Beautiful Girls (1996)
In director Ted Demme's coming-of-age comedy/drama,
it followed the lives of those gathering in town to attend a reunion
in Knights Ridge, Massachusetts (fictional) ten years after their
high-school graduation; the tale portrayed how a group of semi-immature
buddies in the small blue-collar town didn't seem to appreciate the
much-smarter women in their lives (especially with the predominance
of super-models and female objectification in the culture), but finally
came to some degree of reconciliation with them by film's end.
'reunion film' from Harvey Weinstein's Miramax Films resembled the
first third of Michael Cimino's The
Deer Hunter (1978),
John Sayles' Return of the Secaucus 7 (1980), and more prominently
director Lawrence Kasdan's The
Big Chill (1983) with its ensemble cast portraying baby boomers
reuniting after 15 years, plus the TV show thirtysomething (airing
from 1987-1991):
- the film's opening introduced New York jazz pianist
Willie "Will" Conway (Timothy Hutton), who was counting
money in his tip jar after playing, and was about to take a 6 hour
Greyhound bus trip back to his hometown of Knight's Ridge, Massachusetts
for his 10th year high school reunion; unsure of marriage, Willie
had been involved in an almost year-long relationship with his
girlfriend/attorney Tracy Stover (Annabeth Gish), who had been
living together with him for six months; he had decided to arrive
a few days early to survey the situation with his old friends
- after arriving, he was given a ride to his boyhood
home, to stay with his sad, still-grieving and heartbroken widower
father Dick Conway (Richard Bright) and his younger brother Bobby
(David Arquette)
- three of Will's friends were still living in the
town, two of whom were having serious relationship issues that
Willie would have to mediate sometime during the week:
- Paul Kirkwood (Michael Rapaport), the co-owner
of a snow-plow business with Tommy; Paul had recently split
after seven years from his long-time 27 year-old, vegetarian
ex-girlfriend Jan (Martha Plimpton) when he refused her marriage-ultimatum,
but remained angrily-jealous and bitter about her relationship
with Victor (Adam LeFevre) - a 40 year-old divorced meat cutter
with three kids; the distrustful and disgruntled Paul
was living in Tommy's house
- Tommy 'Birdman' Rowland (Matt Dillon), the ex-HS
quarterback; he was promiscuously cheating on his girlfriend
Sharon Cassidy (Mira Sorvino) while having an affair with his
ex-HS sweetheart Darian Smalls (Lauren Holly) who was married
to Steve Rossmore (Sam Robards); Sharon knew about Tommy's
unfaithfulness but wanted to try and salvage their relationship
- Michael "Mo" Morris (Noah Emmerich),
a textile-plant manager, and a family man married to Sarah
Morris (Anne Bobby), with two children

Snow-Plower Tommy "Birdman" Rowland (Matt Dillon)

