The Love Bug (1968)
In Disney's very popular and charming family comedy
film (Walt's last live-action film!) about a remarkable 1963 fabric-topped,
white-colored VW Beetle - the first in a series of remakes and a
TV series, including four full-length feature film sequels (with
the car's name "Herbie"): Herbie Rides Again (1974), Herbie
Goes to Monte Carlo (1977), Herbie Goes Bananas (1980),
and the remake Herbie: Fully Loaded (2005) (starring Lindsay
Lohan, Michael Keaton, and Matt Dillon):
- the film's tagline, reflecting the late 60s and
Herbie's anthropomorphic abilities: "It's a Love-in for Herbie...
the incredible little car who shifts for himself!"
- the early scene of a used VW's (later named Herbie)
first appearance in the car showroom of an upscale European car dealership,
owned by British race driver Peter Thorndyke (David Tomlinson), with
his attractive sales assistant/secretary Carole Bennett (Michele
Lee); customer Jim Douglas (Dean Jones) admitted that he was looking
for "cheap, honest transportation"; Herbie affectionately
bumped Jim the leg, but Thorndyke despised the low-cost car - he
kicked the car, called it an "eyesore,"
and ordered it removed
- the discovery of Herbie parked outside the lodgings
on San Francisco Bay of unlucky, bachelor race-car driver Jim the
morning after he had visited Thorndyke's car dealership; the car
had driven itself to Jim's home; Jim's eccentric mechanic friend
and roommate Tennessee Steinmetz (Buddy Hackett) called the car "a
cute little fella"; Jim asked: "How did that little car
get here?" - nonetheless, he was suspected of "grand theft" and
was obligated to return Herbie to the dealership
- the scene of Jim's test drive with Carole to check
out the car's driveability; when Jim took over the driving, the car
demonstrated its speed and magical trick capabilities; the car refused
to let Carole out of the car, forced them to have a date, and drove
the couple to a drive-in; Carole was locked into the car and shouted
for help from some hippies in a nearby psychedelic van: "Help,
I'm a prisoner, I can't get out"; one of the hippies (Dean Jones
in disguise) replied: "We all prisoners, chickie-baby. We all
locked in (he turned to his partner) A couple of weirdos, Guinevere!";
when Carole tried to get out the driver's side, she ended up in Jim's
lap, and the loud-mouthed drive-in carhop (Iris Adrian) cautioned
them: "Hey, knock it off, will ya, Sis; I ain't sayin' this
is the classiest joint in town, but we gotta draw the line somewhere.
Come on, back in your seat. Why don't you go up to Seabreeze Point?
Fuzz don't bother ya much up there"
"I'm a prisoner"
"We all prisoners"
Drive-In Car Hop: "Knock it off, will ya,
- Jim's praise to Tennessee about the "something
special" Herbie: "This baby happens to have an extra
turn of speed which is the only thing I care about....I may be
kidding myself, but I think I can make something out of that sad
bucket of bolts"
- the budding romance between Carole and Jim - encouraged
by Herbie
- Herbie's jealousy and anger over Jim's acquisition
of a new Lamborghini 400GT in exchange for Herbie; and Herbie's suicidal
threat to drive off the Golden Gate Bridge
Herbie's Suicidal Threat To Drive Off The Golden
Gate Bridge
- the iconic scene of Herbie skipping or skimming
across the surface of a body of water during a race
- the subsequent races at California raceways between
Thorndyke and Jim's "Herbie" - to win the VW back, culminating
in a major race known as the "El Dorado" (traveling round-trip
from Yosemite in California to Virginia City in Nevada); in the climactic
race to the finish-line, Herbie split and elongated his body into
two and was able to be victorious - taking both 1st and 3rd places
- the happy ending - a wedding and honeymoon for Carole
and Jim (chauffeured and driven in the back seat by Herbie); when
Tennessee asked where the couple was going, Jim answered: "We
don't know. Herb hasn't told us yet. Let's go, Herbie"
Car Dealership Owner Peter Thorndyke
(David Tomlinson)
Thorndyke's Sales Assistant Carole (Michele Lee)

"Love Bug" (Herbie) Nudging Jim's Legs in Showroom
Thorndyke Kicking The VW and Considering it an "Eyesore"
Speedy Test Drive
Jim with Friend/Mechanic Tennessee
Herbie Skimming Over Surface of a Lake
Herbie's Car Races
Enroute to Honeymoon