Out Of
The Past (1947) (aka Build My Gallows High)
In Jacques Tourneur's beguiling, complex, quintessential
slick film noir about double-dealing, betrayal, passion and
intrigue from the post WWII period - it was one of the best ever
made, notable for its doom-laden flashback narrative structure and
shadowy cinematography, with complex flashbacks.
[Note: It was remade as Taylor Hackford's Against
All Odds (1984),
starring Jeff Bridges and Rachel Ward.]
- the main character with a sordid past was Jeff Bailey/Markham
(Robert Mitchum) - a laconic, former, worn-out and ultimately doomed
private detective; he was hiding out with a sweet, local girlfriend/fiancee
Ann Miller (Virginia Huston), as the owner of a Bridgeport, California
gas station, with his mute assistant Jimmy "The Kid" (Dickie
Moore) - it was a rural mountainous area
- Jeff was forced to meet with his former boss - the
menacing, obsessed and ruthless gangster Whit Sterling (Kirk Douglas),
who lived at Lake Tahoe, to work for him as a private eye
- as he drove to Tahoe with Ann, he explained
his past life to her, seen in flashback, about how he had
been commissioned earlier by Whit to travel to Acapulco to pursue
Whit's treacherous girlfriend/mistress, who had stolen $40,000 and
fled to Mexico
- in the flashback, Jeff described his first meeting
with the archetypal, icy, duplicitous, chameleon-like, dark and deadly femme
fatale brunette named Kathie Moffat (Jane Greer) - the seductive
female made a memorable, sultry silhouetted, almost-magical entrance
into a dark Mexican cantina in
Acapulco from the bright and hot hazy outdoors when she walked into
his life - wearing a broad-brimmed white hat; Jeff described her
remarkable appearance as she cast a sultry shadow: "And then
I saw her, coming out of the sun, and I knew why Whit didn't care
about that forty grand"
Femme Fatale Kathie Moffat in Acapulco,
- the self-indulgent, lethal,
and erotic enchantress was the object of romantic fascination for
both men - Jeff also
became mesmerized and infatuated by her (seemingly so innocent),
unaware at first of how he would become entangled in the dark-haired
beauty's enchanting charms; he ended his pursuit of her and fell
in love with her - the start of an ill-fated affair; both wanted
to escape from the past, but couldn't deny its grip upon them
- their
romantic interlude was highlighted on a moonlit beach (where Jeff and
then the two of them were framed by an entrapping fish net); after
deceiving Whit, Jeff and Kathie moved to San Francisco to live anonymously
and in secret obscurity, to avoid Whit; he reflected on their pairing: "It was the bottom of the barrel
and I scraped it. But I didn't care. I had her"
- however,
when they were discovered together by Jeff's former partner, a "stupid,
oily gent" named Jack Fisher (Steve Brodie) who was hired
by Whit to find them, Jeff and Fisher engaged in a brutal, shadowy
fist-fight that ended when Kathie coldly shot Fisher to death;
Jeff turned to Kathie and wondered: "You didn't have to kill
him...You didn't have to do it" - but she claimed it was necessary
to prevent him from going to Whit - and then she fled the scene
Kathie's Cold-Blooded Murder of Fisher
- Jeff realized how murderous, double-crossing, and
selfish Kathie really was, and the dangers of falling in love with
her; she drove away from the murder scene and left him to dispose
of the body and take the blame; he also discovered what she had
left behind - her incriminating bank book with a $40,000 deposit
in her account - evidence that she had lied to him about the money;
he expressed his stunned reaction to Ann at the end of the flashback: "I
wasn't sorry for him or sore at her. I wasn't anything"
- when the action returned to the present, Jeff arrived
at Whit's mansion, fearing that he would again be doomed and seduced
by the same charming, but wicked woman he had once loved and lost,
especially after he discovered that Kathie had returned to Whit,
confessed her affair with Jeff, and was living with Whit again; Whit
remarked: "You
remember Kathie, don't you?...Kathie's back in the fold now. You're
back in the fold too, Jeff"; obviously,
the vengeful Whit knew of their past acquaintance and their double-dealing,
telling Jeff (via blackmail and extortion) that all would be forgiven
if he performed one more job to help Whit avoid tax evasion charges;
shortly later, Jeff sneered at Kathie with an insult: "You're
like a leaf that the wind blows from one gutter to another";
Jeff had already learned the dangers of falling in love with her
- there was snappy dialogue and tawdriness in the new
love/hate relationship between Jeff and Kathie, when he came under
Kathie's lethal, deceptive erotic spell once again during a second
affair; he became involved in another complex web of intrigue, passion,
betrayal, double and triple-crosses and death in San Francisco, and
feared that he was going to be framed and made the 'fall-guy'
- on the run during a manhunt for allegedly now committing
two murders in SF (of a crooked SF lawyer named Leonard Eels (Ken
Niles), and the earlier murder of Fisher), Jeff fled back to Bridgeport,
where while he was hiding in the woods, one of Whit's henchmen, Joe
Stephanos (Paul Valentine) (who had been secretly paid by Kathie
to murder Jeff), attempted to kill him; as Stephanos aimed his gun
at Jeff and was about to pull the trigger, Jimmie hooked the man
with his fishing fly rod and pulled him off the rocky cliff to his
death, saving Jeff's life
- in the film's resolution, Kathie was chastised by
Whit for her cool, detached double-crossing, and for sending Joe
to kill Jeff without his knowledge; he slapped her and threatened
to turn her in:
"You dirty little phony. Go on lie some more....What a sucker
you must think I am. I took you back when you came whimpering and crawling.
