of Endearment (1983)
In writer/director James L. Brooks' Best Picture-winning comedy/drama
classic (his first directorial effort) - an entertaining
film (with five Oscar wins), but also a manipulative, soap-operatic melodramatic
tearjerker, with an ending similar to Dark Victory
(1939) and Love
Story (1970) - its tagline was: "Have you come to Terms yet?" The
feel-good, box-office hit was based on the novel of the
same name by Larry McMurtry:
- the memorable theme song
- the sit-com style film was about the thirty-year
mother-daughter relationship between two women: stubborn brunette
Emma Greenway (Debra Winger) and her devoted, possessive, blonde,
Texas widowed mother Aurora Greenway (Oscar-winning Shirley MacLaine);
they endured Emma's marriage, separation, and illness
- as a young adult, Emma rebelled against Aurora's
attentions, and against her advice married literature student Flap
Horton (Jeff Daniels); as the independent-minded, individualistic
Emma was getting in the car with her family to move from Houston,
TX to Des Moines, IA
- the young couple suffered from unpaid bills, young
mother Emma also discovered that her feckless husband, a college
literature professor, was unfaithful and sleeping with one of his
graduate students; she retaliated with her own brief affair with
a timid Iowa bank officer Sam Burns (John Lithgow)
- meanwhile back in Texas, raunchy, boozy, beer-bellied,
over-the-hill, ex-astronaut Garrett Breedlove (Oscar-winning Jack
Nicholson) persistently womanized his next-door neighbor - Texas
widow Aurora Greenway; she quipped back at him: "Imagine
you having a date with someone where it wasn't a felony"
- they experienced a nervous
December-December love affair - on their first, much-delayed luncheon
date, he realized she was very uptight: ("I, uhm, think we're going to have to
get drunk....You got me into this, and you're just gonna have to
trust me about this one thing. You need a lot of drinks....To kill
the bug that you have up your ass"); subsequently, she ordered
Wild Turkey bourbon
- In an unforgettable scene after lunch, they experienced
a wild car beach drive into the ocean in his silver Corvette (he steered with his feet
on the open roof while she accelerated), while he was yelling out: "Wind
in the hair! Lead in the pencil! Feet controlling the universe! Breedlove
at the helm! Just keep pumping that throttle! Keep giving it that
gas! I see the Gulf of Mexico below me!...Give it a chance....Fly
me to the moon!" - when she applied the brakes, he was propelled
into the Gulf of Mexico water; when she tromped over to
him, he characteristically joked: "If
you wanted to get me on my back, you just had to ask me" and
then when they kissed and he reached for her breast, she complained: "Get
it out of there!...Get it out!...We were having such a good time
and you had to go do this!"
- when they returned to her home
and she invited him inside, he replied: "I'd rather stick needles
in my eyes!"; she responded: "Everything would have been just fine, you know,
if you hadn't gotten drunk. I just didn't want you to think I was
like one of your other girls"; he told her: "Not much danger
in that unless you curtsy on my face real soon" - and then admitted: "I
don't know what it is about you, but you do bring out the devil in
- later one evening, she phoned him up and invited him
to her bedroom to look at a Renoir painting as a pretext for sex
(after fifteen years of celibacy): "I'm
inviting you to come over and look at my Renoir." He quickly
interpreted her meaning: "You're inviting me to bed"; the
scene was a stand-off until Aurora won by demanding that the lights
be turned off
- when Aurora learned about her daughter Emma's pregnancy
-- she screeched: "Why should I be happy about BEING A GRANDMOTHER?"
- in the heartbreaking, unexpected, tragic, cathartic
and touching finale, Aurora's 30 year-old daughter Emma was diagnosed
with terminal cancer and then hospitalized. She was
slowly reconciled with her mother during her illness; during
an emotional hospital scene, Aurora went beserk, panicked and shrieked
as she demanded that the nurses give her dying daughter her overdue
shot of morphine: ("I don't see
why she has to have this pain....It's time for her shot, do you understand?
Do something...My daughter is in pain! Give her the shot, do you
understand me? GIVE MY DAUGHTER THE SHOT!!")

- before her death in her Lincoln
General Hospital room, Emma had one last hospital goodbye scene with
her children; after she had makeup applied to her face to cover her pale pallor, she
spoke to them, but was unable to break through to her distant, bratty,
over-critical oldest son Tommy (Troy Bishop), after her youngest
son Teddy (Huckleberry Fox) told off Tommy:
("Why don't you shut up, shut up!")
- she explained to
them that she wouldn't be around for her family in the future, that
reluctant Tommy should "be sweet" and how he would eventually
admit that he loved her after she was gone: ("And stop trying
to pretend that you hate me. I mean, it's silly...I know you like me.
I know it. For the last year or two, you've been pretending like you
hate me. I love you very much. I love you as much as I love anybody,
as much as I love myself. And in a few years when I haven't been around
to be on your tail about something or irritating you, you're gonna
remember... that time that I bought you the baseball glove when you
thought we were too broke. You know? Or when I read you those stories?
Or when I let you goof off instead of mowing the lawn? Lots of things
like that. And you're gonna realize that you love me. And maybe you're
gonna feel badly, because you never told me. But don't - I know that
you love me. So don't ever do that to yourself, all right?")
- after a hug from Teddy and a reluctant kiss from Tommy,
she asked Teddy as he left the room: "I was so scared. And I
think it went pretty well, don't you?"
Emma's Goodbye Scene With Her Two Sons
- soon after, Emma expired with one final glance at
Aurora as Flap slept unawares; Emma's husband Flap
was awakened by a nurse's words: ("She's gone");
Aurora blamed herself and piteously sobbed to Flap: ("I'm so stupid,
so stupid. Somehow, I thought, somehow I thought when she finally went
that - that it would be a relief. Oh, my sweet little darling. Oh dear,
there's nothing harder! THERE'S NOTHING HARDER!")
- during the final end credits
scene set at Aurora's house after the funeral, Garrett
proved his decent, sensitive and fatherly nature when he provided
needed support and paid special attention to Emma's long-neglected
older boy Tommy: ("Good-lookin' suit there") and won over
the reluctant boy; meanwhile, Aurora spent time with young
Melanie (Megan Morris)
Breedlove's Lunch Date with Aurora

Aurora's and Breedlove's Wild Car Beach Drive
After the Date, Breedlove to Aurora: "You do bring out
the devil in me"

Emma Looking Over at Husband Flap and Her Mother Just
Before Dying - Almost Asking Permission to Die

Nurse to Flap: "She's gone"

Aurora's Grief: "There's nothing harder!"