High Sierra (1941)
In Raoul Walsh's landmark crime/gangster, proto-film
noir from Warner Bros. studios (with
a script by co-writer John Huston, adapted from the book by author
and co-scripter W. R. Burnett) - it was loosely remade by Walsh as
a western titled Colorado
Territory (1949) with Joel McCrea, and as director Stuart Heisler's I Died a Thousand
Times (1955) with Jack Palance; it marked the first lead role for 40 year-old Humphrey
Bogart who had been in dozens of 'B'-pictures since the early 1930s,
although he was second-billed behind 22 year-old co-star Ida Lupino.
Bogart's association with scripter John Huston (who soon transitioned to being
a director) led to six collaborations: The
Maltese Falcon (1941), Across the Pacific (1942), The
Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948), Key
Largo (1948), The African Queen (1951),
and Beat the Devil (1953).
The crime story was also a character study about
a newly-released, aging, notorious gangster named Roy Earle,
a hardened but noble outlaw-criminal (modeled after real-life gangster
John Dillinger) who was pressured to conduct one final heist, who also
exhibited pathos and a soft-heart when he fell in love with two women.
Released in 1941 when the nation was on the verge of entering a deadly
war beyond its shores, it portrayed a man also at a crossroads in his
- the opening title credits scrolled upward from
the bottom of the screen, and curved against backdrops of the towering
Sierra Nevada Mountains
- an executive order was signed "PARDON" by
the Illinois State Governor in 1932, to release aging, graying ex-con,
Chicago-bred gangster Roy Earle (Humphrey Bogart) from Mossmoor Prison after serving
time for eight years as a bank robber; the "desperado's" release
was pre-arranged by gangster Big Mac (Donald MacBride) who paid off
the Governor; outside the prison gates with his newfound freedom,
Earle's first wish was to walk to the nearby park to sit on a bench
and take in nature: "Just
as soon as I make sure that grass is still green and trees are still
The Pardon and Release of Aging Roy Earle From
Prison After 8 Years
- Earle was informed by crooked ex-copper Jack Kranmer
(Barton MacLane) that he was to meet up with Big Mac as soon as
possible in California; he was provided with a car (with Illinois
plates) and some money for his travels; Earle was told that he
was deeply indebted to the gangster for springing him from jail;
the plan for payback was the genre's proverbial 'one last job'
- to orchestrate a major heist of a swanky resort hotel in Tropico
Springs, California out west: ("Mac
wants you to start to California right away. That car downstairs
is yours. Here's the keys. Now here's your route and some dough.
The sooner you get out there, the better...Tropico Springs, well
it's a resort town. It's the richest little town in the world,
they call it. And a hotel there gets all the top sugar. You're
gonna knock it off...Mac spent a fortune springin' you. You're
workin' for him now. He calls the tune, and you dance to it");
Earle resented being ordered around, dressed down Kranmer with
two slaps, and promptly left
- at the start of Roy's cross-country
drive to California in a 1937 Plymouth Deluxe Coupe, he briefly
went eastward and stopped in at the old Earle farm homestead near
Brookfield, Indiana, where he nostalgically spoke to the farmer
(Erville Alderson) and his young son (Gerald Mackey) who was going
fishing; when recognized by the farmer ("Why,
you're Roy Earle, the bandit!"), Earle quickly drove off
- soon Earle was crossing the California-Nevada state
line, and nearly ran into another car when
a jack-rabbit jumped into the two-lane road; shortly later, he
would again cross paths with the Okie family; at a gas station
in the desert as he filled up, he marveled as the
attendant described the distant, mirage-like Sierra Nevada Mountains: "You're
looking at the pride of the Sierras. Mount Whitney, the highest
peak in the United States. 14,501 feet above sea level"
- the car involved in the near-accident earlier drove
into the gas station where Roy officially met destitute, down-on-his-luck
grandfather Pa Goodhue (Henry Travers), his wife Ma (Elisabeth
Risdon), and their young granddaughter Velma Goodhue (Joan Leslie); Pa had lost his farm in Ohio and they
were on their way to Los Angeles to live with Velma's married mother
Mabel, who was married to Carl
- at an abandoned, remote logging camp in the Sierra
Nevadas with rustic log cabins, known as Shaw's Camp, Roy first
asked for information from an offensively-portrayed, lazy black
"Sambo" character known as Algernon (Willie Best); Cabin # 11 had
been reserved for Earle

Algernon (Willie Best)

Marie Garson (Ida Lupino)

'Red' Hattery (Arthur Kennedy)

