Night of the Hunter (1955)
In actor/director Charles Laughton's only directed
film - it was a remarkable debut film noir and a truly compelling,
haunting, and frightening classic masterpiece thriller-fantasy. It
was an American gothic, Biblical tale of greed, innocence, seduction,
sin and corruption. The imaginatively-chilling, experimental and
sophisticated work was idiosyncratic,
strange, film-noirish, avant garde, and expressionistically dreamy,
but it was both ignored and misunderstood at the time of its release.
Originally, it was a critical and commercial failure.
The disturbing, complex story was based on the popular, best-selling
1953 Depression-era novel of the same name by first-time writer Davis
Grubb, who set the location of his novel in the town of Moundsville,
WV - the same site as the West Virginia Penitentiary (mentioned early
in the film) during the height of the Depression in the 1930s.
The visually-striking black-white photography of Stanley
Cortez and the evocative musical score of Walter Schumann (mixing
hymns, children's songs, and orchestral music) were exceptional.
Told with inventive, stylized, timeless and dark film noirish images,
symbolism and visual poetry, it blended both a pastoral setting with
dream-like creatures, fanatical characters, imperiled children during
a river journey, a wicked guardian/adult, and salvation and redemption
in the form of a old farm woman (a 'fairy godmother' or Mother Goose
character) rather than from a saintly but devilish Bible-totin' Preacher.
- the opening voice-over was
delivered by Bible-fearing farm woman Rachel Cooper (Lillian
Gish), dressed in a plain dress with shoulder shawl, who magically
materialized over the star-filled night background; she spoke to
her five disembodied foster children around her and suspended in
the heavens, and told them a cautionary Bible story about false
prophets ("ravening wolves") in sheep's clothing,
while a chorus sang behind her: "Dream, Little One, Dream"
- Excerpt of Rachel's Bible Story: "Now, you
remember children how I told you last Sunday about the good Lord
going up into the mountain and talking to the people. And how he
said, 'Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.' And
how he said that King Solomon in all his glory was not as beautiful
as the lilies of the field. And I know you won't forget, 'Judge
not lest you be judged,' because I explained that to you. And then
the good Lord went on to say, 'Beware of false prophets which come
to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly, they are ravening wolves.
Ye shall know them by their fruits.'...A good tree cannot bring
forth evil fruit. Neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
Wherefore by their fruits, ye shall know them"
- the camera plunged downward to earth to
the film's general rural locale - the Ohio River Valley; there was
a brief view of children discovering the legs of the corpse of
a murdered woman inside a basement entrance while they were playing
The Preacher in a Stolen Model T - With a Monologue
Directed Toward Heaven
- the next image was of a terrifying and deranged
killer-evangelist Rev. Harry Powell (Robert Mitchum) with borderline
sanity - a sinister, crazed, malevolent, black-cloaked, wide-brimmed
and hatted 'Preacher' - a misogynistic serial killer driving in
a stolen Model T Essex; he delivered a chilling, perversely evil
and memorable monologue to the Lord as he glanced heavenward and
spoke an insane prayer, asking permission to kill another rich,
vain, and wicked widow as his earthly mission: "Well
now, what's it to be Lord? Another widow? How many has it been?
Six? Twelve? I disremember. (He tipped his hat) You say the word,
Lord, I'm on my way...You always send me money to go forth and
preach your Word. The widow with a little wad of bills hid away
in a sugar bowl. Lord, I am tired.
Sometimes I wonder if you really understand. Not that You mind
the killin's. Yore Book is full of killin's. But there are
things you do hate Lord: perfume-smellin' things, lacy things,
things with curly hair"
- Rev. Powell's tattoos revealed the words LOVE and
HATE emblazoned on the fingers of his right
and left hands, seen as he attended a burlesque strip show and watched
the stripper (through a keyhole iris) - his left hand was tattooed
with the letters "H-A-T-E" on
his four fingers; he clenched his left hand and then reached in his
coat pocket to grab his concealed switchblade knife; as his libido
was aroused, the flick-knife spontaneously opened - a sexual phallic
symbol - violently and orgasmically ready to strike, to punish her
for lustfully tempting him
- suddenly, a policeman's hand grabbed his shoulder,
suspecting him of auto theft; with a scene wipe left, 'Preacher'
Harry Powell was sentenced before a judge to thirty days in the
Moundsville, West Virginia Penitentiary for stealing an auto

