Pitch Black (2000) (aka The
Chronicles of Riddick: Pitch Black)
In David Twohy's taut science fiction thriller about
the marooned crew (only 11 survivors) on a commercial transport ship
(the Hunter-Gratzner) bound for a galactic outpost known as
New Mecca, that crash-landed (during a meteor storm) on a planet
plagued with nocturnal, underground, bloodthirsty (flesh-eating)
flying creatures:
- the film's unique premise of a constantly-lit, barren
desert planet within a three-star system that unleashed hibernating,
terrifying winged alien creatures in the darkness - and now the
planet was about to undergo a rare, month-long eclipse of its three
suns - something that happened only every 22 years
- the death of the seriously-injured, impaled navigator
Greg Owens (Simon Burke), meant that the ship's leadership went to
the ship's second Navigator Carolyn Fry (Radha Mitchell)
- the complex character of amoral, vicious murderer
and anti-hero convict-prisoner Richard D. Riddick (Vin Diesel in
a star-making role) - one of the survivors and the only one who could
see in the dark (with surgically-enhanced eyes); although he was
blindfolded, chained and tied inside the ship after the crash, he
miraculously escaped (by dislocating his shoulders) and threatened
with a shiv (knife) made of bone
- the tense scene when Fry asked Riddick how he was
able to get an operation on his eyes: ("Where the hell can I
get eyes like that?") and he responded: "You gotta kill
a few people...You gotta get sent to a slam where they tell ya you'll
never see daylight again. You dig up a doctor and you pay him 20
menthol Kools to do a surgical shine job on your eyeballs"
Riddick's Escape: Dislocating His Shoulders
Riddick's Surgically-Enhanced Eyes for Night Vision
Johns' Deal with Riddick
- the bargain or deal between morphine-addicted law
enforcement escort, police officer William Johns (Cole Hauser)
and Riddick - if he helped save the crew from the sharp-toothed
flying monsters, and aided them to escape from the planet, he would
be promised his freedom: "So here's the deal. You work without
chains, without bit and without shivs. You do what I say when I
say it...."
- the discovery of an abandoned geological research
settlement from 22 years earlier (all of the geologist settlers of
an "advanced team" in the dwelling there were probably
slaughtered - Riddick commented: "They're all dead" - by
night creatures); they had left behind a water well and a shuttle-craft
or "disposable"
skiff ("like an emergency life raft") with drained batteries
(or power cells); their goal was to to power up the drop-ship shuttle-craft
and escape from the planet
- as nighttime approached, the screeching, bat-like
alien creatures (using night vision radar) swarmed into the air in
massive numbers; Riddick mused to himself: "Beautiful";
Shazza (Claudia Black) foolishly wouldn't lie down and stay immobile
like Riddick, but fled and was targeted and decimated (ripped in
half) by the creatures; Riddick theorized about her death: "It
ain't me you gotta worry about. She should've stayed down. If she
only would've stayed down, she'd be okay. She wouldn't have died....These
just might be the f--kers that killed every living thing on this
- the shocking death of arts dealer Paris Ogilvie (Lewis
Fitz-Gerald) who found himself in total darkness, and when he flicked
his lighter in the air (to ignite his last sip of wine), there was
the terrifying sudden flash-view of the sight of giant aliens surrounding
him, ready to devour him
- as the crew were being picked off one-by-one - it
was revealed, in a plot twist, that the young male survivor named
Jack (Rhiana Griffith) was actually a girl - she was bleeding and
her menstrual blood scent was leaving a trail for the creatures to
- the gruesome death of Johns after he had proposed
using Jack as "a bucket of bait - trawl with it" to distract
the creatures; Riddick fought him hand-to-hand, slashed him across
the back with his shiv, and left him as bait for the creatures; Johns
was grabbed head-first by one of the aliens
- the powerful concluding sequence when Capt. Fry confronted
Riddick for wanting to leave the planet all by himself; she argued
that the others had to be rescued, and then he enticingly promised
that she could leave with him: ("Look. No one's gonna blame
you. Save yourself, Carolyn"); she tackled him in the mud outside
the shuttle-craft, and although he overpowered her and held his shiv
to her neck, she was able to convince him to rescue the few others
remaining; she claimed that she would die rather than abandon everyone:
("Now, you! You listen to me! I am the captain of this ship.
And I am not leaving anyone on this rock with those f--kin' things...I
would die for them")
- a few moments later, Riddick was blocked from entering
the shuttle-craft when he faced off with one of the creatures (seen
from a top view, he moved strategically to stay in its blind spot),
and he was wounded and bloodied by a second creature, and Fry went
to help him when he called for help, although she didn't have to
assist him; as she tried to lift his heavy body, she yelled at him: "I
said I'd die for them, not you"; however, she suffered a sacrificial
death to the nocturnal creature (while she was in Riddick's arms
and looking deeply into his eyes) when she was impaled in the back
and blood gushed to the ground; he gave his stunned reaction as she
was carried away: "Not for me! Not for me!"
Top View - Riddick Facing Off With the Creature
Deciding to Help Save Riddick From Creature
Fry Impaled in the Back
Moment of Fry's Death
Fry Carried Off by the Flying Creature
"Not for me, Not for me"
- there were only three survivors: Riddick, Jack
and Islamic Cleric or Preacher (aka Imam) (Keith David) who managed
to get off the planet in the skiff; in the final moments, they
agreed with Riddick's suggestion to tell the authorities that Riddick
had died on the planet - so that he could escape and seek freedom

Monsters Flying Into Sky
Death of Shazza - Ripped in Half
Swarms of Noctural Flying Creatures
The Shocking Scene of the Death of Paris
The Gruesome Death of Johns
Capt. Fry Refusing to Leave Without Rescuing the Others
Riddick to Carolyn: "No one's gonna blame you. Save
Fry: "I am not leaving anyone on this rock...I would
die for them"
Fry: "I would die for them"
(l to r): Jack, Imam, Fry, About Ready to Depart in Shuttle,
When Riddick Was Attacked