Bad Day
at Black Rock (1955)
In John Sturges' suspenseful, powerful,
50's, Western-like drama and modern-day film-noirish mystery-thriller,
a masterpiece about racial prejudice (and a harsh comment upon Hollywood's
blacklist and the McCarthy years) - it was set in an isolated, southwestern
desert town in 1945; scriptwriter Millard Kaufman based the film
adaptation upon American novelist Howard Breslin's late 1946
short story "Bad Time at Honda" first published in
The American Magazine (January 1947):
- in the stunning opening credits sequence - the Streamliner diesel
train raced across the arid desert before making an unusual stop
at Black Rock, AZ's train station - the first time the train had
ever stopped in the tiny isolated town in four years
- a well-dressed, mysterious one-armed stranger named
John J. Macreedy (Spencer Tracy) entered into the hostile, uncooperative,
and claustrophobic Western town, and quickly realized he was unwelcome
by the few citizens found there
- as the story progressed, it was revealed that Macreedy had
come to fulfill his civic responsibility and a personal promise that
he had made to a Japanese-American soldier who died fighting in WW
II. He was searching for the whereabouts of the local Japanese-American
father, Komoko, of his soldier/friend Joe who had saved his life
during the war in Italy, to bestow the deceased man's posthumously-presented
medal of honor to the family. After encountering mostly a conspiracy
of silence, he learned that the farmer Komoko had died after facing
internment by the US government
- Macreedy rented a jeep and drove to nearby Adobe Flat
to locate the Japanese family's leased homestead, and found evidence
that it had burned to the ground. He began to suspect that a deadly
incident four years earlier had occurred - the murder of Komoko at
his homestead by prejudiced townsfolk
- as Macreedy left Adobe Flat,
racially-bigoted thug Coley Trimble (Ernest Borgnine) made a daredevil
pursuit of Macreedy's Jeep in the desert, and ran him off the road
- in a fight scene in Sam's Bar and Grill, a greasy-spoon
restaurant, the taunted and fed-up Macreedy, who was called
"a yellow-bellied Jap lover," retorted back: ("You're
not only wrong, you're wrong at the top of your voice") and then
subdued Coley with one swift karate-chop across the neck, and further
chops to his body
Sam's Bar and Grill - Karate-Chop for Coley
- after fighting Coley, Macreedy took the downed man's
knife and confronted the menacing,
sinister town boss Reno Smith (Robert Ryan): ("You
killed Komoko, Smith, and sooner or later you're gonna go up for
it. Not because you killed him, because I think in a town like
this, you can get away with it. But because you didn't have guts
enough to do it alone. You put your trust in guys like this - and
Hector here - not the most dependable of God's creatures. And one
of these days, they're gonna catch on that you're playin' 'em for
a sap. And then what are ya gonna do? Peel 'em off, one by one?
And in the meantime, one of 'em's gonna crack and when they do,
you're gonna go down - but hard. 'Cause they got somethin' on ya,
Smith. Something to use when the goin' gets tough. (he tossed the
switchblade at Smith) And it's gettin' tougher every minute")
- eventually, some town members, including a drunken
Sheriff Tim Horn (Dean Jagger), a vet/doctor and undertaker Doc
Velie (Walter Brennan), and Liz Wirth (Anne Francis) became the
stranger's allies
- in the fiery conclusion during a deadly night-time
struggle between Macreedy and Smith and his gang members, Liz Wirth was shot in the back by Reno
Smith to silence her; the infuriated Macreedy inventively created
a Molotov cocktail that he tossed at Reno to incinerate
- as Macreedy prepared to leave Black Rock and the
Streamliner's horn was heard in the distance, Doc asked him to
give Komoko's medal to the whole town to remind the people of the
cowardly conspiracy that nearly destroyed them, so that it might
not happen again
The Arrival of Streamliner Train
One-Armed Stranger: John J. Macreedy (Spencer Tracy)

Coley's Pursuit of Macreedy in Jeep
Fiery Molotov Cocktail Confrontation With Reno Smith