The French
Connection (1971)
In director William Friedkin's action-packed, fast-moving,
uncompromising, intense, and gritty Best Picture-winning action-crime
thriller - it was filmed on location and based on a true story about
the efforts of law enforcement involved in one of the largest narcotics
seizures of all-time (in 1962 when 120 pounds of pure heroin worth
$32 million, were confiscated after being smuggled into the
country from France and hidden in a vehicle). It was the first R-rated
film to win Best Picture since the institution of the MPAA rating
system. The film won a staggering five Academy Awards: (Best Picture,
Best Director, Best Actor, Best Screenplay, and Best Film Editing).
The adapted screenplay by Ernest
Tidyman was based on Robin Moore's
best-selling 1969 book The French Connection, that told about
a crackdown on a multi-million dollar international dope smuggling
ring by two NYPD narcotics detectives Eddie Egan and Sonny Grosso.
The film starred two hard-nosed, vulgar New York City police cops who exposed an international,
heroin-smuggling operation based in Marseilles - headed by suave,
elusive, mastermind crime boss Alain Charnier (Fernando Rey). A sequel
four years later, French Connection II (1975), chased Charnier
to Marseilles.
- the film opened with a dialogueless scene set in
Marseilles, France in December of 1970; a French crime boss'
malevolent hit-man/henchman-sniper Pierre Nicoli (Marcel Bozzufi)
callously murdered an undercover, plainsclothes detective (Jean
Luisi) by shooting him in the face (and then coldly broke off a
piece of a boulangerie's long loaf of bread the man had just purchased)
before walking off; the victim had been following the crime boss
and his henchman before he was discovered and murdered

Crime Boss' Hit-Man Pierre Nicoli (Marcel Bozzufi)

