Babe (1995, Australia/US)
In first-time director Chris Noonan's Best Picture-nominated
storybook animal tale and family film, it was a charming, delightful
and intelligent fairy tale, a comic allegory, based on a kid's book
by British author Dick King-Smith. This Australian-made "sleeper"
was a critical and financial success - a rare family film to earn
an Academy Award Best Picture nomination (from a total of an amazing
seven Oscar nominations), utilizing realistic, Oscar-winning computer
effects (animatronics, puppets and CGI) to portray remarkable talking
animals (Fly the sheepdog, Ferdinand the duck (who
thought he was a rooster to spare being eaten), the elderly ewe Maa,
the trio of singing mice, and of course, the runty, orphaned piglet
Babe). Despite being aimed at mostly young audiences, this
film consistently remained intelligent but sometimes quite dark for
a children's film:
- the tale was told in storybook fashion (with chapters
introduced by a trio of singing mice) - about how young pink piglet
Babe, raised by sheepdogs and daring to be different (and challenging
his "proper place" in life), learned to herd sheep to
avoid being killed for human food
- the film's opening was a harrowing account (by off-screen
narrator Roscoe Lee Browne) at a gigantic hog farm where pigs were
being loaded up into a truck to be taken away to market: ("They
lived their whole lives in a cruel and sunless world. In those
days, pigs believed that the sooner they grew large and fat, the
sooner they'd be taken into pig paradise...A place so wonderful
that no pig had ever thought to come back...So when the day came
for their parents to go to that other world of endless pleasures,
it was not a time for young pigs to be sad. Just another step towards
the day when they, too, would make the journey")
- one runty
little piglet who appeared alone and sad was randomly selected
- to be used for a Lion's Club guessing contest at the local fair; Farmer
Hoggett (James Cromwell) had the winning entry in the fair contest
- accurately guessing the piglet's weight

Young Runt "Babe"

