Minority Report (2002)
In director Steven Spielberg's futuristic, who-dun-it
sci-fi, action and detective crime-thriller (and innocent man-on-the-run
chase film) that also presented the philosophical debate between
fate and free will - it was based on the 1956 short story of the
same name by Philip K. Dick (with a screenplay by Scott Frank and
Jon Cohen). The film was successful financially and critically, with
one Academy Award nomination (Best Sound Editing), and on a budget
of $102 million, it brought in revenue of $132 million (domestic)
and $358.3 million (worldwide).
The film's major concept was that advanced
Precrime law enforcement with its headquarters in Washington, DC
was in effect in the dystopian year of 2054; using three psychic 'precogs'
lying in flotation tanks with their brains wire-connected to computers,
they helped to pre-visualize, forecast or envision future heinous
crimes (in order to prevent their occurrence). The complete irony
and twist in the film's conclusion was that the Pre-crime's corrupt
founder, although minimizing murders, had been upholding and reinforcing
the deeply flawed division by his own ruthless and diabolical murderous
impulses. Another
of the tech noir film's incredible production design elements was the
prescient idea that hologram-advertisements flashed in shopping malls
that were specially-tailored to each person due to casual, public
retinal scanning and tracking.
- in the film's opening set in the DC headquarters
of the prototypical Department of Pre-crime - in the year 2054,
predictions or prophesies were being delivered by 'pre-cogs' who
were submerged in water, including from a very fragile and talented
female Pre-cog named Agatha (Samantha Morton) and two twin boys
Arthur and Dashiell (Michael and Matthew Dickman); the pre-cogs
were able to see impending future murders and help deter crime
(however, they could not see assaults, rapes, or suicides)
- the first images of the film were of the latest
double homicide murder prediction by the pre-cog 'surrogate detective'
Agatha, with one word: "MURDER"; the
creation of a "red ball" from her machine indicated that
her vision was of a 'crime of passion' that was not pre-meditated;
the two Victims were identified as Sarah Marks (Ashley Crow) and
Donald Dubin (Joel Gretsch), and the Perpetrator was Howard Marks (Arye Gross)
- once he arrived for work in his high-tech office
at the Dept. of Pre-crime, competent and ambitious DC lead enforcement
officer-cop John Anderton (Tom Cruise) was
notified by African-American co-worker Jad Watson (Steve Harris) of
the most recent pre-crime that had identified both the Perpetrator
and the two Victims; it was specified that the
murder would occur 24 minutes into the future at 8:04 am
- Anderton inserted a small disc into a high-tech
Pre-vision player to screen the technological projection of the
murder on a Pre-vision screen and interface system; with a special
eyepiece and finger gloves, he used mid-air gesture controls (similar
to a symphony conductor) to manipulate and interact with the flashing
computer images of the Pre-cogs fragmentary visions, to try and
locate where the murder was going to happen

Pre-Crime Cop John Anderton (Tom Cruise)
At a Pre-vision Computer, Anderton Used Gesture
Controls to Manipulate the Images and Gather Information
- during the technological projection of the murder,
Anderton watched as the suspect husband Howard Marks spoke to his
wife Sarah in the kitchen of their suburban DC brownstone; he
had just surveilled a suspicious individual in the park across
the street as he picked up his newspaper, then entered his kitchen
where his wife was cooking breakfast while their son (Andrew Sandler)
was using a pair of scissors at the table to cut out eye holes
in a picture of Abraham Lincoln's face to create a mask for a school

US Dept. of Justice Agent Danny Witwer (Colin Farrell) Observing
the Pre-crime Division

Pre-crime Cop Gordon "Fletch" Fletcher
(Neal McDonough) Explaining Pre-crime Concepts to Agent Witwer
- in the midst of frantic efforts to detect the location
of the Marks' home and prevent the crime before it occurred, fastidious
and observant US Dept. of Justice agent Danny Witwer (Colin Farrell)
was taking a tour of the facility while in the midst of conducting
a division-wide audit of the Pre-crime Department before it was
to be voted upon, to decide whether it should be spread nationwide;
he was present in the room and watching Anderton; it was explained
to him by another Pre-crime cop Gordon "Fletch" Fletcher
(Neal McDonough) that although Pre-cogs could normally predict
crimes 4 days in advance, a non-premeditated "crime of passion" (marked
with the "red ball") was much more challenging, and usually
couldn't provide sufficient lead time to apprehend the criminal
- once Anderton determined the location of the murder
itself - in a brownstone home across from Barnaby Woods Park in
Georgetown (identified by its unique merry-go-round in the play
area), he had only 10 minutes left to get to the crime's location
with his team; they donned their uniforms, entered a hovership
to take them there, and then once they arrived, they would have
to trace the exact location of the assailant
The Prevention of the Pre-vision Murder in the Marks'

