Get Out (2017)
In writer/director Jordan Peele's
directorial debut film - a low-budget ($4.5 million), R-rated horror-comedy
titled Get Out that was wildly successful ($176 million domestic revenue,
and $252.4 million worldwide), due to its timely subjects of prejudice
and systemic racism. From its four Academy Award nominations, the
social satire won the Best Original Screenplay Oscar for its script,
resembling in part The Stepford Wives (1975). Ultimately,
it was the most profitable film of 2017 - with a whopping 630% return
on investment.
- In the film's opening (after a brief pre-title credits
prologue), talented 26 year-old African-American photographer Chris
Washington (British actor Daniel Kaluuya) was driving to the upstate
NY countryside with his white girlfriend Rose Armitage (Allison Williams)
of five months. Rose had assured him that although he was the only
black guy she had ever dated, her parents would be welcoming. He
arrived at the plantation-styled estate to meet her supposedly-progressive,
non-racist, liberal parents during a weekend getaway:
- Missy (Catherine Keener), a steely-eyed matriarch
and hypnotherapist
- Dean (Bradley Whitford), an affable neurosurgeon
- Chris also met two odd black servants who acted
stiff, catatonic, compliant and unnatural:
- Georgina (Betty Gabriel), maid-housekeeper
- Walter (Marcus Henderson), groundskeeper
- Chris also encountered Rose's drunken, spoiled and violent, racist
son Jeremy (Caleb Landry Jones).

Georgina - Housekeeper Servant

Jeremy - Rose's Brother
- a strange foreshadowing was mentioned by Dean when
he defended having black servants: "We hired Georgina and Walter
to help care for my parents" - literally, they WERE his parents!
- during
Chris' visit, he was subjected to Missy's hypnotherapy to help him
stop his nicotine addiction to smoking in a session to cure him.
In an induced trance (caused by her teacup stirring), he became paralyzed
in his chair when he described his guilt feelings and self-blame
about a hit-and-run accident in his childhood (when he was 11 years
old) that killed his mother. He had not done anything and had not
called 911, but sat immobile in front of the television
- suddenly,
Chris' consciousness left his body as he descended into blackness
and screamed (in silence), and he floated paralyzed in the dark void
that Missy called the "sunken place." [Note: It was also a visual representation of his
every-day reality, living as a marginalized, powerless individual.]
Chris' Hypnotherapy Session with Missy - The "Sunken Place"

Missy (Catherine Keener)