Tommy's Cheating Sweetheart Darian Smalls (Lauren Holly)
- Willie often met (and throughout the film often
flirted with and offered advice) and spoke with his precocious,
well-versed 13 year-old neighbor girl Marty (a scene-stealing Natalie
Portman), mostly on the Conway's front snowy lawn; he first glanced
at her building a snowman when he first arrived; then during their
first conversation as he shoveled snow off his walkway, she told
him that she realized his household was sad and lonely, due to
the loss of his mother; she also told him: "(I'm) 13, but
I'm an old soul"; then, she complimented him on his side-burns
("I like your burns, you're kinda cool!")
Marty's First Conversation
with Willie: ("I'm an old soul")
- Paul had been recently dumped by his longtime girlfriend
Jan, and although he had been retaliating against her by blocking
her driveway every night with snow, he also desperately proposed
marriage to her; at an inopportune time, he interrupted her at her
restaurant-waitress job with a gift of a champagne-tinted ring, but
she flatly turned him down and rejected his unromantic offer, and
then he became rude: ("Take
the f--king ring!"); she refused to deal with him: ("This
is a desperate act of a desperate man. Only when faced with losing
me do you decide you want to spend the rest of your life with me");
shortly later at the recently-reopened Johnson Inn, run by proprietor
Stanley "Stinky" Womack
(Pruitt Taylor Vince), Paul's friends tried to get him out of his
funk: (Tommy: "You buy a colored diamond for a girl you're not
even seeing, man. You been eatin' retard sandwiches again")
- soon after, Willie again spoke to Marty outside,
when she speculated about his real reason to return home - to decide
about his future commitment to his girlfriend Tracy: "You're
a dude in flux. If I'm not mistaken, you've come back here to the house of loneliness
and tears, to Daddy Downer and Brother Bummer, to come to some
sort of decision about life, a life decision if you will...Am I
right? Life decision? You got the full-on Hamlet thing going? Hamlet?
Danish prince, couldn't make decisions"; when she directly
asked: "So why don't you marry her?", Marty was reluctant to answer
and receive advice from the 13 year-old
- while having sex, Tommy and his jealous girlfriend
Sharon (who knew about his infidelity with Darian) argued together
and both of them considered breaking up; Sharon proposed ending
their relationship: "What do I do? How am I supposed to get through to you when the best
years of your life were high school, when you were the king of
the hill, the 'Birdman,' and Darian was your girlfriend? I mean,
you want all that back! I can't give that to you. How do I compete
with a way of life that's totally and completely impossible for
you to ever have again?"
Sharon (Mira Sorvino) with Tommy (Matt Dillon)
- later, Sharon's girlfriends, including
her fast-talking friend Gina
Barrisano (Rosie O'Donnell), suggested that she break up with the
non-committal Tommy, and that she would eventually recover within a
few years; Sharon vowed she still loved Tommy and decided to try and
salvage things by throwing him a surprise birthday party
- during a brief conversation about his future and getting
older with Mo and his wife Sarah, Willie was contemplating taking an
offer of a steady sales job with a base salary (plus commission)
to sell office equipment, but Mo advised against Willie giving up
his real love - piano playing ("That's bogus...You are no salesman")
- at the recently-reopened Johnson Inn bar-room in town where everyone was
hanging out, long-haired blonde Andera (Uma Thurman) from Chicago, the attractive "vixen" cousin
of the bar's proprietor "Stinky", made a stunning
entrance; she met the group of guys in town for the reunion, ordered
six whiskey shots for everyone, and requested that Willie play the
piano - and they all sang Neil Diamond's "Sweet
Caroline" together
- the next day, down-to-earth, strident Gina also delivered
a smart-mouthed, put-down monologue (functioning as a Greek chorus)
to high-school grads Tommy and Willie about their centerfold beauty
myth and unrealistic expectations that most guys possessed about
supermodels - the film's most memorable scene:
"You're both f--kin' insane. You want to
know what your problem is? MTV, Playboy, and Madison f--king
Avenue. Yes. Let me explain something to you, ok? Girls with
big tits have big asses. Girls with little tits have little
asses. That's the way it goes. God doesn't f--k around; he's
a fair guy. He gave the fatties big, beautiful tits and the
skinnies little tiny niddlers. It's not my rules. If you don't
like it, call him....(picking up a Penthouse magazine
in a grocery store) Oh, guys, look what we have here. Look
at this, your favorite, oh you like that?...Yeah, that's nice,
right? Well, it doesn't exist, OK? Look at the hair, the hair
is long, it's flowing. It's like a river. Well, it's a f--kin'
weave, OK? And the tits? Please! I could hang my overcoat on
them. Tits, by design, were invented to be suckled by babies.
Yes, they're purely functional. These are Silicon City. And
look, my favorite, the shaved pubis. Pubic hair being so unruly
and all. Very key. This is a mockery, this is sham, this is
Gina Barrisano to Tommy and Willie: "Beauty
is Truly Skin Deep"
- she continued:
"Implants, collagen, plastic, capped teeth,
the fat sucked out, the hair extended, the nose fixed, the bush
shaved... These are not real women, all right? They're beauty
freaks. And they make all us normal women with our wrinkles,
our puckered boobs... our cellulite feel somehow inadequate.
Well I don't buy it, all right? But you f--kin' mooks, if you
