The Caretakers (1963)
In Hall Bartlett's melo-dramatic chronicling of a revolutionary
new, experimental, social reform treatment method for the mentally-ill:
- the opening scene of guilt-ridden housewife Lorna
Melford (Polly Bergen) walking down a street, entering a movie-theater
(showing West Side Story) and having an hysterical, nervous
breakdown up on stage in front of the audience and the screened
newsreel, where she was wrestled by two men and hospitalized
- the efforts of well-meaning, compassionate and caring
Dr. Donovan MacLeod (Robert Stack) to care for mentally-ill females
to be treated with respect, without punishment or incarceration in
the Canterbury State Hospital; he opposed harsh treatment for newly-admitted
patients, such as Lorna, and urged for her transfer to his "borderline"
counseling program immediately: ("A girl is committed to us for
help and what do we do? In less than an hour, we take away her identity,
put her in an isolated room, and scare the hell out of her...You put
a frightened child in a closet and tell her not to be afraid?")
- Lorna's long suffering and confused husband Jim Melford
(Robert Vaughn)
- the shocking scene of Lorna's electroconvulsive shock
therapy - who was held down on a table while the dosage meter went
to high
Lorna's Electro-Shock Therapy
- the sequences of the 'borderline' ward engaged in
group therapy and the problems of the various patients, including
senile Irene (Ellen Corby) with a toy doll, man-hating, sexual
tease and cynical ex-prostitute Marion (Janis Paige), childlike
and pretty Connie (Sharon Hugueny), and severely-troubled mute
Edna (Barbara Barrie) - including the troubling scene of the killing
of a pet parakeet released from its cage
- the scenes of opposition from mean head nurse Lucretia
Terry (Joan Crawford), who in one scene (dressed in a black leotard)
taught self-defense judo in a huge gymnasium to her nurses in order
to defend themselves, and argued for less freedoms for the patients:
("As you can see, size or brute strength mean absolutely nothing
against judo. That's why I insist my nurses keep themselves in top
physical condition. You must be able to protect yourself against
the possible attack by a patient - male or female. And remember this,
never trust a patient. Never turn your back on them. They're different
from you. They think differently. They act differently. I will not
tolerate brutality or cruelty. Neither will I tolerate laxity or
carelessness. From the very beginning, the patient must know that
you are in control. You have the power to make them obey the rules
of this institution, and believe me, they will respect your strength");
she mentioned that the nurses on MacLeod's
"dangerous ward" needed extra vigilance and training
- the climactic scene during a therapy session when
pyromaniac Edna threatened to burn the hospital down, but was embraced
by Lorna (who told her: "We want you, Edna") and treated
sympathetically; Edna responded haltingly and spoke with a few words:
("Good, so good"), after which Lorna congratulated her
with another hug: "You talked, Edna!"; and then Marion
complimented Dr. MacLeod on his work: "You were right all the
Threat of Pyromania by Edna Quelled by Lorna
- the freeze-framed ending, atop a view of Dr. MacLeod:
the final scene of patients entering the newly-opened Canterbury
Day Hospital - evidence of the success of Dr. MacLeod's treatment
program, accompanied by cast credits pictured one-by-one
Lorna's Nervous Breakdown
Dr. Donovan MacLeod (Robert Stack)
Lorna's Husband Jim (Robert Vaughn)
(Janis Paige)

Head Nurse Lucretia Terry (Joan Crawford)

Freeze-Framed Ending