Inglourious Basterds (2009)
In writer/director Quentin Tarantino's bloody, WWII
war-time revenge fantasy and adventure film about the end of the
Third Reich:
- "The Basterds" - a commando team of eight
Jewish-American soldiers led by redneck Lieutenant Aldo "The
Apache" Raine (Brad Pitt), who went on a hunt for Nazi scalps
- the farmhouse scene in which SS Colonel Hans Landa
(Christoph Waltz), with the unofficial title "The Jew Hunter," spoke
to pipe-smoking French dairy farmer Perrier LaPadite (Denis Menochet)
about his goal of searching for Jews, suspecting that the farmer
was sheltering enemies of the state by hiding the Jewish Dreyfus
family somewhere on his property: ("...a German soldier conducts
a search of a house suspected of hiding Jews. Where does the hawk
look? He looks in the barn, he looks in the attic, he looks in
the cellar, he looks everywhere he would hide, but there's
so many places it would never occur to a hawk to hide. However,
the reason the Führer's brought me off my Alps in Austria
and placed me in French cow country today is because it does occur
to me. Because I'm aware what tremendous feats human beings are
capable of once they abandon dignity")
Farmhouse Scene
- during the premiere of famed German army sniper-turned-actor
Fredrick Zoller's (Daniel Brühl) Nazi propaganda film - Stolz
der Nation (The Nation's Pride) in refugee Shosanna Dreyfus' (Mélanie
Laurent) Parisian cinema house, the gunning down of Adolf Hitler (Martin
Wuttke) in attendance;
she was seeking revenge
on the sadistic Landa and other Nazis; two of the Basterds submachine-gunned
both Hitler and Joseph Goebbels (Sylvester Groth) and others before
the whole structure was blown up with dynamite - killing everyone
- due to a previous underhanded
deal to save his life, the notorious villain Landa had been provided
safe passage by Raine, although
"The Apache's" final act was to brand Landa's forehead
with a carved swastika "masterpiece", using his own customized
Bowie knife

"The Basterds"

Lt. Aldo "The Apache" Raine (Brad Pitt)

Gunning Down of Hitler in Cinema House

Raine Carving Swastika Into Landa's Forehead