Heaven's Gate (1980)
In pretentious, overindulgent, auteur writer/director
Michael Cimino's expensive 'boondoggle' film and revisionistic epic
western that bankrupted United Artists studio - it told about the
Johnson County Wars between starving Eastern European immigrant farmers
arriving on the frontier, and mercenaries hired by the cattlemen
in the 1890s. After Cimino's success two years earlier with the Best
Picture winning The
Deer Hunter (1978) (with a total of five Oscars), the
studio gave him a financial blank-check and unprecedented creative
control. Cimino spent $44 million dollars - about 5 times over budget,
on the film that soon became a major box-office flop
with only $3.5 million in revenue.
The ponderous (at 3 hours and 39 minutes) and flawed
film (with beautiful cinematography and art direction, but often
muffled dialogue) included abundant nudity, violence throughout,
undeveloped characters in a love triangle, a cock fight, a country-western
roller-skating dance sequence, and a lengthy series of fierce and
bloody Johnson County battles at film's end.
When the film was initially released in November of
1980, it was in theaters about a week - and savaged by reviews,
so Cimino pulled the film, removed about an hour from the director's
cut, and re-released it back into theaters in the spring, when it
made only about $1.5 million in additional box office revenue.
After many years of reflection, Cimino's over-budget,
under-rated silver-screen epic has been re-evaluated as one of the
era's most indelible and beautiful works of filmic art, with stunning
camera work from legendary cinematographer Vilmos Zsigmond, great
actors (Jeff Bridges, Kris Kristofferson, John Hurt, French actress
Isabelle Huppert, Christopher Walken, and Sam Waterston, plus more),
and a stirring true-to-life story of the Johnson County Wars.
- in the opening set-piece prologue, swirling couples
danced to Strauss' Blue Danube waltz on the Harvard College
lawn (in Cambridge, MS) following graduation in 1870 - especially
the couple of privileged James Averill (Kris Kristofferson) and
his beautiful admirer (Roseanne Vela); the graduates listened to
Jim's upper-class, conservative orator friend Billy Irvine (John
- twenty years later in the early 1890s, the scene
shifted to the frontier, where the gorgeous cinematography by Vilmos
Zsigmond showcased panoramic views of Wyoming frontier landscapes;
his camera captured the beauty of a passenger train that was loaded
up with Central and Eastern European immigrants coming westward
to seek their fortunes by farming
- poor immigrant Michael Kovach (Aivars Smits) was
brutally killed as a suspected rustler and illegal butcherer of
cattle (necessary to feed his starving family) - leaving a round
shotgun blast hole in a sheet; the killer was viewed through the
hole - mercenary bounty-hunter Nathan Champion (Christopher Walken)
- he had been commissioned as a mercenary or "enforcer" working
for various cattlemen (who regularly suspected immigrants of rustling)
of the Stockgrowers Association; as he rode along the long, endless
line of migrants streaming toward Casper, WY, he swore: "Stupid.
Goddamn ignorant bastards. Go back to where you came from!"
- by now, the Harvard-educated James Averill (Kris
Kristofferson) had become a Sheriff out west, and was serving as
the US Federal Marshal of Johnson County (Wyoming); he was returning
by passenger train to Johnson County from St. Louis, bringing a
beautiful new Arabian horse and carriage for his girlfriend; at
the last train stop in Casper, Wyoming, he disembarked along with
thousands of immigrants who were riding atop the train
- Averill spoke to his friend - the Irish train
station master Cully (Richard Masur), conversing about the objectionable
overcrowding of the town and surrounding area, and the growing
violence against immigrants who were butchering steers: ("A citizen
steals to keep his family from starvin,' and they threaten him
off or kill him"); Averill also learned about a hired group
of gunslingers: ("a big mob from all over the northwest") brought
in to eliminate the immigrant threat, subsidized by the local Wyoming
Stockgrowers Association (a group of rich cattle ranchers and barons)
that objected to the rapid influx of settlers
- a nearby
board meeting of the Association in town - a
'gentlemen's club' - was headed up by villainous and
evil Frank Canton (Sam Waterston), who was preparing to gather together
a posse of hired mercenaries to
hunt down immigrants that only "pretend to be farmers"; to a large
group of well-dressed community leaders, Canton expressed his distaste
for the law-breaking migrants who were stealing cattle: "We know many
of them to be thieves and anarchists openly preying on our ranges";
in the gathered group, US Cavalry Major Wolcott (Ronnie Hawkins)
added his support for the radical plan to rid the county of migrants:
"They're an ignorant, degraded gang of paupers. Their only stock in trade consists
of having large numbers of ragged kids"; Canton took it upon himself
to establish vigilante law against the "thieves and anarchists": "Unenforced
law is an invitation to anarchy. Consequently, the Stockgrowers'
Association will now and publicly wipe out these thieves and anarchists"

