Five Easy
Pieces (1970)
In Bob Rafelson's intriguing and existential character
study, and off-beat road film - it appeared during the New Wave age;
the film told about a disaffected, frustrated male - a talented,
classical concert pianist-turned-oil rigger seeking his identity;
he had abandoned his privileged, well-to-do family background, becoming
the black sheep of his family as a crass, drifting, redneck, rough,
beer-drinking oil worker in Southern California; and now he faced
the challenge of reluctantly returning home after 20 years to visit
his dying father:
- the film's two central mis-matched characters were
ex-classical pianist/blue-collar S. California oil-rigger Robert
Eroica Dupea (Jack Nicholson), and his adoring but uneducated,
ignorant, needy, crass, clinging and dim-witted girlfriend/waitress
Rayette Dipesto (Karen Black) from a local diner

Oil-Rig Blue-Collar Worker Robert "Eroica" Dupea
(Jack Nicholson)

Diner Waitress-Girlfriend Rayette Dipesto (Karen
- Rayette was introduced in their bathroom, barefooted
and still wearing her orange diner waitress uniform, with teased
up hair, heavily made-up cat's eyes, and frosted lips - and was
thoroughly obsessed with country singer Tammy Wynette
- one night, Robert suggested that they go out and
have a "good time" with their best friends: oil-rig co-worker friend Elton (Billy "Green"
Bush) and his wife Stoney (Fannie Flagg); at
the Black Gold Bowling Lanes while Rayette was pouting outside in
the car after being criticized for her lack of bowling skills,
Robert flirted with bottle blonde Twinky (Marlena McGuire) and chubby-faced,
busty, curly-haired brunette Betty (aka Shirley) (Sally Struthers);
he told them: "I wish I had more time to talk to you girls, but..."
- he had to attend to the hurt and teary-eyed Rayette in the parking lot who
always appeared upset by his uncaring treatment of
her ("I am not a piece of crap...You treat me like I was");he admitted
that he was "not too nice a guy," and she was a "real
hell of a good person" because she put up with him
- after work one day, he partied with Elton with the
two females from the bowling alley, Betty and Twinky; wearing only
their underwear, they drank heavily and partied in Twinky's apartment late into the night
- after their drunken night, Robert was refused work
from his main rig supervisor for being "unfit"; swigging
from a bottle as he drove away from work on the freeway in the early
morning, he became stuck in a freeway jam; Robert
exited his car, yelled at everyone: "Why
don't we all line up like a goddamn bunch of ants in the most beautiful
part of the day," and gave an impromptu concert performance
playing on an upright piano (out of tune) in the back of a truck
stuck ahead in the traffic
- Robert learned that Rayette was pregnant, and scowled
at the thought of enjoying permanent married life with Rayette
(with children), although Elton encouraged him to accept middle-class
values, including a wife and kids; impulsively, Robert quit his oil-rig job
- Robert visited with his sister Partita
or "Tita" (Lois Smith) in an LA recording studio, when
he was told that his estranged father was seriously ill and dying
after two strokes; his initial reaction was one of denial: "Don't
tell me about this"; she advised lovingly: "Don't
you think it's right that you should see him at least once?"
- and he reluctantly agreed to visit, but insisted on driving up by
himself to the family home on Puget Sound in Washington State; he added: "Maybe
I'll go into Canada after. I'm not gonna stay long, Tita, you know,
one week at the most"
- in a jarring sex scene in Betty's apartment -
filmed with a hand-held camera, as Bobby was coupled with the nude
female, she grabbed onto him as he carried her and spun around the
room, while she screeched and gasped, until they fell exhausted onto
the bed as Betty climaxed, and her screams subsided
- as Robert packed for his trip, it appeared that
his relationship with Rayette was ending; he told her that he had
not broken any promises to her, and he was leaving: "I never
told you it would work out to anything. Did I?" He promised
to send her some money and to call her; then he experienced
an emotional outburst at the wheel of his parked car -- he angrily
thrashed around in the driver's seat in an uncontrollable fit; he
struggled with himself (caught between two extremes) about whether
Rayette (now pregnant) should join him or not during a visit to his
family, fearing being tied down by responsibilities to her, and also
embarrassed by her trailer trash qualities, crude manners and lack