Murdered Undercover Plainsclothes Detective (Jean Luisi)
- the next scene shifted to a scene in Brooklyn (NYC),
where two NYPD cops were disguised outside the seedy Oasis Bar
& Grill in the course of their work - a drug stakeout: passionate,
tough, pushy, unorthodox, bigoted and racist Detective Jimmy 'Popeye'
Doyle (Gene Hackman) was dressed as a Santa Claus and Detective
Buddy "Cloudy" Salvatore
Russo (Roy Scheider) posed as a hot dog vendor
- a two-bit black dope-drug Pusher
named Willy (Alan Weeks) was confronted and accosted, who reacted
by slashing Russo's arm with one swipe of his concealed knife.
The two raced after him on foot down
the street toward a deserted lot, where the hot-headed Doyle and
pissed-off Russo viciously beat him; they then dragged
him to a litter-strewn alleyway, where they used the tactic of good
cop/bad cop to intimidate him without finding any drugs on him.
Typical of his obscene vocabulary, sadistic nature and strong-arm tactics,
Doyle used his famous pet non-sequitur on him: ("Hey,
s--thead. When's the last time you picked your feet? Huh?...I got
a man in Poughkeepsie wants to talk to you. Have you ever been to Poughkeepsie?
Huh? Have you ever been to Poughkeepsie?... Come on, say it. Let
me hear you say it, come on. Have you ever been to Poughkeepsie? You've
been in Poughkeepsie, haven't ya? I want to hear it! Come on! ...You've
been there, right?...You sat on the edge of the bed, didn't ya?
You took off your shoes, put your finger between your toes and picked
your feet. Didn't ya? Now say it!...All right, you put a shiv in my
partner. You know what that means, god damn it? All winter long, l
gotta listen to him gripe about his bowling scores. Now, I'm gonna
bust your ass for those three bags and I'm gonna nail you for picking
your feet in Poughkeepsie")
- after visiting the Marseilles docks, debonair French
criminal mastermind Alain Charnier (Spanish actor Fernando Rey),
an illicit smuggler/heroin importer (and hitman Nicoli's boss),
drove to his posh seaside villa to meet up with his
beautiful young wife Marie Charnier (Ann Rebbot)
- back at the police station, Doyle
also made a shocking (for-its-time) statement to his injured partner:
(Doyle: "You dumb guinea!" Russo: "How
the hell did I know he had a knife?" Doyle: "Never trust
a n----r")
- after work, Doyle and Russo (posing as plainclothesmen)
shared a drink at an Eastside club, known as the Chez; the two stumbled
into a suspicious group of "greasers" and mob figures at
a corner table: "That table is definitely wrong," surmised Doyle. They saw large sums
of money being flashed by handsomely-dressed playboy ("the
last of the big spenders") Salvatore "Sal" Boca (Tony Lo Bianco)
and his blonde wife Angie (Arlene Farber) (with a wig). "Just
for fun," Doyle suggested tailing "the greaser with the blonde." Taking
the long-shot hunch, they trailed the couple driving a 1970 Ford
LTD the entire remainder of the early morning hours (first driving
through Times Square and spending some time outside a kosher restaurant
named Ratner's where the couple ate breakfast) - up until 7 am the
next morning; they also witnessed a brief drug "drop"
with a briefcase on Broome St., before the couple crossed the Brooklyn
Bridge into Brooklyn Heights, and switched into a white 1961 Comet
Sedan (registered to Sal's brother Lou Boca (Benny
- the Bocas ended up at "Sal & Angie's" - a candy/newspaper
store and luncheonette, owned and run as a small-time, working-class
business by the couple
- back in Marseilles, France,
Charnier takes a motorboat out to a large, highly-fortified, offshore
island fortress known as Château d'If for a secret meeting
with his assassin Nicoli, who confirmed the job of killing the
undercover detective as an "ugly
job." They awaited the late arrival of a TV
celebrity named Henri Devereaux (Frédéric de Pasquale),
although Nicoli was opposed to Charnier's plan: "It's a mistake
to involve him....I don't trust him." Once Henri arrived,
he agreed to accept Charnier's unknown proposition (shipping his
car for free to the US?) with a hand-shake: "I've
decided to accept" [Note: Devereaux didn't suspect that Charnier
was engaged in drug smuggling, and was planning to ship drugs in the
- after a week of surveillance of the Boca couple with a stakeout, it was
clear that the couple and Sal's garbage-man brother Lou (Benny
Marino), all ex-criminals, couldn't possibly support their lavish lifestyle (their business
was only a "front"), and that all of the Bocas had a suspicious
history of criminal activities and shady associates (including Jewish
mafia boss, drug kingpin and lawyer Joel Weinstock (Harold Gary)
living in a luxury Manhattan condo) - a major financial backer of
the illegal importation of drugs; Sal also drove to Wards
Island for some unknown reason ("maybe it's another drop") [Note:
Wards Island was where the Charnier Shipping Company of Marseilles,
France was located, along with other businesses.]
- in another sleazy, black
and Puerto Rican junk-house bar in Brooklyn, Russo and Doyle returned
- as Doyle announced: "All
right, Popeye's here!";
he hassled and shook-down a group of patrons lined up against
the wall: ("Get your hands on your heads. Get off the bar
and get on the wall. Come on, Move, move!"). He watched pill
containers drop to the floor, and grilled another suspect: "Do
you pick your feet?" As he cleaned the bottom-side of the
bar counter of drugs stashed there by running his hand along the
bottom-side of the bar, he quizzically asked: "What is this?
A f--kin' hospital here? Huh?" He then threatened: "We
told you people we were comin' back. We're gonna keep comin' back
here until you clean this bar up"; from one of his informants
(Al Fann) in a back room, Doyle learned the reason why everyone's
clean and there were no hard drugs on the streets: "Ain't nothin'
around...There's been some talk...- a shipment, comin' in this week,
the week after. Everybody's gonna get well"

