Contempt (1963, Fr./It.) (aka Le
Mepris, or Il Disprezzo)
In New Wave film-maker Jean-Luc Godard's unrated, CinemaScopic
European import - a drama and "film-within-a-film" about
a doomed and crumbling marriage, with a controversial opening shot
of Brigitte Bardot's nudity - ordered by Italian producer Carlo Ponti,
to capitalize on her immense popularity:
- the unique and unorthodox opening title credits
sequence (filming was conducted in the backlot at Rome's Cinecitta
Studios, with the movie camera eventually peering down directly
into the film's camera), narrated (in voice-over) by director Jean-Luc
Godard himself: "It's based on the novel by Alberto Moravia.
It features Brigitte Bardot and Michel Piccoli. Jack Palance and
Giorgia Moll, too. And Fritz Lang. Raoul Coutard did the photography.
Georges Delerue wrote the score. The sound was recorded by William
Sivel. Agnes Guillemot did the editing. Philippe Dussart and Carlo
Lastricati were unit managers. It's a film by Jean-Luc Godard.
It was shot in CinemaScope and printed in color by GTC Labs. Georges
de Beauregard and Carlo Ponti produced it for Rome-Paris Films,
Films Concordia and Compagnia Cinematografia Champion. 'The cinema,'
said André Bazin, 'substitutes for our gaze at a world more
in harmony with our desires.' Contempt is a story of that world"
Prologue with Nude Brigitte Bardot
- the film's added, jarring prologue with an exploitative
extended view of a fully nude, unsatisfied, faithless and bored
wife Camille (Brigitte Bardot), a former typist, lying face down
in bed with her unhappy French playwright husband Paul Javal (Michel
Piccoli) - the scene, shot with a red colored filter (and then
blue and white, the colors of the French and US flags?), and emphasizing
her shapely bottom, became desexualized with her long questioning
dialogue and cataloguing of her own objectified, dehumanized body
parts: ("See my feet in the mirror?...Think they're pretty?...You
like my ankles?...And my knees too?...And my thighs?...Do you see
my bottom in the mirror?... Do you think I have nice buttocks?...And
my breasts? You like them?...Which do you like better, my breasts
or my nipples?...And do you like my shoulders?...I don't think
they're round enough...And my arms?...And my face?...All of it.
My mouth, my eyes, my nose, my ears?...Then you love me totally")
- the scene in the movie theatre where Camille and Paul
met with hired German-Austrian director Fritz Lang (as Himself),
and Lang's arrogant, playboyish, vulgar and despotic American film
producer Jeremy Prokosch (Jack Palance) to screen the rushes from
their filming of Odysseus, an adaptation/remake of Homer's The
Odyssey directed by Lang; [Note: it was the tale of Ulysses (Paul)
separated from his wife Penelope (Camille) - Ulysses was protected
by Minerva but threatened by Neptune, his mortal enemy]; so far,
the film rushes were mostly of slowly rotating classic Greek statues
with painted eyes; there was a difference of opinion between Lang
and Prokosch on the type of production: should it be an art-house
film or a cheesier, more commercially-profitable production?; during
the screening, Prokosch smiled lasciviously when he viewed a nude
swimming 'mermaid' (Siren: Linda Veras) - he did not want a production
that adapted a great piece of literature with classic views of the
beauty of ancient Greece, but an exploitative film about beautiful,
nude buxom women in exotic locales
- at the end of the screening room scene, Prokosch had
his assistant-translator Francesca Vanini (Giorgia Moll) bend over,
so that he could use her back as a writing surface, as he wrote out
a check for $10,000, and offered the salary to Paul - to rework and
perform script-doctoring on the film's screenplay, to change it to
his liking ("I wanna know, a yes or no, if you're gonna rewrite
that stuff")
- afterwards in the studio's backlot (plastered with
movie posters), the scene of Paul submissively agreeing with the
insistent Prokosch that he would take a taxi: ("Paul, you won't
be comfortable back here, so why don't you take a taxi?"), while
his wife Camille would ride in the producer's sporty, two-seater
red Alfa Romeo convertible - a key turning point in the relationship
between the couple; when Paul finally arrived after a delay, Camille
untrustingly asked: "We've been waiting a half hour. What kept
- the film's centerpiece - an extended, thirty-minute
apartment sequence highlighting the slow-burning and inevitable fracturing
and break-up of the romance between the forever-bickering couple:
the pouting and moody Camille (wearing a dark wig at times) and Paul;
he asserted:
"I can tell you've stopped loving me," and she ultimately
and contemptuously denounced him, as they sat across from each other
and the camera continually tracked back and forth between them as they
sat on opposite sides of a white lamp that Paul impatiently flipped
on and off: "It's true. I don't love you anymore. There's nothing
to explain. I don't love you...Now it's over...All I know is I don't
love you anymore...I despise you! That's really what I feel for you.
