The Ceremony (1971, Jp.) (aka Gashiki)
In co-writer/director Nagisa Oshima's non-linear, satirical
and serious coming-of-age drama (with a series of flashbacks) - using
pivotal but empty ritualistic anniversaries and ceremonies (not just
one) as key family moments ("Relatives who do not see each other
except on weddings or funerals") - and as significant years
in the 25 year post-war history of Japan:
- the story's main narrative: a family obligation
involving the long trip of the main protagonist Masuo Sakurada
(Kenzo Kawarasaki) (literally "Man of Manchuria") and
his beloved cousin Ritsuko (Atsuko Kaku) to an island off Kyushu,
after receiving a cryptic telegram from a mutual cousin and Masuo's
romantic rival, Terumichi (Atsuo Nakamura) - had he died or not?
- the recurrent image of Masuo - as a young boy - ritualistically
straining to hear his younger dead brother's cries from under the
ground, as he held his ear to the earth - henceforth, Masuo was compelled
to live for two sons
- the incestual love scene between 20 year old Masuo
to Ritsuko's mother Setsuko (Akiko Koyama), his "first love," who
helped him lose his virginity and taught him about sex (it was part
of Masuo's 'lesson' allowed by his domineering, black-robed grandfather
Kazuomi (Satô Kei)); when Masuo asked Setsuko to instruct him: "Be
my first teacher,"
she placed his hand on her breast and told him to kiss her: "My
lips, my breast too. Now the other one. No, don't hurry, stay calm"
before the camera slowly pulled away
Masuo's Sexual Initiation by Setsuko:
"Be my first teacher"
- the title's unforgettable wedding ceremony of the
oppressive, incestual and dysfunctional Japanese Sakurada clan,
when Masuo - to keep up the traditions of his family and to save
face (and at the insistence of his grandfather Kazuomi because
he was the only legitimate Sakurada heir or descendant) attended
his own arranged wedding without his bride present; Kazuomi
"The ceremony will take place as planned"
since all important members of the families were present - except
the bride!; the farcical and "miserable" ceremony was held
after the father of the bride allegedly claimed that she was suffering
from recurring problems of appendicitis, although it was asked of
him: "Isn't the bride just shirking?"; during
the hypocritical ceremony, Masuo posed next to a vacant chair and
also at the head table
The Wedding Ceremony - Without the Bride
- the mocking post-wedding sequence of Masuo's re-enactment
of his honeymoon, when he pretended to deflower his pure Japanese
bride ("a perfect and pure Japanese girl") by using a
pillow wrapped in his grandmother's coat and caressing her, telling
her: "Calm, peaceful, without fear. Be natural and let me
do it...Real, perfect and purely Japanese, her breasts, her beautiful
nipples, they are mine...Finally we are alone, just to two of us.
There's nothing to be ashamed of. I love you. Relax your legs...Pure
and perfect Japanese. my body is yours and your body is mine";
when his grandfather strenuously objected, Masuo wrestled him and
tossed him to the ground and continued his seduction on him until
the old man freed himself and stormed out
- the concluding sequence on Kyushu - where Masuo and
his cousin Ritsuko found the naked deceased corpse of her deceased
cousin and lover Terumichi; she read his last will: "I am the
only one who can continue the Sakurada line. By killing myself now,
I destroy the Sakurada family"; although Masuo protested and
called her a "Fool!", she vowed to commit suicide; she
bound her legs and wrists with two handkerchiefs, took a deadly pill,
and laid down next to Terumichi; Masuo stumbled from the cabin to
the seaside, fell on the rocky shore, and wept
- the final flashback - Masuo recalled a childhood memory
- he pretended that he had thrown a baseball strike while playing
with his cousins and Setsuko - all deceased
- the film ended with the adult Masuo putting his ear
to the ground as he had done as a youth, to listen for his dead ancestors
Ritsuko and Masuo
Masuo as Young Boy
The Mock Post-Wedding Honeymoon
Double Suicide of Ritsuko and Terumichi

Listening for Dead Ancestors