Everything You Always Wanted
to Know About Sex (But Were Afraid to Ask) (1972)
In Woody Allen's sex comedy, there were seven witty
comedy segments or episodes based on Dr. David Reuben's notorious,
best-selling sex manual:
- the opening images under the title credits, to the
tune of Cole Porter's 1927 song "Let's Misbehave," were of dozens
of white rabbits with pink ears and twitching noses (who had multiplied
rapidly through misbehavior)
1st Segment: "Do Aphrodisiacs Work?"

The Court Jester-Fool (Woody Allen)

The King (Anthony Quale)

The Queen (Lynn Redgrave)
- in a medieval historical drama titled "Do Aphrodisiacs
Work?", the film's first episode and a parody of Hamlet, a court jester
Fool (Woody Allen) at the time of the Black Plague, attempted to
amuse the King (Anthony Quale) during a feast but failed with his jokes
and was considered "unfunny"; afterwards, the Fool briefly fondled
the Queen's (Lynn Redgrave) breasts in the gardens; she asked him about
touching her "royal tomatoes": "Didst I
feel that thy two hands did upon my royal body cop a feel?'; the Fool
denied it, but was warned about the King's wrath if he did touch her
- the Fool asked himself in a soliloquy:
"If only I could see the Queen's bare bodkin. Or anybody's bare bodkin,
for that matter"; he was visited by the ghost of his father who commanded
him to have sex with the Queen: "I can't rest unless thee makest
it with the Queen," but the Fool sadly realized he was seeking the
impossible: "She is a Queen and I am a baseborn Fool. I can't screw
above my station"; he was advised to see
a Sorcerer (Geoffrey Holder) to acquire an aphrodisiac love potion;
he was instructed: "This, placed softly in the Queen's drink will make her blood boil. Her passion
unbridled, lustful" but warned that he would be chopped up if caught
- the Fool made a smug aside back to the camera after
tricking two guards and entering Her Majesty's royal chamber with the
drink: "Did you like the way I fooled these guys?", but then after she
drank the "soothing potion" and passionately begged to be led to the
bed: "Make love to me now, ravage me and take me now," he was foiled
and obstructed by the Queen's metal chastity belt ("heavy
underwear") when she removed her dress; the Queen announced: "'Tis the
chastity belt that the jealous King hath fastened on me that no
man but him shalsst havest the goodst of the body"; the Fool
announced his plan: "Here now, with most grievous dispatch,
I will open the latch and get to her snatch"); he realized that
he had to hurry: "I must think of something quickly, because
before you know it, the Renaissance will be here and we'll all
be painting"; as he attacked the metal belt with an axe, he called
it "beaver shooting"
- after he had successfully picked the chastity belt's lock, "the
portals of ecstasy" were now his - but he had awakened the
King with "loud banging," and had to relock and close
it: ("Lock the royal box"); however, he had caught his hand
inside the back of the chastity belt: ("I
always get my hand in the cookie jar, so to speak"); when the
King approached, the Fool hid his hand under the Queen's
dress, and then hid his entire body under the dress before being discovered;
he gave a feeble excuse for being there: ("Remember
you said that if I was ever in town, I should look up your wife?");
the Fool was prepared for the executioner's chopping block to be
beheaded, but claimed his innocence: "I
don't know what everybody's getting so upset for. I never humped
her, you know"
1st Segment: "Do Aphrodisiacs Work?"

Jester Fool: "Did you like the way I fooled these guys?"

In Bed With the Queen After She Drank an Aphrodisiac

Stymied by the Queen's Chastity Belt

Attempting to Open the Chastity Belt

The Fool's Hand Caught in the Back of the Relocked
Chastity Belt

The Fool Hiding Under the Queen's Dress
- in the second improbable sketch about bestiality: "What
is Sodomy?" - medical practitioner Dr. Doug Ross (Gene Wilder) was treating an unmarried
Armenian patient/sheepherder named Mr. Stavros Milos (Titos Vandis),
who confessed: ("I'm in love with a sheep"); he went even further,
admitting that one night in the previous summer, he became lonely
and his body needed to be satisfied; he sodomized one of his sheep
(named Daisy): "I took Daisy off to a little cove and there, under the Armenian sky,
had sexual intercourse.... it was the greatest lay I ever had";
but then he complained that Daisy no longer loved him; she had fallen
out of love and grown "cold,
indifferent"; Dr. Ross claimed he couldn't treat Mr. Milos any
further and ordered him out of the office: "I'm an MD. I'm not a
veterinarian!...It's not normal to experience mature love for anything
with four legs"
2nd Segment: "What is Sodomy?"