Hovership Landing in Georgetown Area Park

Howard Confronting Wife and Dubin in Bed

Anderton Preventing the Stabbing Murder
- after leaving the house, husband Howard Marks stood
behind a tree and watched as the individual
named Donald Dubin from the park entered his house to have sex
with his adulterous wife Sarah in the upstairs bedroom; he
grabbed the pair of scissors from the kitchen table and proceeded
to the upstairs bedroom to sit next to the bed; behind him, the
cheating pair entered and flopped onto the bed and began to have sex
- Anderton and his
team of cops arrived at the park and with just about a minute to
spare, determined the suspect's specific lookalike brownstone house
(with an ajar front door), entered the home, and stopped Marks
from committing a "future
murder"; the other Pre-Crime cops descended from the Hovership
and dropped straight into the upper bedroom from the overhead skylight
to assist; Marks was positively identified by an iris scan and promptly
arrested, and a metal halo was placed on his head
- back at the HQs, Witwer noticed that the "Pre-cogs" in
their flotation tanks were seen flinching in reaction to the actual
murder, although it was explained by Jad that they were only experiencing "Pre-cog deja
vu" or an "echo" image and
that the murder had indeed been prevented; Jad ordered the erasure
of the false incoming data [Note: This provided a crucial clue
for a later development in the film.]
- a public service announcement with testimonials
about the benefits of Pre-crime was projected on
large screens throughout DC one dark rainy night as Anderton
jogged by; the PSA touted its early successes in its first six
years: ("Imagine a world without murder. Just 6 years ago,
the homicidal rate in this country had reached epidemic proportions.
It seemed that only a miracle could stop the bloodshed, but instead
of one miracle, we were given three - the pre-cognitives. Within
just one month under the Pre-crime program, the murder rate in
the District of Columbia was reduced 90 percent...Within a year,
Pre-crime effectively stopped murder in our nation's capital...and
now Pre-crime can work for you "); the visuals promoted voting
"Yes" on the National Pre-crime Initiative on Tuesday,
April 22nd to expand the division nationwide; part of the PSA featured
the department's founder Lamar Burgess
(Max von Sydow) who boasted about how Pre-crime for six years had
prevented all murders after the department had been created and how
he was very proud of its legacy
- during his run, Anderton was stopped by a voice from the dark shadows, from his blind drug
dealer Lycon (David Stifel) - with blank eye sockets, who offered
him a "new and improved kind of Clarity" - a futuristic escapist
drug; Anderton bought some tiny black inhalers as Lycon wished
him: "Sweet dreams, Chief...In the land of the blind, the one eyed-man is King"
Pictures of Anderton's Past Life Before His Son Sean
Was Kidnapped and Murdered
- Anderton returned in his hovercar to his futuristic,
unkempt apartment where he lived alone; framed pictures were displayed
of him with his son Sean along a counter; he deposited some of
his drug inhalers in the kitchen, then placed his gun under his
pillow; next to his bed was another picture of his son with newspaper
clippings, revealing he had been collecting articles about hopeful
cases of kidnapped or missing children who had been returned home
unharmed, often after a few years in captivity; he perused an accordian-filing
system of catalogued home discs-videos of his family life, with
chronologically-ordered labels such as Sean at Home Playing with
Toys, Sean's 4th and 5th Birthdays, Sean
at the Beach, Sean and Lara, and Christmas 53; he picked out one
old video disc to plug into his computer as he chugged directly
from a box of Pine & Oats cereal
3-D Holographic Images of His Past Family Life With
a Wife and Son
- as he took a hit from one of his black inhalers
of the hallucinogenic illegal substance, he watched huge 3-D holographic
projected images of his son Sean from the "Sean at the Beach" disc,
and advised his boy to keep his knees up: "See, you're a natural
runner...you gotta keep running...I think you'll beat me someday,
I think you'll beat everyone some day"; secondly, he played
the disc labeled "Lara and John" - a record of his filming of his wife Lara Clarke
(Kathryn Morris) who was flirtatiously wearing a white coat over
a flimsy negligee and asking him to put the camera down: ("Put
the camera down or you're not getting anything tonight") -
the file abruptly ended
- without exposition, Anderton was revealed to
be psychologically-depressed and grieving the loss of his family
life, and he appeared deeply haunted by his past; living alone
in his apartment (without Lara or his son Sean), he was suffering
from drug addiction (to a futuristic escapist drug such as "New
Clarity" that he had recently bought), and was medicating
himself and wallowing in mental distress
by watching old home videos-movies of his family life; he was also
still obsessively searching for clues to solve his
son's kidnapping-murder
- at work in the HQs of the Pre-crime unit the next
morning, after an eye-scan at the front door's entrance cleared
him, Anderton met with the charming and respectable director of
the Pre-crime unit - his paternalistic
boss Lamar Burgess, who was worried that Pre-crime's future was
in jeopardy in one week's time, due to a "vote on whether
or not what we've been doing down here has been some noble-minded
enterprise or a chance to change the way this country fights crime";
the suspicious Burgess urged Anderton to "watch this Danny
who was conducting an audit and working in advance
of a decision about whether the division would be expanded or not;
he feared that Witwer could endanger the program's future, and
added: "If there's any problem, make sure we know about it
- in another part of the building, DOJ agent Witwer
was discussing the premise behind Pre-crime
with Jad, Fletcher and Knott (Patrick Kilpatrick) and asking questions;
Witwer stated how predictive technologies were either inaccurate
or unlawful, and was skeptical that Pre-cogs were never wrong about
the future; he was openly suspicious of the whole theory behind
the organization - the idea that the free will of individuals was
actually predictable and could be predetermined and anticipated,
including the arrest of individuals before they had broken any
laws: ("We are arresting individuals who've broken no law....
It's not the future if you stop it, isn't that a fundamental paradox?");
he also asked about "false positives" (an intention to
kill someone, for example); Anderton entered the conversation and
answered his question: ("The
Pre-cogs don't see what you intend to do, only what you will do");
Fletcher then added that as a result, they could not see rapes,
assaults or suicides
- Witwer was disallowed from taking a tour of the
Pre-cog tank environment (known as the Temple); the area was considered
off-limits to the Pre-crime cops: ("We keep strict separation
so that no one can be accused of tampering"); however, Witwer
produced a search warrant issued by the Attorney General to allow
entrance; Anderton and three other Pre-crime cops accompanied Witwer
into the Temple area where the Pre-cogs were in flotation tanks,
and they met their Caretaker, Norbert "Wally" Wallace
(Daniel London); Wally explained that the three Pre-Cogs were sleeping
and suspended while floating in photon milk that acted as both
a nutrient supply and a liquid conductor, to make their transmitted
images stronger ("We see what they see")
- Witwer mentioned to Anderton how he believed that
their pre-cognition was miraculous, in that they were godlike and
could change destiny: ("Science
has stolen most of our miracles. In a way, they give us of hope
of the existence of the divine. I find it interesting that some people
have begun to deify the Pre-cogs"),
although Anderton defended the process as purely scientific: ("Pre-cogs
are pattern recognition filters, that's all"); before leaving,
Witwer agreed that the system was "perfect" since there
hadn't been a murder in six years, but that he was looking instead
for any human flaws: "Perfect.
I agree. But if there's a flaw, it's human. It always is"
- left alone with the Pre-cogs, Anderton waved his
hand above Pre-cog Agatha, and she suddenly lunged at him and
grabbed his arm, pulled him closer to cling to him, and asked directly
into his ear: "Can you see?"; as he looked up at the
ceiling's video screen, he saw projected images of a
nightmarish pre-vision memory-recording of a murder; a masked individual
attacked a woman in a wooded area, and attempted to drown her
in a body of water; Wally was understandably shaken by the incident,
and hypothesized: "Sometimes they dream about the old murders"
The Pre-Vision Memory Agatha Shared with Anderton
- A White Woman Being Drowned by a Masked Man
- to learn more about how the Pre-crime division
and the organization functioned, the curious Anderton met with
Gideon (Tim Blake Nelson) who served as the facility's prison guard
"sentry" in the main control center of the Department of
Containment located in the basement; Gideon was responsible for watching
over the arrested pre-crime prisoners; he was seated before a
large pipe organ playing music to relax them
- Anderton asked Gideon for help in further investigating
and identifying the attempted drowning murder of a female Caucasian
he had just witnessed on the ceiling with Agatha; Gideon played
back recordings of 'murders by drowning' and Anderton found one
that matched; Gideon described it as one of the department's
earliest and oldest cases: ("She's a golden oldie, one of
our first, probably before your time"); they viewed the "official
composite of the three precogs...a combined data stream based
on all three previsions"
- in the facility, Gideon revealed that the incarcerated,
inert and detained (and electrically comatose) "haloed" pre-criminals
(BEFORE they had committed any crimes) were locked up in vertical
floating capsules; he pushed a button and the prisoners' pods
rose up around the perimeter of the platform of the Control Center;
Gideon noted: "And to think they'd all be out there killing people
if it wasn't for you"
Prisoners Were Comatose and Placed
in Vertical Floating Capsules in the Department of Containment
- Gideon focused in on one capsule - the one of the
pre-murderer of neuroin-addicted mother Anne
Lively (Jessica Harper) at Roland Lake; he noted that the killer
was labeled as an unknown "John Doe" who was never identified;
as with all prisoners, each one was positioned in front of a screen
that continuously played the Precog's pre-vision of the murder
for which they had been convicted; Anderton realized that John
Doe's screen was playing the same video of the drowning woman he
had seen with Agatha; Anderton asked why the prisoner hadn't been
ID'd from the eye scan; Gideon explained that the prisoner had
swapped out his eyes to fool the scanners

