Daybreak (1939, Fr.) (aka Le Jour
Se Lève)
In Marcel Carné's psychological, noirish
melo-dramatic romance film of impending doom - it was one of the great
works of 1930s poetic realist cinema (a precursor to film noir); it
was banned by the Vichy government in France
after its theatrical release (at the start of the war), for its dark
and demoralizing pessimism and political commentary; its flashback
structure and shadowy cinematography had enormous influence on Orson
Welles (Citizen Kane (1941)) and future
film noirs such as Detour
(1945); the acting by Jean Gabin provided a model for future method
actors such as Marlon Brando, James Dean, and Montgomery Clift; it
was remade by RKO as director Anatole Litvak's The
Long Night (1947) with
Henry Fonda.
- the story was about being caught in a deadly love
quadrangle (two intersecting love triangles) that had developed between
the four main characters:
François (Jean Gabin) - a hard-working French
foundry factory worker (a sandblaster) in ill-health, living in a
drab, seedy and oppressive one-room attic apartment at the top of a
six-story building
- M. Valentin (Jules Berry) - a cruel dog trainer
who performed in a vaudevillian nightclub act; he was revealed to be
a sinister, manipulative, and dishonest womanizing cad
- Françoise (Jacqueline Laurent) - a young and naive florist shopgirl
looking for romance
- Clara (Arletty), an attractive, mature and worldly-wise
female who had worked for three years as Valentin's dog-show assistant
- the
film's opening (behind closed doors, off-screen): in a jealous rage in
his apartment, François gunned
down and murdered the Machiavellian Valentin, who emerged
from the apartment and tumbled down the stairs dead; the body was
discovered by a blindman (Georges Douking) who couldn't understand
what had happened; afterwards, François refused to open his
door to speak to investigating police - he scared them away by shooting
through his door, and then emerged briefly with his gun; the desperate
and doomed working-class man decided to lock and barricade himself
inside (surrounded by police awaiting daybreak with the building
under siege)
- through a series of slow dissolves
as he awaited dawn during a sleepless night while chain-smoking and
awaiting his fate, he experienced three flashbacks to recall and reflect
upon why he was led to murder; the three flashbacks of memories were
interwoven with three efforts of the police to assault and surround
the building; the first flashback was prefaced by snipers shooting
from rooftops at François'
- First Flashback:
At his work place, he had met Françoise
delivering flowers to the assistant manager's wife. He told her: "You
look pretty with your flowers. Like a little tree." She was
an orphan like himself - and they had similar names ("We've
the same name and come from the same place"); he noted that it
was St. Francis Day - after which they were both named
Françoise (Jacqueline Laurent) Meeting François
at His Workplace For the First Time
- François quickly fell in love with her within
three weeks and expressed marital interest; he was impressed in her
bedroom when he saw postcards postmarked from the Riviera and a strip
of photographs taken of him; she talked about
her dreams about magical places like the Riviera (and Nice), to escape
from the drabness of everyday life: ("The
sun shines and there are flowers even in winter"); because of
his poor status in life, François
could only offer her a bicycle and strolls in the countryside to pick
lilacs at Easter time
- she denied him permission to spend the
night (suspiciously she had just ironed a collar for
her special dress) because of an "appointment"; to appease
him, the demure young girl gave him her one-eared teddy bear as a keepsake
that he then attached to his bike; afterwards he secretly followed
her as she walked into town to watch a dog show performance by the
older, sleazy showman Valentin at a music hall nightclub, a man whose
spell had seemed to overcome and enthrall her
Valentin Performing on Stage During His Dog Show
- With Assistant Clara
Clara At the Bar with François
- at the nightclub's bar during
the dog show, François
casually met Valentin's dog show assistant Clara, who had just left
the stage mid-show; the disgruntled assistant had decided to immediately
quit for mistreatment and for Valentin's weaving of a spell over her,
and she was expressing happiness with her newfound freedom: "The
swine. Women are fools but I top the lot. I must have bats in the belfry
to stay 3 years with him...How that man can talk. He has a way of using
his hands, as though he kept his spell up his sleeve. He can talk you
into anything. Take the Riviera for instance. He starts talking about
it and you're right there. That's how he got me - with mimosa"
- François suddenly realized that the seductive
and jaded Valentin was exploitatively weaving his same spell over
the unsophisticated and guileless Françoise;
the sexually-provocative and flirtatious Clara came onto François,
telling him she already liked him; after Valentin's show, the two watched
as the dog showman escorted Françoise out the front door of
the cabaret, but then returned to speak to Clara, who gave him her
official resignation: ("I'm
through. The act's over for me"); François backed up her
decision - the first flashback ended
- Second Flashback:
About two months later, it appeared that the embittered François
had become very involved with Clara and was possibly having a casual
sexual relationship with her; in a scene when he stopped by at her
place, Clara emerged naked from the shower - she nuzzled next to him
and described his sight-seeing visit: ("like a tourist")
- and their relationship was non-committal: ("You promised nothing
and I asked for nothing...Call that a love life?")
- in a bedroom scene when she
complained about being alone at night, he described how his worker
status and continual life of drudgery didn't allow for nightly sentimental
romance: "Love life indeed. You’re
silly. That's all right in books, for chaps with nothing to do. But
I slave away all day. I need my sleep at night. But during the day,
it depends. Sunday morning, for instance."