think that if there's a chance in hell that you'll end up with
one of these women, you don't give us real women anything approaching
a commitment. It's pathetic. I don't know what you think you're
gonna do. You're gonna end up eighty-years old, drooling in some
nursing home, then you're gonna decide it's time to settle down,
get married, have kids? What, are you gonna find a cheerleader?...
Look at Paul - with his models on the wall, his dog named
Elle MacPherson. He's insane! He's obsessed. You're all obsessed.
If you had an ounce of self-esteem, of self-worth, of self-confidence,
you would realize that as trite as it may sound, beauty is truly
skin-deep. And you know what, if you ever did hook one of those
girls, I guarantee you'd be sick of her...No matter how perfect
the nipple, how supple the thigh, unless there's some other s--t
goin' on in the relationship besides the physical, it's gonna
get old, OK? And you guys, as a gender, have got to get a grip.
Otherwise, the future of the human race is in jeopardy"
- the next time that Willie saw Marty, he acted slightly
jealous that she was bragging about having a 12 year-old 'boyfriend'
classmate named Andrew Willis; when he asked: "So you like this guy
Andrew?", she jokingly answered: "He's OK. He's into male contraception
which is nice for a change" - and then advised: "You've really got
to chill, Will"
- during a brief conversation with his friends, Will
was forced to rate and rank various females on a numerical
scale of 1-10 (face, body, personality); he rated his girlfriend
Tracy as "good, solid" on all of the qualities, with a average score
of 7 1/2
- Tommy was blind-sided by Sharon when he
entered the VFW building in town for a bathroom stop and was greeted
by all of his friends for a surprise birthday party she had planned
for him; the festive party was sabotaged by the arrival of a drunken
Darian who began to seduce him; Tommy was forced to drive her home,
ruining the party for Sharon who left with her friends (Gina: "She
polluted the air"); once in Darian's driveway, she asked Tommy:
"Why couldn't I share in your special night?", and invited him inside
for sex: "I want you to come inside....I have to give you your real
present...You can slip into something more comfortable...Like me";
he threw her out of his truck; shortly later, Tommy's attempt to
reconcile with Sharon failed
- at the broken-up birthday party, a drunken Willie
confided in Mo about his feelings for 13 year-old neighbor girl Marty:
("This girl is gonna be amazing. And she's smart, she's funny, she's
hot"), and although Mo wondered about him (referencing Roman Polanski
and Nabokov - author of Lolita), Willie suggested that he could just
wait for her to grow up: "It's not a sexual thing.... I could wait....Cause
in ten years, she'll be 23, I'll be 39, it won't be a big deal",
but Mo was dismayed: "Willie, you're scaring me here...Willie, the
girl was a zygote when you were in seventh grade"; Willie realized
he was avoiding decisions regarding his girlfriend Tracy, and possibly
didn't want to age or grow up himself: "What are you saying? Like,
this is my way of postponing the inevitable? This is my way of saying
I don't wanna grow old?"; he realized he was being unrealistic, and
ended the conversation with: "I just want something beautiful"
- during another of his conversations at the
edge of a frozen pond while she ice-skated, Willie
learned that Marty had broken up with "dork" Andrew - and then she admitted
her love for Willie and fell backwards into his arms: ("You're my new
boyfriend"); she also advised him to not marry Tracy: ("You should
wait until you meet someone who excites you"); when
he described their obvious problem of their age difference: "We
have a little age problem....So what do we do?", she replied
with a Shakespearean flourish: "I know. We're as star-crossed
as Romeo and Juliet. It's a tragedy of Elizabethan proportions....
Alas, poor Romeo, we can't do diddly. You'll go to penitentiary, and
I'll be the laughing stock of the Brownies. But if your feelings for
me are true, you'll wait...Yeah, wait five years! I'll be 18. We can
walk through this world together"
- although embarrassed and shocked, Willie decided to
decline her offer with a follow-up comment about growing up, and
how she would mature, change, and forget about him in 5 years time
- with a reference to the Pooh books: ("You
know, in five years, you won't even remember me...I'm formed and
you're not, and you still have changes to go through. You'll change
and then I'll be Winnie the Pooh to your Christopher Robin...Well,
Christopher Robin outgrew Pooh, that's how it ended. He had Pooh when
he was a child. Now when he matured, he didn't need him anymore...You
don't realize it now, but you'll be doing some changin'. And, uh,
I can't be a Pooh"); as he finished speaking, Marty was saddened and skated away:
"That's the saddest thing I've ever heard...I think I'll skate
away now, Pooh"
- in the meantime at the Moonlight Mile bar in town,
Paul was with his date Andera, as he tried to put on a 'tough-guy
Al Capone' act, to manipulatively make Jan jealous (she was in the
same bar with Victor); she briefly participated in the scheming ruse
by dancing closely with Paul on the dance floor (prompting Jan to
walk out of the bar), but then when Paul tried to kiss her, she slapped
him across the face and left to return home, explaining why: ("I
was trying to help you out. You're such a knucklehead!"); when Tommy
drove by and tried to pick up on her, she told him that she was in
an 8-month satisfying relationship back in Chicago with her boyfriend
Two Couples at the Moonlight Mile Bar in Town