The Pre-Murderer of Anne Lively

Gideon Looking Up Information on Anne Lively - It was MISSING

Gideon to Anderton: "Careful, Chief. You dig up the past,
all you get is dirty"
- when Gideon went searching for just Agatha's pre-vision,
it was revealed that there was no data stream
in Agatha's premonition about the murder:
("Huh?! We don't seem to have her data"); it was very
unusual that of the three Pre-cogs, Agatha's pre-vision was the
only one that was missing, and he speculated: "It's probably
just a glitch"; Anderton learned that the intended victim Anne
had entered rehab to rehabilitate and reform herself at the Beaton
Clinic from her neuroin addition, but there was no further information
about her whereabouts after her death had been prevented - the
file read MISSING; Anderton took an illegal copy of the machine's
video data file about the Lively case with him (although it was
against the rules); Gideon warned: "Careful, Chief. You dig
up the past, all you get is dirty"
- in Burgess' home, Anderton questioned Lamar
about the missing Anne Lively data; Burgess diverted
the discussion to his concern about Anderton's hinted-at drug habit
and use (and his suspicious late night jogs), and his
ex-wife Lara's concerns about him; and then, he stressed his
primary interest in maintaining control of the division once it went
national; he mentioned that if the department had been active
at the time of his son Sean's disappearance, the boy would have been
saved, and Anderton's personal pain wouldn't have occurred: ("My
father once said to me: 'You don't choose the things you believe
in. They choose you'. There's a reason you're here, John. Had Pre-crime
been in place just six months earlier, the loss you and Lara suffered
would have been prevented"); Anderton vowed to his mentor: "They're
not gonna take it away from us. I won't let them"
- Anderton was unaware that Witwer
was searching his apartment and found evidence of his inhalers and
drug usage; when he returned to the office, the
next Pre-crime revealed by Agatha in the analytical room was signaled
by a "brown ball" dropping
from the machine (meaning it was pre-meditated); in front of his
visualizing computer screen, Anderton gathered Agatha's pre-vision
data about the violent murder of Leo Crow (Mike Binder) in 36
hours; he saw a tall building, an old lady smoking a pipe,
and a "third party" man wearing
sunglasses just outside a window; he was
completely stunned to see himself as the next predicted murderer
- a major plot twist; he was forecast to commit the future killing
of someone he hadn't even met; he frantically and repeatedly watched
Pre-vision footage of his gunshot that propelled Crow out the skyscraper
window: ("Goodbye, Crow!")
- before he fled from the facility and an alarm
sounded, Anderton shared an elevator ride with Witwer who claimed
Anderton was in a lot of "trouble" - he threatened Anderton
with the loss of his job and six months in jail for possession
of drugs (the "flaw" in the system); after being "tagged" by
the Pre-cogs, as Anderton drove off from the HQs building, he phoned
Burgess to accuse Witwer of framing him for the crime; Burgess
pleaded ignorance, and urged Anderton to not flee, but Anderton
ignored the advice, broke out of his locked-down, mag-lev vehicle,
and escaped by jumping from one vehicle on the smoothly-flowing
highway to another; he made a suicidal leap into a building and
crashed into a room with contortionists doing exercises; Anderton
also traversed through a shopping mall's lobby with billboard-sized
holographic visual ads that identified him by name, and took a
Metro train, alerting surveillance authorities and the Precrime
officers to his whereabouts
Anderton's Stroll Through a Mall,
With Customized Ads Tailored to Him Due to Retinal Scans
- during Anderton's dramatic manhunt-chase and flight
from Pre-crime officers in hoversuits, including Fletcher with Witwer,
when told to halt as he exited the Metro, Anderton ran off, and
when surrounded, he told Fletcher: "Everybody
runs, Fletch!" as the officers with "vomit sticks" and
non-lethal sonic blast guns approached to "halo" him;
he escaped up a fire escape on the side of a brick apartment building,
fought off pursuit on the side of the building, and flew off by
hanging onto the back of officer Knott's hoversuit while managing
its controls; after crashing into several occupied apartment dwellings,
he knocked out Knott and eventually ended up
in an industrial warehouse - an automated Lexus assembly plant;
he was pursued by a second group of officers led by Witwer, and
after a dangerous, one-on-one fist-fight against Witwer amidst
moving pieces of laser welding equipment, Anderton was able to
get away by driving off in a sleek red Lexus 2054 EV fresh off
the assembly line
- Anderton drove out of the
city to the rural Maryland residence of eccentric geneticist Dr.
Iris Hineman (Lois Smith); her property was surrounded by a rock
wall and threatening vines; he met up with
Hineman in her greenhouse after being scratched by one of her poisonous
vines designed to prevent trespassers, and she was forced to provide
an antidote; to his surprise, she knew who he was, prompting him
to avow: "I'm not a killer!"
- Dr. Hineman had no answer to his question
about how a pre-vision might be faked; she explained how she had
done research that resulted in "unintended consequences" -
the eventual establishment of the Pre-crime division; she
described how the discovery of the Pre-cogs' abilities was a total
accident; all of them were the "innocent" children ("genetic
mistakes") of parents addicted to the earliest impure form of
the drug neuroin over 10 years earlier; she told how most
of the children died from brain damage, but just a few survived
who had developed the "gift" (or "cosmic joke")
of prophetic dreams - of murder, that were now being used to stop
the guilty; Hineman had developed the Pre-cogs system and pioneered
the interface, while Burgess had instituted the Department of Pre-crime
after receiving a federal grant in the year 2046
Anderton Incapacitated at the Vine-Surrounded Rural
Residence of Dr. Iris Hineman (Lois Smith)
- John was mostly worried about the accusation that
he was the next murderer, and that he had never met his victim: ("I'm
not going to commit murder"); she told him that his fate was
essentially sealed and that she couldn't help him: "And yet,
a chain of events has started, a chain that will lead you inexorably
to his murder"; she added: "The Pre-cogs are never wrong.
But, occasionally, they do disagree"; Dr. Hineman startled
him with the fact that sometimes there were discrepancies
between the visions of the three Pre-cogs when, every once in a
while, they disagreed with each other; she told
how the data from those ambiguous cases (known as a "minority
report") was instantly purged from the official record (to
maintain the illusion of the Pre-cogs' fallibility, and to avoid
creating doubt), and that Burgess knew about these unusual instances;
Anderton worried that he had "put away" and "haloed" some
pre-criminals who actually were innocent and had "alternate
futures"; she hinted that she hoped that the Pre-crime
division would be shown to be imperfect and might collapse
- Anderton was encouraged to seek out and find his "minority
report"; Dr. Hineman offered him wise advice to trust no one: "You shouldn't trust anyone.
Certainly not the Attorney General who just wants it all for himself,
and not the young Federal agent, who wants your job. Not even the old
man who just wants to hang on to what he created. Don't trust anyone.
Just find the Minority Report"; she clarified to him with a whispered
clue that the record of the "minority report" was always destroyed,
