The Philadelphia
Story (1940)
In director George Cukor's sophisticated romantic
comedy based on Philip Barry's Broadway play - a true classic!:
- in the very funny, extended opening argument (breakup)
prologue scene (without dialogue), husband C.K. Dexter
Haven (Cary Grant) grabbed and palmed the face of his haughty and
demanding heiress / Philadelphia socialite wife Tracy Lord (Katharine
Hepburn), wearing only her nightgown, and forcefully pushed her
backwards through the doorway of their grand palatial estate and
to the floor (out of the frame); he was retaliating against her
- she had thrown out his pipe rack and golf bag, and broken one
of his golf clubs into two pieces (over her knee) as she tossed
him out of their home
Prologue Scene: A Forceful Push Backwards
- two years later, in Philadelphia newspaper headlines,
Tracy was about to be re-married to nouveau riche "man
of the people" George Kittredge (John Howard)
- in the presence of tabloid reporter-journalist Macaulay "Mike" Connor
(Oscar-winning James Stewart), divorced husband Dexter cruelly berated
his ex-wife Tracy: "It's astonishing what money can do for people,
don't you agree, Mr. Connor? Not too much, you know, just more than
enough. Now take Tracy, for example. There was never a blow that
hasn't been softened for her. Never a blow that won't be softened.
As a matter of fact, it's even changed her shape. She was a dumpy
little thing at one time...Not interested in yourself? You're fascinated,
Red. You're far and away your favorite person in the world....she's
a girl who's generous to a fault....except to other people's faults.
For instance, she's never had any understanding of my deep and gorgeous
thirst....You were no helpmate there. You were a scold... A weakness,
sure, and strength is her religion, Mr. Connor. She finds human imperfection
unforgivable. When I gradually discovered that my relationship to
her was supposed to be not that of a loving husband and a good companion
but... but that of a kind of high priest to a virgin goddess. Then
my drinks grew deeper and more frequent, that's all....And the night
that you got drunk on champagne and climbed out on the roof... and
stood there, naked, with your arms out to the moon wailing like a
- there were further contemptuous denouncements by Dexter
about Tracy's new marital prospect, and her own "goddess" personality:
"Kittredge is no great tower of strength, you know, Tracy. He's
just a tower....To hardly know him is to know him well. Perhaps it
offends my vanity to have anyone who was even remotely my wife remarry
so obviously beneath her....Kittredge is not for you....There's something
engaging about it, this 'goddess' business, something more challenging
to the male than the more obvious charms.... Red, you could be the
finest woman on this Earth. I'm contemptuous of something inside of
you you either can't help or make no attempt to. Your so-called 'strength,'
your prejudice against weakness, your blank intolerance... You'll never
be a first-class human being or a first-class woman until you've learned
to have some regard for human frailty. It's a pity your own foot can't
slip a little sometime, but your sense of inner divinity wouldn't allow
that. This goddess must and shall remain intact. There are more
of you than people realize. A special class of the American female. The
Married Maidens"
- while drinking together, Mike sensed Dexter's continuing love for
Tracy, and then asserted his own admiration for her:
"Are you still in love with her?...I don't know, I-I can't understand
how you can have been married to her and still know so little about
her?...You know, Tracy's no ordinary woman, and you said some things
to her this afternoon I resented....But when a girl is like Tracy,
she's one in a million...She's sort of like a queen - a radiant, glorious
queen, and you can't treat her like other women"
- Mike made a very snobby statement
to the very tipsy Tracy: ("The prettiest sight in this fine
pretty world is the privileged class enjoying its privileges")
- during heiress/bride-to-be
Tracy's and Mike's moonlight rendezvous scene (the
night before the planned wedding), involving heavy champagne drinking,
Mike made a surprise vow of his love for her: ("Tracy
- you can't marry that guy....Tracy, you're wonderful...There's a
magnificence in you, Tracy...A magnificence that comes out of your
eyes and your voice and the way you stand there and the way you walk.
You're lit from within, Tracy. You've got fires banked down in you.
Hearth fires and holocausts...No, you're made out of flesh and blood.
That's the blank, unholy surprise of it. Why, you're the golden girl,
Tracy, full of life and warmth and delight. Well, what goes on? You've
got tears in your eyes")
- and then after an unexpected and
melodramatic kiss, she exclaimed softly: "Golly," then
took a breath and kissed him a second time - she stood in his arms,
her cheek against his chest, overwhelmed and amazed at herself and
starting to shake: "Golly Moses"
- after kissing, Tracy began shaking and Mike asked:
"It can't be anything like love, can it?"; they both realized
their newfound love was "inconvenient - terribly"; she encouraged
him to join her in the pool and said: "Put me in your pocket,
Mike" - and they raced off
Moonlight Rendezvous Between Tracy and Mike The
Evening Before Her Wedding to Kittredge

Mike to Tracy: "You can't marry that guy"

"Why, you're the golden girl, Tracy"

Kissing in the Moonlight: "Golly...Golly Moses!"
- after a midnight swim sequence, Mike carried Tracy
back toward the house - where they met up with Dexter and Kittredge
who both assumed the worst (Kittredge: "I got eyes, I got
imagination, haven't I?")
- the next morning, Tracy decided to abruptly break
off her engagement (and wedding) at the last minute; Mike called
his own short affair with Tracy only "two kisses and a
rather late swim"; Kittredge listened as
Tracy admitted wrongdoing: "And I was guilty straight off until
I was proved innocent," but then she dismissed him: "Goodbye,
George...You're too good for me, George. You're a hundred times too
good.... And I'd make you most unhappy. Most. That is, I'd do my best
to...That's the way it is"
The Wedding - A Rapid Change of Plans
- in the shocking wedding finale, Tracy admitted
she had been a "terrible fool" - she was about to abort
the marriage ceremony in progress - but then made a surprise announcement
to the gathered and stunned audience (while prompted by Dexter)
that the ceremony would still proceed: ("I'm terribly sorry
to have kept you waiting but there's been a slight hitch in the
proceedings. I made a terrible fool of myself, which isn't unusual,
and my fiancee- my fiancee that was, that is, he thinks we'd better
call it a day, and I quite agree with him.... but I hope to make
it up to you....by going beautifully through with it now as originally
and most beautifully planned...so if you'll just keep your seats
a minute")
- the film's final freeze-framed last image revealed
that she was at the altar re-marrying Dexter after all
Philadelphia Socialite Wedding Announcement
Dexter's Berating of Ex-Wife Tracy
Dexter's Criticisms of Tracy's New Fiancee Kittredge,
and Of Her Own "Goddess"
Drinking Scene: Mike with Dexter
Mike: "The prettiest sight in this fine pretty
world is the privileged class enjoying its privileges"
After-Swim Scene
Tracy's Break-Up Scene with Kittredge (Mike: Tracy's
Affair With Him was Only "Two kisses and a
rather late swim")
The Film's Final Image: A Freeze-Frame of a Camera Shot