Ex Machina (2015, UK)
In director Alex Garland's dramatic sci-fi tale (his
directorial debut film) - it was a cerebral thriller about artificial
intelligence; the sci-fi thriller asked the question: "What
constitutes true artificial intelligence?" The story involved
a love triangle with only three speaking characters.
The visually-rich plot contained
elements of Frankenstein, Fritz Lang's Maria robot in Metropolis (1927),
the Prometheus myth, the Bluebeard tale, the Bible (names of the
main characters) and even a 1969 Star Trek TV episode entitled "Requiem
for Methuselah." The film also had a 6-7 day timeline, familiar
to the Biblical act of creation and the Garden of Eden story - and
a climax in which the Creator was killed by his Creation. The film's
makers took their inspiration for their robots from sculptures by
Brancusi, modernist Bauhaus sculptures, Formula One Suspension, and
high-end concept bicycles - and they also studied human anatomy.
- in the story, brilliant mid-20s programmer-coder
Caleb Smith (Domhnall Gleeson) had won a company-wide lottery contest
at his high-tech work place - the popular search engine company
Blue Book (a hybrid of Google and Facebook). He was awarded a one-week
visit at the isolated, luxurious mountain home - a "research
(with walls of glass) in Alaska of reclusive, eccentric, hard-drinking
and rich CEO Nathan Bateman (Oscar Isaac); the CEO was studying
artificial intelligence; Nathan called his project "the greatest
scientific event in the history of man"
- the secluded, ultra-modern home was solely attended
by only one other person - the unspeaking
Japanese house servant Kyoko (Sonoya Mizuno) (spoiler - later revealed
to be an android)
- Bateman instructed Smith to conduct research by
administering the Turing test to one of his completely life-like,
newly-created inventions - a beautiful, charming, walking, talking,
and expressive, intelligent female humanoid robot named Ava
(Alicia Vikander) with artificial intelligence
- Ava was a marvelous, realistic F/X creation, composed
of encased circuitry within a metal skeleton and human face/hands/feet.
She had see-through limbs, a chrome-domed cranium, and a glowing,
see-through midriff power-core
- the test would determine her mental, emotional
and intuitive capabilities - her humanity and consciousness ("the
challenge is to show you that she's a robot, and then see if you
still feel she has consciousness"); in other words, 'How do
we know when true artificial intelligence (AI) has been achieved?'
- she would pass the historic research test if Caleb
forgot that she was a sentient being (and wasn't human) during
their daily sessions: "Ava was a rat in a maze, and I gave
her one way out. To escape, she'd have to use self-awareness, imagination,
manipulation, sexuality, empathy, and she did. Now if that isn't
true A.I., what the f--k is?"
- as the tale progressed and during conversations
with the very realistic Ava in her isolated cell, Ava
- during a brief power outage that interfered with closed-circuit
TV feeds, was able to convince Caleb that she was being confined
and abused; he also began to have infatuated romantic feelings
for her; Ava warned that Caleb should not trust his host Nathan,
who was prone to hard-drinking and erratic behavior
- it was revealed that Kyoko was also a robotic
humanoid, possibly a failed test robot; she peeled back parts of
her skin to demonstrate to Caleb that she was actually not human,
but robotic like Ava
- Nathan had a hidden agenda and ulterior motives
- he wanted to become god and control his Modern
Prometheus - and had summoned Caleb to see if Ava was human-like
enough to persuade Caleb to be deceived into helping her escape from
the confines (Ava knew of the deception and told Caleb: "You
shouldn't trust me, you shouldn't trust anything he [Nathan] says")
- normally, during one of Ava's induced power-outage
blackouts, the surveillance systems would all shut down, and all
of the doors would automatically lock
- during an escape attempt in which Caleb aided Ava's
efforts to leave by reprogramming the security system, Ava ordered
Kyoko to lethally stab Nathan; in the struggle before Nathan was
knifed in the back by Kyoko, Ava's left hand was cut off by him.
Nathan then disfigured Kyoko with a blow to the jaw and disabled
her. Ava removed the knife from Nathan's back and stabbed him in
the chest, and shortly later, he bled out and slumped dead to the
- victorious but needing to repair herself from Nathan's
damage, in a mirrored dressing room with storage cabinets, Ava
borrowed body flesh and components mostly from the stored, deprogrammed
remains of older android prototype Jade (Gana Bayarsaikhan) to
create a new, undamaged fleshly exterior. She stood to admire herself
with naked flesh in a mirror
- in the thrilling conclusion, the manipulative ex-machina
Ava was plotting an escape into the outside world - evidence of
her true and highly-advanced intelligence
- after glancing at a painting of a woman
in a white dress with brown hair, Ava dressed herself to resemble
her as a real human woman - wearing a wig and a white dress with
high-heeled shoes; she took one last look at Caleb, and fled from
the facility in a helicopter (arriving to pick up Caleb); she basically
ignored Caleb who was left imprisoned and locked inside a room
in the facility to die of starvation? (although potentially able
to escape if he could recode the lockdown procedure and create
a power outage)

Last Image of Ava Before Disappearing on Street
Ava Locking Caleb Up Before Leaving
- Ava had indeed proven that she had been emotionally
manipulating Caleb (as Nathan had predicted) so he would facilitate
her escape Ava slipped into a crowd on a busy street (figures were
seen in shadowy silhouettes), and then disappeared imperceptibly
to mingle with humanity

Humanoid Robot Ava (Alicia Vikander)
Ava and Caleb During Research Sessions

Kyoko Revealing Her Robotic Nature

Ava and Kyoko Confronting Nathan

Nathan Stabbed in the Back by Kyoko
One Last Look at Caleb