The Ladykillers (1955, UK)
In director Alexander Mackendrick's and one of Ealing
Studio's best slapstick farces - this post-war, black comedy and
crime-caper story received an Academy Award nomination for Best Original
Screenplay; the brisk and comically-macabre British film functioned
as a satire of the contemporary heist film (including The
Asphalt Jungle (1950) and shortly later Kubrick's The
Killing (1956)), in its tale of a formidable old
lady who repeatedly and unwittingly foiled the plans of a group
of criminals; it was unsuccessfully remade by the Coen Brothers as The
Ladykillers (2004) starring Tom Hanks:
- the film opened in the 1950s with a view of an
Edwardian estate situated in a cul-de-sac, and constructed over
the entrance to a railway tunnel at King's Cross station in London;
the home's resident-owner - sweet-natured,
loveable, harmless, very-proper, elderly and widowed Mrs. Louisa Wilberforce
(Katie Johnson), was known to have a wild and
strange imagination; as she often did, the eccentric,
doddering old lady often reported her unbelievable
suspicions to the local police station's Superintendent (Jack Warner);
there, she was treated humorously and with great tolerance because
she had often filed specious reports (i.e., the fantasy sighting of
a spaceship witnessed by her friend Amelia in her garden that was actually
only a dream: "She never saw it in the first place...the whole
thing was just a dream")
- as she returned to her home, where she
lived alone with her three pet parrots (General
Gordon, Admiral Beatty, and Mildred), she inquired about whether
there were any responses to her "rooms-to-let' advertisement;
she was stalked and followed - shown by a shadowy silhouette -
by a sinister, shaggy-haired, ghoulish, toothy and duplicitous
mastermind named Marcus (Alec Guinness), posing as a "Professor"
Sinister Entrance of "Professor" Marcus (Alec Guinness)

Silhouetted Figure Looking at 'Rooms-to-Let' Advertisement

Shadowy Figure at Mrs. Wilberforce's Front Door

The 'Professor': "I understand you have rooms
to let"
- at her door, he showed an interest in renting
her two-room apartment in the rear of her well-positioned but dilapidated
house with windows; she explained how the house was lopsided "because
of the subsidence...from the bombing"; to appeal to her to accept his offer, he deceptively
told the naive octogenarian that he was a member of an amateur
string quintet that needed to practice and rehearse classical music
- in fact, the string quintet was composed of
Marcus' foursome gang of bumbling, odd-ball criminal
thieves - they were representative caricatures of five troubled
groups in society following the war: the corrupt political class
of leaders, the violent and uneducated working class, the delinquent
youth, the degenerate military class, and the distrusted, mysterious
and shady foreign-immigrant
- in addition to 'Professor' Marcus, the other four
gang-members included drunken, dumb and brainless, beefy ex-boxer
(palooka) 'One-Round'/Mr. Lawson (Danny Green), the spiffy, but
jittery, pudgy, pompadour-haired, Cockney petty black marketeer
and Teddy Boy wanna-be Harry/Mr. Robinson (Peter Sellers), gentlemanly,
stuffy ex-military con-man Claude/Major Courtney (Cecil Parker),
and the cruel and cold hearted, temperamental, smooth and suave,
untrusting black-clad, Italian-esque gangster-assassin Louis/Mr.
Harvey (Herbert Lom)
- to be believable and go unnoticed, the gang members
each carried musical instrument cases, and played LPs of classical
recordings behind their closed door to fool their landlady (who was
nicknamed Mrs. Lopsided by 'One-Round'); the LP records were of
Luigi Boccherini's Minuet in E Major, and Joseph Haydn's Serenade for Strings
Op. 3 No. 5
- the gang's objective was to plan and stage a robbery
of an armored and secure bank van that regularly delivered funds
in shiny stainless steel boxes to the nearby railway station; afterwards,
the group planned to store the heist-money (£60,000) on the
platform at King's Cross station; and then the innocent-looking
Mrs. Wilberforce would be assigned to pick up the "lolly" (loot);
the "Professor" cased the station's regular deliveries and took
photographs to plan the heist
- meanwhile, the members of the gang (mostly Louis)
were becoming exasperated with the frequent but innocent meddlings
and interruptions by Mrs. Wilberforce: "Tea, coffee, mend the plumbing,
give the parrot his medicine"; even Mrs. Wilberforce admitted:
"I feel I'm being such a bother"
- the heist itself went smoothly - the van was hijacked,
and four steel boxes with the bank money were placed inside a larger
trunk, and then driven back to the King's Cross station and deposited
on the train platform; Mrs. Wilberforce had been instructed to
arrive by taxi to pick up the trunk arriving from Cambridge for
Professor Marcus
- the transport of the money
didn't proceed well (and caused consternation amongst the gang members
who observed from a nearby red telephone booth and automobile)
- Mrs. W. forgot her long-hated umbrella and immediately returned
to the station, and then on the way home, she stopped her taxi
and reprimanded a Barrow Boy (Frankie Howerd) with an open cart
load of fruit and vegetables when she believed he was mistreating
a junk man's cart horse that was eating much of his produce
- during
a chaotic, full-scale argument, the Barrow Boy's cart was overturned
before his horse ran off, and the junk cart was destroyed; the
trunk carrying the money was abandoned on the street by the upset
cabby (after his cab was vandalized); later, Mrs. Wilberforce
and the trunk with the loot were miraculously delivered by the
unwitting and cooperative local police to her house
(Harry: "The bogies brought it home for her")