Jan with Meat Cutter Victor at the Bar Reacting to
Paul with Andrea

Paul with Date Andera

Paul's Forceful Kiss Rejected by Andera While Dancing
- upset from the rejection, the next morning, in another
of the film's most memorable scenes, Paul delivered a monologue about
his preference for "supermodels" and "beautiful
girls" to his friend Willie, in his bedroom adorned with pictures
of supermodels on every wall: ("Supermodels
are beautiful girls, Will. A beautiful girl can make you dizzy, like
you've been drinkin' Jack and Coke all morning. She can make you feel
high - full of the single greatest commodity known to man - promise.
Promise of a better day. Promise of a greater hope. Promise of
a new tomorrow. This particular aura can be found in the gait of
a beautiful girl. In her smile, and in her soul, and the way she makes
every rotten little thing about life seem like it's gonna be okay.
The supermodels, Willie? That's all they are. Bottled promise.
Scenes from a brand new day. Hope dancing in stiletto heels...A beautiful
girl's all-powerful and that is as good as love")
- that night, a drunken Willie casually flirted with
Andera in the Johnson Inn while playing the piano with a boozy persona
(and "sad face"), but after she spurned his "sexual advances," he
gave up ("Well, I tried every angle"); however, she agreed to accompany
him to Paul's ice-shack for some late-night ice-fishing
- during their time there, Willie
spoke about how his girlfriend Tracy was arriving the next day for
the reunion, but he felt overwhelming ambivalence about her; he
described the wonderful feelings that one could always experience in
new dating and romantic relationships: ("You know how it is at the
beginnings when you first fall in love? And you can't eat. You can't
sleep. And getting a call from her makes your day, it's like, it's
just like seeing a shooting star....But inevitably, it goes away.
It quiets down. So, this is my thing, you see. Why get married now?
Why, why not have two, three more of those beginning things before
I, you know, settle into the big fade?"); he again tried to entice
her: "Can you think of anything better than making love to an attractive
stranger in the middle of a frozen lake with just an oil light to
guide your way?" - but she admitted she was already very happy with
her boyfriend and would be leaving the next day - "Going back to
- soon after Tracy arrived after an icy drive from NYC,
she and Willie quickly rekindled their relationship, and Willie's
father and brother were blown away by her and showered her with flattering
- from his upstairs window, Willie noticed that Marty
was downtrodden to know that he was with his pretty girlfriend,
and realized her hopes with him were dashed: ("Romeo And Juliet,
the dyslexic version"); Marty also joked when comparing the two of
them: ("Got that boob thing going for her!"); during
a sad good-bye scene between Willie and Marty, he spoke to her from
a second-story window and told her that they should stay in touch: "I
hope we stay in touch, because I hope to learn someday about what you're
doin', 'cause I think whatever it is, you'll be amazing. I really do"
Willie's and Marty's Sad Goodbye Scene
- the film concluded with more interactions between
the characters at three of the evening's events: a pre-reunion party
at Mo's, drinking at The Johnson Inn, and the HS reunion itself
at a fancy hotel; at the pre-reunion party, Paul (who was suspicious
about Willie's late-night interactions with Andera) expressed his
theories about women: "You let her behind the curtain, didn't
you?...You let her behind the curtain. I know you did. You never let
'em behind the curtain, Will. You never let 'em see the little old
man behind the curtain workin' the levers of the great and powerful
Oz. They're all sisters, Willie. They aren't allowed back there. They
mustn't see"
- at the reunion where Darian arrived (with intentions
to win back Tommy), she spoke to a former bullied 7th grade classmate
named Peter "The Eater" Gropeman (Tom Gibis) (about his former weight
problem), who told Darian that she was beautiful - but also "mean
as a snake" in HS
- however, Tommy had skipped everything to visit The
Johnson Inn, where Darian's husband Steve offered Tommy a beer,
and then got into a confrontational and vicious fight with him over
his wife's affair: ("I can't buy you a drink, but you can stick
your dick into my wife!"); outside, Tommy was beaten up by the
gang of Steve and his three buddies and subsequently hospitalized
(with a concussion, 30 stitches and two broken ribs); Tommy's friends
came to his rescue by threatening Steve but didn't follow through
due to the presence of Steve's young daughter; Willie was
able to drive a snow-plow into the side of Steve's car-load of thugs
to decisively end the conflict
- Willie prepared to return to NYC with Tracy the next
day, and had decided to remain a piano player and not take the sales
job; Tracy affirmed his decision: (Tracy: "Piano players are
sexy. Salesmen are uncles." Willie: "And uncles aren't
sexy." Tracy: "Not
usually"), before they made love; Willie had made a choice to
adore Tracy and commit to her
Sharon With Tommy in the Hospital
- the ever-loyal Sharon arrived at the hospital to
be with Tommy, who reflected on the failures of his lower-class life
- and how he hadn't even lived up to his own modest and ambitious
intentions: ("I'm
not even close to the guy that I thought I'd end up being. And it
kinda blows"),
but he was very grateful that she was faithfully there with him -
and she stayed the entire night; Tommy told Willie the next morning
that he would try to reform: ("She's
one of the good ones. Why do we always manage to f--k up the good
- that night, after Paul learned that Jan and Victor
had become engaged, he cleared Jan's driveway of snow anyway
- before departing in the morning, Willie gave Marty
a kiss on the cheek; Paul promised Willie that the town wouldn't
be changing much: "Come back and see us, Will. We'll be right
here where you left us. Nothing changes here in the Ridge but the seasons";
he also noted that Marty was "the little neighborhood Lolita," although
sharp-tongued Marty quickly quipped back: "So you're the alcoholic,
high school buddy s--t-for-brains?";
the credits began to run with the reprised playing of "Sweet Caroline"

