Down and Out in Beverly Hills
In writer/director Paul Mazursky's R-rated comedy (Disney's
first R-rated film, for its new Touchstone division, with lots of
expletives and modest sex scenes) -- a comedic remake of Jean Renoir's
classic French farce Boudu
Sauvé des Eaux (1932, Fr.) (aka Boudu Saved From Drowning); the
very successful socially-conscious comedy with a budget of $14 million
was way before its time, confronting issues of homelessness, gay
youth, eating disorders, and racism; it also formed the basis for
Fox's short-lived TV sitcom Down and Out in Beverly Hills in mid-1987 for about half a season:
- during the opening credits, the film employed the
brilliant use of The Talking Heads' Once in a Lifetime -
a clear indictment of the worthlessness of wealth: ("And
you may find yourself in a beautiful house, with a beautiful Wife
/ And you may ask yourself / Well, how did I get here?");
it was intercut with scenes of real-life Los Angeles homeless with
charismatic, iconoclastic, charming but disheveled vagrant Jerry
Baskin (Nick Nolte) pushing his possessions across a street and
diving into a dumpster, and washing his feet in a public park fountain
in the heart of beautiful Beverly Hills
Vagrant Jerry Baskin (Nick Nolte) in Beverly Hills, CA
- it was Thanksgiving Day (Christmas decorations
were already up) in Beverly Hills; at the household of stressed-out,
materialistic, millionaire clothes and coat-hanger manufacturer
Dave Whiteman (Richard Dreyfuss) ("Dave-Bar"), he awoke in bed
in his pink floral bedroom in his luxurious, marble-floored mansion
next to his sexually-repressed, status-obsessed, spaced-out
wife Barbara Whiteman (Bette Midler); the Whitemans' 20-year marriage
was both loveless and sexless
- Dave expressed worry about his two children, first,
androgynous and sexually-confused (possibly gay) and obsessive
son Max Whiteman (Evan Richards) who was an aspiring film-maker,
at the end of their bed, Dave watched a videotape sent to him by
Max, comprised of a montage of images of violence, Nazis, sex,
hard-rock music, and excerpts from The Three Stooges
- during preparations in the kitchen for the traditional
feast (after the delivery of catered dishes) with their Mexican-Latina
maid Carmen (Elizabeth Peña), Dave briefly
glimpsed the other Whiteman offspring leaving to go to the beach: anorexic,
19 year-old college student (briefly home for the holiday from
Sarah Lawrence) with an eating disorder - daughter Jenny Whiteman
(Tracy Nelson); once everyone was around the Thanksgiving table, breadwinner
Dave chastized his well-to-do but dysfunctional family members,
especially his son Max: "It's hangers that clothe you and it's hangers that feed you!";
shortly later, Dave expressed concern over Max dancing in his room and wearing a tutu
Dave to Family and Max: "It's
hangers that clothe you and it's hangers that feed you"
- Dave's wife Barbara kept busy with shopping and
lunches at Neiman-Marcus, and various New Age classes (yoga with
Ranbir (Ranbir Bahi), aerobics, and meditation), and as Jenny noted,
she often associated with "gurus
and charlatans"
- that evening, after Dave was refused sex from Barbara
who claimed she had a chronic headache and was stressed out, Dave
snuck downstairs to have sex with maid Carmen in her quarters;
there were many scene-stealing scenes of neurotic family dog Matisse
(their black-and-white border collie Mike the Dog named after the
French artist) who was as maladjusted as his owners; upset by Dave,
Matisse set off the security system that immediately summoned the
police; disturbed by the noise, next-door neighbor and record producer
Orvis Goodnight (Little Richard) complained about the unequal (racist)
response time of the police at his place: ("I don't get this kind
of service...because I'm black, black! I'm a black man!...I want
the same protection"); two weeks earlier, it took police 20 minutes
to arrive during an attempted robbery
- meanwhile, the distraught and derelict
Jerry became frantic after his little beloved tan dog Kerouac (named
after Beat Generation writer) abandoned him and followed after
a female walker (Carolyn Allport) who offered him treats from a
paper bag; after wandering into a fancy restaurant in town and
searching endlessly, he stumbled into the
Whiteman's residence in Beverly Hills and attempted
suicide by drowning in the family pool with his pockets filled with heavy rocks
- Jerry
was rescued by Dave who frantically yelled: "Call 911" -
not realizing that he was holding his phone in his hand; he performed
CPR on Jerry, although his wife Barbara worried that he might contract
a disease ("You'll catch AIDS or plague or herpes")
- while recovering, eating turkey left-overs and having
his clothes washed, Jerry described
his difficult past history to Dave - prison time (45 years and
a $75K fine, although suspended) for counterfeiting draft cards,
followed by hard times trying to find work as a felon; he then
chose to enter show--business and had a brief relationship with
actress Linda Evans ("between
'The Big Valley' and 'Dynasty'"); he turned to drinking
and drugs and then his younger sister (both of them were orphans)
died of leukemia, leading to his becoming a vagrant on the street:
("...lost my, uh, incentive, so I didn't care about myself,
so I learned to survive on the street")
- Jerry was invited to recuperate and "straighten
out" his life for a few days in the Whiteman's nouveau-riche Beverly
Hills household; he was offered to reside in their pool cabana; but
Barbara became frantic and worried that
the derelict vagrant Jerry would be a threat to the family: ("He
could steal everything... and then murder us in our beds!");
both Dave and Barbara had become convinced that if the family
dog Matisse was friendly to Jerry, that meant that he was ok ("Matisse