yet "the original report still exists" (the undeclared report was designed
to be retained in the "safest place" possible - "inside the Pre-cog
who predicted it", presumably in the female Agatha who was "the more
gifted of the three"); she kissed him and added: "All you have to do
is download it, darling"
- Anderton was incredulous with this new bit of information:
"That's all, huh? Just walk right into Pre-crime, get in
the Temple, somehow tap into these Pre-cogs, and then download
this Minority Report...and then walk out"; she hinted that
he might have to alter his retinas to avoid the city's
ubiquitous retinal scanners and insure his own "survival":
"Sometimes in order to see the light, you have to risk the
- Anderton visited the makeshift, grubby medical
office of questionable, underground surgeon Dr. Solomon P. Eddie
(Peter Stormare) in a flophouse hotel to have him perform eye transplant
surgery, although he became justifiably worried when under anesthesia
that the doctor might be vengeful (Anderton had arrested and imprisoned
Eddie when he was a quack plastic surgeon in Baltimore and had
set fire to his patients) [Note: The scene paid homage to the Ludovico
Treatment conditioning sequence in Kubrick's A
Clockwork Orange.]
- meanwhile, Witwer visited with Anderton's estranged
wife Lara at her Chesapeake Bay lakefront beach cottage - she hadn't
seen her husband in two years; although Witwer tried to have her
confess that John was the cause of all their marital issues (his
persistent doping, drug use and addiction, his lack of responsibility
in the death of their son, his suicidal impulses, and his workaholic
obsession at Pre-crime), she defended John and didn't blame him
for all the tragic accidents that had happened to them; she explained
her departure from the marriage was due to persistent reminders
of their lost child ("I left him because every time I looked at
him, I saw my son")
- following successful eye surgery, Anderton
was instructed to remain in the medical room for 12 hours, and to
not remove the thick bandages from his eyes until he had
recovered or otherwise he might go blind; he was drugged with
neuroin and after taking a hit from a black inhaler, he began
dreaming about his son Sean's sudden disappearance at a very crowded
public swimming pool while Anderton was demonstrating how to hold
his breath underwater; he awoke from the nightmare and mistakenly
ate outdated greenish moldy food and drank sour milk from a refrigerator
while a video screen in the room was broadcasting his impending
arrest on a live feed of the Fox-TV show Cops
Anderton Recuperating From Eye Replacement Surgery
Dreaming of His Son Sean at Swimming Pool
Anderton Mistakenly Reaching For a Moldy Sandwich
A Live Broadcast of His Own Arrest Playing in the
- in a very suspenseful and scary sequence, a Pre-crime
hovership led by Fletcher (and Knott) was maneuvering outside conducting
thermal readings to determine the number of humans inside; it disgorged
the team of officers who decided to release eight mechanical,
robotic bot-spyders with polywog-like
spherical bodies and tails that were stored in each officer's belt
with their legs retracted; they were released to begin a search
by swarming throughout the building to perform retinal scans on "27
warm bodies" to determine identities from eyeballs, to find out
whether Anderton was there or not; to hide from them, Anderton submerged
himself in a bathtub of ice water, but the spyders found him when
he came up for a breath; they pulled the bandages off his eyes to
scan his retina, but luckily for him, the transplants fooled them
("It's not him")
Threatening Mechanical Bot-Spyders Located Anderton
Hiding in Ice-Cold Bathwater, and Conducted a Retinal Scan on
His Eyes
- after returning to the Pre-crime Department building,
Anderton assumed a disguise (using a "facial transformer" syringe
given to him by Dr. Eddie) that allowed him to infiltrate the facility as a maintenance worker;
to easily bypass the retinal scanner, Anderton held up one of his
old retinas (kept in a plastic Ziploc bag)
- meanwhile, Witwer had been able to identify four
people in the hotel in Agatha's pre-vision of the killing of Crow:
a pipe-smoking old woman in the lobby, Crow, another figure, and
a "third party" man wearing sunglasses outside the window;
he suddenly realized that the additional
figure in the room was Agatha herself who was accompanying Anderton
- inside the Pre-cog's "Temple" chamber,
Anderton enlisted the help of "Wally"
to scan the premonition of his own Leo Crow murder case and provide
him with a copy; inside the tank area, Agatha again grabbed his hand
and asked: "Can you see?"; Witwer discovered Anderton's
unauthorized presence in the "Temple" and smashed the control
center's main viewing window to pursue him; Anderton grabbed
Agatha from the tank, and evaded Witwer by pulling a
lever that flushed or sucked both of them out from the floor of
the tank; according to "Wally," Agatha was the most talented
and was the key to the system; her absence would effectively disrupt
the trio's 'hive mind' abilities, and shut down the entire division's
predictability of murder; Witwer knew that the Pre-crime team would
find both Agatha and Anderton at the location
of the Crow murder: ("She's in the room with him when he kills
Crow. She's already a part of his future")
- there were now only 51 minutes and 30 seconds until
Crow's predicted death; Anderton drove off with Agatha,
and entered a Gap store to buy her some clothes; he learned after
an entry scan that his eyes had belonged to a 'Mr. Yakamoto'
- to be able to access (or hack into) the information
inside Agatha to prove his innocence, Anderton visited unethical
cyber-criminal and Dreamweaver (DW) computer technician Rufus T.
Riley (Jason Antoon) at his business; Rufus was
offering customers a service that allowed them to plug into
external virtual mind streams of their own purchased
visions in private experiential booths, including sex, rape, near-death,
sports, and "Look Ma, I can fly" fantasies [Note: This was similar
to the premise of Strange Days (1995).]
- Rufus helped to download and record
Agatha's predictive, projected pre-vision memories-images of Anderton
shooting and killing Crow (propelling him backward through a window),
but according to Agatha's own admission, there was no post-murder "minority
report" that would save him; Agatha suffered a seizure (due
to images of a second projection that was downloaded and recorded)
of Agatha's original memories of Anne Lively's drowning by a masked
- the two fled when Pre-crime units converged on the
business; as they raced through a mall to make their escape, Agatha helped by predicting
everything that would happen to them in the immediate future; she
wisely suggested the use of an umbrella to shield themselves from
view; shortly later, Witwer interrogated Rufus about what Anderton
had wanted and requested similar copies of the recorded visions
- Anderton figured out Crow's address when they came
upon a tall hotel building (the Palrulew Hotel) where the Crow
murder was expected to take place - in just about 13 minutes; he
looked up and saw a billboard picturing the sunglasses-wearing
man being hoisted up on a crane to be put into place; it was the
same "third party" individual who appeared outside the window in the pre-vision of
the shooting; in the hotel directory, Anderton located Crow registered
in Room # 1006; Agatha urged Anderton to not enter ("You have
a choice, walk away, right now"), but he felt compelled to
learn his fate and who was setting him up: "I
have to know. I have to find out what happened in my life"; Anderton
glanced around in the lobby and spotted a woman smoking a pipe
Hotel Room # 1006 - The Location of the Crow Murder