Eerie Tea-Cup Stirring During Hypnotherapy

Chris- Under Hypnosis

Chris - Descending or Falling into "Sunken
- during the weekend, a group
of privileged, wealthy white folks unexpectedly arrived (all in
black vehicles) for an annual get-together. One of the couples
(Alisa and Nelson) spoke to Chris and Rose - when Alisa inappropriately
asked about their sex life: "So,
is it true? Is it better?" Another gentleman made a second suspicious
comment about how it was now fashionable to be black: "Fair
skin has been in favor for the past what, couple of hundreds of years,
but now the pendulum has swung back. Black is in fashion."
- when Chris spoke to "another brother" at
the party, he realized that the black man Logan King (LaKeith Stanfield)
was acting stiff, vacant and distant, and was married to a much older
white woman named Philomena (Geraldine Singer). [Note:
Logan was the same individual from the film's prologue, a Brooklyn
native and jazz musician named Andre Hayworth, who was knocked unconscious
at night on a dark suburban street in Evergreen Hollow by someone
wearing a knight's helmet, and stuffed into a car trunk.]
- Chris also spoke to a noted blind art gallery owner
Jim Hudson (Stephen Root) of Hudson Galleries. Chris phoned his buddy
Rod Williams (Lil Rel Howery), a TSA agent at the local airport,
and told him his concerns:
- "They haven't met a black person that doesn't
work for them."
- "I got hypnotized last night."
- "Yo, and the black people out here too.
It seems like they all missed the movement. It's because they
probably hypnotized."
- Rod warned: "They could of had you doing all
types of stupid s--t. They could of had you barkin' like a dog, flyin'
around like you're a f--kin' pigeon, lookin' ridiculous, OK. Or,
I don't know if you know this. White people love makin' people sex
slaves and s--t.... I think that Mom is puttin' everybody in a trance
and she's f--kin' the s--t out of them."
- in one of the film's increasingly strange and weird scenes, Georgina
apologized profusely to Chris for accidentally unplugging his cellphone,
and then uncharacteristically didn't recognize his use of the slang
word 'snitch.' She asserted ("Don't you worry
about that. I can assure you. I don't answer to anyone"). He
responded by trying to relate to her racially:
"All I know is sometimes, if there's too many white people I get
nervous, you know?" But then she repetitively told him: "No,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no...." Then, she
made a most unusual statement: "The Armitages are so good to
us. They treat us like family."
- feeling
very spooked by the environment, especially when he was asked an
embarrassing question: "Do you find that
being African-American - more advantage or disadvantage in the modern
world?", Chris tried to take an inconspicuous cellphone photo
of Logan, who reacted to the flash with a nosebleed (excused later
as an epileptic seizure) and screamed a raving-mad warning: "Get
out!...Get the f--k outta here!"
- it was
apparent that the camera flash also acted like a trigger, and Andre
Hayworth (who was hypnotically buried inside him) was brought to
the surface; shortly later, Rod phoned and
told Chris that he recognized "Logan" as
Andre "Dre" Hayworth, a missing person for six months who
used to work at a movie theater. Chris explained:
"He came to the party with a white woman like 30 years older than
him." Rod again warned Chris: "Sex Slave. Chris, you've got
to get the f--k up out of there, man. You are in some Eyes Wide
Shut situation" before the phone went dead.
The Outdoor Silent Auction Sequence - For Chris!
- Chris was fairly certain that he must leave the
house, but happened to notice an outdoor silent auction (a modern
day slave auction) being conducted by Dean with the party guests
- he saw a giant framed picture of himself on the front stage.
To bid, each audience member held up bingo cards - the winner of
the expensive bidding was Jim Hudson
- as Chris hurriedly packed to leave, he discovered
photos in the cubbyhole-closet of Rose in prior relationships with
black people (contradicting her claim that Chris was her first black
boyfriend), including pictures of her with Andre, Walter and Georgina
Rose's Suspicious Pictures