'Babe' Kozak (Alan Curtis)
- outside Cabin # 12, Earle met
up with two inexperienced, incompetent amateur cons 'Red' Hattery
(Arthur Kennedy) and 'Babe' Kozak (Alan Curtis), and Babe's new feisty
girlfriend Marie Garson (Ida Lupino), an ex- taxi Los Angeles dance-hall
girl (from "a dime-a-dance joint") whom Babe had just picked up; Earle
was reluctant and uneasy about keeping the "dame" and ordered 'Red'
to send her back to LA: ("Give her some dough and send her back"); a
third individual named Louis Mendoza (Cornel Wilde), who worked as
a Tropico Hotel clerk, was their inside man; the plan was
a jewel heist in the hotel at Tropico Springs, when the hotel was busy
and "there'll be plenty of rocks in the strongboxes then"
- as the two punks (Earle called them "jitterbugs")
bickered amongst themselves and squabbled over Marie, reflecting
younger versions of the impulsive Earle himself, Marie pled her
case to Earle to justifiably remain as his reliable and useful informant;
she told Earle that their inside man Mendoza
was the one to worry about: "He talks too much, and all he does is
brag"; Earle agreed: "Let things stay as they are for a few days
and see how it works out"
- Marie seemed to fall hard for Roy (she
brought him a breakfast tray on his first morning at the camp) although
he remained skeptical; Roy took more of a liking
to a rogue, mongrel dog named Pard (Zero, Bogart's real-life mutt)
and adopted him, although Algernon informed him about the bad luck
suffered by Pard's previous owners who suffered premature deaths (a foreshadowing)
- over breakfast with
Marie, Earle revealed his nihilistic view of life in prison, where
he had been sent for life, and he sometimes considered committing suicide
- as others had - by jumping off a building to his death; he told how
he was in the midst of an escape plan when pardoned: ("I was always
thinkin' about a crash-out"); Marie
agreed with his fatalistic chances - for her own life: "You
always hope you can get out. That sort of keeps ya goin'"
- the shady, sweating Louis Mendoza arrived with a map
of the hotel's layout; the group contemplated making their getaway
after the heist by crossing the Sierras to get to Los Angeles; Earle
was handed a machine-gun case, and recalled a bank "job" ten years
earlier in Iowa, when one of the gang members who squealed exhibited
the "shakes": ("This guy with the shakes had talked too much and
a bunch of coppers were waitin' for us down at the bank"); looking
straight at Mendoza without blinking, while leaning on the gun case,
Earle clearly was hinting and warning that Mendoza better not talk,
or otherwise he would end up dead like the previous rat (he tapped
three times on the table to suggest three lethal gun shots): "We
don't want no slip-ups, Mendoza"
- on his way to Los Angeles to meet up with Big Mac,
Earle briefly detoured to case the Tropico Hotel in Tropico Springs;
he grabbed a tennis-racket as part of his disguise, and again conveyed
his deep distrust of Mendoza who was working at the hotel's front
desk; after leaving the hotel, Earle drove up to the scene of a minor
car accident in the local town of Tropico Springs, involving the
Goodhue family; recognized as a intimidating "wise guy" gangster,
Earle defensively interceded on Pa's behalf: ("These people ain't
got any dough. They're on their way to LA and that car's all they
got") and ably scared off Pfiffer (George Meeker) who decided not
to press charges; the driver even offered $100 to the Goodhues; Roy
noticed for the first time that Velma was a "cripple" - club-footed,
disabled, and limping
- that evening at Brown's Motor Court where the Goodhue
family spent the night, Pa admitted to Earle that Velma was driving
and had distractedly caused the accident; Roy began to develop a
touching relationship with Velma when he marveled with her at the
stars and planets in the sky: "It's always like this
out in the desert. You see that bright, blue star up there? Look
at it sparkle. And look. You see that other one?...Now, that's Jupiter...You
see different stars at different times. They change with the seasons.
Now, look. You see that one twinkling over there? Well, that's Venus....You
know, sometimes, when you're out in the night and you look up at the
stars, you can almost feel the motion of the Earth. It's like a little
ball that's turning through the night, with us hanging on to it";
Velma responded: "Why, that sounds like poetry, Roy. It's pretty"
- later that evening in Los Angeles, Roy
met with the terminally-ill, heavy-drinking Big Mac in his posh apartment,
under the care of defrocked mob doctor, 'Doc' Banton (Henry Hull);
after Roy thanked him ("Thanks for the spring. I was just getting
ready for another crash-out"), Roy mentioned to Big Mac that the
job should go smoothly: ("If the boys don't blow up on me, it's a
cinch"), and Roy promised after the caper to bring him the jewels,
if his "screwball" cohorts didn't mess up; the two commiserated together
over changing times, and too many young amateurs: "Young twerps,
soda jerkers and jitterbugs. Why, it's a relief just to talk to a
guy like you. Yeah, all the A-one guys are gone. Dead or in Alcatraz.
If I only had four guys like you, Roy, this knock-over would be a
waltz. Yep, times have sure changed"; Roy heartily agreed: "Sometimes
I feel like I don't know what it's all about anymore. Yeah, times
have sure changed"
- due to their relationship and Roy's attempt at a
fresh rebirth and the correction of flaws, the decent-minded Roy gallantly
offered to pay for surgery to fix Velma's disability, by arranging
the $400 dollar operation with 'Doc' Banton (using the
alias 'Parker'); Earle was warned and tipped off by Pa that Velma