The "Third Party" Man Wearing Sunglasses -
Revealed to be on a Billboard

"Leo Crow" Registered in Room # 1006

Agatha: "Walk away"
Anderton: "I have to know"

Entering the Unlocked Hotel Room Door

Pictures of Sean

"I am going to kill this man"
- they entered Crow's unlocked hotel room door (after
entering the wrong room), with only 5 minutes to spare; there
were stacks of children's photos on Crow's bed, including a few
of Sean; Anderton feared his predetermined murderous impulses after
all indications were that Crow was Sean's suspected serial child
kidnapper-murderer: "You were right. I'm
not being set up....You said so yourself. There is no minority
report. I don't have an alternate future. I am going to kill this
man"; Agatha begged Anderton: "You still have
a choice. The others never saw their future. You still have a choice!"
- when Crow entered, Anderton fought with him and
accused him of killing his son 6 years earlier in Baltimore; Crow
confessed that he had impersonated a policeman, lured Sean away
with a pretzel, and then drowned him in a barrel in the Bay; Anderton
continued to beat up Crow and held his gun at him 11 seconds before
his predicted death, but then relented when Agatha influentially
persuaded and again urged him - against her own nature - to reconsider
and change his fate: "You can choose"; but then, Anderton
didn't pull the trigger and followed her advice - he arrested Crow
(and began to read him his Miranda rights), causing his intended
victim to become visibly upset by the reversal; Crow begged to
be killed ("You're not gonna kill me?")
- Crow went further, explaining
that he had been bribed and assured of financial
stability by an unknown individual for allowing himself to be set-up as
the murderer of Anderton's son, after being discovered with the
fake, doctored photos in his hotel room: ("If you don't
go through with this, my family gets nothing, okay? You're supposed
to kill me. He said you would...He told me I'd be released if I went
along, and my family would be taken care of....If I acted like I
killed your kid, okay?...Look, you don't kill me, my family gets
nothing. Okay?") - this was clear evidence
of a conspiracy against Anderton - to compel him to commit murder;
when Anderton still refused to shoot him (and kept asking who set
him up), Crow grabbed Anderton's gun held up against his chest and
the gun went off