Delivery of Trunk to Mrs. W's House by the Police

The Four Steel Cases of Stolen Banknotes Opened Up by Gang
- the robbers were in the process of leaving the house
as Mrs. Wilberforce was bidding them farewell; she inadvertently
witnessed 'One-Round' accidentally spill the
contents of his cello case (filled with banknotes), when his case's
strap became stuck in the front door; her inopportune discovery
of the money caused the gang members to return to the house to
try to cover up their mistake and provide an alibi
- at the same time, a group of her geriatric
friends arrived at the house for tea, including Amelia (Evelyn
Kerry), Constance (Phoebe Hodgson), Lettice (Edie Martin) and Hypatia
Burls); it soon became clear that the members of the musical quintet
were implicated as the bank robbers by the day's newspaper headlines:
terrible robbery at King's Cross station at 1:00 o'clock this afternoon");
Mrs. Wilberforce expressed her righteous indignation to Professor
Marcus: ("I
am shocked by this revelation. Shocked and appalled"); embarrassed
and humiliated by the revelation in front of her friends who were
having tea in the sitting room, Mrs. W. chided the men: "Simply
try for one hour to behave like gentlemen"
- once the ladies left after a sing-a-long with the
men, the group attempted to argue with Mrs. Wilberforce
to ignore the crime; first, they reasoned that the robbery was
victimless - the money was insured by the bank and there would
be no great loss for the bank ("Nobody wants the money back....So
how much real harm have we done anybody?"); a second ploy to justify
the crime was to seek pity and sympathy by relating a tragic story
about the Major's elderly and invalid mother
- finally, the 'Professor' and Harry attempted to
convince her and remind her, through blackmail, that she was just
as implicated as they all were - as an accomplice: ("I'm afraid
the police are after you too. You're as hot as the rest of us,
mum...The job was planned in her house and she carried the lolly
for us"); they even threatened that she
would be 'grilled' with 'rubber hoses,' and have to serve her time
sewing mailbags (while her parrots would be uncared for): "You
don't want to rot in stir the rest of your life"
- when she couldn't be fully persuaded, she insisted
that the money must be returned ("Surely you don't intend to take
the money. Surely we must send back the money. I agree that we
must stay low and and buttoned up. It wouldn't be right to keep
the money"), and suggested immediately going to the police station
to turn herself in

"I would rather, rather go to the police station,
and give myself up"