loves him. Look. That should be a clue right there. Matisse loves
no one"); shortly later, Jerry found a common bond with Dave - their early love of the players on
the Brooklyn Dodgers baseball team in the 1950s
- Dave assisted Jerry's make-over transformation with
a shave and haircut in a salon with Maurice (Michael Voletti), and
new clothes, plus took him to his clothing
hangar factory Dav-Bar and offered him a job with health plan benefits but
Jerry declined the offer of employment ("Not really my line, Dave");
instead, Jerry suggested going out to lunch
Whiteman Family Dog Matisse With Therapist Dr.
Von Zimmer
- due to Matisse's refusal to eat, he required the services of dog psychotherapist
Dr. Von Zimmer (Donald F. Muhich) who diagnosed that the dog was
"disturbed and angry" and needed "reassurance and affection";
he also added that Matisse suffered from "nipple anxiety"; Jerry
was able to cure the dog by empathizing with Matisse,
explaining how the dog thought he was a human: ("This
dog thinks it's human...wants to eat what you're eating");
to satisfy Matisse, Jerry mixed together 1/3rd of a can of Mighty
Dog, 1/3rd of a can of Kal-Kan with liver, and Puppy Chow to add
texture and crunchiness, and then he crouched down on the floor
and began eating the dog food concoction - Matisse joined him
- Dave initially bonded with Jerry, especially during
a brief visit to his downtown mission and to Venice Beach oceanfront
walk where Jerry introduced Dave to some of his laid-back, homeless
friends including Native-American Tom-Tom (Eloy Casados) - as he
explained to Barbara, he wanted to spend the night with "some poor
oppressed human beings"; Dave bragged: "I ate garbage last night,
Barbara, and I loved it" and "learned to beg"
- Barbara became very
upset about Dave's decision to bring a "bum" into their home, and
phoned into Dr. Toni Grant's (Herself) self-help radio show to
ask for advice (with a fake name); she received an answer back
that she didn't expect: "It's possible, Dawn, that your husband
is living a vicariously-freer life through the presence of this
displaced person he's brought home"; Dave also called in to the
Toni Grant show and pretended to be 27 year-old old man named Bob
no longer attracted to his wife after nine years; as he discussed
his problems, he crashed his Rolls-Royce into the rear end of a
car in front of him (after passing a marquee for JAWS
(1975) - Dreyfuss' major film success), as a police car sandwiched
him from behind
- at the same time, Jerry was able to seduce Barbara
during a Balinese therapeutic massage of her back and legs to release her anxiety and tension, and to relieve
her of her frequent headaches; suddenly, she reversed positions and begged Jerry: "Invade me. Jangle me. I need
it, please don't stop. Don't deny me"; she produced
ecstatic screaming that reverberated around the neighborhood (Matisse
convulsed and panted, the phallic cable TV dish antenna
vibrated, the sprinklers erupted, birds took flight, etc.); afterwards
while smoking a cigarette, Barbara offered post-coital comments:
"I haven't had an orgasm like that for 9 and a half years..."; she
confessed she felt "glad and ashamed, exhausted and exhilarated all
at the same time"; she also admitted that she had allowed Dave's
affair with Carmen and went shopping and took classes as compensation,
but realized her solution had backfired and hurt her marriage; she complimented
him: " You found my "G" spot, but this was a one-time trip to the moon. It happened, and there's
nothing we can do about it now. But no matter how fantastic it was,
we can never repeat this adventure"; then she began singing You
Belong to Me; as a result, Dave and Barbara's sex life was reinvigorated
- the relationship between Dave and Jerry began to
sour; even Jerry suspected: "I've worn out my welcome...I think
it's time for me to go"; the main sources of tension were Jerry's "diddling" of
wife Barbara (more than once), and others -
(1) Jerry's seduction of maid Carmen, in competition with Dave;
Jerry also had encouraged Carmen to become a political activist by
providing her with Communist-Marxist literature and books, and she
had turned against Dave: ("You are the imperialist.
You see me like the Third World...I am the worker, you are the
capitalist. The only way we change this is revolution");
(2) Jerry's encouragement of Max Whiteman to 'come out' and be real with his
parents: ("You gotta be what you gotta be")
(3) Jerry's sexual relations with Dave's daughter Jenny who returned for Christmas,
helping to cure her refusal to eat; although at one point, she
had called Jerry sociopathic for taking advantage of her parents,
in a major reversal, she attributed her recovery to being in love with Jerry
- during a wild, climactic New
Year's Eve party held at the Whitemans, Dave attempted
to secure a business deal with a contingent of Chinese, while
next door neighbor Orvis Goodnight performed both It's a Matter
of Time and Tutti Frutti on the piano
- revelations resulting from Jerry's presence were revealed to Dave
- about both Max and Jenny; Max came up to
his father with his odd-looking transgendered friends, kissed his
father on the cheek (leaving a lipstick stain), and admitted that
he loved his father; then, Dave learned that Jerry had slept with
his daughter when she admitted: "Daddy,
I'm in love"; Dave was furious: ("I'm gonna kill him, he took my baby")
and physically attacked Jerry; in a reversal of the earlier
drowning sequence, Dave attempted to drown him in the swimming
pool; at the same time, fireworks exploded (and everyone jumped
in the pool); Matisse activated the security alarm system, and
the police were dispatched to the house; a helicopter pilot remarked:
"What a f--king party!"

