Richard III (1955, UK)
In this Technicolored British film adaptation of Shakespeare's
play, King Richard III - it was directed, produced, scripted, and co-produced
by its lead star, Laurence
Olivier, who was nominated (it was his 5th of 10 career acting nominations)
for the title role of the dastardly and nasty Duke who eventually plotted to become England's
monarch; it was Olivier's third
and oft-praised Shakespearean film - and most recently considered his finest work:
- after the opening title screens, a scrolling prologue
went on to preface the film: "THE STORY OF ENGLAND. Like that
of many another land is an interwoven pattern of history and legend.
The history of the world, like letters without
poetry, flowers without perfume, or thought without imagination,
would be a dry matter indeed without its legends, and many of these,
though scorned by proof a hundred times, seem worth preserving
for their own familiar sakes. The following begins in the latter
half of the 15th Century in England, at the end of a long period
of strife set about by rival factions for the English crown, known
as the Wars of the Roses. The Red Rose being the emblem for The
House of Lancaster. The White for The House of York. This White
Rose of York was in its final flowering at the beginning of the
Story as it inspired William Shakespeare..."
- the film's opening titles ended with this additional
scrolling prologue: "Here now begins one of the most famous, and
at the same time, the most infamous of the legends that are attached
- the first scene was introduced by a close-up of
the English coronation ceremony in the Great Hall to crown Edward
IV (Cedric Hardwicke) as the new King of England; those who attended
included Edward's two younger brothers: Richard - Duke of Gloucester
(Laurence Olivier), and George - Duke of Clarence (John
Gielgud), and a cousin: the Duke of Buckingham (Ralph Richardson)
- Edward IV was married to Queen Elizabeth (Mary
Kerridge), and they had two children: young Edward, Prince of Wales
(Paul Huson) and the Young Duke of York (Andy Shine)
The Film's First Image - The Crown of England

The Crowning - Coronation of King Edward IV (Cedric Hardwicke)

Richard - Duke of Gloucester (Laurence Olivier) - One of The King's Younger Brothers
- after the coronation, everyone exited for a jubilant
public parade with cheering crowds, while Edward's black-hearted
brother Richard remained behind alone in the throne room, where
he delivered - directly toward the audience and camera - his famous
soliloquy about his jealous feelings concerning his older brother's
rise to power and the coming of peace, when he only took pleasure
in war (most recently by helping to win the war against King
Henry VI of the House of Lancaster, that put Edward on the throne)
Richard's Soliloquy: "Now is the winter of
our discontent..."
- the soliloquy: "Now is the winter
of our discontent, made glorious summer by this sun of York. And
all the clouds that glower'd upon our house in the deep bosom of
the ocean - buried. Now are our brows bound with victorious wreaths,
our bruised arms hung up for monuments, our stern alarums changed
to merry meetings, our dreadful marches to delightful measures.
Grim-visaged war has smoothed his wrinkled front. And now instead
of mounting barbed steeds to fright the souls of fearful adversaries,
he capers nimbly in a lady's chamber to the lascivious pleasing
of a lute! But I, that am not shaped for sportive tricks, nor made
to court an amorous looking glass, I, that am rudely stamped and
want love's majesty to strut before a wanton ambling nymph, I,
that am curtailed of this fair proportion, cheated of feature by
dissembling nature - deformed, unfinished, sent before my time
into this breathing world scarce half made up and that so lamely
and unfashionable that dogs bark at me as I halt by them..."
- he also spoke about his physical, 'disproportionate'
human deformities (a limp, a hunchback and a withered arm and hand)
and how he would only be pleased by becoming King himself; the
scheming, ruthless and manipulative Richard explained - carefully
and calculatingly - how he was devising a complex plan of deception
and violent death to reach his objective - to obtain the English
crown for himself: ("I'll make my heaven to dream upon the crown...and,
whiles I live, to account this world but hell until this misshaped
trunk that bears this head be round impaled with a glorious. Crown")
- meanwhile, Richard had plans to wed widowed Lady
Anne (Claire Bloom), the former Princess of Wales who was still
in mourning and was cursing Richard who had lethally stabbed her
husband Edward - Prince of Wales at Tewksbury, and also killed
her father; she called him the devil and a "dreadful minister of
hell!", but he vowed to woo her and temporarily inhabit her bedchamber
("I'll have her but I will not keep her long"); Richard
soon went on to seduce and woo Lady Anne, after challenging her
to either run him through with his sword, or permit him to commit
suicide; she succumbed to him and accepted his offer of a ring,
a kiss and marriage
- Richard's plot was to eliminate all of his competition
- the heirs to the throne, beginning with his first victim - his
own brother George - Duke of Clarence; he described his dastardly
plan: ("To set my brother Clarence and the King in deadly hate
the one against the other"); he denounced and falsely framed
George of Clarence by claiming that he was conspiring to kill
the King and eliminate his heirs; although the King revoked the
order of execution for the Duke in the Tower of London, Richard
had already hired two other coarse executioners to murder George
in his cell by beating him to death and then submersing his entire
body in a vat of wine (he had asked: "Give me a cup of wine")
Some of Richard's Many Victims

