The Circus (1928)
In writer/director/actor Charlie Chaplin's bittersweet
romantic comedy - an underrated, overlooked and captivating
award-winning silent film; The Circus was Chaplin's last
truly silent film; it came between two other Chaplin masterpieces: The
Gold Rush (1925) and City Lights (1931);
the classic film premiered at an inopportune time - Chaplin had experienced
a series of film production disasters, and was enduring a highly
publicized scandalous divorce (in late August 1927) from his very
young, twice-pregnant, second wife Lita Grey, with accusations against
Chaplin of adultery and non-payment of back taxes; it also premiered
at the time of the demise of silents, with the contemporary release
of Warners' talkie The
Jazz Singer (1927); however, it deservedly won a "special" Academy
Award for "Versatility And Genius In Writing, Acting, Directing,
And Producing":
- during the opening title credits of the film's 1969
re-release, 79 year-old Chaplin wrote and sang a defiant theme-song
anthem titled "Swing Little Girl" - referring to one
of the female circus performers, who was high up in a circus tent
and swinging back and forth

Circus Equestrienne Merna (Merna Kennedy)

Circus Proprietor/Ringmaster (Al Garcia) - Merna's Stepfather
- in the film's iris-shaped opening scene set in the
center of a circus ring, costumed bareback rider Merna (Merna Kennedy)
burst through a large paper hoop-ring with a black star; her ringmaster
stepfather (Al Garcia), the mustached proprietor of the failing circus,
became unusually enraged when she missed a paper-starred hoop on
her second attempt riding around the ring; backstage, the
despotic circus owner punished her with a verbal thrashing and violently
pushed her into another paper star; she ripped through it, and then
despairingly sat inside the hoop looking miserable and humiliated;
he added that she would be deprived of food: ("So you missed
the hoop again!...For that you don't eat tonight!”)
- the next act in the pathetic and desperate circus
consisted of five overweight, unfunny and elderly clowns led by a sad-looking
'Old Clown' (Henry Bergman), who were chastized by the Ringmaster
when they left the spotlight ("And you're supposed to be funny! Look
at that house; empty!")
- the down-on-his-luck, "hungry and
broke," destitute TRAMP (Charlie Chaplin) hobo character was introduced outside
the circus tent in the midway area with side-shows; within the gathered
crowd, the police were watching a
pickpocket-crook (Steve Murphy); in the brilliantly-choreographed
slapstick scene, the about-to-be-apprehended thief, who had been
working the crowd, knew he was going to be caught
with purloined goods; the pickpocket transferred
a stolen wallet and pocketwatch into Charlie's
back pocket; the cops searched the pickpocket, but he was found to
be clean
- as the pickpocket-sharper attempted
to retrieve his stolen items (wallet and pocketwatch) from the Tramp,
he followed him to a hotdog stand where the Tramp took bites from a
hotdog from the extended hand of a toddler reaching backward over
his father's shoulder, and also helped by wiping the infant's mouth
- a cop apprehended the pickpocket
as he reached into the Tramp's back pocket to retrieve the two items;
assuming that the items were the possessions of the Tramp, the cop
handed them over to the Tramp and ordered "Count it. Is it all there?";
the Tramp was so surprised by his newfound wealth that he ordered
a dozen hot dogs; his order was interrupted when the real victimized,
pickpocketed mark spotted his stolen pocket watch and wallet in
the Tramp's possession and attempted to get them back
- a chase ensued involving the Tramp, the
pickpocket and the cops into a hall of mirrors (Mirror Maze); (the
scene was later copied in Orson Welles' The
Lady From Shanghai (1948)); the pickpocket entered and was
confounded by the multiple images as he tried to confront the Tramp;
in one instance, the two ran away from each other, but in fact bumped
into each other
Hall of Mirrors (Mirror Maze) Sequence
- in an attempt to escape and elude the cops and the
pickpocket, the Tramp pretended to be one of the automated, robotic
mechanical mannequins on the outside of the funhouse attraction; the
pickpocket joined him and they both masqueraded as mannequins

