The Seven
Year Itch (1955)
In director/co-writer Billy Wilder's romantic sex
comedy, a witty and farcical tale adapted from George Axelrod's 1952
Broadway play:
- in the film's opening, paperback
publisher and middle-aged Manhattanite Richard Sherman (Tom Ewell)
escorted his wife Helen (Evelyn Keyes) and son Ricky (Butch Bernard)
to the train station; they were on their way to Maine for the summer
to escape the city's heat; as soon as his wife left
town, Richard was determined to lead a sensible
life and was resolved to not play around like so many other men;
Richard was a professional, Walter-Mittyish publisher of paperback books
- after work, Richard went for dinner in
a vegetarian restaurant on 3rd Avenue where
plain, nudism-loving and middle-aged health-food waitress (Doro
Merande) espoused the virtues of nudity and naturism to him - she
explained that although she didn't accept tips, she did solicit
contributions for a fund established for a nudist camp; she claimed
that if everyone went without clothes, there would be no war: "Nudism
is such a worthy cause. We must bring the message to the people.
We must teach them to unmask their poor suffocating bodies and
let them breathe again. Clothes are the enemy. Without clothes,
there'd be no sickness, there'd be no war. I ask you, sir, can
you imagine two great armies on the battlefield, no uniforms, completely
nude? No way of telling friend from foe. All brothers, together"
- on his return home, a light-headed,
gorgeous, shapely and voluptuous upstairs neighbor - The Girl (Marilyn
Monroe as a quintessential blonde), who had forgotten her outer
building key, met her married New Yorker
neighbor Richard Sherman when she hit his
buzzer to get in, allowing her entrance to the upstairs apartment
above Richard's that she had rented for the summer
- after seven years of marriage to his wife Helen,
Richard - who was often prone to fantasy, bragged about how he was immune to the
'seven year itch' phenomenon of extra-marital affairs by repressed
men: "Seven years we've been married and not once have I done anything like
that. Not once. Don't think l couldn't have either. Because l could
have, plenty. Plenty. Don't laugh, Helen. l happen to be very attractive
to women. This isn't a thing one likes to tell his wife but women
have been throwing themselves at me for years. That's right, Helen.
Beautiful ones, plenty of them. Acres and acres of them"
- then, Richard told Helen about three fantasized
scenarios (shown as vignettes) regarding seductions that he claimed
he had resisted: (1) with his secretary, Miss Morris (Marguerite
Chapman) in the privacy of his office, (2) in his hospital bed
by seductive Miss Finch (Carolyn Jones), the beautiful registered
night nurse, and (3) a spoof of the From
Here to Eternity (1953) beach kissing scene with his wife's
best friend Elaine (Roxanne) on a moon-lit deserted beach with
waves crashing onto the shore; during his fantasies, he told his
wife that he had an "animal thing" that aroused women
- in the "balcony scene,"
a pot with a tomato plant from the upstairs apartment balcony crashed
into the chair Richard just vacated; it was an opportunity to
invite his blonde tenant down to have a cool drink; the Girl
innocently told Richard how she kept cool during the summer: "Let
me just go put something on. I'll go into the kitchen and get
dressed...Yes, when it's hot like this - you know what I do?
I keep my undies in the icebox"
- in another amorous fantasy, the Girl appeared coming
down a staircase with a slinky strapless, sparkling black and gold
evening gown and black gloves, flourishing a long cigarette holder; while
wearing an elegant red dressing gown, Richard dreamt about seducing
the Girl by playing Rachmaninoff's 2nd Piano
Concerto, as she begged him: "Rachmaninoff...It isn't
fair...Every time I hear it, I go to pieces...It shakes me, it quakes
me. It makes me feel goose-pimply all over. I don't know where I
am or who I am or what I'm doing. Don't stop. Don't stop. Don't ever
- however, it was just a fantasy when he was interrupted
from his reverie when the slovenly, T-shirted janitor Mr. Kruhulik
(Robert Strauss) arrived to pick up the bedroom rugs for cleaning,
arranged by Helen; when the Girl arrived wearing tight pink slacks
and a matching pink blouse, he offered to prepare
her a martini, as she stood in front of his air-conditioner to cool
off (her upstairs apartment lacked A/C); the empty-headed Girl, with
more physical assets than brains, described
how she had caught her big toe in a bathtub drain and had to call
a plumber
- she also told Richard that
she had previously lived in a women's club and was kicked out; she
was briefly an "artistic" model,
before becoming an actress doing Dazzledent Toothpaste Hour TV commercials
every other week
- after the Girl went to retrieve a bottle of champagne
from her apartment (bought a few days earlier for her 22nd birthday),
she returned and revealed that she had changed into a seductive white
dress with loose criss-cross straps
- during the 'party' scene, Richard
helped the blonde to fasten the straps of her dress, while she was
holding a bottle of champagne and a bag of potato chips: "I
figured it just isn't right to drink champagne in matador pants.
Would you mind fastening my straps in the back?...Potato chips, champagne,
do you really think you can get it open?"
- after a struggle to open the bottle, she accidentally discovered that he was
married, but was relieved - nothing can get "drastic" with
a married man: ("No matter what happens he
can't possibly ask you to marry him because he's married already.
- she ignored his attempt to seduce her by playing a
recording of Rachmaninoff by claiming lack of interest, but then