Mr. Milos Bringing Daisy Into the Doctor's Waiting

Daisy in the Doctor's Private Office

Dr. Ross Falling Under Daisy's Spell
- once the bleating Daisy was brought in Mr. Milos'
arms into Dr. Ross' waiting room and then into his private office,
the doctor claimed that Mr. Milos had a psychiatric problem; but
the more he looked at Daisy and stroked her wool coat, he began to
also fall in love with her; the doctor asked to see Daisy alone;
that evening at home, his wife Ann Ross (Elaine Giftos) caught him
fondling his lambswool sweater in the bedroom; the next day, Mr.
Milos returned to Dr. Ross' office with Daisy, to seek counseling;
Dr. Ross privately confessed his love to Daisy: "You
from the hills of Armenia and me from Jackson Heights. And yet, I
think it could work if we gave it a chance"
- the doctor rented
a hotel room to have sex with the animal during afternoons (with a
"Do Not Disturb" sign on the door), and strangely ordered
chilled wine, caviar, and "just plain green grass" for
room service; soon after, his suspicious wife wondered why he refused
sex and was so tired; in bed with Daisy after sex, Dr. Ross reacted: "Boy,
that was really something. I never thought it could be like this.
Never in my wildest imagination. You're really something special.
I love our L-shaped room. I'll never forget these afternoons we have
together. I don't think I've ever known such peace and happiness
in my life. I hope you feel the same way"
- soon after, Dr.
Ross placed a diamond necklace around Daisy's neck; when he met up
with Ann later, she suspiciously thought he
smelled like lamb chops; then, Ann caught him redhanded in bed with
Daisy, when police arrested him and took an incriminating photo,
although the doctor pleaded innocence: "We're
just friends!...This is Mrs. Bencourse. One of my patients. She thinks
she's a sheep"; Dr. Ross became a defendant in a divorce trial
for adultery with a sheep (under 18 years of age); convicted, Ann took
all of his money and savings, his license was revoked, and he was forced
to take a lowly waiter job and soon went insane; the segment ended
with Daisy abducted back to Armenia by Mr. Milos; the disgraced doctor
ended up on Skid Row drinking from a bottle of Woolite
- the next and third artistic segment: "Why
Do Some Women Have Trouble Reaching an Orgasm?" - was a Casanova
'70 (1965) spoof, with references to two Italian directors Fellini
and Antonioni; in the segment, upper-class, frigid Italian
newlywed Gina (Louise Lasser) was frustrating to her fumbling
Italian husband Fabrizio (Woody Allen), who struggled at home to stimulate
her with foreplay until he collapsed exhausted; however, in public
places, she became orgasmically excitable and begged: "Take
me, do it to me," he asked: "Here?!...There's people all around...
We could get caught!"; he realized the thrill
of sex was from "the danger...the fear of being caught. The sinful,
mischievous, naughty, tempting of fate - that's what she needs"
4th Segment: "Are Transvestites Homosexuals?"

Transvestite Sam Filing a Report of Purse Snatching
With Police

Tess: "My God! She's my husband"

Tess to Sam: "You could have come to me..."
- the fourth segment asked the question: "Are Transvestites
Homosexuals?" with a portrayal of middle-aged married transvestite
Sam Waterman (Lou Jacobi); while he and his wife Tess attended a family
birthday dinner, he snuck upstairs to put on women's clothing; but
when another family member approached the room, he fled to a window
and dropped to the ground outdoors; after his purse was snatched, police
arrived with sirens blaring and insisted on filing a report; his
identity was revealed to his wife and the other guests; she screamed: "My
God! She's my husband!", later in their own home's bedroom,
Tess asked why he hadn't told her the truth of his illness: "Sam,
we've been married for years. I love you. You love me. You could
have come to me and said, 'Tess, I have a diseased mind. I'm a sick
individual. I need help. I need treatment. I'm perverted. I'm unfit
to function with normal, decent people.' I would have understood";
their marriage was saved and Sam promised to see a doctor the following
5th Segment: "What Are Sex Perverts?"

