Peyton Place (1957)
In director Mark Robson's sanitized and toned-down,
yet still torrid soap-opera adaptation of Grace Metalious' best-selling,
shocking and scandalous 1956 novel about small-town repression, incest,
suicide, rape, nudity, homosexuality, adultery, abortion, and patricidal
murder; a sequel followed, director José Ferrer's Return
to Peyton Place (1961) (starring Eleanor Parker, Carol Lynley,
and Tuesday Weld), and a TV series from 1964-1969 (starring Dorothy Malone, Mia Farrow
and Ryan O'Neal):
- the opening credits and sequence portrayed calm,
picture-postcard views of a New England town, Peyton Place, that
was actually a hotbed of scandal and dysfunctional families; the
town was divided by the "right" and
"wrong" side of the tracks
- in voice-over narration, one of the main characters
introduced later, Allison MacKenzie explained how time in Peyton
Place was divided told by the seasons
- two prominent families in town were
- the MacKenzie family (composed of prudish, blonde, widowed dress
shop owner Constance "Connie" MacKenzie
(Oscar-nominated Lana Turner) and her studious daughter Allison
MacKenzie (Diane Varsi)), and the Cross family (composed of alcoholic
step-father Lucas Cross (Arthur Kennedy) - the school's custodian,
his wife Nellie (Betty Field) - housekeeper for the MacKenzies,
and two step-children: Paul Cross (William Lundmark) and Selena
Cross (Hope Lange))
- in the film's opening, step-son Paul Cross was leaving
home permanently, on account of his no-good, embittered, drunken
step-father Lucas stealing his savings
- idealistic newcomer to town Michael Rossi (Lee Philips),
who was looking for employment, was hired as the new high school
principal after being interviewed by local school board member
and mill owner Mr. Harrington (Leon Ames) and the local doctor
Dr. Matthew Swain (Lloyd Nolan)
- in an early scene, HS senior Allison MacKenzie,
an aspiring writer, met her friends, including best friend Serena
Cross, at her mother Constance's dress shop; there, red-dressed,
overtly-sexual, fast-living trampish sexpot Betty Anderson (Terry
Moore) realized that showing cleavage had its advantages, as she
told her high-school girlfriends: "Allison, according to my
philosophy, what other people think will not pay the rent. So if
you're accused of bein' fast, you might as well run. That way you
get to all the good things first. Just remember: men can see much
better than they can think. Believe me, a low-cut neckline does
more for a girl's future than the entire Britannica encyclopedia."
- an important event in town was the 18th birthday
party of the aspiring, sexually-curious writer, and coming-of-age
daughter Allison MacKenzie; Rodney Harrington
(Barry Coe), the son of the mill owner, brought
his disapproved, fast-living, trampish girlfriend Betty to the
party, and ultimately caused the party to be shut down by Constance
when he encouraged everyone to engage in a necking session
- Allison was beginning to have a romantic relationship
with nerdy, shy and virginal Norman Page
(Russ Tamblyn) (with a possessive mother), and delivered
her first kiss (in her 'secret place') to him on a large
boulder on the hillside overlooking town
- Allison also caused a rift between Rodney and Betty
as a couple, when she agreed to Rodney's request to take her to
the school's graduation dance; Betty was incensed and slugged Rodney,
not knowing that his wealthy father (who regarded her as a sexpot)
had offered him a new car if he'd break his date with Betty, to
save his son's reputation
- the tormented, wrong-side-of-the-tracks Selena Cross
was forced to fight off the advances of her drunken stepfather
Lucas Cross in their tarpaper shack, after she returned from a
date with her boyfriend-fiancee, aspiring lawyer Ted Carter (David
- during the film's incestuous rape scene, her alcoholic
father suggested they drink to celebrate her "growing up."
He approached her: "About time I started
teaching you something...Never had nothing I ever wanted. Never had
a beautiful woman." She fought off his lecherous and drunken
advances - with views of her straining hands holding onto the bedframe.