had a fella back home in Ohio: ("His name's Preiser. He's about 30
years old and already divorced. He's doing good in the insurance
business, but it didn't look right - a divorced man running around
with a crippled girl, so Ma and me brings Velma out here to her mother"),
but Roy unwisely disregarded the news
- 'Doc' Benton also advised Roy against helping Velma,
since as a long-time criminal, he was fated to die: "She's not
your kind and you know it. And she's gonna throw an awful fit when
she finds out what kind of a guy you really are....You may catch
lead any minute. What you need is a fast-steppin' young filly you
can keep up with. Remember what Johnny Dillinger said about guys
like you and him? He said you were just rushin' toward death. Yeah,
that's it. Just rushin' toward death"
- back in the mountain cabin, Marie told Roy that she
was being fought over; she had been hit twice and bruised in the
face by her misogynistic and crazed 'boyfriend' Babe, who also hit
Red with a poker and knocked him out; Red was planning to vengefully
shoot Babe; Roy confronted Red and disarmed him; then
armed with Red's gun, Roy confronted both men; he slugged Babe with
the gun, in Marie's presence, and threatened to get rid of both of
them if they didn't obey him: "If I was you, I'd beat it and quick,
both of you....I'll shoot the first one that don't do as I tell 'em"
- for her own protection, Marie asked to move into Earle's
Cabin #11; he threatened to send her back to Los Angeles (or her
hometown of San Francisco) the next day; overnight, Marie
overheard Roy in his nightmarish sleep murmuring about 'crashing-out'
- the next morning, Marie compared her escape from the
city (and her abusive and drunk father) to Roy's release from prison:
("Remember what you were saying the other day about prison and the
way you kept from going crazy by thinking all the time about a crash-out?
Well, that's the way it's been with me. I've been tryin' to crash
out ever since I can remember....I waited for my chance, and I beat
it. I crashed out, just like you did"), but she now realized that
her 'crash-out' from the dance-hall with Babe was a very bad decision:
("I thought Babe was a right guy...So I had nothing to go by, till
I met you"); she tearfully begged him to not be taken
back to LA; Roy agreed but stipulated that he had no special feelings
for her - due to his blind love for Velma: "I got plans, see. And
there's no room in them for you. You couldn't never mean nothin'
to me. Nothin' special, that is. You know what I mean?"
- Roy took Marie (and Pard) with him on a drive to LA;
on his own, he visited the Goodhues family and Velma ("a mighty
pretty girl"); while briefly visiting the
post-surgical, recovering Velma after her successful
operation, he proposed ("I'd sure like to marry ya"), but she stated
that she had feelings for her 30 year-old boyfriend-fiancee back
East and was "crazy about him"; she
rejected his marriage proposal: ("But we can still be friends, though,
can't we, Roy?"), and he felt heartbroken and betrayed; Velma told
her Pa: "I don't love Roy, Pa"
- back at the cabin with Marie, Roy received a coded
telegram from Mendoza that the heist would be that night at
the Tropico Hotel; as the criminals drove to the hotel in two separate
cars, Roy relented and let Pard into his car with Marie, although
he groused: "Starting out on a caper with a woman and a dog"
- at 1:40 am, the robbery began after the safe was opened
behind the front desk and the guests' hotel boxes were broken into;
Marie served as a lookout outside in a vehicle, and alerted the
gang to the approach of a security watchman-officer-guard (William
Gould); in the front lobby, the heist unraveled when Roy was forced
to shoot and kill the guard in self-defense; as the group fled, Mendoza
begged to be taken along: "You've got to take me. I never thought
we'd shoot somebody!"; the gang split up - Roy drove off to Los Angeles with the jewels accompanied
by Marie and Pard, while the three partners (Red, Babe and
Mendoza) were on their way to take the "dough" back to the cabin;
Roy and Marie watched as the other car took a wrong turn, went off the
road and overturned in a fiery crash; it was presumed that all three
died; Roy delivered their epitaph: "Smalltimers for small jobs. They
lost their heads. This one was just too big"
- by dawn, Marie and Roy pulled to the side of the
road; she promised to stay with him wherever he was going: "I'm going with
you," but Roy didn't want to involve her in any more trouble: "You
stick around with me, you'll never be in anything but trouble"; however,
she was adamant: "Look, Roy, no matter what happens, I'm sticking
with you"
- in LA at Big Mac's apartment, Roy was informed
by ex-cop Kranmer that Mendoza had survived the crash, but that the two
others (unidentified) were dead; in the inner bedroom, Big Mac was
found dead of a heart attack in his sleep; Kranmer
was suddenly greedy and wanted to fence the jewels and get rich:
("a chance of a lifetime"); Kranmer
attempted to steal the jewels at gunpoint,
but Earle shot him dead; Roy took a bullet in his side during
the altercation and sought treatment by 'Doc' Banton
- afterwards, the wounded Roy had Marie drive him to
Velma's place to visit with her one final time to see her walk in
the film's most heartbreaking scene - she was dancing in the company
of her divorcee-fiancee Lon Preiser (John Eldredge) and another couple; unexpectedly,
Marie entered (with Pard) and sized up Velma, wondering what Earle
ever saw in her
Velma and Marie Sizing Each Other Up
- Lon offered to reimburse Roy for the operation: ("I
ought to pay you back. After all, it's a lot of money"), but
Roy flatly refused: "Forget it. Think nothin' of it"; Velma encouraged him: "But I'd