Cleaning the Underneath Area of Bar During Shakedown

Examining Drugs in Bar Before Creating 'Milkshake'
- because Popeye's hunches had "backfired" before,
Popeye and Russo were initially denied permission by their boss
Lieutenant Walter Simonson (Eddie Egan) to work on their current
hunches about Boca and Weinstock: "Big
score, my ass. At best, he's sellin' nickel and dime bags." They
pleaded with Simonson and were allowed a court order for two wiretaps
("one on the store, one on the house")
and were reluctantly given permission to continue their pursuit in
a special assignment
- meanwhile, French TV celebrity/star Henri Devereaux
arrived by cruise ship in New York's harbor, traveling
to the US to make a film, and also importing his brown Lincoln
Continental Mark III that was unloaded from the ship; suave
French drug kingpin Alain Charnier and his hitman Nicoli watched as the
car was driven away [Note: In Marseilles, the crafty
Charnier had presumably stashed heroin into the vehicle of the unsuspecting
Devereaux who unwittingly escorted the shipment to New York.]
- along with two 60-day wiretaps of Boca's home and
store, Simonson assigned two other federal drug enforcement agents
to assist Popeye and Russo: disgruntled Agent Bill Mulderig (Bill
Hickman), Popeye's former nemesis, and Agent Clyde Klein (Sonny

Agent Bill Mulderig (Bill Hickman)

Agent Clyde Klein (Sonny Grosso)
- another scene established the link between Charnier
and the Bocas; Sal's brother Lou was seen bidding, on behalf of
Charnier, for scrap metal at a police auction held at a vehicle
junkyard; Charnier's import-export shipping business often dealt in scrap metal
- one of the wire-tapped phone conversations connected
French-accented Charnier to Sal requesting a 12 o'clock Wednesday
meeting at his midtown Manhattan hotel
- the two nattily-dressed, overworked, uneducated
New York street cops Russo and Doyle (along with Mulderig and Klein)
trailed their "French connection" suspect Sal into Manhattan,
in their attempt to bring to justice the French drug smuggling ring; after splitting
up, Mulderig tracked Sal, while Doyle and Russo followed
Charnier (dubbed "Frog One") and Nicoli ("Frog Two"); the two
detectives found themselves eating cold
pizza out in the cold as the two smugglers dined in the warmth
of a fancy French restaurant
- the two smugglers sensed that they were being followed
to their respective hotels, the Westbury
Hotel ("Frog One's" hotel) and the Edison Hotel ("Frog
Two's"), while Sal went home
- in the next scene in a richly-appointed suite in
the Westbury while testing the quality of the heroin in front
of Boca and Weinstock, the chemist Howard (Pat McDermott) watched
the rising thermometer and declared: "Grade A poison. Absolute
dynamite. Eighty-nine percent pure junk. Best I've ever seen";
the two Americans discussed a deal with the French drug syndicate
for a half-million dollar buy of the shipment of 60 kilos of heroin
from the French foreign market - a deal worth $32 million on the
street; the experienced Weinstock exercised caution toward the
fidgety, impulsive Boca, the Brooklyn contact for Charnier: "This
is your first major league game, Sal. One thing I learned. Move
calmly, move cautiously. You'll never be sorry"

Chemist Howard (Pat McDermott)

Drug Kingpin Joel Weinstock (Harold Gary)

