Juarez (1939)
In director William Dieterle's historical biopic drama
about Napoleon's attempts to establish a foothold in Mexico in the
- the regal scene of the arrival of idealistic Archduke
- Emperor Maximilian von Habsburg (Brian Aherne) and his ambitious
Empress wife Carlota (Bette Davis) in Mexico, after being appointed
by French leader Napoleon III (Claude Rains) to lead the country
in the mid-19th century as a puppet leader; the pair sensed danger
(there were no crowds of supporters) as their carriage drove them
from the ship: (Maximilian: "Since we set foot off the ship,
I have felt myself surrounded by mystery as though everything we
looked at possessed some hidden meaning" Carlota: "It
has touched me too, Max. It has made me apprehensive at having
urged you so much toward this undertaking")
- the character of native Mexican President Benito Pablo
Juarez (Paul Muni), the elected leader, and his patriotic leadership
of the resistance efforts against the French
- the well-acted sequence of power-hungry Carlota's
angry and fiery outburst at Napoleon for setting up her husband for
failure in Mexico - and her accusation that Bonaparte was a murderer:
("More than an empire is in danger. My husband's life. And knowing
this, you could abandon him? Answer me, sire!...Was it you or your
ministers who conceived the plan to mask your infamies behind my
husband's noble name? Who tricked him into accepting the throne by
means of a pretended plebiscite? Who assured him of French troops
and French funds until the day that the Empire of Mexico could take
her place among other nations? Answer me, sire!"); he briefly
answered: ("It is useless, Madame. Not another franc. Not another
man. We are through with Mexico"); she snarled back: ("What
else might a Hapsburg have expected from the word of a bourgeois
Bonaparte? You charlatan! But you will not dare let him die! I will
denounce you in every court in Europe for what you will be: a murderer!
A murderer!"); and then when she collapsed to the floor and
was offered water to drink from a glass, she crazily accused Bonaparte
of poisoning her ("You're trying to poison me!"), and ran
away (disappearing in total darkness); subsequently, she suffered
a nervous breakdown
Carlota's Outburst at Napoleon (Claude Rains):
"You charlatan!"
- the ending sequence of the trial, sentencing, and
guilty verdict for Maximilian, who was to die by firing squad;
as he was led to his execution, he spoke: ("Distribute this
money among your men, Captain. Ask them to aim at my heart");
a white dove flew off after a loud volley of gunfire from the firing
- the conclusion in which re-established President Juarez
walked to view the corpse and coffin of Maximilian lying in-state
on an altar in an ornate cathedral, after the European puppet leader's
execution and death; Benito uttered the film's final line of dialogue:
("Forgive me")
Newly-Appointed Emperor Maximilian With Empress Wife Carlota
Arrival in Mexico - in Carriage
Mexican President Juarez (Paul Muni)
Maximilian's Execution: "Distribute this money among
your men, Captain..."

President Juarez:
"Forgive me"