John and Pearl Harper (Billy Chapin and Sally Jane

Their Fugitive Bank-Robbing Father Ben Harper (Peter

Willa Harper (Shelley Winters) With Her Two Kids
- in the rural riverside town of Cresap's Landing
on the Ohio River, two young members of the Harper family were
introduced: young 9 year-old John Harper (Billy Chapin), and 4-year
old Pearl (Sally Jane Bruce); they were shocked
by the sight of their bleeding and wounded father Ben Harper (Peter
Graves) driving up in a speeding car, who had just robbed $10,000 from
a bank and killed two people; he stashed a wad of money (off-screen)
in Pearl's rag-doll named Miss Jenny, and John was entrusted with
protecting Pearl and the money's whereabouts; John's mother Willa
(Shelley Winters) watched as her husband was arrested and taken away,
and John reacted by clutching his stomach in pain; a trial sentenced
Ben to death by hanging for having killed two people in the bank
robbery, but the money was never recovered
- before his execution, Ben's cellmate in the Moundsville
Prison was Reverend Powell who kept badgering him about where the
money was located, but Ben took the secret to his grave; however, Powell
thanked God with prayer (with his switchblade between his hands)
for pairing him with Ben and learning about the hidden $10,000 dollars:
("A man with $10,000
hid somewhere and a widow in the makin'")
- as a bell tolled to signify Ben's execution, Willa's
two kids were being taunted on the school playground by other schoolchildren,
by the singing of the Hangman's Song ("Hing,
Hang, Hung (See What the Hangman Done)") and a chalk drawing
of a hanged criminal
- as Willa told her nosy and pushy employer Icey Spoon
(Evelyn Varden) in the town's ice cream palor: "I just don't want
a husband," in an ominous set of cross-cutting images shot with a
slanted camera angle in the darkness, a train approached closer to
the depressed rural town of Cresap's Landing - carrying the newly-freed
Powell who had been released from prison; he was in malevolent pursuit
of the $10,000 cache of money, believed to be in the possession of
the Harper family - widowed wife Willa Harper and her two children
- in a frightening moment during a moonlight night
outside the Harper home, the shadow of Powell's head filled the
window of the children's bedroom - it was the Preacher who appeared
almost supernaturally, dressed all in black standing underneath the
streetlight in front of their house; he strolled away, seductively
singing a modified version of his signature tune (and the film's
ironic refrain), the ominous hymn - "Leaning
on the Everlasting Arms": "Leaning, leaning..."
The Preacher's Shadow - Standing Under a Streetlight
- the next day in town, John learned from his genial
captain friend Uncle Birdie (James Gleason) that a new resident
of the boarding house in town (the Preacher) knew his father in prison
- John was then shocked to see the
suspicious Preacher in the Spoons Ice-Cream Parlor where Willa
worked; he was entertaining the townsfolk and kissing Pearl's doll;
the film's most memorable scene was his favorite hand-wrestling
sermon told to young John and other admirers in the store, including
Willa and Mr. and Mrs. Spoon (Don Beddoe and Evelyn Varden) - the
monologue provided commentary on the eternal battle between the
forces of good and evil that grappled together - in his two hands: "Ah,
little lad, you're starin' at my fingers. Would you like me to
tell you the little story of Right Hand-Left Hand - the story of
good and evil? (He rose and flexed the fingers of his left hand)
H-A-T-E! It was with this left hand that old brother Cain struck
the blow that laid his brother low. (He raised his right hand)
L-O-V-E. You see these fingers, dear hearts? These fingers has