I should have kicked your teeth in. No, I'm not going to. Not now,
Kathie. We're gonna let the law push you around...You're gonna take
the rap and play along. You're gonna make every exact move I tell ya.
If you don't, I'll kill ya. And I'll promise you one thing. It won't
be quick. I'll break you first"
Whit to Kathie: "You dirty little phony!"
Whit - Shot Dead by Kathie
Jeff to Kathie: "Build my gallows
high, baby"
- shortly later inside Whit's estate, Jeff discovered
Whit's corpse on the floor - rightly deducing that Kathie had shot
and killed him to prevent him from turning her in for Fisher's
murder; she explained her motive to Jeff: "You can't make
deals with a dead man, Jeff....I never told you I was anything
but what I am. You just wanted to imagine I was. That's why I left
you. Now we're back to stay....Don't you see? You've only me to
make deals with now" - he gave her a laconic reply: "Build
my gallows high, baby"; he was more pessimistic about their
chances of succeeding because she was so corrupt: "They'll
always be looking for us. They won't stop till we die"; she
only wanted to link herself to him: "I don't care. Just so
they find us together. If you're thinking of anyone else, don't.
It wouldn't work. You're no good for anyone but me. You're no good
and neither am I. That's why we deserve each other" (after
which they shared a kiss)
- shortly later, Jeff also decided to turn her in to
the authorities, but pretended to play along with her plan to go
back to Mexico to pick up their idyllic romance where they had left
off; he repeated her statement back to her: "We deserve each
- their final tragic end came in the concluding dramatic
sequence of the film, when she saw a police roadblock trap and realized
that Jeff had capitulated to the authorities and set her up - destined
to die together for their sins, she
viciously pulled out a gun and cried: "You dirty, double-crossing
rat"; she shot Jeff dead in the driver's seat, firing her gun
into his crotch, but then was gunned down by a barrage of police
fire as their out-of-control car crashed into the roadblock
- in the last scene set in Bridgeport, California at
the gas station, Jeff's mute assistant Jimmy lied in his answer to
Jeff's girlfriend Ann when she asked about Jeff's final moments with
Kathie - in the film's final line of dialogue:
"You can tell me. You knew him better than I did. Was he going
away with her? I have to know. Was he going away with her?" -
he nodded his head affirmatively to give Ann the impression that Jeff
actually loved Kathie and was going off with her; he lied to soften
the blow so that Ann could reject Jeff's memory and free herself from
him (and her past) to build a new life, presumably with her
patient Bridgeport admirer Jim (Richard Webb)
Jeff in Bridgeport, CA With Fiancee Ann Miller (Virginia
Jeff With Ann on Drive to Lake Tahoe - Beginning
of Flashback
At Tahoe, Whit Sterling (Kirk Douglas)
Jeff In Hot Pursuit of Kathie in Acapulco

Moonlit Beach Love Scene with Entrapping Fish Nets
Kathie's Absconding of $40,000
Whit to Jeff: "Kathie's back in the fold now"
Jeff to Kathie: "You're like a leaf that the wind
blows from one gutter to another"
Attempted Murder of Jeff in Bridgeport by Stephanos

Kathie Firing into Jeff's Crotch at Roadblock: "You
dirty double-crossing rat!"
Conclusion: Ann's Question to Jimmy About Jeff's Intentions
with Kathie