Snow White
and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)
In Disney's first animated feature film with dazzling
- the image of the vain Wicked Queen asking her Magic
Mirror 'who is the fairest of them all'
- Snow White's frightening flight through the forest
imagining fearful eyes peering at her out of the darkness
- the delightful, distinct personalities and antics
of each of the seven dwarfs
- Snow White's beautiful voice and purity
- the beautiful songs "I'm Wishing" (sung
at a wishing well) and "Whistle While You Work"
- Snow White kissing Bashful and Dopey on the head as
the dwarfs left for work
- the Queen's transformation into an old hag and her
offer of a poisonous apple to Snow White
- the seven dwarfs as they marched to and from work
singing "Heigh Ho" and their frantic return to rescue Snow
- the Queen's terrifying demise as she fell off a rocky
ledge and vultures circled after her
- the young Prince's awakening kiss to bring Snow White
out of her slumber, followed by the scene of Snow White venturing
off with the Prince on his horse - "and they lived happily ever
after," but not before she kissed each of the dwarfs goodbye.
Her Prince had indeed come, and the song "Some Day My Prince
Will Come" celebrated his arrival