The Tramp Pretending to be a Mannequin on the Outside of the Hall
of Mirrors

The Tramp and Pickpocket Masquerading as Robotic, Mechanized Mannequins
- a cop also confronted the Tramp in the Mirror Maze,
and then chased him out of the Maze into the circus's
main show-tent; there, the Tramp inadvertently became part of the
big-top circus entertainment show, upstaging the boring,
elderly clowns who were being ignored, booed and assaulted with cat-calls;
on a revolving, spinning turntable platform with the cop, the Tramp
became an enormous hit with the awakened audience that wildly cheered
and applauded
- while hiding in a prop table platform during another
center-ring performance, the disruptive Tramp found himself caught
in the middle of a Magician's (George Davis) act involving a Vanishing
Lady (Betty Morrissey); he unwittingly exposed the trick by repeatedly
and unexpectedly taking the place of the Magician’s
assistant; the pursuing cop mistakenly apprehended the Vanishing
Lady rather than the Tramp who had run off
- the forlorn, exhausted and rejected Tramp was able
to return the stolen items to the cop, and then chose
a chariot--wheelbarrow to rest in, but as he sat down, the wheelbarrow
collapsed and sent him tumbling onto the ground
- when the clowns
were restored to their horribly unfunny act, the circus audience reacted
negatively: "Rotten! Get off! Where's the funny man? Bring on the
Funny Man!"; the ringmaster realized the
appeal of the Tramp, but he had already disappeared
- during meal-time after the show, the Old Clown (Henry
Bergman) offered Merna his plate of food, but the Ringmaster took
it away from her; he happened to recognize the resting Tramp in
the chariot as his "Funny Man," and immediately offered
the Tramp the possibility of a job and requested that
he audition the next morning
The Tramp with the Hungry and Starving Merna
- early the next morning, the Tramp was heating up
water in a tin can over a makeshift fire to prepare his morning meal,
and gave chase after a chicken
for one egg; meanwhile while he gathered more wood for his fire,
the hungry and outcast Merna snuck up and stole the Trump's unguarded
slice of bread; when the Tramp caught her in the act of theft and
biting into his slice, he reprimanded her, but then relented and
gave her the partially-eaten piece of bread that she devoured; when
he asked if she was the circus' sword-swallower, she corrected him
and told him she was a ring-circling equestrienne; before leaving
with the Ringmaster, the Tramp handed Merna his boiled egg to eat
- the Tramp struggled during an audition-tryout with
the other elderly clowns, when he was commanded: "Go ahead and be
funny"; in a solo act, he managed to perform an uninspiring little
dance, and the Ringmaster denounced his performance: ("That's awful!")
- he failed his formal audition
- during their tryout, the clowns performed a William
Tell routine that failed when the target clown kept removing the
apple from atop his head to take a bite; the clowns also performed
in a barbershop routine in which two competing barbers fought with
messy shaving cream
- the Tramp was only
entertainingly funny when not trying to be, in situations where
he was called upon to improvise or act spontaneously; after he was
instructed to take the place of one of the clowns in the routines,
he put a banana on his head instead of a worm-infested apple, and
humorously failed to follow directions in the barbershop routine,
including painting the Ringmaster's face with shaving cream; the
incensed ringmaster tossed the Tramp out: "Get out and stay out!"
- a work dispute led the unpaid circus property men
behind the scenes to go on strike during a show and walk off the
job; the Ringmaster ordered: "Get anybody!", and the Tramp was promptly
hired as a prop man; the Tramp became the hit of the
circus show during comically-improvised moments; while
carrying a towering stack of dishes, the Tramp was chased into the
circus ring-arena by a normally-docile donkey that charged and brayed
at him; he also disrupted and sabotaged Professor Bosco's magic act
and was assaulted by an assortment of animals - ducks, white doves,
rabbits, and piglets
- the Ringmaster finally noticed that the Tramp
was the hit of the circus: "He's
a sensation but he doesn't know it, keep him on as a property man"; a
title card described dire circumstances for the Tramp and Merna: "The
circus prospered, but not the property man; and the girl led the same
hard life"; the Tramp continued to secretly pass food to Merna until the crafty
Ringmaster reprimanded him, and exploited his talent: "Keep
him busy and don't let him know he's the hit of the show"
- the Tramp failed to use a tube to blow a medical pill
down the throat of an ailing circus horse; and accidentally ingested
the horse pill: "The horse blew first -- "
- after another chase to get away from the donkey, the
Tramp accidentally
sought refuge in a cage with a sleeping lion (in addition to an annoying
barking dog outside who threatened to awaken the beast) - he found
himself locked inside, and an escape route through an open door led
unfortunately to an adjacent cage with a growling tiger; the Tramp
pretended to be brave to impress Merna, who fainted but then regained
consciousness and released him from the cage
- circus equestrienne Merna, the Tramp's love
interest, told him - to his surprise - that he was "the hit of the show...All
the crowds, all the applause is just for you" the Tramp agreed:
"I knew it!"; however, the Ringmaster was listening to their conversation,
and the Tramp watched as he slapped Merna for exposing his deceit;
the Tramp threatened: "If you strike that girl, I'll quit!" - and
then negotiated for higher pay: "And what's more I want what I'm
worth" - and acquired a deal for $100 dollars a week
- just before the next sold-out
show, "the success of the Tramp made life easier for the girl and
himself" - when a circus gypsy foretold Merna's fortune that a "dark, handsome
man" - with love and marriage in his sights - was near her, she
was excited; as the Tramp listened in, he became overjoyed to think
it was him; he purchased an engagement ring from the Old Clown for
$5 dollars in anticipation; however, he then learned, while again
overhearing Merna's conversation with the gypsy woman, that she
was "in love" with the man of her dreams that she had just met -- the
circus' new "added attraction," high-wire tight-rope walker-performer
Rex (Harry Crocker) - King of the Air - wearing a top hat and tails
- the rejected Tramp's mood changed, and his center-ring
act was not well received; the Ringmaster noticed: "What's the matter?
You hardly got a laugh"; envious and jealous of Rex, in a brief
double-exposed vignette, the Tramp's shadowy self stood up and
both kicked and then knocked Rex out, and then returned into his body
The Tramp's Shadow Self in a Double-Exposed
Who Jealously Assaulted Rex
- a nervous Merna pressured the jealous Tramp into watching
Rex's impressive high-wire act; he gave away his distaste for Rex
by wildly applauding when he temporarily stumbled; to one-up Rex,
the Tramp practiced tight-rope walking on a low-rope, but was caught
by the Ringmaster who reprimanded him: "You'd better try and be funny
again or you'll go!"; the dejected Tramp's performances were not
improving, unfortunately, and he was again warned: "You get one more
- the Tramp was called upon to substitute as Rex's
replacement when he was a no-show; the Ringmaster was unconcerned
that he might "kill himself," but Merna was reluctant: "You'll get
killed"; the Tramp tried to hide the fact from Merna that he had
a safety wire strapped to his waist; on the tightrope, with the aid
of the safety wire, the Tramp was able to out-perform Rex with miraculous,
daredevil feats of balance, but then the strap around
his waist broke free - and he no longer was protected from a fall
With Monkeys on His Head and Biting
His Nose
- as he crossed the tightrope, his act became even
more challenging when escaped wild monkeys climbed up onto his head and bit his nose, pulled
on his pants to remove them, and put their tail into his mouth; fortunately,
he was able to extricate himself and safely return to ground level
- afterwards, when the Tramp again saw the
Ringmaster slapping and beating up Merna, he defended her by assaulting
the Ringmaster - and was promptly fired ("You're through!"); that
night, he retreated to the nearby woods to cook up another hobo meal
under a moon-lit sky; Merna showed up to join him and explained: "I’ve
run away from the circus. I'll never go back. Could you take me with
- to protect Merna from his lonely and vagrant
life-style, the Tramp - in a noble gesture - briefly returned to the
circus and negotiated for Rex to marry Merna: ("She's run away. I
can do nothing for her. Now, there's one way out"); he presented
Rex with his engagement ring, and impulsively kissed Rex when he
agreed to a wedding
- after their ceremony the next morning, the
Tramp tossed rice into the air and onto the happy couple as they
kissed, to celebrate their marriage; the circus
was ready to leave town after the show ended its run; the newlyweds
Merna and Rex returned to the circus and confronted the Ringmaster,
and he agreed to take them back together as a performing couple, but
only reluctantly allowed the Tramp to rejoin - "The end wagon
for you"
- in the film's melancholy conclusion, as the horse-drawn
circus caravan wagons packed up and moved out, the heartbroken and
rejected Tramp deliberately remained behind in a cloud of dust; he
sat on a box in the center of an abandoned circle (drawn where the
circus tent had been hours earlier); he glanced at a large
torn piece of the paper ring with a star on it on the ground in
front of him, crumped it up, and kicked it with his heel behind his
Sad Ending With Iris Fade-Out
- in the classic memorable bleak ending with an iris
fade-out ending in blackness, the solitary Tramp shrugged and then
walked in the opposite direction, shuffling away with his trademark
jaunt into the distance while spinning his cane with his left hand