George - Duke of Clarence (John

Lord Chamberlain - Lord Hastings (Alec Clunes)

Young Prince Edward - Briefly King Edward V
- the elderly and exhausted
King Edward IV died shortly after hearing of George's death; further
disorder was orchestrated in the court by Richard; he
apprehended and then planned for the new princely heirs to the
throne - King Edward IV's young son Edward who was briefly King Edward
V, and the boy's young brother the Duke of York - to be detained
in the Tower of London
- he also accused the Lord Chamberlain - Lord Hastings (Alec Clunes) of unfounded claims
of traitorous conspiracy: (Richard: "Tell me what they deserve
that do conspire my death with devilish plots of damned witchcraft
and that have prevailed upon my body with their hellish charms?...Thou
art a traitor! Off with his head!"); Hastings was arrested and soon beheaded
- Richard's corrupt cousin
Duke of Buckingham appealed to the people to promote
Richard as the next monarch, highlighting his strong qualifications
with oratory - ("I did infer your lineaments, being the right idea
of your father, both in your form and nobleness of mind, laid open
all your victories in Scotland, your discipline in war, wisdom
in peace, your bounty, virtues, fair humility"), but the people
weren't roused or convinced; after more pressure on the crowd and
feigning virtuousness, Richard was able
to usurp the Crown and make himself King, by first shunning
the people's requests to accept the Crown, pretending not to be
interested, but then reluctantly accepting the offer when they
begged him to accept; the people cried out: "Long live Richard,
England's worthy king!"; Anne reluctantly became his Queen
Newly-Crowned King Richard and His Queen Anne, and
Richard's Proposal to Buckingham to Immediately Murder the Two
Young Male Heirs to the Throne
- however, the Duke of Buckingham was becoming
increasingly "circumspect" and worried
about Richard's psychopathic, lawless, heartless, crazed and power-hungry
reign, and was astounded when the newly-crowned King Richard immediately
proposed murdering the doomed young male-heirs to the throne: ("Thou know'st young
Edward and his brother lives....I wish the bastards dead, and I
would have it suddenly performed"); Richard
was also maneuvering to report that his wife Anne had died, so
that he could marry his deceased brother King Edward's daughter
Elizabeth - to solidify his position: ("Murder her brothers, and
then marry her. Familiar way of gain. But I am in so far in blood...
that sin will pluck on sin. Tear-falling pity dwells not in this eye")
- the Duke of Buckingham was
also relieved of being the King's counselor, and he fled for his
life after the vexed Richard angrily refused a promised Earldom
of Hereford position to him: ("I'm not in the giving vein
today!"); henceforth, Buckingham joined Henry Tudor (Stanley Baker) the
Earl of Richmond, in opposition to Richard's autocratic rule
- to perform the evil and murderous deed, Richard
sought out minor knight Sir James Tyrrel (Patrick Troughton) who
was paid in gold, and the two young princes were smothered to death
while sleeping together in the same bed inside the Tower; Richard
also vaguely reported: "Anne my wife hath bid this world good night"
- Richard's armed forces within the House of York
became pitted against the military might of the House of Lancaster,
led by Henry Tudor - who was determined
to reclaim the crown; the Lord Stanley (Laurence Naismith) also
betrayed Richard and allied himself with Henry; however, before
the major battle, Buckingham was captured
and Richard ordered his cousin beheaded ("Off with his head")
- the night before the major conflict on Bosworth Field, Richard
experienced "fearful dream"-nightmares in his tent of his victims
in the form of ghosts - brother George, his two nephews, Lord Hastings,
and his wife Anne, each telling Richard to "despair and die"; he
also had a premonition of losing his horse and being wounded in
battle: ("Give me another horse! Bind up my wounds!")
Before Battle