veins that run straight to the soul of man. The right hand, friends!
The hand of love! Now watch and I'll show you the story of life";
he pretended that his hands were battling each other in a schizophrenic
wrestling match - the struggle between good and evil, love and
hate - his warring inner demons: "These fingers, dear hearts,
is always a-warrin' and a-tuggin', one agin the other. Now, watch
'em. Ol' brother Left Hand. Left hand, he's a-fightin'. And it
looks like LOVE's a goner. But wait a minute, wait a minute! Hot
dog! LOVE's a winnin'? Yes, siree. It's LOVE that won, and ol'
Left Hand HATE is down for the count!"
The Preacher's Love vs. Hate Monologue in the
Ice-Cream Shop
- at the following Sunday's picnic on the banks of the
river, match-making Mrs. Spoon goaded the vulnerable and lonely
Willa into being wooed by the black-clothed Preacher ("man of
God"); John realized the Preacher was a liar when he reassured Willa
that Ben had told him that the stolen money was weighted down and thrown
into the Ohio River
- during a visit a few nights later with Uncle Birdie
as the old man strummed his banjo ("Cresap's Landing Party"), John
was informed that his father's skiff would finally be repaired
with caulking and "ship-shape" (water-ready) in about a week to
go fishing
- in his dark home when John
returned, he was told by the Preacher that Willa had accepted his
proposal of marriage, and that he was going to marry her at Sisterville
the next day, he was horrified; John inadvertently revealed that
he was hiding the secret of the money's location when he yelled
at Powell: ("You think you can make me tell, but I won't, I won't, I won't!");
the Preacher realized that the boy knew where the money was hidden,
and that he had a lot of time to discover its whereabouts
- during a tortuous wedding night scene between the
Preacher and Willa Harper, she was dressed
in a nightgown as she stood barefoot in front of a bathroom mirror
before joining her virile husband in bed - she was vulnerable and
ready to consummate her love, but he humiliated her, and lectured
her about not having any more children: "Look at yourself!
What do ya see, girl? You see the body of a woman, the temple of
creation and motherhood. You see the flesh of Eve that man since
Adam has profaned. That body was meant for begettin' children.
It was not meant for the lust of
men. Do you want more children, Willa?...It's the business of this
marriage to mind those two you have now, not to beget more";
Willa responded with a prayer directed heavenward: "Help me
to get clean so I can be what Harry wants me to be";
Willa accepted her husband's sexual rejection as her religious duty,
as the scene faded to black
Willa Denied Sex During Her Torturous Wedding Night
with The Preacher
- during a nighttime revival lit by burning torches,
Powell redirected Willa's repressed sexual hysteria into preaching
like a fanatical Holy Roller with his paraphrased catch-phrases;
she condemned her own sinful past and that of her wayward, bank-robbing ex-husband
- the next night on their front lawn, Pearl had removed
some of the banknotes that were hidden in her doll and was cutting
them up into the shapes of two people; she play-acted with the
paper dolls that they were John and herself: ("Now, you're John
and you're Pearl. You'll get awful mad, John. I done a sin"); John
discovered what she was doing and scolded her; she excused her
own misbehavior: "I didn't tell no one... It's all here";
behind them, when Powell appeared in the doorway, they
were quickly able to stuff the bills back into the doll as he asked:
"What's that you're playin' with?"; John answered non-chalantly:
"Pearl's junk"; Powell was oblivious as the children entered the
house to go to bed, and a few pieces of the money blew around his feet