Nervous and Fidgety Salvatore "Sal" Boca
(Tony Lo Bianco)
- Popeye again played an elusive
game of cat-and-mouse as he attempted to discreetly stalk Charnier
from the Westbury Hotel through the street and into the underground
subway system; Doyle phoned into his colleague Mulderig: "This
is Doyle. I'm sittin' on Frog One"; the clever, suave Frenchman
with a silver-handled umbrella then outwitted Doyle, and smugly waved
goodbye through a departing subway train window at Grand Central
Station. Having been identified, Popeye became a prime target for
- during a short detour, Sal met with Charnier in
Washington DC, and asked for a delay in the drug deal, due to his
overcautious concerns about being followed by "the heat"; to keep
on schedule, Charnier's hired, murderous sniper Pierre
Nicoli ("Frog Two") volunteered to eliminate the cop
who followed Charnier in the subway: "Let me handle him"
- at the same time, Doyle was "dead certain"
that the drug deal hadn't occurred yet and begged for more time,
but Lt. Simonson regretted that two months had been wasted on the
case: ("We blew it. We blew our warrants. We blew our cover").
When a fight broke out again between Mulderig and Doyle, Simonson
promptly removed Doyle from the case: "You're off special assignment"
- Charnier's attempt to kill Doyle via sniper Nicoli on a rooftop
failed outside his apartment; this led to
the film's high-point and centerpiece -- the dazzlingly-edited
scene of the frantic car pursuit, that has been endlessly copied
in dozens of films - it was a terrifying, staggering series of
effectively intercut segments; it rivaled the producer's previous
car-chase scene in the film Bullitt -
and the reason the film was awarded an Oscar for Best Editing
- the French smuggler and murderous hired killer-sniper Pierre Nicoli,
Charnier's partner, was pursued by the fearless cop on foot to a nearby
elevated train station, but after leaping up stairs, Doyle found himself on the wrong side of
the tracks; to catch up to Nicoli, Doyle flagged down and hijacked
("borrowed") a motorist's 1966 Pontiac Le Mans ("Police
emergency: I need your car") and pursued the drug dealer on
board the out-of-control, run-away elevated commuter
subway train above him (on
the L-tracks in Brooklyn of the BMT West End line)
- Nicoli had commandeered
and hijacked and elevated subway
train above him (in Bensonhurst), terrorized passengers,
killed the train's transit cop chasing him through the carriages, and
ordered the front car's motorman at gunpoint to not stop at any
of the stations; the fearful motorman obeyed and plowed
through the 25th Street station without stopping
- to keep pace, Doyle drove 90 mph and barely
missed pedestrians and other vehicles on the narrow two-lane road
beneath the elevated tracks; he half-collided with another white
car at an intersection, was clipped or side-swiped by a delivery
van/truck, dodged a mother and her baby carriage, and crashed into
garbage, all the while furiously honking the car's horn and frantically
switching from his brake to accelerator; he banged his fists on
the steering wheel, angered at the delays and frustrations

Doyle at Wheel of 'Borrowed' Car

Driver's POV

Colliding With Another Car

Dodging A Mother and Baby Carriage

Crashing Into Garbage
- at the end of the chase after Nicoli killed the
train conductor and the train's motorman suffered a heart-attack,
a climactic train crash occurred when the runaway train smashed
into another stationary train on the tracks [photographed with
the train moving away from the camera - and then reversed]
- hijacker
Nicoli escaped from the wreckage, believing that he was freed of
Doyle; as he fled down the 62nd Street subway train
station's stairs, he saw Doyle and immediately turned and reversed
himself, but Doyle gunned him down on the landing of the stairs
- the image became the famous iconic promotional still used to
advertise the film on posters; Doyle and Russo were reassigned
to the case
- the impounded brown Lincoln
Continental Mark III (with foreign plates), owned by
leading French TV personality-celebrity Henri Devereaux was
the subject of a thorough police garage search that turned up nothing;
however, Russo deduced that the car's shipping weight was 120 pounds
heavier than its normal weight; 60 kilos of the heroin (white
powder in bags) were ultimately found cleverly hidden in the rocker
panels of the vehicle; the reassembled vehicle, or a duplicate
car (with the heroin stash inside) was released, and the deal was
allowed to continue; Devereaux met up with Charnier in his hotel
and is implicated: "The police know you brought the car into the
country. This makes you an accomplice" - the unsuspecting Devereaux
was very confused and disavowed any more involvement with Charnier
- Charnier drove
the vehicle to an old abandoned factory on Wards Island to meet
Lou and Weinstock - to deliver the drugs for the payoff; after the
heroin was tested for authenticity, the drug shipment
was hidden in the building, while the cash payment was rehidden in
the auctioned junker car that Lou had purchased
(to be smuggled back to France); after Sal drove off
with Charnier in the Lincoln to return to the city, they faced a
roadblock and Sal was forced to return to Wards Island