The Pre-Cogs Version of the Murder

The Photos Displayed on the Bed at the Crime Scene

Witwer: The Crime Scene was an Obvious "Orgy
of Evidence"
- however, in the next instant, it was unclear what
happened; the image showed Anderton from a distance blasting Crow
to death with the gun, propelling him backwards through the building's
window before dropping the gun and leaving (it was a replay of
the Pre-cogs version of the 'murder'); off-screen,
Anderton and Agatha were again forced to flee, and in the subsequent
scene, Witwer was investigating the crime scene in the hotel room
and declaring: ("It doesn't make sense"); as a former homicide
detective, he felt it was improbable that a child killer would
so obviously display so many pictures of his crimes on a bed -
he called it an "orgy of evidence' - proof of an "arranged" set-up
- in the next sequence, Burgess was distressed while
watching a news report of the Crow "murder" - stating that it was
the first time in six years of the Pre-crime "experiment" that
a murder had not been prevented; due to a human failure, the Pre-crime
detectives hadn't arrived in time to stop the killing, "but the
murder itself happened exactly as the Pre-cogs predicted it would"; however,
the skeptical Witwer - after concluding that Anderton was the wrong
man to chase after, phoned Burgess to set up a meeting in Anderton's home
- upon first meeting up with Burgess, Witwer handed
him Anderton's gun found in Crow's hotel room, and then proceeded to
again discuss the missing data and discrepancies
in the Anne Lively murder case; with Anderton's holo-projector,
the two viewed the records of all three
Pre-cogs of the Lively murder; Witwer demonstrated
a major difference by comparing the twins' matching pre-vision
account of Anne's murder (that was missing Agatha's "memory
stream") from Containment, and Rufus' recording of Agatha's
directly-downloaded pre-vision from the Cyber Parlor; he noted how
the two pre-visions were slightly different accounts, evidenced by
an obvious change in the wind pattern on the water; he surmised: "This
murder is taking place at two different times...Why would someone
want this erased from the data file?...I'm thinking somebody got
away with murder"; Burgess admitted that Witwer had uncovered
the existence of a second 'echo' recording that had been erased
- Witwer proposed that there
were two similar murder incidents, and he suggested that the
technicians wouldn't realize the difference; they would assume
that Agatha's pre-vision was an 'echo' and therefore would erase
it, but it revealed the actual murder of Anne Lively: ("What if a technician
only thought he was looking at an echo? What if what he
was really looking at was a completely different murder altogether?")
- Witwer went on to describe how Anne Lively's potential
"John Doe" killer was arrested by Pre-crime due to the twins' account,
but then hypothesized that shortly later, a second masked individual
(dressed to look exactly like the potential killer), reenacted
the same murder that was carried out - for real: ("All
you'd have to do is hire someone to kill Anne Lively, someone like
a drifter, a neuroin addict, someone with nothing to lose. Pre-crime
stops the murder from taking place, haloes the killer, takes him
away. But then, right then, someone else, having reviewed the pre-vision
and dressed in the same clothes, commits the murder in exactly
the same way. Technician takes a look, thinks he's looking at an
echo, erases it. Of course, it would have to be someone with access
to the pre-visions in the first place. Someone fairly high-up")
- Witwer confronted the corrupt mastermind founder Lamar Burgess with his
findings that someone had fooled the system; he implicated
the cold-blooded and skillful Burgess as the one who had murdered
Anne Lively, and also manipulatively framed Anderton; Burgess calculated
that the Pre-cogs were not recording him at their location: ("No
footsteps up the stairs. No hovercraft at the window. No clickity
click of little spyders. Do you know why I can't hear any of those things, Danny? Because right
now, the Pre-cogs can't see a thing"); Burgess knew
that he had no choice but to shoot and murder Witwer to silence him
with Anderton's gun, with two shots to the chest and head
- on the run, Agatha and Anderton proceeded to drive
to Lara's lakefront cottage in the stolen Lexus to seek refuge; just
as they arrived, Lara was notifying Burgess of their whereabouts
by phone; during a discussion with Lara at the dock, Anderton struggled
to figure things out, and suddenly realized the suspicious timing
of everything; it appeared that just as he was unraveling the Anne
Lively murder case, he had been set up for Leo Crow's murder
- back in Lara's house, Agatha
(who had perused Sean's room and closet left as it was six years
earlier) quoted from Dr. Hineman: "The dead don't die.
They look on and help"; to Sean's two parents, she described a
vision of their missing son Sean's potential life; she claimed
that he was spiritually still alive, and gave a heartbreaking and
beautiful description of what he would have been if he had lived
- set on a career path to become a veterinarian: ("He's
on the beach now, a toe in the water. He's asking you to come in
with him. He's been racing his mother up and down the sand. There's
so much love in this house. He's ten years old. He's surrounded by
animals. He wants to be a vet. You keep a rabbit for him, a bird
and a fox. He's in high school. He likes to run, like his father.
He runs the two-mile and the long relay. He's 23. He's at a university.
He makes love to a pretty girl named Claire. He asks her to be his
wife. He calls here and tells Lara who cries. He still runs, across
the University. And in the stadium where John watches. Oh, God, he's
running so fast, like his daddy. He sees his daddy. He wants to
run to him, but he's only six years old and he can't do it. And
the other man is so fast")
- and then Agatha switched subjects, referring to
the "drowning woman" - Anne Lively - whose "little girl"
was already gone and had grown up; the daughter was not alive,
but she didn't die either; Anderton replied: "I figured
that" - that Agatha was Anne Lively's
daughter, but then, before Agatha could tell Anderton who had
murdered her mother, Agatha had foreseen that they were being
pursued by Pre-crime hoverships that had been launched by Burgess
- and provided a shocking warning: ("I'm sorry,
John, but you're gonna have to run again... RUUUUUNNNNNNNNN!"); Anderton
was surrounded, arrested and charged with the murders of Crow and
Witwer; he was 'haloed" and placed in a prisoner pod at Containment
with Gideon, while Agatha was returned to a flotation tank to be
with the other Pre-cogs
- Lara continued to follow up on Anderton's
concerns about Anne Lively with Burgess in his home's office - the
day of a press conference and a special dinner event to be held
at a DC hotel; Burgess mentioned he had changed his mind about
retiring to protect the "fragility" of the organization; Lara mentioned
how Anderton had felt he was set up (to commit murder) after he
had delved deeper into the Anne Lively murder case, and that Crow
was a fake plant; Burgess reassured her that he would investigate
everything with Gideon in Containment, including Witwer's murder
(and evidence) and Anne Lively's drowning; Lara suddenly realized
that she had never mentioned murder by drowning - revealing to
her that Burgess was the villainous and ruthless conspirator; he
only responded by telling her: "We'll talk about this later.
Perhaps tomorrow, I'll come by the cottage"; Lara left, taking
a box of Anderton's belongings, including his gun and the Ziploc
bag with one of his retinas; after gaining
entry to Containment, she forced Gideon at gunpoint to break her
husband out of the prison facility
- the film's wrap-up conclusion began with a lavish
black-tie banquet dinner in a ballroom within DC's Inter-Continental
Hotel, to commemorate and celebrate the national launch of the
Pre-crime division; Burgess was presented
with a golden revolver (an antique Civil War weapon ironically
representing peace after the end of almost five years of death
and destruction); Burgess was confronted by Anderton - first with
a private emergency phone call to sarcastically accuse Burgess
of murder - revealing his knowledge of Burgess' homicidal machinations:
("I just wanted to congratulate you. You did it. You created a
world without murder....And all you had to do was kill someone
to do it")
- Anderton then explained the reason
for Burgess' conspiracy - Anne had been a drug-addicted "junkie"
who was forced to sell her pre-cog daughter Agatha to the program;
but then, she had cleaned herself up and conquered her neuroin
drug habit and wanted to remove her fragile daughter from the Pre-crime
flotation tanks; however, by that time, Dr. Hineman and Burgess
had already created the Pre-crime Department; Burgess felt threatened
with the possibility of the shut-down of his sinister, futuristic
law enforcement organization: (Anderton: "And the
problem was, without Agatha, there was no Pre-crime. She's always
been the strongest of the three. You knew without Agatha,
you had nothing. Without her, you wouldn't be where you are now,
standing there signing autographs")
- to back up his accusations, Anderton had arranged with Jad to project
the video recording of Agatha's past pre-vision of her mother's
death by drowning, for viewing by the attendees at the dinner:
(Anderton: "So you had to get rid of Anne Lively. You had
to shut her up, which presented a problem. How can you kill her
without the Pre-cogs seeing it? Simple: Use the system you control
against her"); Burgess had arranged for the
convicted pre-murderer "John Doe" in Containment to attempt
the drowning murder of Agatha's mother; she was lured to the lake
with the promise of seeing her daughter; after the killer was arrested
by Pre-crime officers and taken away before even getting into the
water, Burgess then arrived to comfort Anne,
who asked: "Where's my daughter?"; he distracted Anne
by pointing ahead, reversed his overcoat, donned a black
mask and goggles, and reenacted her drowning murder in 2049; he was
revealed as Anne's murderer; he knew that the second similar "echo" recording
of the actual murder would be disregarded and destroyed, and Anne
Lively would be considered "just another missing person": (Anderton:
"And then when you were all alone, you killed her yourself in the
same way the Precogs predicted your John Doe would kill her. You
made the real murder look like an 'echo', knowing the tech would
do as he was trained to do, disregard it")

