engagement to Gloria (off-screen)
- years
later in the film's epilogue in 1946, 28 year-old Patrick had married
Pegeen and they had a son named Michael (Terry Kelman), who was following
in Patrick's footsteps under Mame's tutelage; the young boy reminded
his parents: "You
know what your trouble is, Mom? You don't live, live, live! Life
is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death"; he
urged them to permit him to take an exotic trip to India with Mame
before school began in the fall
Epilogue: Auntie Mame with Patrick's
and Pegeen's Son Michael, Walking Up Staircase
- as Mame ascended her staircase with young Michael,
she offered him the same promise given earlier to Patrick: "I'm
going to open doors for you. Doors you never even dreamed existed....Oh,
what times we're going to have! What vistas we're going to explore
together. We'll spend a day at an ancient Hindu temple. The head
monk there is a very good friend of Auntie Mame's. And perhaps he'll
let you ring the temple bells that bring the monks to prayer. And
there, on the highest tower on a clear day, you can see the Taj Mahal.
Beyond that is a beautiful..."

Edwin Dennis's Last Will and Testament

10 Year-Old Patrick Dennis (Jan
Handzlik) Delivered by Norah Muldoon to Mame's Apartment in NYC

Auntie Mame (Rosalind Russell) with Patrick

Young Patrick Dennis (Jan
Handzlik as boy)

Mame's Bit-Part on Stage

Mame's Job as a Switchboard Operator

Mame's Continued Close Relationship with Young Patrick

Burnside's Death While Taking Pictures of Mame

O'Bannion Romancing Mame While Ghost-Writing Her Book of Memoirs

Patrick's Spoiled Dumb-Blonde Fiancee Gloria Upson (Joanna Barnes)

Gloria's Father Claude Upson (Willard Waterman)

Gloria's Mother Doris Upson (Lee Patrick)

Mame Pretending to Enjoy Claude's Drinks and Doris' Hors D'Oeuvres
and a Scrapbook of Baby Pictures

Patrick's New Love Interest, Pegeen Ryan (Pippa Scott) - Mame's New Secretary