Close-Up of Pearl's Doll Miss Jenny Split Open With Money

Two Paper Dolls Cut Out of the Money

Stuffing the Money Back Into the Doll

Trying to Avoid Detection
- Powell called John aside and calmly expressed his
anger about how John was "tattling" on him and reporting his questions
about the money to his mother; at bedtime, Willa revealed that
she had begun to believe Powell's persuasive words over those of
her son, and she called her son stubborn and ignorant
- the next night before Willa returned home from work, in the children's bedroom,
Powell questioned John about the location of the money one more
time; when John refused to talk, in a perversely chilling questioning
session, Powell locked John in the bedroom, took Pearl to the parlor
and strongly coaxed her to disclose where her father hid the money: "Where's
the money hid? You tell me, you little wretch, or I'll tear
your arm off!"; after returning home and standing outside
in the fog, Willa listened as Powell pressured and violently abused
Pearl, but was disbelieving, helpless and powerless
- shortly later that evening, Willa was frighteningly
knifed to death (her throat was slit) in their honeymoon's A-frame
bedroom - she was resigned to her death with her arms crossed over
her chest, and glowing from a white light; Powell delivered a benediction,
and then raised his switchblade knife high above her (in his right
hand - the one marked with LOVE) to carry out the ritualistic murder
- on their altar-bed; in his bed late that night, John was awakened
by the sputtering sounds of Ben's old Model T Ford
- to divert attention from Willa's murder, Powell
claimed to the townsfolk that Willa had been loose, drunk, and
unfaithful to him, and had left town in her ex-husband's automobile;
he claimed he would remain to care for the children
- Willa's corpse was discovered, in a creepy, nightmarish,
and hypnotically-eerie scene, sitting underwater in the Model T
with her long blonde hair tangling, swaying, and mingling diaphanously
in the current with the river's underwater reeds
- the homicidal Powell (Frankenstein-like) then began
a relentless, single-minded search for the money; from outside,
an iris-in closed in (a D.W. Griffith-like
shot) and followed his menacing approach to the house as he unforgettably
called out in a soft, sweet, sing-song voice for the children: "Chill
- dren. Chill - dren ?"; he pursued the two children who hid in the basement fruit cellar
and called down to them: ("I'm out of patience, children.
I'm coming to find you now"); Mrs. Spoon's arrival with a "little
hot supper" for the trio briefly interrupted his pursuit; as they emerged
dirty from the cellar, she regarded them as "poor motherless children"
- meanwhile, Uncle Birdie sat drunkenly fearing that
if he revealed that he had found Willa submerged and dead in the
water, the authorities would blame him: "They'll think it was me"
- back in the Harper house, after forcing the two children
to the dinner table but depriving them of Mrs. Spoon's food, Powell
threatened them with his switchblade knife, causing John to lie to
him that the money was buried in the cellar floor; when Powell discovered
he had been deceived, he prepared to cut John's throat - prompting
Pearl to scream out: "It's in my doll. It's in my doll!"

Pearl Screaming Out: "It's in my
doll" After Powell Threatened to Slit John's Throat

Powell's Pursuit of the Children Up From the
Basement Cellar With His Arms Outstretched

Powell's Fingers Slammed Into Door That Was Then Locked
- the two children evaded Powell and raced up the
stairs - in pursuit, he lunged after them with his arms outstretched,
resembling Frankenstein's monster; his hand was caught in door and
as he flinched, John locked the door behind them; the
children escaped and fled to their
father's old skiff on the riverside, after finding that Birdie was
drunk and unable to assist them; Powell caught up to them at the
riverside after crashing through the thick underbrush and waded out
to threaten them with his switchblade knife, but slipped waist-deep
into a mudhole as the skiff pushed off and slid into the current
just out of his reach; he reacted with animalistic rage
- there was a lyrical, fairy-tale-like nighttime sequence
of the two floating down the river under the starry sky amidst God's
benevolent creatures on the shoreline (a croaking frog, rabbits,
an owl, tortoise, sheep, and a spider's web)

Shoreline Creatures Nearby - A Frog

Floating Down the River
- the distant silhouette of the Preacher was viewed
on his stolen white horse against the night-time
sky as the children slept in a barn's upper hayloft, and John asked
himself: "Don't he never sleep?"; the two fled back to their boat,
and pushed on until they drifted ashore; the children were rescued
by a kindly, warm-hearted, benevolent savior Mrs. Rachel Cooper,
an elderly matriarchal widow (seen in the film's opening), who brought
them to her farmhouse, and exclaimed: "Gracious, so I've got two
more mouths to feed" before scrubbing the dirt off of them in a tub