She pleaded: "Let me up" with her face seen in full close-up,
as the scene shifted
The Incestuous Rape of Selena Cross (Hope Lange)
by Her Father Lucas Cross (Arthur Kennedy)
- following Selena's rape by her father, she became
pregnant and consulted with Dr. Swain, requesting an 'abortion' (the
word was not used in the film); the outraged doctor, who promised
to keep her situation a secret, threatened Lucas with jail-time,
and was able to force him to sign a confession that he had fathered
the child
- but then when Selena returned home, she was again
attacked by her spiteful father; she fled from him into the woods,
and fell - suffering a miscarriage; Dr. Swain reported his operation
on her as 'appendicitis'
- on the same day as the Labor Day picnic, after going
off to swim in the lake, Allison was reported as skinny-dipping
with Norman, although - due to a misunderstanding and a malicious town
gossip, it was really Betty and boyfriend Rodney who were swimming
naked; during their naked swim, Betty challenged Rodney to oppose his
father's wishes and marry her
- during a subsequent, vicious argument in the MacKenzie
household after hearing the town's rumors about Allison, Connie
stunningly revealed to her shocked daughter that she was born out
of wedlock (illegitimate), and that she had been lied to about her
father: (Connie: "Wonderful and fine and good.
That's what I told you? Well, I lied. I lied about
him because I was ashamed of him and of myself" Allison:
"Well then, why did you marry him?" Connie: "I didn't!
And he didn't marry me, because he already had a wife!...He had a wife!")
- horrified by the revelation, Allison fled to her upstairs
bedroom, where she found her mother's maid, Nellie Cross (Lucas'
oppressed wife, who knew about the sexual attacks on Selena) dead
from a suicidal hanging
- during the war years, Betty was widowed when her married
husband Rodney was killed in battle; although he had always disapproved
of Betty, Mr. Harrington kept his promise to his dead son to care
for Betty and welcome her to the family; also, Connie and the new
HS principal Michael Rossi, who had been steadily interested in her,
finally made plans to marry
- upon Lucas' return to the family's shack on Christmas
Eve while he was serving in the Navy during WWII, Selena
was forced to bludgeon her father to death with a piece of firewood
during a second rape attempt, and then buried his body in the backyard;
a few months later when Lucas was considered AWOL, Selena confessed
her crime to Connie, who then reported the murder to the authorities
- in the film's climactic courtroom trial for murder,
during an unapologetic confessional testimony as a witness for the
defense, Dr. Swain claimed that Selena's act of murder was not pre-meditated;
he produced a signed confession from Lucas that stated the father's
responsibility for Selena's pregnancy, and that she had fought him
off in self-defense: ("I assisted her (Selena) in a miscarriage
- a miscarriage of Lucas Cross' baby"), although earlier in
the film, the doctor had claimed that she had an appendectomy;
Selena was acquitted
- in the film's ending, Allison was touchingly reconciled to her mother
on the front steps of the MacKenzie house; in voice-over, Allison remembered: "We'd
finally discovered that season of love. It is only found in someone
else's heart. Right now, someone you know is looking everywhere for
it, and it's in you."
Opening Credits
Trampish Betty Anderson (Terry Moore)
First Kiss: Allison with Norman
Later: Allison and Norman Swimming
Betty Reunited with Boyfriend Rodney (Barry Coe) at
the Labor Day Picnic After a Broken Date
Betty and Rodney 'Skinny-Dipping' By the Lakeside
Connie's Revelation to Her Daughter Allison That She
Was Born Out of Wedlock

Dr. Swain's Climactic Courtroom Murder Trial Confession
About Selena's Rape-Pregnancy and Her Act of Self-Defense
Ending: Allison Reconciled with Her Mother Constance
Pull-back Shot From The MacKenzie House During Allison's Final
Voice-Over |