- the two were interrupted by
the unexpected drop-in arrival of Valentin who proclaimed that he
was an uncommitted romantic who - as an intellectual and upper-class
educated man - could live a life of seducing and abandoning females:
a nomad, here today gone tomorrow")
- in a nearby bar where François and Valentin
retreated, the manipulative, "muddle-headed,"
and dishonest showman made the dubious, absurd and creepy claim that
Françoise was his long-lost daughter; he vowed it was his duty
and responsibility to be interested in "the child's happiness," and
that François should cease his relationship with her ("You
have no money, no future, and bad health. You have an unhealthy job");
however, François continued to date Françoise in a chaste
- during the sequence of their visit to her florist's
lush and abundant greenhouse, she stated emphatically that Valentin
was not her father: ("He
loves making up stories"); she
affirmed to François:
"I won't see him again if you want," and François reciprocally
promised to break off with Clara: ("And I won't see Clara again")
- and they kissed; as she reclined back, he expressed his love for her
and how they could be truly happy together, but also how weary, unlucky,
and terrible his life had been: “Unemployment,
lousy jobs - the jobs I've had to do!. All kinds of jobs, but all the
same. Spraying paint, red lead - that's bad for you, too. It's like sandblasting.
After a bit, I had to give up. Things were going badly. I set up on my
own. It's like waiting for a tram in the rain. It doesn't stop - it's
full up. And so is the second and third. You stand there, waiting like
a fool. But now, I've got you"; she told him
that she loved him too, and gave him a ceramic brooch as a keepsake
- in the next scene when he broke the news
of his love for Françoise
to Clara, she stoically and cooly accepted his decision; she described
how Valentin had been a despicable and cruel animal trainer - and
at times had trained his animals by torturing them with a red-hot
iron: "He's
rotten. Like a bruised fruit. He knows it. So he hurts others, as consolation.
He destroyed something in me, too"; she
knowingly showed him a collection of identical cheap brooches that
Valentin had given her over time - and to other conquered women: ("All
his mistresses get one - she has one too, hasn't she?") - they
were similar to the one Françoise had just given to him as a
token of their love - the second flashback ended
- in anger and frustration, François
opened his upper-floor window and yelled at the blood-lusting
crowd of onlookers on the street below (some of whom regarded him
as crazy, or alternatively as a hero): "I'm
a murderer, yes! But killers can be met in any street, everywhere!
Everyone kills, everyone! Only they kill by degrees, so it's not included.
Like the sand that gets into you! Beat it! Go home and read about it
in the papers!...All I ask is to be left in peace!"; some of
his co-workers and Françoise begged for him to surrender (and
then fainted), but he ignored their pleas; the crowds were ordered
to disband and leave the square by reinforcements of police officers
- Third Flashback:
The final confrontation between Valentin and
François occurred in his
apartment just before the murder; the despicable
and "revolting" Valentin
complained of François' meddling in his affair with Françoise,
but all François wanted to do was go to bed (he wound and
set his alarm clock) and not argue anymore; to taunt him further,
Valentin derogatorily referred to François as essentially
an ignorant "manual
laborer," and then brandished a gun that he had only contemplated
using; he admitted he was a "joke" and a "rotter," and
then sarcastically called François trusting in contrast: "You're
honest, straightforward, and trusting. What a fine thing trust is";
Valentin also made fun of Françoise' gift of a
teddy bear to him (with the brooch trinket pinned onto its chest),
and intimated that the simple-minded laborer had been blinded by love;
the lecherous Valentin also inferred that he had manipulated the
youthful and naive Françoise
into having sex - and was about to describe the details: "It's
funny how simple people get strange ideas about women. Love, romance,
of course they love you. it's wonderful to be in love, eh? They don't
love me, but I attract them. That's the whole secret. And as I attracted
her, she and I - Silly of me, I adore youth! Interested? Like to hear
more?"; exasperated with the slimy con artist
Valentin who had undoubtedly used 'magic tricks' to exploit her romantic
fantasies, François
shot him once in the abdomen. The third flashback ended.
- François
was unaware that Françoise
(who had fallen in the street and injured her head) was being cared
for by Clara in her apartment; she seemed deliriously confused but
affirmed her loving commitment to François, and forgave him
for loving Clara: "I
shouldn't have said I loved him. He's changed, he's not the same. We
love each other....He doesn't love Clara, that's all. He can't help
not loving her. You love me, François"; Clara wept quietly
at the window as she looked out at the 6th story window nearby
- in the
end sequence, it appeared that the police were about to throw tear
gas through his window from the roof; however, before they could,
the despairing François
felt his heart with his fingers, aimed his gun at his chest, and
suicidally fired; dead on the floor, the police's tear gas filled his
apartment as his alarm clock ironically rang
Death of Valentin Outside François' Apartment
François (Jean Gabin)
François In Love with Françoise
Clara Emerged Naked From the Shower

A Casual Romance
Bedroom Scene: François with Clara
Valentin's Dubious Claim - Françoise Was His Daughter
The Greenhouse Scene: Françoise with François
The Final Confrontation Between François and Valentin
The Murder of Valentin by François
Françoise's Delirious Confessions to Clara
François' Suicide