With Other Black Guys

With Andre

With Georgina and Walter
- Chris attempted to immediately escape and frantically
asked Rose for the car keys, but was confronted by her father Dean
who asked a sinister question as he stared at the fireplace: "What
is your purpose, Chris?...In life. What is your purpose?...Fire.
It is a reflection of our own mortality. We are born, we breathe
and then we die....Even the sun will die someday. But we are divine.
We are the gods trapped in cocoons."
- Jeremy
blocked Chris' exit, and Rose who finally held up the car keys admitted: "You know I can't give you
the keys, right babe?" This was a turning point - Chris now
realized that Rose was a willing participant and had deliberately
lured him into the home of her family for ominous reasons. Missy
clinked her spoon on her teacup to trigger a hypnotic response
from Chris, who was knocked to the floor and again began to descend
to the 'Sunken Place'
- in the next sequence,
Chris was bound in the Armitage game-room basement and told the family's
evil ploy - the film's major plot twist. It was explained via a videotaped
info-mercial delivered by Rose's grandfather Roman (Richard Herd)
on an old TV. The cultish Order of the Coagula assisted their beloved
older white friends and relatives to live longer, by first brainwashing
(through hypnosis) young blacks, and then transplanting (via neurosurgery)
the elderly whites' brains into the bodies of the far younger and
physically superior black people: "You have been
chosen because of the physical advantages you enjoyed your entire
lifetime. With your natural gifts and our determination we could
both be part of something greater. Something perfect. The Coagula
procedure is a man-made miracle. Our order has been developing it
for many, many years and it wasn't until recently it was perfected
by my own flesh and blood. My family and I are honored to offer it
as a service to members of our group."
- meanwhile,
Chris' TSA friend Rod spoke to female Detective Latoya (Erika Alexander)
(and two other detectives Drake and Garcia), and claimed his friend
Chris had been missing for two days. The two detectives were very
skeptical and dubious about his assertion that the missing Andre
had been brought back to life as Logan, and that anything else was
out of the ordinary, when he told them: "What I'm about to tell
you goin' to sound crazy. You ready?...I believe they've been abductin'
black people, brainwashin' 'em, makin' 'em work for them as sex
slaves and s--t....See I don't know if it's the hypnosis that's
makin' 'em slaves or whatnot, but all I know is, they already got
two brothers we know and there could be a whole bunch of brothers
they got already."
- Roman's TV video,
supplemented by an interactive session with Jim Hudson, further
explained how the black subject's consciousness would be trapped
in the dark void known as 'The Sunken Place,' although they would
live on as a "passenger" in a white body: "Transplantation.
Well, partial, actually. The piece of your brain connected to your
nervous system needs to stay put, keeping those intricate connections
intact. So you won't be gone. At least not completely. A sliver of
you will still be in there somewhere. Limited consciousness. You'll
be able to see and hear what your body is doing, but your existence
will be as a passenger. An audience. You will live in - The Sunken
- the blind artist Jim Hudson was being prepped in
a surgical operating room by having his scalp removed. His brain
was about to be transplanted into Chris' body that he had bought
at auction. Others who had been surgically modified were:
- Walter - implanted with Roman, Rose's grandfather
(Dean's father)
- Georgina - implanted with Marianne, Rose's grandmother
(Dean's mother)
- cleverly, Chris blocked his
ears with stuffing from the chair he was sitting in, and also blocked
out Missy's teaspoon clinking sound to hypnotize him. He knocked
out Jeremy with a blow to the head using a yellow bocce ball, then
impaled Dean in the chest with a mounted set of "buck" deer
antlers. Dean stumbled back into the prep room and overturned a
candle, setting the entire room on fire and consuming Hudson. Chris
broke Missy's teacup, leaving her defenseless, and then killed
her by stabbing her in the head (or eye) with a letter opener.
When Chris was attacked by a revived Jeremy, he was able to stab
him in the leg with the letter opener, and then he brutally stomped
Jeremy's skull
- meanwhile, Rose was unaware of the killings - she
was cruising the Internet with earbuds, looking for her next potential
victim, while symbolically eating colorful dry Fruit Loops cereal
with a separate white glass of milk
- driving
away in Jeremy's 2-door car, Chris also eliminated Georgina (who
he had hit with the car) by deliberately crashing the car into a
- in the final moments of the
film, Walter (not the 'grandpa' Roman persona, but the original
Walter) shot Rose in the stomach with a rifle, and then suicidally
shot himself. Chris began to strangle the lethally-wounded Rose
(who avowed: "Chris, I'm
so sorry. It's me. I-I love you. I love you"), but stopped when
he realized he couldn't do it
- Chris was rescued
by Rod, who drove up in an airport TSA vehicle (with flashing lights
and siren) to whisk him away. Rod reminded Chris: "I
mean, I told you not to go in that house," and explained how
he had figured out the case: "I'm TS motherf--kin'
A. We handle s--t. That's what we do. Consider this situation f--kin'
- as the film ended, Rose was left to die by the
side of the road
Dean (Bradley Whitford) and Missy (Catherine Keener)
Chris (Daniel Kaluuya) with Girlfriend Rose (Allison
Logan King and His White Wife Philomena
Blind Art Dealer Jim Hudson
Logan's Cellphone Photo - Caused Blood to Flow from
His Left Nostril

Dean Armitage: "We are the gods trapped in

Rose: Refusing to Hand Over Car Keys
Hypnotic Trigger: Clinking of Missy's Teacup
Roman's Video Info-mercial: "Behold the Coagula"
Chris' Friend: TSA Agent Rod Williams Speaking
to Two Detectives About His Suspicions
Dean's Surgical Prep Room - Jim Hudson About to
Have His Brain Transplanted Into Chris' Body
Chris Saved from Hypnosis by Cotton Stuffed in His
Dean Impaled in Abdomen with Deer Antlers
Rose's Dying Vow of Love for Chris
Ending - Rod to Chris: "I told you not to go in
that house."