reassured him: "Hey,
did you ever try dunking a potato chip in champagne? It's real crazy.
Here...Isn't that crazy?...Everything's fine. A married man, air-conditioning,
champagne and potato chips. This is a wonderful party"
- in a memorable "Chopsticks" sequence,
she was startled that he banged out the tune Chopsticks on
the piano; she exclaimed: "Chopsticks! I can play that too.
Shove over." She joined him on the piano bench, and they sang: ("Bum bum bum
bum bum bum...") and played together. When they finished, she
giggled and gushed: "I don't know about Rachmaninoff, whether
it shakes you and quakes you and stuff, but this really gets me...and
how!" After another hearty round of the song, she admitted: "I
can feel the goose-pimples...." She began again, but he stopped.
When she asked why: ("Don't stop. Don't stop"), he approached
his musical partner with a romantically-snooty Charles Boyer-like
accent: "You know why...Because, because
now I'm going to take you in my arms and kiss you, very quickly and
very hard." She jerked backwards, and his
lips never quite reached hers as expected. They fell backwards off
the piano bench as she blurted out: "Hey! Wait a minute." They
were left sprawled on the floor together, and she asked: "What
happened? I kinda lost track"
- the next day at work, Richard was flustered, upset,
and thinking he was on the verge of a nervous breakdown; during a
counseling session in his office with psychiatrist Dr. Brubaker
(Oscar Homolka) whose book he ws publishing, Sherman
stretched back and explained how he was in serious trouble because
he attempted to terrorize a young lady on a precarious piano bench
- he feared he was afflicted with the Seven Year Itch
- when Richard returned hom in the evening, he hoped
he would have a quiet, unassuming and trouble-free evening; he
invited the Girl to dinner and then to an air-conditioned
movie on a hot summer evening; one of filmdom's most iconic and immortal
sexual poses was found in this film - the Girl's famous pose in a
white dress flying and billowing up around her knees
- the sequence began as they left a movie theater screening. They discussed
the movie they had just seen: The Creature From The Black Lagoon.
She felt sympathy for the creature: "Didn't
you just love the picture? I did. But I just felt so sorry for the
creature at the end...He was kinda scary-looking, but he wasn't really
all bad. I think he just craved a little affection - you know, a
sense of being loved and needed and wanted."
- then, she stood spread-legged astride a New York subway
vent grating to cool herself during a hot summer, when a train whooshed
by underneath her. She smiled as moving trains below blew and lifted
her dress upwards above her legs with a rush of air: "Oh, do
you feel the breeze from the subway. Isn't it delicious?"
- she attempted, unsuccessfully, to keep her dress
down; standing close by, Richard gaped at her and observed: "Sort
of cools the ankles, doesn't it?"; soon,
another train came by, and she squealed with child-like delight as
it blew her skirt up one more time ("Oh, here comes another
- afterwards, she told him that she was filming a
Dazzledent TV commercial the next day. Trusting in him entirely,
he easily tricked her into kissing him by saying that he doubted
the truth of the commercials and the promise of flawless breath
- she heartily agreed to kiss him: ("It's true. I'll prove
it to you"); after her kiss, he pretended that he needed more
proof: "My faith in the integrity of American advertising is somewhat
restored....However, before I go to all the trouble of switching
brands, I want to make absolutely certain" - and he returned the
- when they returned home, Sherman agreed to let her
sleep in his air-conditioned bedroom, while he slept on the living
room couch; however, due to Sherman's paranoia about being spotted
with her in the apartment, he sent her back to her
own apartment, feeling neurotic and guilt-ridden, but soon, she returned
through a trap-door passageway from upstairs
- the next morning
while the Girl was in the shower while he prepared breakfast, Sherman
continued to fantasize that Helen had returned home early after
learning about his dalliances; she peppered the front door with
bullets, and entered brandishing a gun and shot at him
- realizing that Sherman (with a vivid imagination)
was doubting himself and thought that
women only wanted a man who looked like Gregory Peck, she bolstered
his ego and showed some kindness to reassure him, ending with her
ultimate compliment and unique accolade: "If
I were your wife, I'd be very jealous of you. I'd be very very
jealous. (She kissed him) I think you're just delicate"
- in the film's conclusion, Sherman decided to spend
two weeks on vacation in Maine and join Helen and Ricky; he gave
the Girl the key to his place, and before he left, the Girl sent
him off with a big kiss goodbye: "I have a message for your
wife. (A kiss.) Don't wipe it off. If she thinks that's cranberry
sauce, tell her she's got cherry pits in her head."
The Girl implied that a little jealousy on Helen's part would make
her more aware of his sex appeal to other women
Paperback Publisher Richard Sherman (Tom Ewell)
A Waitress' (Doro Merande) Views on the Virtues of Nudity
The Girl (Marilyn Monroe) - The Upstairs Neighbor
Fantasy Spoof of "From Here to Eternity"
Balcony Scene: "I keep my undies in the icebox"
Richard's Fantasy of Seducing The Girl With Rachmaninoff
on the Piano
Strap-Fastening Help

Playing Chopsticks Together and Ending Up on the Floor

Richard's Fantasy: His Wife Helen's Return, Brandishing
a Gun

The Girl's Complimentary Kiss:
"I think you're just delicate"

Final Kiss with the Girl's Advice: "Don't wipe it off"