Fly - the Sheepdog

Elderly Ewe Maa
- he brought it to his farm
- where the farm animals spoke to the disconsolate pig; he was given
the name of Babe (Christine Cavanaugh): ("Our mom called us
all the same...She called us all Babe"); Fly the Sheepdog (Miriam
Margolyes) tried to comfort Babe who piteously cried out: "I
want my Mom!" -- "There,
there, You've got to be a brave boy now. I left my mother when I
was your age, and my pups will have to leave me soon. But I'll keep
an eye on you, if you like, just 'til you find your feet. The little
pig's a bit low. He's going to sleep with us just 'til he finds his
- in a hilarious sequence (titled "Crime
& Punishment"), Ferdinand the Duck (voice of Danny Mann)
convinced Babe to engage in a secret mission for him - to sneak into
the farmhouse, avoid disturbing the nasty and favored cat Duchess
(Russi Taylor), and abscond with a "mechanical
rooster" - Mrs. Esme Hoggett's (Magda Szubanski) new alarm clock
-- Ferdinand watched through the window as Babe began to botch the
theft; the two ended up covered with paint in the destroyed living
room, and the duck became a fugitive
- after Fly was saddened when her puppies were offered
for sale, Babe allowed himself to be adopted ("Fly, may I
call you Mom?"); the narrator mentioned: "And so it was
that the pig found his place in the world of the farm. And he was
happy even in his dreams"
- in the next segment, titled "Pork is a nice
sweet meat," the
animals commented upon Christmas festivities at the Hoggett's farmhouse
as the relatives arrived, including Ferdinand sitting on the weathervane
and quacking: "Christmas
dinner, yeah. Dinner means death. Death means carnage! Christmas
means carnage!"; Babe also sang: "La, la, la" to the
tune of "Jingle Bells" - fortunately, Babe was spared from becoming
Xmas dinner, although Ferdinand's duck friend Rosanna was served
instead, prompting Ferdinand to fearfully escape from the farm ("I'm
not going to be a goner, I'm gone")
- the film's first indication that Babe was capable
of something beyond his 'pig nature' was when he sensed that something
was wrong on the farm - sheep rustlers were stealing Farmer Hoggett's
sheep and loading them onto a truck; he ran back to the farm and
alerted Rex (Fly and Hoggett) to the problem; in the next segment:
"A Pig that thinks it's a Dog," shortly later, Babe demonstrated
his ability to sort brown hens from white ones
- Babe's
attempts at sheep-herding improved via coaching from elderly ewe
Maa (Miriam Flynn) who suggested that Babe treat the animals with
politeness - and they behaved; later, in the sequences: "The
Sheep Pig" and "A Tragic Day," Babe was further trained
in sheep-herding, and one day helped protect Farmer Hoggett flock
from a marauding attack by three feral dogs, resulting in the death
of Maa
- Farmer Hoggett
first suspected Babe and aimed his double-barreled shotgun at the
pig, but the Farmer abruptly changed his mind when he heard from
his wife that other neighbors had also experienced problems with
feral dogs ("That was the police on the telephone. Said there
are wild dogs about. Apparently the Mitchells lost six lambs this
- the jealous and begrudging cat Duchess
sought revenge on Babe by cruelly telling him he was scoffed by
the other animals for wanting to be a sheep-herding pig, and that
humans ate pigs: "I probably shouldn't say this, but I'm not
sure if you realize how much the other animals are laughing at you
for this sheepdog business...Well, they say that you've forgotten
that you're a pig. Isn't that silly? They even say that you don't
know what pigs are for....You know, why pigs are here...Well, the
cow's here to be milked. The dogs are here to help the boss's husband
with the sheep. And I'm here to be beautiful and affectionate to
the boss...The fact is that pigs don't have a purpose. Just like
ducks don't have a purpose...All right, for you own sake, I'll be
blunt. Why do the bosses keep ducks? To eat them. So why do the bosses
keep a pig? The fact is that animals that don't seem to have
a purpose really do have a purpose. The bosses have to eat.
It's probably the most noble purpose of all when you come
to think about it...Pork, they call it. Or bacon. They only call
them pigs when they're alive....The boss's husband's just playing
a little game with you. Believe me, sooner or later, every pig gets
eaten. That's the way the world works" - in fear, Babe ran away
and was found the next morning in a cemetery by Fly's mate Rex (Hugo
- Farmer Hoggett brought Babe home and responded to
Babe's demoralized state and refusal to eat after hearing that
humans ate pigs - he fed Babe from a baby bottle, sang the song "If
I Had Words", and danced a jig to enliven his spirits
- knowing Babe's ability to herd sheep, Farmer Hoggett
signed Babe up for trials in a sheepherding competition - the
prestigious National Grand Challenge Sheepdog Championships; Babe
was entered into the competition with the name "PIG";
while she was out of town, Mrs. Hoggett was watching the
competition on TV - she nearly fainted, as did the animals at the
farmhouse during the exciting and tense contest
at first, Babe knew he faced a struggle to control the unfamiliar
sheep, and Hoggett was soundly ridiculed by the judges and committee
members for using a pig to herd sheep; Babe was saved when sheepdog
Rex ran back to the farm to get a secret password from an Old
Ewe: "Baah
Ram Ewe. Baah
Ram Ewe. To your breed, your fleece, your clan be true! Sheep be
true! Baah Ram Ewe" (in exchange for promising to treat
them better); once the password was relayed to Babe by Rex, he
was victorious in controlling the sheep to follow his commands,
and received a perfect score of 100 from all five judges
- in the rousing finale, amidst wild applause and
cheers from the human audience in the grand-stands, the narrator
described the tremendous accomplishment: ("And so it was,
that in all the celebration, in all the hubbub of noise and excitement,
there were two figures who stood silent and still, side by side...And
though every single human in the stands or in the commentary boxes
was at a complete loss for words, the man who in his life had uttered
fewer words than any of them, knew exactly what to say") -
the simple congratulatory words of kind-hearted, prideful owner
Farmer Hoggett were: "That'll do, pig, that'll do"; Babe
looked up and sighed
The Sheepdog Championships Contest
"That'll do, pig, that'll do"

Farmer Hoggett (James Cromwell)

Babe Selected at Fair Guessing Contest
Other Talking Farm Animals

Chapters Were Introduced by a Trio of Giggling, Singing Mice

Ferdinand the Duck Orchestrating Babe's Theft of Alarm Clock
Ferdinand: "Christmas Means Carnage"

Babe: "La, la, la"
Babe's Sheepherding
Duchess's Cruel Revenge
Farmer Hoggett's Care for Demoralized Babe