Natural Born Killers (1994)
In Oliver Stone's visually-riveting (MTV-style and
color-switching), controversial and brutal film (from a Quentin Tarantino
original script) was about two serial killer-lovers, mass murder,
obsession and media sensationalism in America to maximize profits.
It came under critical fire for its own graphic, on-screen violence,
and was severely-edited (to get an R rating instead of an unrated
or NC-17 rating).
The over-the-top, visceral satire about the desire
of the violence-obsessed, exploitative media was portrayed with an
eclectic style mix of film styles (of 35mm, Super-8, animation, and
back projection), including a fast MTV-style with color-switching,
skewed camera angles, quick-cut editing, a loud rock soundtrack,
some animation, and various special effects.
The energetic film precipitated at least eight 'copycat'
murders and violent incidents by self-professed 'natural born killers,'
including two Oklahoma teens who watched the film repeatedly and
then went on a similar shooting spree. Some
viewed the protagonists as glamorous and romantic folk heroes --
similar to what happened after the release of Kubrick's A
Clockwork Orange (1971).
- the film's introductory pre-title credits sequence
set in a New Mexico diner introduced two white-trash, serial
killers-outlaws-lovers: Mallory Wilson (Juliette Lewis), who
was dancing sexily to jukebox music, while Mickey Knox (Woody Harrelson)
was eating pie at the counter and reading an Albuquerque newspaper
about their recent murders: (MICKEY AND MALLORY KILL SIX TEENS
DURING SLUMBER PARTY); when Mallory was sexually-harrassed by one
of the redneck customers, and she taunted him: "Are you flirting
with me?...You want a piece of me?" - she punched him until
he was senseless and then danced on his body ("You made my
s--t list") before breaking his neck
- at the counter, the man's buddy was also sliced up by Mickey with a large bowie knife;
even the female cook (with a meat cleaver), Mabel (O-Lan Jones)
the waitress and other patrons were murdered as well as a third
man outside (with the knife thrown into his back), but the killers
let one obese cowboy survive to tell their story: "When the
people come here and they ask you who done this, you tell them
'Mickey and Mallory Knox did it', alright, say it!"
- the married couple fled - - it was the start of their
violent, cross-country Southwestern states random killing spree
The New Mexico Diner Massacre
- a disturbing flashback was
presented of the abusive family life of Mallory Knox - portrayed
as a situation-comedy (with a canned laughter track); the fantasy
parody about a dysfunctional family was called "I
Love Mallory" - similar to I Love Lucy, All in the Family or Married
With Children; it featured comic
Rodney Dangerfield as Mallory's perverted, sexually-abusive, beer-drinking
dad Ed Wilson, her mother (Edie McClurg), and her 10 year-old brother Kevin (Sean Stone)
- Mallory's
dad often threatened molestation, called her a "stupid bitch," and
grabbed her butt: ("If your ass is in this house, it's my ass,
so you move it upstairs and take a shower. Make sure it's a good
shower because l'm comin' up after to see how clean ya are");
her neglectful "old bag" mother was also
constantly threatened and intimidated by Ed, who called her "a f--kin' idiot"
- Mallory instantly fell in love at first sight with meat delivery-man Mickey after he came
to the Knox family door, hauling in his arms a bloody 50-lb package
("It's beef, lady. 50 pounds of beef") - he complimented Mallory: "You ought
to change your name to Beautiful"; they went on a joy-ride
after stealing Ed's car and leaving a note for Ed: "Out with
the meat man. Back before dawn. Love, Mallory"
- after being charged with auto-theft and escaping prison,
Mickey returned to rescue Mallory, and there was a dual death scene
of them both murdering Mallory's parents; Mickey struck Ed in the
face with a crowbar, dunked his head into a fish-tank to drown him,
and struck him with a meat cleaver; then they gagged and bound Mallory's
mother in her bed, and burned her alive after dousing her with charcoal
lighter fluid and setting her on fire with a flame starter
- during their flight from authorities, they 'married'
atop the Rio Grande Gorge bridge by exchanging snake wedding bands
and clasping their bloodied hands together as blood dripped down
into the river: (Mickey: "Put them together." Mallory: "lt's
very romantic, baby. We'll be livin' in all the oceans now." Mickey: "God
- before you and this river and this mountain and everything we don't
know about, Mickey, do you take Mallory to be your lawful wedded
wife to have and hold and treat right until you die?...")