"What's My Perversion?" Game Show

Bernard Jaffe's Perversion

Four Celebrity Panelists

Rabbi Baumel with Host Jack Barry
- the fifth episodic vignette was titled: "What
Are Sex Perverts?", presented as a TV-game show known as "What's
My Perversion?" - a black and white take-off of the 1950s-1960s game show "What's
My Line?"; Jack Barry (as Himself) hosted the show with four celebrity
panelists -- Regis Philbin, Robert Q. Lewis, Pamela Mason, and Toni
Holt; they were unable to guess the mystery contestant Bernard Jaffe's
(H.E. West) perversion - that he liked to expose himself on the NYC
subways; the second part of the episode featured a home viewer who
was selected to act out his "fetish" live on the show;
orthodox Jewish Rabbi Chaim Baumel (Baruch Lumet) from Muncie, IN
proceeded to enact his "hangup" -- it was an S&M fantasy
of being tied up in a chair and spanked-whipped for naughty behavior
by his governess, as his wife ate forbidden pork at his feet
6th Segment: "Are the
Findings of Doctors and Clinics Who Do Sexual Research and Experiments

Victor (Woody Allen) and Helen (Heather MacRae)

Mad, Unorthodox Sex Scientist Dr. Bernardo (John

Igor (Ref Sanchez)
- the film's 6th segment titled "Are
the Findings of Doctors and Clinics Who Do Sexual Research and Experiments
Accurate?" was a Frankenstein horror/monster
movie spoof; research biologist Victor Shakapopulis (Woody Allen)
and pretty journalist Helen Lacey (Heather MacRae) from The Globe drove
together to visit Dr. Bernardo's facility; the mad, unorthodox sex
scientist Dr. Bernardo (John Carradine) was famous for being "the first
man that ever measured the sound waves produced by an erection"
- Dr. Bernardo had an
assistant named Igor (Ref Sanchez), and was conducting many "immoral" studies
in his laboratory to discover new facts about sex; Helen complimented
him on his studies on "Respiration During Orgasm"; the doctor
bragged about his work: "I was the first one to explain the connection
between excessive masturbation and entering politics. It was I who
first said that clitoral orgasm should not be only for women"; he explained
how Igor was the result of his investigation of
a 4-hour orgasm, and he was forcing a man to have intercourse with
a large rye bread; he was also studying premature ejaculation in
the hippopotamus, and he planned to take the brain of a lesbian and
put it into the body of a telephone company employee; he was also feeding
a flat-chested woman silicone to improve her bust; when called insane,
he replied: "That's what they said at Masters and Johnson, and all because I built a 400-foot
diaphragm. Birth control for an entire nation at once"
- he threatened Helen to be the subject of his newest
experiment with Boy Scouts: "In here I have 20 scouts. I want
to measure your respiration when they gang-bang you"; as they
tried to run away and his laboratory exploded, Dr. Bernardo accidentally
let loose his fearsome creation - a runaway giant killer breast ("a
gigantic tit"); Victor exclaimed: "I'm
going home to get my catcher's mitt. It
looks angry. The nipple's getting erect"; after it killed Dr.
Bernardo and his assistant Igor, "the colossal boob" ravaged
the countryside; Victor reported the incident and an alert was broadcast
by the Woods County Sheriff (Dort Clark): "Be on the lookout
for a large female breast...about a 4,000 with an X-cup";
Victor was worried: "We're up against a very clever tit
- it shoots half and half," but he assured Helen: "I know how to handle tits"
- when Victor was squirted by the breast, he held up a crucifix - and he was able
to lure the breast into one side of an enormous brassiere to corral
it: (Helen: "Victor, I'm so proud of you. You did it. Oh, oh, I was so worried. Were you
scared?...I thought you were gonna get nursed to death"); however,
the Sheriff was still concerned: ("Only one thing bothers me,
though. That's a single....Yeah, well, they usually travel in pairs...well, I've never seen one by
itself. I mean, two, yes, but not just one. So what we're gonna do.
We're gonna take a nipple print, just so that we'll have identification
on this one, see? Now, I think we'll put her on probation for maybe
90 days and then take her down to the orphanage, because there's
a lot of hungry babies down there"); Victor then admitted he wanted
to have sex with Helen, but had some reservations: "I've
never told anyone this before, but when I was a little child, I was
breast-fed from falsies. The truth of the matter is, I've learned one
thing from this whole situation, and that is, when it comes to sex,
there are certain things that should always be left unknown, and with
my luck, they probably will be"
7th Segment: "What Happens During Ejaculation?"