Rescued by Protective, Elderly Widow Rachel Cooper (Lillian Gish): "Gracious,
so I've got two more mouths to feed"

The Other Children (l to r): John, Clary (Mary Ellen
Clemons), Ruby (Gloria Castillo), Mary (Cheryl Callaway)
- the Bible-fearing, verse-spouting, sturdy,
gray-haired old lady was already taking care of three lost and cast-off
children (Clary (Mary Ellen Clemons), Mary (Cheryl Callaway), and Ruby
(Gloria Castillo)) made homeless by the Depression
- soon after during a trip to town with her brood, Rachel
told the town's grocer that she likened herself to a 'strong tree
with branches for many birds': "I'm
good for somethin' in this old world, and I know it, too"
- the oldest child on the farm, the blossoming,
slightly-rebellious and nubile Ruby, (Rachel's "bothersome
girl"), was permitted to go to town once a week on Thursday evenings,
supposedly for sewing lessons, but she was actually sneaking around
and flirting in town with her boyfriend (Michael Chapin, Billy's older

Ruby Flattered by the Preacher in the Town's Drugstore

Ruby Realizing She Had Done Wrong: "I've been bad"

Rachel Comforting and Forgiving Ruby
- unfortunately during her most recent visit, Ruby
was duped when treated well by a nice "gentleman" in the local drugstore
- he bribed her with ice cream, the purchase of a movie magazine,
and told her that she was pretty; he learned from her that "two new
ones" - John and Pearl - were out at the farm; once Ruby realized
she had done wrong: ("I've been bad"), she returned to the farmhouse
and confessed her disobedience to Rachel ("I never been to sewing lessons
all them times...I been out with men"), and she was forgiven: "You
were looking for love, Ruby, in the only foolish way you knew how. We all need love, Ruby"

The Preacher Looking to Retrieve and Reclaim "His" Children

A Skeptical Miss Rachel Cooper Not Fooled and Realizing
that The Preacher Is a Liar

Rachel Ordering the Preacher Off Her Property
- at the farmhouse the next morning where he arrived
on horseback, the Preacher became acquainted with his strong-willed
opponent Rachel; he overplayed his emotions when claiming to retrieve
"his" children ("poor little lambs"); she knew he was lying when he claimed that
the two were in Cincinnati (where his sinful runaway wife had dragged
them), down the river (she knew that they floated downstream: "Right
funny ain't it how they rowed all the way up river in a ten-foot john
boat?"); John was obviously unhappy with the Preacher's appearance
("He ain't my dad!"); when the Preacher brandished his switchblade
toward John (who had grabbed the doll and crawled under the front porch),
Rachel reached for her shotgun and aimed the muzzle
at him, and ordered him off her property: ("Just march yourself yonder
to your horse, mister"); as he rode off, he promised to be back, after dark
- during a classical confrontational
scene, Rachel sat in a rocking chair on her screened-in porch (looking
like Whistler's Mother) with the shotgun across her lap to battle against
him with her own vigil; as he sat outside on a tree stump, he sang
his rendition of the hymn with the words: "Leaning, leaning...,
she countered by defiantly and harmoniously singing the authentic
version of the Protestant religious hymn with a spiritual reference
to Jesus during their duet: "Lean on Jesus, lean on Jesus";
afterwards, the Preacher suddenly vanished
Dueling Hymns: Rachel Was Prepared to Save the
Children - With Her Shotgun
- in the kitchen with the children, as Rachel observed
an owl swoop down onto a harmless rabbit, she told them about the
world's defenseless creatures: "It's a hard world for little
- the Preacher's shadow reappeared inside the darkened
living room, and his voice queried: "Figured
I was gone, huh?"; Rachel sent the children to safety
upstairs, cocked her shotgun, aimed, and asked: "What do you
want?"; he answered: "I want them kids!"
- when he popped up in front of her, she blasted him
with her shotgun, after which he ran out of the house, yelping,
shrieking and howling like a madman and wounded wolf, after being
struck in the shoulder; she phoned the State Troopers to come and
apprehend the Preacher cornered in her barn, and the next morning
they arrived and arrested Powell for the murder of Willa Harper
- with mixed feelings, John again
reacted traumatically to the arrest of his stepfather, crying out
"Don't" before grabbing Pearl's doll and offering it to Powell
by pummeling his back with it; the hidden/stolen
money flew out of the ripped doll's body (the last female to be
split open); as he screamed about the evilness of money: "Here!
Here! Take it back, Dad. Take it back. I don't want it, Dad. It's
too much. Here! Here!"
- during a brief trial scene, the witness stand
was too much for John and he looked down and was unable (or refused)
to testify and point out his mother's killer; however, Powell was
still sentenced to be hanged; Rachel had to protectively lead her
brood of children (including Ruby found outside the jail and mistakenly
on the side of the Preacher) away from the crazed, torch-wielding
lynch mob (Mrs. Spoon was carrying an axe) marching through town;
Powell was saved from the angry crowd when police took him away
through a side door in a car to the penitentiary - for his execution
Rachel's Final Prayerful Words at Christmas-time