That's why the love's gone. I despise you. And you disgust me when
you touch me"
- the motive was unclear, although it was most probable that she thought
her husband had debased himself and offered her favors to Prokosch
- the audition sequence in a movie theatre (the Silver
Cine, with its marquee announcing Rossellini's Viaggio In Italia
(1954, It.) (aka Journey to Italy), visible during the characters'
departure) in front of a blank screen, where Camille and Paul arrived
to meet with Lang and Prokosch - as they walked down the center aisle,
a singer danced across the stage while mouthing a pop song's lyrics,
although she was dreadfully out of sync; as the camera panned back
and forth across the aisle (Camille and Lang on the left, and Paul
and Prokosch on the right), suddenly and unrealistically (although
it was a clear reminder by the director that this was a film in progress),
the musical soundtrack cut off, and the conversation between Prokosch
and Paul was overheard - a veiled comment about the artificiality
of dubbed sound in the movies: (Prokosch: "I reread The Odyssey last
night...and I finally found something I've been looking for, for
a long, long time....Something that's just as indispensable to the
movies as it is to real life...Poetry...Do you remember what I told
you on the phone?...) - his words were translated (often inaccurately)
into French by Francesca
- the film's conclusion - set on the Isle of Capri at
the rocky outcropping structure of Casa Malaparte where filming of The
Odyssey was occurring; Paul happened to note Camille's infidelity
when he peered over a flat rooftop into a window where he saw Prokosch
embracing and kissing Camille
Camille's Infidelity with Prokosch
- Pavel was resigned to losing Camille to Prokosch,
and realized that he had sold himself out - solely because of his
desperate need for money; after finding her sunbathing in the nude,
he told her (without apology and with indifference) that the two
times he encouraged her to be with Prokosch were no big deal: ("I
know why you despise me. When I took the taxi the other day, you
thought I let you go with him on purpose. Same thing on the boat
earlier. Don't be stupid! I have faults, but that's not one"),
but she couldn't see him as a 'man' anymore: ("You're not
a man. Anyhow, it's too late. I've changed my mind about you...I'll
never forgive you. I loved you so much. Now it's impossible. I
hate you because you're incapable of moving me") - removing
her yellow robe, she jumped naked into the blue Mediterranean water
and swam away from him, as he rested against a rock
- Paul heard the words of Camille's farewell letter
- in voice-over: "Dear Paul, I found your revolver and took
the bullets out. If you won't leave, I will. Since Prokosch has to
return to Rome, I'm going with him. Then I'll probably move into
a hotel alone. Take care. Farewell. Camille" (seen a few moments
later in extreme close-up)
- the unexpected and tragic parting of their ways: Camille
accompanied Prokosch in his red sports car, but shortly later, they
had a fatal car accident when they crashed into the connector between
two sections of a tanker-trailer (off-screen)
Farewell - and Death of Camille with Prokosch
- meanwhile, before leaving for Rome to finish writing
his play, Paul bid farewell to Lang, who was setting up for the
next shot (Lang described the view over the empty horizon of the
Mediterranean: "Ulysses' gaze when he first sees his homeland
again, Ithaca") - the film's final words were: "Quiet
on the set! (Silencio)" (with Godard playing the film's assistant
The Concluding Scene on the Set
Opening Titles Sequence
Film Screening of Odysseus
American Film Producer Jeremy Prokosch
(Jack Palance)
Nude Siren Mermaid

Writing Check on Assistant's Back
Prokosch's Invitation to Camille to Ride in His Sports Car
The Breaking Up of a Marriage: Apartment Sequence
The Stage Audition Sequence
Camille Jumping into Water Naked