The Mission's Operator (Tony Randall) in the Control

The Mission's Switchboard (Burt Reynolds)
- the last and final 7th vignette was a sci-fi exploration
spoof titled: ("What Happens During Ejaculation?"); the
setting was a simulated interior and mind of a human body (portrayed
as a gigantic futuristic control center headed by The Operator (Tony
Randall) - the brain) with a Switchboard Operator (Burt Reynolds)
during a man's romantic involvement on a dinner-date, beginning with
seduction and arousal, and leading afterwards to sexual intercourse
(penetration and ejaculation)
- after dinner, Sydney's NYU date, credited as The Girl
(Erin Fleming), suggested doing it ("My place or your place?"); the
Sperm in the testicles were alerted to go on "Stand-by" and wondered
if it was another "false alarm"; as the couple went to the parking
lot, Sydney impatiently wanted to have sex in their parked car, and
the two engaged in a hot kissing and petting session
- The Operator in the brain control-room
was instructing everyone to "prepare for launching," but there was
a delay in the male acquiring an erection while brawny, hairy men
cranked a mechanical device to achieve the erection ("We've got to
get it up!"); finally, it was announced after a kiss: "We have an
erection of 45 degrees," and there were preparations for "penetration"
- meanwhile, in the man's testicles, a white-clad, neurotic
Sperm # 1 (Woody Allen) expressed metaphysical doubts and fears about
his mission or goal of reaching the ovum - ("I'm scared. I don't
want to go out there") - and about how he was to be ejaculated
or launched suicidally from Sydney's body - actually parachuted as
a paratrooper - into enemy territory; there were worries if the female's
birth control pills would stop him, or if the male was wearing a
condom ("sometimes the guys will slam their heads up against
a wall of hard rubber"), or if it might be a homosexual encounter
- when the male's erection started to subside, he
was urged to re-stimulate pleasure centers: "Prepare
to stroke her thighs", and the Switchboard happily reported: "Erection
is at 45 degrees and holding fast...Attempt penetration"; meanwhile, as
the sperm began moving in the testicles, an out-of-place black sperm
was confused and wondering: "What
am I doing here? What am I doing here?!"
- but then, there were concerns that the male was losing his erection due to his guilty
conscience and reflex; Sperm # 1 expressed more concerns: "I'm
not going out there! I'm not gonna get shot out of that thing! What
if he's masturbating? I might as well wind up on the ceiling...Fellas,
it's dark out there"; the Switchboard reported: "We can't
hold out any longer. Prepare for release of sperm"; the Operator
exalted: "We're inside, we're making it"
- as the sperm were ejected one by one, they cried out: "See
you guys in the ovary...Save me an egg..."; Sperm
# 1 noted: "Well, at least he'sJewish"; after successful
ejaculation, the Operator congratulated everybody "on a fine job
well done" - but then, the Girl asked for more: "That was
great, Sydney. Let's do it one more time" - and a warning was
issued about a new attempt: "We're going for seconds! Attention,
gonads, we're going for a record!" - the film's final line

Opening Title Credits
2nd Segment:
"What is Sodomy?"

Dr. Ross (Gene Wilder)

Dr. Ross' Armenian Patient/Sheepherder Mr. Milos (Titos

Dr. Ross Confessing His Love For Daisy - in Private
Dr. Ross Having Sex with Daisy in Hotel Room

Caught Red-Handed in Bed With Daisy by His Wife

Disgraced Dr. Ross on Skid Row Drinking Woolite
3rd Segment:
"Why Do Some Women Have Trouble Reaching an Orgasm?"

Italian Fabrizio (Woody Allen) with Newlywed Wife Gina (Louise Lasser)

At Home, Frigid, Non-Orgasmic Gina

In a Public Place, Gina Became Excited
4th Segment: "Are Transvestites Homosexuals?"

(l to r): Tess and Husband Sam (Lou Jacobi) At Dinner Party

Sam Trying On Women's Dress in Upstairs Room

Almost Caught - Escaping Through Window, and Dropping to the Ground Outdoors
6th Segment:

Mad Sex Experiments: Investigating a Man Having Intercourse With "A
Large Rye Bread"

Feeding a Flat-Chested Woman Silicone

Gang-Banging with 20 Boy Scouts

A "Gigantic Tit" Released From Exploding Laboratory

"Every body needs milk"

Victor Squirted While Holding Up a Crucifix

A Giant Brassiere Corrals Runaway Breast
7th Segment: "What Happens During Ejaculation?"

Man's Dinner Date in Restaurant

Sperm Alerted to "Stand-by"
In the Testicles: "I'm scared"

In the Chute: "Hey, we're gonna make babies!"
"What am I doing here?"
The Girl: "Let's do it one more time"
The Operator: "We're going for seconds"