like you to take it, Roy. After all, Lon and I are going to be married
very soon, and he can afford it easily"; Roy
was crushed and angry at the disliked Lon: ("Yeah, that's swell...I
don't like you. I don't like the way you talk, and I don't like your
friends. I don't like to think of her being married to ya"); Velma
cruelly solidified her breakup with Roy - repelled by him as her suitor: "You
haven't got any right to say such things. Lon's gonna be my husband,
and I love him. And you're just jealous and mean because I don't want
you. 'Cause I never wanted you"
- in Santa Monica, CA with Art (Robert Strange), Roy fenced off the jewels (except
for one ring) for $200, but the full payoff would have to come later,
since a reorganization of the criminal syndicate was in progress
after Big Mac's death
- once Roy returned to the car, he put the engagement
ring on Marie's left hand (she moved it to her ring-finger) and semi-proposed; the
two began to contemplate a future together, but Roy knew the
walls were closing in on him; hiding out in a small Palmville
motel (on Rte. 395 north of LA), the Circle Auto Court, he became
irritated when the Los Angeles Tribune newspaper headline read: "$10,000 REWARD FOR
TROPICO GUNMAN"; Marie worried that Pard might bring them bad luck,
as Algernon had claimed, although Roy thought it was just "malarkey";
Roy suggested a quick way to end their flight: "You ought to turn
me in and live easy for the rest of your life"
- after Roy heard that his cut of the fenced jewels
was now available, he became optimistic (he hugged Marie), and they
began packing to leave, without knowing that the day's Los
Angeles Star paper splashed a headline: "GUNMAN KNOWN! - Earle Killed Kranmer in L.A.
After Tropico Job" and a full-page photo adding the moniker "Mad
- Roy realized that the Circle Auto Court motel owner-caretaker
(Arthur Aylesworth) had identified him and his dog from his photo
and wanted to collect the reward; Mendoza had undoubtedly "squawked";
he locked the man in their room's closet after knocking him out;
he was aggravated that he had been given a nickname: "Them newspaper
rats!"; to save Marie from being labeled a "killer,"
Earle ordered her to be safely parked elsewhere (as they had agreed),
and said goodbye to her as she boarded a bus to Las Vegas to be out
of harm's way, carrying Pard in a wicker basket
- in the film's conclusion, the world-weary Earle became
the target of a suspenseful manhunt after robbing a druggist (Harry
Hayden) for cash in a Fairmount Drug Store; he faced a roadblock
set up near Lone Pine, CA (on Rte. 395) and had to change direction;
he was faced with driving high up on a single-lane dirt road into
the Sierra Nevada Mountains (in view of Mt. Whitney); it was a high-speed
car chase on winding dirt roads next to sharp cliffs, followed by
a police pursuit; he had to abandon his car
at a road closure sign, and then climbed up the steep, rocky mountainous
terrain before his doomed last stand; Roy fired a machine-gun at the
police as they tried to assault him
- after hearing about the manhunt on the radio following a five-hour siege, Marie
departed from the bus and made her way into the mountains to reunite
with Roy; a radio announcer (Sam Hayes) was emotionally-dramatizing
the events at the scene: "Any minute now, it may be curtains for
Roy Earle....One is awe-stricken by the gruesomeness of this rendezvous
with death....The stern-faced officers involved waiting for the kill,
and up above, a defiant gangster from a simple farm on the flats
of Indiana, about to be killed on the site of the highest mountain
peak in the United States"
- Marie was identified as Roy's "female companion" with his dog (in a basket);
as the second day of the search commenced, Marie refused the authorities'
demand to call out to Earle to lure and bring him out into the open
during the pursuit: ("No, I won't....I won't, I tell you... He's gonna die anyway, he'd rather
it was this way. Go on, kill him! All of you. Kill him, kill him,
do you hear?")
- Earle was given one "last chance" to surrender,
as Pard began running up the steep cliff to be with him; Earle replied: "That's
what you say, copper!" He wrote a note on a piece of paper with
the head of a bullet, to be read after his death: "To the coppers
- Looks like curtains, so this note goes in my pocket. If you guys
ever find Marie, I swear she was never in any hold-up or shooting.
I am the one"
- a sniper-marksman (Buster
Wiles) from high above shot Earle when the fugitive heard barking
from his mongrel dog; he stood up in the open and impulsively called out "Marie!" -
and was shot by the sniper's bullet from behind; Marie screamed from
down below; after Earle's body rolled down the steep rocky cliff,
his dog Pard licked his hand
- uncaring officer
Healy (Jerome Cowan) sarcastically gave Earle a nickname: "Big
shot Earle. Well, well. Look at him lying there. He ain't much now,
is he?"; kneeling
and weeping as she knelt over Earle, Marie asked
Healy about Earle's term 'crash-out': "Mister, what does it mean
when a man crashes out?"; Healy wondered about the phrase, then
responded: "Crashes
out? That's a funny question for you to ask now, sister. It means
he's free"; as she picked up Pard and was escorted away, Marie
sadly repeated the words: "Free, free " -
questioning Roy's tragic and unnecessary heroic death, his dashed dreams
and his loss of redemption, but finding some comfort in it
- in the final, blurry fadeout, Marie's tear-stained
face filled the frame before a pan up to the mountains
Sniper-Marksman (Buster Wiles) Above Earle
Marie Screaming At the Moment of Earle's Death
Pard Licking Earle's Hand
Marie Lamenting Earle's Death