Exposed As a "Murderer" at the Dinner

Anne Lively Lured to the Lake

The Murderer Was Apprehended by Pre-crime, Haloed,
and Taken Away

Burgess Then Arrived at the Lake, With an Overcoat
and Black Gloves

He Distractedly Pointed Anne Forward, While He
Backed Off and Reversed His Coat

During Agatha's Pre-Vision, She Cried Out: "Run!"

Burgess Murdered Anne by Drowning
Burgess Donned a Black Mask and Goggles
- Anderton asked: "So, what
are you gonna do, Lamar? What are you gonna do?"; as Lamar removed
the golden revolver from the case and loaded it, in the flotation
tank, Agatha produced another predictive report of a murder with
the delivery of a Pre-crime "red-ball" - the murder of Victim Anderton
(shot point-blank) by Perpetrator Burgess
- Burgess had left the dinner party by now and was
wandering through the hotel's kitchen, muttering to Anderton: "Think
about the lives that little girl saved. Think about all the lives
she will save? That little girl could have saved Sean"; Anderton
was infuriated, and accused his boss of framing him for
a crime he had not committed (because of his knowledge of Burgess'
nefarious actions): "You used the memory of my dead son to set
me up! That was the one thing you knew would drive me to murder"
- as the two antagonists met face-to-face on the hotel's
rooftop patio overlooking the Washington Monument, Anderton proposed
to Burgess that he had a choice (similar to the choice Anderton
had faced when contemplating killing Crow): "The question
you have to ask is: 'What are you going to do now?' No doubt the
Pre-cogs have already seen this...."
- Anderton spoke of the 'Catch-22' dilemma facing Burgess - if he murdered Anderton,
the division would be validated, but Burgess would be arrested;
if he didn't kill Anderton, then the Pre-crime unit would be considered
flawed and shut down: ("You see the dilemma, don't you? If you don't
kill me, Pre-cogs were wrong and Pre-crime is over. If you do kill
me, you go away but it proves the system works. Pre-cogs were right.
So, what are you gonna do now? What's it worth? Just one more murder.
You'll rot in hell with a halo, but people will still believe in
Pre-crime. All you have to do is kill me, like they said you would.
Except you know your own future, which means you can change it
if you want to. You still have a choice, Lamar. Like I did");
Anderton concluded by mentioning the flaw in the Pre-crime system
- that people could actually change their future
Anderton Confronted Killer Lamar Burgess With a
Dilemma, Concluding with Burgess' Choice to Commit Suicide
- Burgess announced his choice, a third option - he
would select his own fate and suicidally commit suicide by shooting
himself with the golden revolver: ("Yes, I have a choice and I
made it. Forgive me, John. (gunshot) Forgive me. Forgive me, my boy")
- the film's voice-over epilogue from Anderton explained
the aftermath - the abandonment of the Pre-crime program: ("In
2054, the six-year Pre-crime experiment was abandoned. All prisoners
were unconditionally pardoned and released, although police departments
kept watch on many of them for years to come. Agatha and the twins
were transferred to an undisclosed location - a place where they
could find relief from their gifts. A place where they could live
out their lives in peace");
Anderton and a pregnant Lara were preparing to have their second child