Stockgrowers Association Head Frank Canton (Sam Waterston)

US Cavalry Major Wolcott (Ronnie Hawkins)

Billy Irvine's (John Hurt) Objection to the Association's Plan
- 50 gunmen were recruited and promised $5 a day and
$50 a head for every cattle thief that was shot or hanged; Canton's
plan was clear-cut: "We will go to Johnson County, we will depose
the incompetent civil authority there, and we will keep possession
of the town until we can take charge of the courts"; he also added that
the names of 125 small farmers had been compiled
on a 'death list' to be targeted
- in the audience was Sheriff Averill's friend from
Harvard, Billy Irvine, stood up and objected to the horrific plan:
"Gentlemen, to kill 125 people, all
at one time. Well, that'll only further prejudice public opinion
against ourselves. So I'm going to move that we stop , right here";
Canton reiterated that he had the full support of the top echelon
of leaders in the US government beginning with the state's governor:
"He asserted in the most positive terms his wholehearted support,
as well as that of the Senate and the House of Representatives and
the President of these United States. If we fail, the flag of the
United States fails"; a roll-call voice vote of all the members in
the room agreed to Canton's campaign
- moments later in the pool table area of the gentlemen's
club, Billy informed Sheriff Averill (who had been blackballed from
the Association long ago, but was "trespassing") about the Association's
deadly plans with a "death list"; Averill confronted Canton and entered
into an altercation with him - warning him (and his bounty hunters)
to stay out of Johnson County; they exchanged punches with each other
- that evening, Canton spoke to a gathering of men outside
the train station: "We plan to publicly wipe out 125 thieves,
anarchists and outlaws," and was recruiting for 25 more men to fulfill
his plan; they would be paid $5/day plus expenses and $50 for every
thief and anarchist shot or hung
- Sheriff Averill drove his carriage to the
small town of Sweetwater (in Johnson County) during construction
of the growing town; he arrived as the locals were betting on a cock
fight; Averill lived in a hotel managed by John Bridges (Jeff Bridges),
a local entrepreneur who had built the roller skating rink known
as "Heaven's Gate," and
was troubled by the increasing violence toward the town's immigrants;
when Averill informed him about the 125 names on the "death list,"
Bridges reacted: "That's almost everybody in the county. How can
people declare war on a whole county?...It's gettin' dangerous to
be poor in this country"
- Averill found romance on the Western frontier
of Wyoming with Ella Watson (Isabelle Huppert),
a young Johnson County bordello madam from Quebec; after Sheriff Averill arrived
back home, Ella served
him pie for breakfast while stripping down at the table; she tempted
him to hungrily follow her as she ran naked to the bedroom;
afterwards, he gave her birthday presents - a horse and a carriage
rig; shortly after she received the gifts, they rode to a beautiful
mountain stream where she went skinny-dipping in the refreshing water
before they picnicked together and she talked about their future
Bordello Madam Ella Watson In a Romance With Sheriff
Averill - Skinny-Dipping
- in the Heaven's Gate dance hall during a roller-skating
sequence, a young skating fiddler boy named John DeCory
(David Mansfield, the film's music composer) (credited as a Skating
Violinist) stirred up the audience by playing his violin-fiddle while
joining everyone in circling the ring
- tensions quickly developed in a love triangle in the
town of Sweetwater between Ella and her two deadly lovers: Sheriff
Jim Averill and Nathan Champion (who was one of Ella's paying customers);
Averill was notifed that Champion was murdering migrants in Sweetwater;
Averill confronted
Champion over his love of Ella and told him: "It's gettin' dangerous
here and I want Ella to leave"
The Love Triangle

Nathan Champion (Christopher Walken) with Ella

Ella Watson (Isabelle Huppert)

