Darling (1965, UK)
In director John Schlesinger's shocking and
cutting edge film in its day with scenes involving loose sexuality,
betrayal, bisexuality/transvestism, serial bed-hopping and infidelity,
age difference, pregnancy and abortion:
- in a flashbacked life story titled "My Story" told
(in partial voice-over) during an interview for an article being prepared
for IDEAL WOMAN, a women's magazine, jet-setting Italian princess Diana
Scott (Best Actress Oscar-winning Julie Christie) described how she
had an upper middle-class upbringing, and grew up spoiled because she
was always considered a beautiful "darling." She was currently
living at an Italian villa after marrying a prince. When she was younger,
she had a failed marriage, various sex partners and a number of affairs:
- earlier in her life in the 1960s, the carefree, hedonistic
London Swinging 60s amoral fashion model and playgirl Diana was first
discovered on the street by a TV reporter. The cool, emancipated beauty
was involved in a failing marriage to immature Tony Bridges (Trevor
Rowen). He sought an official divorce in the midst of her infidelities.
She became involved in affairs or flirtatious flings with two older
men, one of whom was the TV reporter:
- Robert Gold (Dirk Bogarde) - a married,
cultured, hard-working television journalist
- Miles Brand (Laurence Harvey) - a dissolute public-relations
agent, advertising executive and well-connected playboy
Beginnings of an Affair with Robert - Sleeping Together
in Hotel Room
- during Diana's secretive affair with Robert, they arranged
to book a hotel room together. She felt breaking up his family was "repellent," although
she went ahead with it. She pondered: "It should be so easy to
be happy, shouldn’t it?" He told her before they had sex: "It's
the first time I've felt real for a long time." Robert left his
wife Estelle (Pauline Yates) and children and moved into a London apartment
with her to live together for some time. After awhile, Diana became
enamoured with Miles Brand, who first discovered her and named her
the "Honeyglow" Girl. He helped her to get an audition with
the Glass Corporation, and she was selected to play the title role
in a trashy B-horror film titled Jacqueline.
- while
she was involved with Miles Brand, Diana became pregnant with Robert's
child - and quickly decided to abort: ("I
realized it was going to be the ruination of my career, messing up
people's lives: you know, mine, Robert's, everybodys. I just began
to realize I couldn't go through with it"). Rather than return
to the apartment with Robert, she separated from him briefly while
recuperating in the country with relatives, and then returned to him,
due to boredom. But the vain, narcissistic and self-centered Diana
also found herself unfulfilled in her relationship with the detached
and depressed workaholic Robert. She told him: "I
don't want anything to do with sex again as long as I live."
- to
relieve her boredom, Diana left the apartment when Robert expressed
how he didn't want to be distracted from his work. She looked up playboyish
Miles and promptly had sex with him in his apartment (although appeared
to take discomfort as he performed oral sex on her). Juxtaposed to
her slight distaste was her overdue car parking meter outside registering "EXCESS CHARGE" and "PENALTY."
Upon her return, she lied to Robert about how her car was towed away,
causing her delay.
An Implied Scene of Oral Sex with Miles
- soon after, she accompanied Miles
as a jet-setter to Paris for one of his wild decadent parties with
his weird and slightly repellent transvestite cross-dressing friends
(the participants played a wild strip-dance "truth game" -
dancing in a circle in the light of a projector, while disrobing).
- When she returned to London, possessively-jealous
Robert was angered by her lying and infidelity, and told her in the
film's most famous line: "Your idea of fidelity is
not having more than one man in the bed at the same time. You're a
whore, baby, that's all. Just a whore."
- he
also insultingly demeaned her: "You bitch, you
filthy little bitch!...I have every right to call you everything." She
shouted back that he didn't have any rights over her, since they weren't
married. He retorted that she was "trivial and shallow." She
admitted: "I've stuck it out just about as long as I can," and
he quipped:
"And yes, just about as often as you can."
She claimed she felt like a prisoner in the apartment, and also violated
when he spied on her goings-on. Shortly later, he packed a few things
and walked out on her. Diana was not emotionally prepared for Robert
to break up with her and move out.

Robert to Diana: "You're a whore, baby..."