Richard Experienced Nightmares of His Dead Victims

Anne - One of the Ghosts
- just before the forces clashed together, Richard
delivered a brief inspirational speech to his soldiers on horseback:
"Join bravely, let us to it pell-mell. If not to heaven, then hand
in hand to hell. Fight, gentlemen of England! Fight, bold yeomen!
Draw, archers, draw your arrows to the head! Spur your proud horses
hard and ride in blood!....Advance our standards, set upon our
foes. Our ancient word of courage, fair Saint George, inspire
us with the spleen of fiery dragons! Upon them! Victory sits in
our helms!"
- as the fighting commenced,
King Richard III was knocked off his horse; he lost his crown and
his helmet, but then was able to take another man's horse, but
then the second horse was shot out from under him by an archer
with a bow and arrow; now basically
defenseless and on foot, he desperately cried out: "A
horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse"
- Richard and Lord Stanley,
who approached on foot, engaged in a very brief one-on-one sword
duel, interrupted by surrounding Lancastarian troops that attacked
and fatally wounded Richard; in the end, he convulsed on the ground
with several spasms, and then held his sword toward the sky as
he died; afterwards, his limp body was tied on a horse and led

Richard Knocked From His First Horse

Richard Crying Out: "A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse"

Wounded, Defenseless, and Surrounded

Richard Attacked - Stabbed and Throat Slit

Death Spasms On the Ground

Richard's Eventual Death Without a Horse
The End of King Richard
- the film finished with Lord Stanley's discovery
of Richard's lost crown in a thorn bush; he held it up and offered
it to Henry Tudor - to crown him and restore peace and safety to
England as Henry VII

After His Coronation, The King on Horseback During Parade,
With His Heir - Princely Son Edward V

Grieving Lady Anne (Claire Bloom)

Richard's Devious Plan to Wed Lady Anne

Richard's Plan: "I'll have her but I will not keep her long"

Richard Successfully Wooing the Contemptuous and Spiteful Lady Anne

The Worried Queen Elizabeth (Mary Kerridge) About Her Husband King Edward
IV's Health

King Edward IV - Upset At the News of His Brother George's Death Before
Suddenly Dying Himself

The Beheading of Lord Chamberlain - Lord Hastings

Richard's Co-Conspirator and Corrupt Cousin - the Duke of Buckingham (Ralph Richardson)

Richard Congratulated by the Duke of Buckingham After Accepting the People's
Urgings to Be Crowned King of England

The Plotting King Richard: ("Murder her brothers, and then marry her")

The King to Buckingham About His Promised Earldom: "I'm not in the giving
vein today!"

The King Ordering Tyrell to Murder the Two Young Princes
in the Tower
The Two Leaders of the House of Lancaster:

Henry Tudor (Stanley Baker), the Earl of Richmond

The Lord Stanley (Laurence Naismith)

The House of York and Richard Himself - Prepared for Battle on Bosworth

Hand-to-Hand Combat

At the End of the Battle, Lord Stanley Discovered King Richard's Discarded
Crown in a Thorn Bush and Raised It Upwards to Crown Henry Tudor