Sheriff Jim Averill (Kris Kristofferson)
- Averill became shocked when he was made aware that
Ella had been placed on the 'death list' for accepting cattle as
payment for her hookers ("she takes stolen cattle in payment for
carnal pleasures"); Averill took out his frustrations by punching
out Champion (found in the company of Ella), and then told Ella:
"The association's got a death list. And
your name's on it"; Ella tried to come between them and stop their
feuding, when Champion admitted that he had asked Ella to marry him,
and vowed to protect her: "I'm not gonna let anythin' happen to you.
I never have before"
- Ella spoke to Averill privately and contrasted the
difference between the two men: ("You buy me things. He asked me
to marry him"); Champion tried to divide Ella from Averill: "Jim
ain't your friend, Ella. He ain't nobody's friend. He'll quit anybody
if it suits him"; at his cabin, Champion showed off his wallpaper
to Ella as a way "to civilize the wilderness"
- Averill's train-station master friend Cully in Casper
attempted to ride on horseback to warn the settlers that
they were about to be attacked by a posse of cattlemen and gunslingers
led by Canton, that was heading their way on a train with the death
warrants, but he was murdered in the countryside before his warnings
could be delivered
- the migrants assembled for a community meeting inside
the "Heaven's Gate" skating arena where Sheriff Averill
warned: "There's an armed mob of paid men about to invade your county.
With the open threat to destroy the lives and property of your friends.
The Stockgrowers' Association has
the names of some of you people on the list. 125 names" - and he
began reading the names
- meanwhile, in a shocking
scene after Ella returned home from Champion's cabin, she found three
Association men awaiting her arrival; her prostitutes in the upstairs
had been beaten (or killed?), and she was forcibly raped by the men
for her role in accepting stolen cattle ("cash
or cattle") as payment for her prostitutes; Averill came upon
the scene and sought revenge by shooting and
killing all but one of the rapists; when Champion rode up a few moments
later, Averill reprimanded Champion for his wrongful association
with Canton: "Maybe you understand better the kind of people you're
workin' for now. The tragedy, Nate, is you people were in the right
- legally. But they just threw that away"
- an angered Champion rode off and entered Canton's camp tent where he shot
the remaining rapist Morrison (Jack Conley) in the forehead - and then
- with a change of heart - defied Canton's murderous plans: ("You'd better have
a guaranteed warrant for every name on that list...You people make me

Nathan Champion Challenging Canton: "You'd better have a guaranteed
warrant for every name on that list"

Villainous Frank Canton
- when Canton wouldn't back down to
Champion: "Let's
not have any last-minute sentimentalism about killing a few thieves
and anarchists," Champion challenged him to demonstrate that
he could still kill a man; Canton replied by bragging about his ancestry
and asserting that the killing of the immigrants was sanctioned by
the President himself: "My grandfather was the Secretary of
War to Harrison. His brother was a Governor of the State of New York.
My brother-in-law is the Secretary of State. And, to you, I represent
the full authority of the Government of the United States and the
President"; Champion wasn't interested: "F--k him too!";
Canton demanded total lawful obedience from Champion: "You were
hired to enforce the law. We are the law"; to prove himself,
Canton rushed outside to follow after Champion and to demonstrate
his steely resolve, he brutally and cold-bloodedly pulled the trigger
of his gun aimed at the head of a captured immigrant helplessly tied
to a wagon-wheel
- back in Ella's place, she and
Averill spoke about her "inconvenient" love for two men; Averill became
upset when Ella wouldn't heed his warnings to leave town, rationalizing
that she would have to give up everything: ("Everything I
have in the world is here. I can't just walk out and leave it");
he wished she would save herself and not worry about her things;
he called her a "dumb whore"; to
assure him of her love, Ella implied that she was Averill's girlfriend
and told him: "I never cheated on you. I always made Nate pay," but he remained upset
with her for not following his advice to leave, for 'playing' both
of them, and for capitulating to Nate's proposal of a
respectable marriage: "Well, you take it all. Both of you. It's more
your country than mine anyway. Goodbye, Ella"; he returned to his
room in town and got drunk
- in his room, when the drunken Averill refused to
be pressured by a group of merchants and storekeepers led by Mayor
Lezak (Paul Koslo) to assist the Association in rounding up the migrants
legally ("to offer to help turn in the people on the list"), Averill
was fired as Sheriff; he refused to be fired, but then quit voluntarily
- meanwhile in a fiery death scene, Champion (who had
been singled out by the Association) was killed in a barrage of gunfire
by evil leader Canton's hired guns, and suffered a 'last-stand' death
outside his interior wall-papered frontier cabin (set on fire) as he
emerged with guns blazing from the cabin; Champion had hastily hand-written
a farewell note to Ella - knowing that he would die
Mr. Eggleston (Brad Dourif)
Migrants Assembled With Arms to Fight
- at another community meeting of migrants in the roller
rink, pharmacist Mr. Eggleston (Brad Dourif),
the head of the Chamber of Commerce, inspired and urged the people
to fight back as a militia; Ella arrived and also warned of Canton's
impending plan of slaughter ("They're already here!"); the
settlers gathered together to arm themselves with shotguns and pitchforks
and ride off to confront the Association directly
- Ella raced over
to Averill's upstairs accommodations and told him of Champion's death;
he reacted with indifference: ("I'm not responsible.
He knew what was comin' and he made his own decision. And so did
you"), and he remained
in town, while Ella went to ride with the migrants
- during the final two-day bloody showdown (the last
30 minutes of the film) between the immigrants and the mercenaries
hired by Canton and the Association, there were heavy casualties
on both sides leading to a stalemate; Canton departed to seek support
from the US Army, leaving the command of the gunslingers to ex-Civil
War Major Wolcott (Ronnie Walker)