"You bitch, you filthy little bitch"

The Ultimate Break-Up
- she platonically partnered with homosexual photographer
Malcolm (Roland Curram), becoming the "Happiness Girl" -
promoted by Miles for a Glass Corp. advertising campaign for a chocolate
company. Soon, she was traveling to Italy, filming candy company commercials
at the villa (palazzo) of refined Italian widower Prince Cesare Della
Romita (José-Luis de Vilallonga), a rich yacht owner with seven

Platonic Relationship with Malcolm
In Italy
With Prince Cesare
- during her stay in Italy, she went
on a brief holiday to Capri with Malcolm, and cautioned him after they
both glanced at a handsome male waiter at an outdoor cafe: "We
are not complicating our holiday with any disgusting sexcapades." She
also confided in Malcolm: "I could do without sex. Don't really
like it that much. If I could just feel - complete." However,
they both had separate one-night flings with the waiter who picked
each of them up on his Vespa. While on vacation
at Capri, the widowed Prince arrived on his yacht and vainly proposed
marriage to her, but she declined ("I can't give up my life").
- after
her return to London, she quickly became disillusioned by her past
life there - she broke her sleazy association with the promiscuous
Miles and his friends (after calling him a "bastard" and
telling him: "I just hate your guts"). She also insulted
him as "impotent in every way except in bed." In the middle
of things, Robert arrived to see Diana at an inopportune time and left
("If only Robert had come a half hour later" - she mused).
She backtracked and decided to accept the Prince's marriage proposal.
She became a "NEW ENGLISH PRINCESS" - but it was ultimately
an unfortunate decision.
- after her marriage, the Prince
announced a banking-related business trip to Rome (he would stop
to see his mother the night before - a mistress perhaps), and she
felt abandoned and alone. She
found her loveless, affluent and lonely married life in his vast villa
utterly boring and frustrating - she walked through the many rooms
of the palazzo to her bedroom, tossing off her clothes and stripping
as she went (viewed nude from the backside), and unhappily threw herself
bare-naked on her bed. [Note: It was the first Oscar-winning
performance for an actress that included a nude scene.]
Married to an Italian Prince

Diana's Nude Backside

Alone and Abandoned

Frustrated, and Throwing Herself Naked on Bed
- Diana contacted Robert and returned
to London one last time to sleep with the "easily seduced" love
of her life. She fancifully told him after love-making: "It's
a miracle. We're still a couple...Thank God it's never too late. Two
people really belong to each other. Doesn't matter what happens...We
both learned our lesson and won't make any more mistakes. I know we
can be so happy."

"We're still a couple"
Returning to London Briefly to Reunite with Robert
- A Failed Endeavor
- she proposed moving to the country
to reestablish themselves. But he dashed her dreams of reuniting
- and admitted it was slight revenge for the past: "We're not
going back to anything, you know. This was just for old times' sake." He
rejected her profession of love and her request for "one more
chance." He
phoned to purchase a ticket to Rome for her that afternoon, insisting:
"You are going back to Rome." They exchanged accusations: Diana: "You
used me." Robert: "You used me. It's a moot point."
- she
begged him to reconsider and vowed her love for him, but he was indifferent
to her entreaties to just spend a week together as a trial. As he drove
her back to the airport to return to her life as a Princess in Rome,
she half-heartedly threatened to commit suicide by throwing herself
from the moving car: "If I can't be with you,
I don't want to be alive," but then, she resumed her princessly-duties
upon arrival at the airport and afterwards. Robert watched her from
an observational walkway as she posed and smiled for cameras before
boarding her plane back to Rome.
- the film ironically ended with a return to the film's
beginning - her life story on the cover of IDEAL WOMAN magazine, seen
on sale at corner news-stands in London

"My Story" An Interview: For 'Ideal Woman' Magazine

Street Interview with TV Reporter Robert Gold (Dirk Bogarde)

Diana's Early Failing Marriage to Young and Immature Tony Bridges - Ending in

With Playboyish PR Agent Miles Brand (Laurence Harvey)

Movie Role: Jacqueline

Recuperating From Out-of-Wedlock Pregnancy and Abortion

Diana Bored After Returning to Apartment and Detached Workaholic

Diana's Participation in Decadent Strip-Dance Party
Game with Cross-Dressing Males in Paris
Kissing Miles During Party in Paris

Diana as the "Happiness Girl" with Photographer Malcolm (Roland Curram)

To Malcolm - Diana Admitted About Sex: "Don't really like it that much."

Marriage Proposal from the Prince

Saying Goodbye to the Prince After Declining Marriage

New English Princess

Threatening Suicide on the Way to the Airport with Robert

End of Flashback - Cover Story for IDEAL WOMAN