of class or refinement; he reluctantly agreed to have her join him
Hitchhikers: Lesbian Couple
Palm's Rant About Crap and Filth
- during Robert's car trip to
his patrician family in the Pacific Northwest to visit his ailing
father, he gave a lift to an aggressive, complaining
lesbian couple Palm Apodaca (Helena Kallianiotes) and Terry Grouse
(Toni Basil) on their way to Alaska because Palm stated that they
wanted to escape society and filth because it was "cleaner";
the long-haired, anti-filth ecology nut and
malcontent Palm elaborated further in a memorable, ranting monologue, preaching
prophetically about her discontent regarding
"crap" and "filth": ("All
those signs selling you crap and more crap and more crap. And I -
I don't know. I don't know. I don't even want to talk about it...It's
just filthy. People are filthy. I think that's the biggest thing
that's wrong with people. I think they wouldn't be as violent if
they were clean, because then they wouldn't have anybody to pick
on. Dirt. Not dirt. See, dirt isn't bad. It's filth. Filth is bad.
That's what starts maggots and riots...")
- at a roadside cafe-diner, in the film's most memorable
scene, an impatient Robert got into a frustrating fight with a strict,
rude and surly waitress (Lorna Thayer) (who allowed 'no substitutions')
over his initial side order of wheat toast - to bypass her rules
about menu substitutions, Robert's order quickly became a chicken-salad
sandwich order with toasted wheat bread but without the chicken,
lettuce and mayo: ("You make sandwiches, don't you?...You've
got bread and a toaster of some kind?"...OK, I'll make it as
easy for you as I can. I'd like an omelette, plain, and a chicken
salad sandwich on wheat toast. No mayonnaise, no butter, no lettuce,
and a cup of coffee...Yeah. Now all you have to do is hold the chicken,
bring me the toast, give me a check for the chicken salad sandwich,
and you haven't broken any rules"); he also
added a further sneering challenge: "I
want you to hold it (the chicken) between your knees" and then
after telling her: "You see this sign?", he cleared the
table with one swipe of his arm - of all the water glasses, place-mats,
cutlery and menus; they were subsequently thrown out of the restaurant
Roadside Cafe-Diner Scene
- in the car after the diner
sequence, hitchhiker Palm praised him for his defiance: ("Fantastic
that you could figure that all out, and lie that down on her, so
you can come up with a way to get your toast, fantastic!");
Bobby pointed out that he actually WASN'T successful in obtaining
what he ultimately wanted - in this case, his food: "Yeah,
well, I didn't get it (the sandwich), did I?"; she responded: "No,
but it was very clever. I would have just punched her out"
- leaving Rayette in a nearby motel and hinting for
her to return home, Robert arrived at his family's country home
in the Pacific Northwest (on an island in Puget Sound); he met his
distant, uptight brother Carl Fidelio Dupea (Ralph Waite), a violinist
wearing a neck brace, and his
brother's cultured and attractive blonde fiancee Catherine Van Oost
(Susan Anspach), one of Carl's music students; his dying father Nicholas
(William Challee) sat immobile and stricken-dumb in a
wheelchair with eyes half-closed and completely oblivious to Robert's presence
- during Carl's absence for a day, Robert met up with
Catherine in the music room where he played a Chopin
Prelude for her, as a moving camera circled the entire room; Robert downplayed his
talent: ("I picked the easiest piece that
I could think of. I first played it when I was eight years old, and
I played it better then"), and then he ridiculed her emotional
response to his playing; he claimed he had no inner feeling or emotion
while playing
- then shortly later in Catherine's upstairs bedroom,
he continued to make another improper romantic advance toward her:
("I faked a little Chopin. You faked a big response...Up till now, all
I've been getting from you is meaningful looks at the dinner table,
and a lot of vague suggestions about the day after tomorrow");
he forced her onto the bed, and told her: "Let's be serious";
when she resisted, he ordered her to "shut up,"
and then she quietly challenged him: "No inner feeling?" He
forced a kiss from her, stripped her sweater from her torso, and they
began to make love
- after two weeks in a nearby motel, Rayette arrived
by taxi the next day - unannounced; at the dinner table, her dim-wittedness,
unsophisticated and redneck sensibilities were on full display; Robert
was rudely exasperated and furious with her awkward presence, tossed
his napkin on the table, vacated the room, and left the house