- self-serving TV tabloid show
host/reporter Wayne Gale (Robert Downey, Jr.), an Australian and
a 'yellow journalist', made the pair famous crime celebrities for
his sensationalist "American
Maniacs" show featuring mass murderers (Charles Manson, Charles
Whitman, Richard Ramirez), and elevating their status to admired
heroes around the world; he conducted a live interview along Route
666 in the Southwest, calling it their "candylane of murder
and mayhem" rather than a "beautiful stretch of the American
- the two killers were pursued through New Mexico,
Colorado, and Utah by slimy, fame-seeking author and sleazy sociopathic
Detective Jack Scagnetti (Tom Sizemore), where they ultimately
claimed 52 victims. Scagnetti's real personality was revealed
during an encounter with Pinky (Lorraine Farris), a young prostitute
that he strangled to death during sex in his hotel room
- the fugitive couple accidentally murdered kindly
Navajo Indian Warren Red Cloud (Russell Means) in his New Mexico
hut, who perceived that there was a demon in Mickey and attempted
to expel it through chanting while he slept
- the crazed and raging Mickey awoke
from nightmares of his abusive childhood and shot and killed the
Navajo in the chest (as he died, he spoke: "Twenty years ago,
I saw the demon in my dreams. I was waiting for you")
- after both received rattlesnake bites, Mickey and Mallory entered a Drug
Zone store (a scene shot almost entirely in flourescent green), where
Mickey assaulted (and killed) the obese druggist (Glen Chin) to acquire
snake-bit antidote; a silent alarm was activated and the police arrived
(led by Scagnetti) and he seized Mallory; a stand-off and gunfight,
a knife threat against Mallory by Scagnetti (threatening to cut
her "tits off"), and a taser attack ultimately led to their arrest; an excited Japanese
reporter commented with sexual innuendo: "He has a very large
gun... He's now rendered impotent"
- during at least a year in prison for the homicidal
couple, the two were responsible for many violent incidents against
other inmates and guards, and Mallory even killed her psychiatrist;
both were declared criminally insane; in cahoots with the cruel,
paranoid and venal prison warden Dwight McClusky (Tommy Lee Jones),
Scagnetti's plan was to move the two imprisoned killers from jail
to a mental hospital (so they could be murdered during an alleged
escape attempt)
- Wayne Gale, who had made them famous crime celebrities
for his sensationalist "American Maniacs" show, held
a post-Super Bowl Batonga Penitentiary interview between Mickey and
Gale, when Mickey admitted to his one true calling in life:
"S--t man, I'm a natural born killer"; his words incited
a prison riot (in the Rec Room and B-wing) among the other inmates
who were watching the live interview

"S--t, man, I'm a natural born killer"
Wayne Gale During Prison Interviews with Mickey
- an incredibly violent riot
occurred (all the mayhem was filmed by Gale), and in the midst of
a chaotic and full-scale bloody massacre and Mexican stand-off with
Mickey, Scagnetti's throat was slashed
and he was shot dead point-blank in Mallory's cell by Mallory, using
Scagnetti's own gun - as she asked him: "Do you still like me
now, Jack?"; there was a controversial see-through view of the
bullet hole piercing Gale's right hand, and a quick view
of the Warden's decapitated head on a spike (only in the Director's
Bloody Violence During Prison Riot: Mexican Stand-Off
Gale's Right Hand with Bullet Hole
Scagnetti's Stabbed Throat and Murder
- the twosome made a getaway-escape with Gale to a
rural setting; there, Mallory filmed him for an interview - as
he narrated (subtitled): "This is Wayne Gale, unfortunately
no longer live. l am wounded. All my crew is dead. l have left
my wife, and my girlfriend has left me"; although Gale was
able to interview them for a few minutes with his own camera, but
failed after begging to be a sole survivor: ("Wait! Don't Mickey
and Mallory always leave one person alive to tell the tale?");
Mickey confiscated the camera - to be used as the sole witness
- and threatened what they were planning to do: "You'll be
starin' down the barrels of our shotguns, and we're gonna be blowin'
your brains all over that tree back there" -
and soon after, they brutally executed him as promised, with the
camera on the ground (still recording the scene as the sole witness);
Gale died as he extended his arms in a crucifix posture
The Ending: Demise of Gale
- the ending revealed that the broadcast had been
transmitted via Gale's in-ear microphone to a news-show, where
the horrified Channel 6 female news anchor Antonia Chavez (Melinda
Renna) cried out: "Oh, my God!"; the next WGN news story
was about a wedding day massacre
- the film's ending montage
consisted of rapidly-spliced together excerpts of recent real-life,
homicidal and criminal media circuses that were presented with
sensational TV-tabloid coverage:
- the Menendez Brothers' trial for murdering
their parents
- the Los Angeles Rodney King beating trial
- the Tonya Harding and Nancy Kerrigan ice-skating
- the
Waco, Texas conflagration
- the case of O.J. Simpson's trial for the murder
of his ex-wife Nicole
- and rapid-fire images of bloody, demonic
- the last excerpt before the ending credits was
a quick shot of a pregnant Mallory in an RV watching their
two children play, as Mickey was driving
Flashback: Parody Soap-Opera: "I Love Mallory"
Mallory's Abusive Family
Mallory: "Who are you?"
"Mickey. Who are you?"
Love at First Sight
The Murders of Mallory's Parents
'Marriage' Vows Atop Bridge
American Maniacs TV Show Hosted by Wayne Gale (Robert
Downey, Jr.)
Detective Jack Scagnetti (Tom Sizemore)
Prostitute (Lorraine Farris) - Strangled by Sleazy Scagnetti
Death of Navajo Indian
Scagnetti with Prison Warden Dwight McClusky (Tommy Lee
Chaos and Riot in Prison During Interview
Warden's Head on a Spike
Horrified On-Air Channel 6 News Anchor Antonia Chavez
During Prison Riot and Gale's Death: "Oh, my God!"
Before Ending Credits: Mickey and Pregnant Mallory in
RV with Two Children