Pathetic-Looking Elderly Clowns

On Midway, Pickpocket Searched and Found to be Clean

Pickpocket Pursuing the Tramp to Retrieve His Planted, Stolen Goods

The Tramp Eating a Child's Hot-Dog

The Pickpocket Caught by a Cop Attempting to Retrieve His Stolen Items from
the Tramp's Pocket

The Actual Victim Noticing His Wallet and Watch in the Tramp's Hands

The Cop and the Tramp in the CIrcus' Main Ring on a Revolving Platform -
A New Attraction

The Tramp Caught In the Middle of a Magician's Act (with a Vanishing Lady) While
Being Pursued by Cop

The Tramp Resting in a Broken-Down and Collapsed Chariot

The Tramp's Solo Tryout-Audition for a Job With the Circus

The Messy Barbershop Routine with Shaving Cream

The Tramp (Carrying a Stack of Plates) Chased into Ring by Donkey

The Tramp Disrupting Professor Bosco's Magic Act with Animals
In Circus Cage with Sleeping Lion

In an Adjacent Cage with a Growling Tiger

Merna - the Tramp's Love Interest

Merna with Tightrope Walker Rex (Harry Crocker)

Nervous Merna and the Jealous Tramp Watching Rex Perform on
the High-Wire

The Tramp on the Tight-Rope - With Miraculous Balance (Using a Safety

Merna to the Tramp - Take Me With You

The Tramp Celebrating Rex's Marriage to Merna

The Tramp Left in the Middle of the Circus Ring - In the Dust of the