The Crude-Acting Rayette's Unexpected Arrival From
a Nearby Motel Two Weeks into Robert's Family Visit

Robert's Uncharacteristic Defense of Rayette's Low-Class Behavior
- however, when a pompous, pretentious family guest
named Samia Glavia (Irene Dailey) insulted Rayette's uneducated background
and personally ridiculed her in the living room in front of other
guests, Robert uncharacteristically defended Rayette: ("Don't point
at her, you creep!...Where the hell do you get the ass to tell anybody
anything about class, or who the hell's got it, or what she typifies?
You shouldn't even be in the same room with her, you pompous celibate...You're
totally full of s--t. You're all full of s--t")
- later during a heart-to-heart talk,
Robert asked Catherine whether she would give him a chance and
go away with him before she married Carl, but Catherine expressed her
doubts about his instability; she accused him of being incapable
of real feelings of love for himself or anything else ("You're a strange
person, Robert. I mean, what will you come to? If a person has
no love for himself, no respect for himself, no love of his friends,
family, work, something - how can he ask for love in return?")
- revealing Bobby's 'real' soul to him; he appeared profoundly hurt
by her truthful yet distant candor
- in the film's most powerful sequence, Robert wheeled
his dying, unresponsive, invalid, mute wheel-chair bound father Nicholas
into the cold outdoors of Puget Sound, as the sun set; then, at the
shoreline, the choked up and emotional Bobby delivered a painful,
one-sided, remorseful confession; he gave a conciliatory apology
for his abandonment of his family and talent, for giving up on his
responsibilities, and for not living up to his father's high ideals;
unable to explain his life's failings, he broke down in tears mid-speech:
("I don't know if you'd be particularly interested in hearing
anything about me, my life, I mean. Most of it doesn't add up to much
that I could relate as a way of life that you'd approve of. I move
around a lot. Not because I'm looking for anything, really, but - 'cause
I'm getting away from things that get bad if I stay. Auspicious beginnings.
You know what I mean? I'm trying to imagine your, your half of this
conversation...My feeling is, I don't know, that, uh, if you could
talk, we probably wouldn't be talking. That's pretty much the way
it got to be before I left. Are you all right? I don't know what
to say. Tita suggested that we try to - I don't know. I think that
she feels - I think that she feels that we've got some understanding
to reach. She totally denies the fact that we were never that comfortable
with one another to begin with. The best that I can do is apologize.
We both know that I was never really that good at it, anyway");
he finally admitted with sorrow: "I'm sorry it didn't work out."
He slowly bowed his head
Robert's Apology to Dying, Mute Father
- in a concluding, lengthy, and bleak scene,
Robert decided to return home with Rayette after
over-staying his visit; at a Gulf gas
station after staring long and hard at himself in the rest-room
mirror, Robert departed (without his car and wallet) and stranded
Rayette; he abandoned his entire life to catch a ride north into
Canada with a logging trucker (the driver warned: "Where
we're going, it's gonna get colder than hell"); he responded: "No,
it's okay. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine"; as the hitchhiker
Palm did - he made an ill-fated decision to travel to an illusory "clean" place,
to try and find himself; the final image was of Rayette standing
in the front of the gas station, looking and wandering around
for him
Abandoning Rayette at Gas Station

Bowling With Friends: Elton (Billy "Green Bush) and Stoney (Fannie Flagg)
At Bowling Alley, Robert Flirting with Betty (Sally Struthers)
and Twinky (Marlena McGuire)

Continuing Problems With Upset Girlfriend Rayette

Robert Partying and Drinking With Twinky and Betty

Yelling at Cars During Bottleneck on Freeway
Robert's Freeway Piano Jam

Angry and Ready to Quit His Oil-Rig Job
Robert With His Sister "Tita" in an LA Recording

Robert's Wild Sex With Betty
Robert Thrashing Around in an Emotional Outburst in His
Parked Car

Robert Praised by Palm For Defying the Diner Waitress

At His Family's Home, 'Tita' With Ailing, Oblivious Father

Robert's Distant, Uptight Brother Carl Fidelio Dupea (Ralph Waite)
Brother Carl's Fiancee Catherine Van Oost (Susan Anspach)

Robert's Playing of a Chopin Prelude
easiest piece") for Catherine

A Confrontation with Catherine

Robert's Romantic Advance Toward Catherine

Catherine's Denial of Robert