"Lord, save little children"

"The wind blows and the rain's a-cold. Yet they abide"

"They abide and they endure"
- in the fairy-tale ending-conclusion at snowy Christmas-time
after some gift-giving with the holiday spirit (a brooch for Ruby
and a watch for John), Rachel delivered triumphant and reassuring
final words as she marveled about the orphaned, brutalized children
who had reclaimed their innocence and were now safe, after many nights
of being hunted by a demon; she delivered a prayer to them: "Lord,
save little children. The wind blows and the rain's a-cold. Yet
they abide...They abide and they endure"

Rachel's Opening Cautionary Bible Story: "Beware
of false prophets"

Children Discovering the Corpse of Murdered Woman

Powell's Left Hand Finger Tattoo Seen in a Strip Club

Hand of Law on His Shoulder

Preacher Powell Cellmate with Ben Harper

Thanking God in Prayer, For Placing Him in a Cell with Harper

A Chalk Drawing of a Hanged Man

Willa Working in The Town's Spoons Ice Cream Parlor
The Ominous Train Bringing Powell to Cresap's Landing

John's Riverboat Captain Friend Uncle
Birdie (James Gleason)

The Preacher in Spoons Ice Cream Parlor

The Preacher with Willa at Sunday's Picnic

Powell's Lie to Willa (and John) About the Stolen Money Being Thrown
Into the River

John Informed by the Preacher That He Will Be Marrying
His Widowed Mother Willa

Willa at the Preacher's Revival

Willa Scolding Her Son John For Tattling to Powell And Lying About the

Willa Listening From Outside the House's Parlor as Powell Violently Abused
Pearl to Find Out Where the Money Was Hid
A Light Glowing Around Willa
Willa's Murder in an A-Frame
Willa's Fate: Her Corpse Was Soon Found Seated in Submerged

Powell To Begin a Single-Minded Search for the Money: "Chil-dren, Chil-dren"

At the Top of the Cellar Stairs Calling Out

Pearl and John Emerging Dirty From the Cellar (Mrs. Spoon:
"Poor motherless children")

Pursuit of Children Escaping from Powell in Their Father's
Repaired Skiff
The Children's Flight From the Relentless Pursuit of the
Preacher - Seen Riding a Stolen White Horse

Rachel: "It's a hard world for little things"

The Preacher Popping Up Just Before He Was Shot
Powell's Arrest by Police for Willa Harper's Murder

John Reacting Negatively to the Arrest: "Don't!"

John Striking the Preacher's Back with the Doll - Money Poured

On the Witness Stand, John Refused to Point Out His Mother's Killer

Rachel Protectively Leading Her Brood of Young Children Away

Torch-Bearing Lynch Mob

The Children Following Rachel in Single-File Out of Town