Drugs Tested

Cash Exchanged
Roadblock Outside Wards Island Led by
Popeye Doyle
- in the downbeat ending, there
was a massive ambush and shoot-out at the surrounded and tear-gassed
main warehouse on Wards Island, resulting in Boca's
killing (by Russo) and Weinstock's arrest; as Doyle (joined by Russo)
and federal narcotics agent Mulderig pursued Charnier
in a second subterranean warehouse building on Wards Island, Mulderig
was mistakenly shot dead by Doyle; the perturbed and frustrated cop,
without any hesitation or regrets, continued his relentless and obsessive
search for the elusive culprit Charnier: "The
son of a bitch is here. I saw him. I'm gonna get him"

Popeye in Pursuit of Charnier in a Second Building with Russo

Mulderig Mistakenly Shot Dead by Doyle

Doyle to Russo: "The son of a bitch is here.
I saw him. I'm gonna get him"
- the film
deliberately concluded on a mysterious note and a failed denouement
- what actually happened remained ambiguous and open to varying interpretations.
Doyle ran off through the warehouse to further
pursue his prey; a single shot was heard - off-screen - before the
film abruptly ended with a black screen. Apparently,
Charnier slipped away and was never caught.
- subtitles, super-imposed above a still photo of each
main criminal or character, explained the failed denouement:
JOEL WEINSTOCK was indicted by a Grand Jury.
Case dismissed for
"lack of proper evidence."
ANGIE BOCA, guilty of a misdemeanor. Sentence suspended.
LOU BOCA, guilty of conspiracy and possession of narcotics. Sentence
HENRI DEVEREAUX, guilty of conspiracy. Served four years in a
Federal Penitentiary.
ALAIN CHARNIER was never caught. He is believed to be living
in France.
Detectives DOYLE and RUSSO were transferred out of the Narcotics
Bureau and reassigned.

'Popeye' Disguised as Santa Claus with Partner Russo With

Criminal Mastermind and Drug Smuggler Alain
Charnier (Fernando Rey) in Marseilles

Suspicious Couple (the Bocas) Spotted in Ritzy Chez Nightclub/Restaurant by Popeye

Popeye and Russo Watching the Bocas In Restaurant

At the End of a Long Night, Tailing the Suspected
Drug Smugglers

Sal & Angie's Neighborhood Newspaper/Candy Store and Luncheonette

The Bocas as Working-Class Couple

French TV
Celebrity Henri Devereaux (Frédéric de Pasquale)

Lieutenant Walter Simonson (Eddie Egan)

TV star Devereaux' Imported Lincoln Continental Mark III Into NYC

Charnier's Scrap Metal Buyer at Auction - Sal's Brother Lou Boca

Charnier and Nicoli Dining In Fancy French Restaurant in Manhattan

Doyle Freezing Cold During Stakeout

Next Day Cat-and-Mouse Pursuit by Doyle After Charnier in Subway System
Charnier - Waving Goodbye
to Doyle from Subway Window

Charnier and Sal Discussing Delay in Deal in Washington, DC

Nicoli Threatening the Elevated Subway Train's
Fearful Motorman at Gunpoint

Crazed Jimmy "Popeye" Doyle Driving a Hijacked Civilian

Train Conductor Shot and Killed

Just Before the Train Crashed into the Back of Another Stationary
After Subway Chase, the Gunning Down of Nicoli
by Doyle on Subway Stairs Landing
Searching the Undercarriage of Devereaux' Car for

The Lincoln Driven to Wards Island - For Exchange of Heroin and

Sal's Death (Shot by Russo)