After His Release, Earle Was Given Instructions by Ex-Cop Jack Kranmer (Barton MacLane)

Earle's First View of the Distant Slopes of the Sierra Nevada Mtns.

The Down-on-Their-Luck Okie Family - the Goodhues

Earle's Adopted Mongrel Dog Pard (Zero)

Marie Sharing Earle's Fatalistic View of Life

Earle to Marie: "I was always thinkin' about a crash-out"

The Inside Man: Louis Mendoza (Cornel Wilde)

The Tropico Hotel's Layout

Earle's Deadly Warning to Mendoza About a Previous "Rat"
Earle Falling in Love with Young, Club-Footed Velma
(Joan Leslie) - Marveling at the Stars Together

Terminally-Sick Gangster-Boss Big Mac (Donald MacBride)

Mobster 'Doc' Banton (Henry Hull)

Marie Listening to Roy's Nightmares about "Crashing-Out"

Sharing Life's Similarities, Marie told Roy: "I crashed-out just
like you did!"

Roy's Denial of "Special Feelings" for Marie

On a Drive to LA - With Pard and Marie

In LA, Earle With Recuperating Velma After Surgery:
"I'd sure like to marry ya"

Velma to her Pa: "I don't love Roy, Pa"

The Tense Heist at the Hotel
Gang Members Before a Fiery Car Crash

Marie to Roy: "I'm sticking with you"
Marie Driving Wounded Roy with Pard to Visit Velma One Final Time

Earle Meeting Velma's Boyfriend-Fiancee Lon (John Eldredge)
After the Surgery

"Mad Dog" Earle Newspaper Headline

The Last Moment of Hope for Marie and Roy

Marie at the Stand-Off in the Mountains
Earle Standing Up and Calling Out "Marie!" After Hearing
Pard's Barking

Healy (Jerome Cowan): "Big shot Earle!"