Willie "Will" Conway (Timothy Hutton) - NYC Piano

Paul Kirkwood (Michael Rapaport) - Co-Owner of Snow Plow Business

Family Man - Michael "Mo" Morris (Noah Emmerich)

Willie's Childhood Home in Knights Ridge, Mass.

Willie's First View of 13 Year-Old Next Door Neighbor Marty (Natalie Portman)
Building a Snowman

Paul's Long-time Ex-Girlfriend Jan (Martha Plimpton)

The Johnson Inn Proprietor Stanley "Stinky" Womack
(Pruitt Taylor Vince)

Marty's Words of Advice to Willie About His Life's Decisions and
Commitment to His Girlfriend Tracy

Gina Barrisano (Rosie O'Donnell) Giving Advice to Sharon About Tommy
Vixenish Andera (Uma Thurman) from Chicago - "Stinky's"
Singing of "Sweet Caroline" in The Johnson Inn

Marty Admitting to Willie that She Had a Classmate Boyfriend Named Andrew

Surprise Birthday Party Thrown for Tommy by Sharon

Darian's Seduction of Tommy - Ruining the Party

Willie's Drunken Discussion with Mo About His Willingness to Wait for Marty
to Grow Older: "I just want something beautiful"

Marty to Willie "You're my new boyfriend!"

Marty: "Wait five years! I'll be 18. We can
walk through this world together"

Willie: "You'll change and then I'll be Winnie the
Pooh to your Christopher Robin..."

Paul Kirkwood's Monologue to Will About "Supermodels"

Willie's Boozy Persona at the Piano In an Attempt To Pick
Up on Andera

Willie's Second Attempt to Woo Andera in an Ice-Fishing Shack

Arrival of Willie's Girlfriend Tracy (Annabeth Gish)

At the HS Reunion, Bullied Peter "The Eater" Told Former Classmate Darian:
"You were mean as a snake"

At the Johnson Inn, Tommy Was Confronted by Steve, Darian's Husband Before
a Vicious Fight in the Alleyway

Willie with Girlfriend Tracy Who Affirmed His Decision to Not Be a Salesman
players are sexy...")

Willie's Goodbye Cheek Kiss to Marty