3: Rise of the Machines (2003)
In Jonathan Mostow's follow-up sequel with a new T-X
Terminator whose main mission was to eliminate Resistance leader
John Connor's future associates, and Connor himself who was living
off the grid:
- under the credits, the naked arrival of the sexy
new terminator (T-X or Terminatrix) (Kristanna Loken) in the year
2004 - appearing in a store front window with mannequins on Rodeo
Drive in Beverly Hills, CA; afterwards, she appropriated a rich
woman's silver sports Lexus coupe ("I
like this car")
before killing her
- the amusing moment when T-X, stopped by a police
car for speeding and running a red light, noticeably inflated her
breasts to impress the arresting officer (Jay Acovone), after seeing
a Victoria's
Secret billboard
ad for "WHAT IS SEXY?"; when the officer asked for her license
and registration, she covetously looked at his holstered weapon and
noted non-chalantly: "I like your gun"

In Mannequin Storefront Window

The Terminatrix: "I like this car"

Billboard: "WHAT IS SEXY?"

The Terminatrix's Inflated Breasts
- the arrival of the outdated, reprogrammed, monosyllabic,
and obsolete protector - a T-850 model 101 Terminator
(Arnold Schwarzenegger) (Arnold Schwarzenegger) in a circle of fire
in Joshua Tree, CA, who demanded the clothes of a leather-clad male
stripper (on-stage and mid-performance) during a cowgirls' Ladies
Night "Pleasure
Men Fantasy Show" at
the country-western Desert Star bar; he grabbed the man's
hand, applied pressure, and commanded: "Take off your clothes!...Your
clothes!...NOW!" - he also stole a hot-wired truck and a sporty pair
of sunglasses
- the action-filled multiple vehicle-chase sequence
in which the Terminator clung from the end of a massive construction
crane mounted on a truck that smashed him through buildings
- the SWAT team shootout at the mausoleum with the
Terminator's escape in a bullet-riddled hearse
- the climactic scene of SkyNet's activation by Lieut.
Gen. Robert Brewster (David Andrews) and its computer viral takeover
of global networks - initiating a massive nuclear holocaust
- the one-on-one battle in a hallway, men's room and
storeroom (within the USAF's CRS building) between the two Terminators
(a parody of them having sex)
- the finale in which the Terminator
trapped the T-X under a blast door and detonated its last remaining
hydrogen fuel cell in the T-X's mouth - with a warning ("You are
terminated") - in fact, both Terminators were "terminated by the
- and the awe-inspiring nuclear annihilation of the
world (initiated by the rogue artificial intelligence SkyNet that began
to detonate nuclear attacks in cities around the world) - a finale
reminiscient of the ending of Dr.
Stranglelove, Or...: (1964)
The Annihilation of the World

Terminator T-850 Model's Arrival in Circle of Fire

The Terminator Demanding Clothes From Male Stripper at
the Desert
Star Bar
Crane Car Chase
SkyNet's Viral Takeover

"You are terminated"

The Explosive End of T-X