Pre-cogs Agatha and the Twins Moved to an Undisclosed
Location - a Small Secluded Wooden Cabin
another twist in the film was
possible -- the earlier line of dialogue by prison guard
Gideon to imprisoned cop Anderton hinted that the final favorable
resolution of events in the film was just a dream and wish-fulfillment
on Anderton's part, or that the entire film had been Anderton's
dream: "They say you have visions,
that your life flashes before your eyes, that all your dreams come

Pre-Cog Agatha (Samantha Morton) Delivering Prediction
of an Impending Future Crime: "Murder"

"Red Ball" Indicating Two Victims and the Perpetrator

The 3 Pre-Cogs In Their Flotation Tanks Chamber in the Temple - Agatha
Was the Prominent Pre-Cog

Perpetrator Howard Marks in His Kitchen With His
Wife Sarah Minutes Before the Foreseen Crime

Anderton and Team Member Boarding a Hovership to Take Them to the Marks'
Crime Scene

Prec-rime Director Lamar Burgess (Max von Sydow)

The PSA For Voting 'Yes' on the Pre-crime Program Initiative - Projected
on Giant Screens

Anderton's Blind Drug Dealer Lycon (David Stifel)

Lamar Burgess Urging Anderton to Watch Out For Danny Witwer

Witwer to Fletcher: ("It's not the
future if you stop it, isn't that a fundamental paradox?")

Anderton to Witwer: ("The Pre-cogs don't see what you intend
to do, only what you will do")

Pre-Cog Agatha During Witwer's Tour of the Temple with Anderton

(l to r): Anderton, Witwer, and Caretaker Wally (Daniel London)
in the Temple

Witwer's Opinion of the Pre-Cogs: "In a way, they give us of hope
of the existence of the divine"

Witwer to Anderton: "If there's a flaw, it's human. It always is"

Pre-Cog Agatha Grabbing and Asking Anderton: "Can you see?"

Anderton Was Stunned by Agatha's Replay of Prevision Images of an "Old Murder"

Gideon (Tim Blake Nelson) - The Chief Prison Guard in the Control
Center of the Department of Containment

Gideon and Anderton Searching for "Murder by Drowning" Recordings

Lamar Burgess' Paternalistic Counseling of Drug-Using Anderton

Agatha's Prevision of Next Pre-Meditated Murder Victim ("brown-ball"):
Leo Crow

Anderton's Analysis of Agatha's Data About the Leo Crow Murder ("Goodbye,
Crow!") -
A Man Wearing Sunglasses Outside a Window and the Killer Was John

Anderton and Witmer Confronting Each Other In Pre-crime HQs Elevator

During Anderton's Flight - Leaping From Vehicle to Vehicle

Fletcher, Jad, and Witwer on the Search for Fugitive Anderton

A Train Passenger Reading An Electronic USA Today Newspaper Updated
with Breaking News

Anderton Surrounded by Precrime Officers in Hoversuits: "Everybody runs,

Flying Off Hanging On to the Hoversuit of Officer Knott

First Fight Against Witwer on a Moving Piece of Machinery in Automated
Car Assembly Plant

Anderton Seated in a Red Lexus From the Assembly Line

Dr. Hineman To Anderton About the "Minority Report" - "All
you have to do is download it, darling"

Anderton In the Grubby Makeshift Medical 'Office' of Dr. Eddie to Have
His Eyes Replaced

Anderton's Estranged Wife Lara at Beach Cottage Questioned by Witwer

"27 Warm Bodies" to Be Scanned by Eight Robotic Spyders in the Hotel
Building Where Anderton Was Recuperating

Anderton's "Facial Transformer" Disfiguration Before Entering
the Pre-crime Department

Anderton's Kidnapping of Agatha From the Temple's Flotation Tank

Agatha and Anderton Flushed From the Tank

"Hello, Mr. Yakamoto, Welcome back to The Gap"

Computer Technician Rufus T. Riley (Jason Antoon)

One of Rufus' VR (Sex Fantasy) Customers in His Neuroplex Cyber Parlor

Anderton and Pre-cog Agatha with Rufus - Hacking Into Her Memories -
But There Was No Minority Report

Agatha's Seizure - During a Replay of Agatha's Memories of Anne Lively's

Agatha's Fears For Anderton, Begging: "You still have a choice"

Anderton Assaulted Crow When He Entered the Hotel Room

Anderton's Threatening Confrontation with Criminal
Leo Crow

Agatha: "You can choose"

With the Gun Against His Chest, Crow Kept Urging Anderton to Kill Him,
But Anderton Refused
Lamar Burgess Distressed at the News of the Crow "Murder"

Witwer Playing the Two Versions of the Anne Lively Murder Pre-visions
for Burgess

The Dangerous Mastermind Burgess: ("Right now, the Pre-cogs can't
see a thing"
Murder of Suspicious Danny Witwer
By Burgess
Agatha's Description of the Potential Life for
Anderton's Missing Son Sean

After Agatha's Warning to "Ruuunnn" To Anderton - the House
Was Surrounded

Anderton Inserted Into a Prisoner Pod in Containment

Agatha's Final Red-Ball Prediction - Victim Anderton Murdered
(Shot Point-Blank) by Perpetrator Burgess

Film's Ending: Anderton Reunited with Pregnant Wife