Drawing Matchsticks to Determine Mrs. W's Killer
- the desperate criminals decided she must be eliminated, and have her death look
like an accident or a suicide by hanging: (hence the film's title "The
Ladykillers"); then, matchsticks
were used to draw lots to determine who would kill her - won by
the Major - who wished to avoid his prescribed duty at all costs
- in the fllm's denouement, the plot to kill Mrs.
W. quickly went awry - one by one, all of the criminals turned
their frustrated hatred towards themselves; all of them were eliminated
as they tried to betray, double-cross, and fool each other
- (1) the Major tried to flee with all
the banknotes and fell to his death from the roof after being chased
by Louis, (2) upset and wrongly believing that Harry had
killed the old lady (who was actually only sleeping) and run off
with the money, One-Round chased him down ("You done her!")
and vengefully killed him by striking him with a wooden fence post,
(3) in a failed attempt to gun-down both Louis and 'Professor'
Marcus, Louis killed One-Round (whose gun misfired
with the safety catch on), and (4) during a stand-off between Professor
Marcus and Louis, Marcus caused Louis'
steel ladder to be dislodged from the side of the bridge
to drop him into the path of a passing steam train below pulling
open cart-wagons
- Professor Marcus made sure that there was no evidence
of the pile-up of dead bodies; each one was disposed of by being
taken away in a wheelbarrow, and then dropped from a railway
bridge into the open carts of passing steam trains
- before Louis' demise as they were dumping 'One-Round's'
corpse off the bridge into an open train wagon below, ' Professor'
Marcus described to him how formidable Mrs. W. turned out
to be - as a tribute: "I've worked on so many plans, and they
were all good, but this was the best. Except for the Human Element.
All good plans include the Human Element, but then, I admit you
were right. No really good plan could include Mrs. Wilberforce,
unless, of course, we had more men. There were only five of us....But
it would take 20 or 30 or 40, perhaps, to deal with her, because
we'll never be able to kill her, Louis. She'll always be with us,
forever and ever and ever. And there's nothing we can do"
- immediately after Louis' death, the sole-surviving
Professor Marcus was unexpectedly hit in the head by the arm of an activated
railway signal, and fell dead into another of the open train wagon-carts
- in the film's brief denouement, the sole beneficiary
of the money was now Mrs. Wilberforce, who then ventured to her
local police station to responsibly report the robbery to Sergeant
Harris (Philip Stainton) and the Superintendent: ("It's
true I carried the lolly, but I wasn't really one of the gang.
I admit the caper was planned in my house, but it wasn't I who
planned it...I have all the money back at the house. You see, I
took charge of it. And they were so alarmed, they simply disappeared")
- her tale was too unbelievable to be taken seriously - was everything
this time also only a fanciful dream?
- to her astonishment, she was told to just keep the
alleged money: ("We
want you to oblige us, by forgetting all about the matter. And
don't mention it to anyone....I think as far as we're concerned,
Ma'am, why don't you just keep the money?"); she took the
opportunity to abandon her detested umbrella because she could
now splurge on a new one - ("No, I
don't think I want it. I never liked it. Now I can buy a dozen new
Mrs. Wilberforce Reporting the Robbery at the Local
Police Station

Rejecting Her Left-Behind Umbrella

A Startled Beggar on Street
- during her return home, she
gave a startled, starving artist a generously-large denomination
bank-note that he at first protested

Mrs. Wilberforce's House - In Cul-de-Sac Above Railway Tracks Leading to

Mrs. Wilberforce (Katie Johnson)

Claude/Major Courtney (Cecil Parker)

'One-Round'/Mr. Lawson (Danny Green)

Louis/Mr. Harvey (Herbert Lom)

Harry/Mr. Robinson (Peter Sellers)

Five Gang Members Plotting Robbery

Pretending to Be Musicians

Heist Plan: Mrs. W. Picking Up the Trunk From Station

Mrs. W. Calmly Sitting in Taxi Cab (Carrying Trunk of Money)

At the Front Door, 'One-Round's' Cello Case with Spilled Banknotes

Newspaper Headlines: "£60,000 BANK VAN RAID"

The Gang Trying to Persuade Mrs. W. That She Was an Accomplice to their Crime

The Major - The First To Be Eliminated (A Fall From the Roof)

The 'Professor' and 'One-Round' Dumping the Major's Corpse Onto a Passing Steam
Train Below

'One-Round" Misfiring With a Gun (with the Safety Catch on)

'Professor' Marcus Speech: "...Except for the Human Element..."