Ella Riding With the Migrants

Migrants Circling Canton's Men

Canton and His Men Firing Back at Attacking Migrants
- meanwhile, during a visit to Champion's
charred and smoking cabin, Ella and Averill (who had decided to join
the migrants) discovered Champion's corpse and his last words in the
letter to Ella: ("It don't look as if there's much chance of my getting
away. I hope they did not hurt Ella. The house is all fired.
Goodbye, Ella and Jim, if I never see you again. Nathan
D Champion")
- more intense fighting again erupted, as Averill taught
the immigrants the use of a very effective Roman
offensive maneuver (the use of mobile or wheeled barricades assembled
with horse-drawn carts and logs), plus the hurling of sticks of dynamite
to break through the Association's defenses - the tide of battle
was beginning to turn in the migrants' favor, when the US Army (led
by Canton) arrived to interrupt the field of battle and end the "anarchy"
in Johnson County after the slaughter was essentially over; Averill
realized that the arrest of the Association's mercenaries by the
military was merely a means to rescue them: ("Rescuin' was what you're
doin'"), and to protect them from future criminal and legal charges
The Settlers' Use of Wheeled Defensive Barricades
- at Ella's cabin with John Bridges, Sheriff Averill
and Ella were dressed in their finest clothes, ready to leave town
and Johnson County; as they prepared to leave in a carriage, they
were victims of a shocking, surprise ambush by Canton and his men;
both Ella and John Bridges were lethally wounded; Sheriff Averill
shot back and killed Canton and his men, but his lost love Ella died
in his arms (wearing a beautiful white dress)

Before Ambush (l to r): Bridges, Ella, and Sheriff at Ella's Cabin

Ella Dying in Sheriff Averill's Arms
- in the final almost wordless, despairing coda or
epilogue about a decade later, Averill now appeared miserable
and unemotional, quietly lost and adrift
in his recollections (about his lost love with Ella and the genocidal
massacre) as a rich yacht captain living on his steamer off Newport,
Rhode Island in 1903 with his middle-aged wife (his waltz partner
in the opening scene at Harvard, and the woman in the framed picture
he kept with him); the film's last words were her request of him:
"I'd like a cigarette" - and he obliged her

Harvard Grad in 1870 - James Averill (Kris Kristofferson)

The Harvard College Lawn Whirling Waltz - 1870
Immigrant Train Bringing Migrants to the Western Frontier
in the 1890s

Killing of Suspected Cattle Thief - Immigrant Michael
Kovach by Mercenary Bounty Hunter Nathan Champion (Christopher Walken)

Endless Line of Immigrants Streaming By Foot into Casper, Wyoming

Sheriff Jim Averill 20 Years Later in Casper, WY
with Train's Station Master Cully (Richard Masur)

The Bustling Western Town of Casper, Wyoming

Averill Confronting Canton in Club About "Death List"

Averill's Friend John Bridges (Jeff Bridges) in Sweetwater

Bordello Madam Ella Watson (Isabelle Huppert), Averill's Girlfriend in

Ella Receiving Sheriff's Gift of Horse and Carriage

Fiddler Boy John DeCory
(David Mansfield) During Roller-Skating Dance Scene in Heaven's
Gate Dance Hall

Sheriff Averill Confronting Champion Over the Killings and The Love of
Station Master Cully Murdered in the Countryside While
Attempting to Deliver a Warning to Settlers
In Heaven's Gate, Sheriff Averill Warned Settlers of
Upcoming Johnson County Wars

The Rape of Ella by Canton's Men for Accepting Cattle
as Payment for Her Prostitutes

Averill's Rescue of Ella and Repudiation of Champion

Averill's "Goodbye" To Ella Over Nate

Death of Nathan Champion by Canton's Men Outside His Torched

Champion's Dying Farewell Letter to Ella Discovered Later

Arrival of Canton with US Army Troops to Arrest Mercenaries

Epilogue in 1903: Sheriff Averill With Waltz Partner on
Private Steamer Yacht