Max With His Friends Coming Out to His Father

Jenny Admitting Her Love For Jerry to Her Father
- the next morning after the previous chaotic evening,
as everyone sat around the pool, Jerry told a disgruntled Dave:
"I gave folks what they wanted"; he made a decision
to leave after announcing that he was a
pathological liar who had deceived them with made-up colorful accounts
of his past life; Jerry explained how he had told the family what
they wanted to hear: (Dave: "You
lied" Jerry: "What did you want to hear, Dave? REAL heartbreak? REAL sorrow? It's boring");
he returned everything he had been given before leaving with Matisse
and looked forward: "We don't owe nothin' to nobody"
- in the ending sequence occurring in the back service alleyway behind
the Whiteman's house, Jerry (who had changed into his rags) had been
joined by his now-bonded dog Matisse to scrounge in a dumpster and
eat from a discarded can of liver pate; he found himself silently
urged by the entire family, all staring at him, to return to the
house - they expectantly awaited his entrance into the grounds; Jerry
signaled to Matisse that Carmen had prepared a "nice cup" of cappuccino
for them: "Let's go grab a cup of cappuccino"
- after all the other family members entered the gate after Jerry, there was a final haunting
shot of Dave pausing with an unsure look on his face - to the book-ended
strains of Once in a Lifetime; he was obviously pondering
if it was a good idea to invite Jerry back in
Dave and Barbara Whiteman (Richard Dreyfuss and Bette Midler)

Dave Whiteman

Confused, Filmmaking Son Max Whiteman (Evan Richards)

Daughter Jenny Whiteman (Tracy Nelson)

Maid Carmen (Elizabeth Peña)

Dave's Affair with Carmen
Jerry's Attempted Drowning Suicide in the Whiteman Pool

Jerry Bonding with the Whiteman's Family Dog Matisse

Jerry Invited by Dave To Stay in Pool Cabana For a Few Days

Jerry Mixing Up Dog Food Concoction for Matisse (and Himself)

Jerry's Seduction of Barbara - and Her Post-Sex Compliments: "You
found my 'G' Spot"

Jerry Caught by Dave After "Diddling" Carmen

Jerry Kissing Jenny Before She Fell in Love with Him
Orvis Goodnight (Little Richard) on the Piano
Pool Party

The Following Morning

Jerry's Departure and Quick Return to the Whiteman Family