Videodrome (1983)
In director David Cronenberg's terrorizing tale of
erotic sci-fi and "body horror" - the film's theme was
the prophetic prediction that TV would replace 'real-life', as conspirators
in a nightmarish cult wanted to entice (control and manipulate) the
docile, consumer-oriented masses by marathon television watching
(of extreme sex and violence); it involved kinky sexuality, extreme
S&M and orgiastic mutilation, and reality-manipulating TV. It
had a memorable phrase: "Long live the new flesh" and contained
many symbolic images of sexuality:
- the film's main character was Max Renn (James
Woods), the sleazy owner-director-producer of an X-rated Toronto
cable TV station (Channel 83); he discovered
a pirated, ultra-violent, Pittsburgh underground TV show
called Videodrome on a VCR cassette -
the reason for the film's title; it was a
depraved torture/snuff film; the station aired
soft-core pornography and violent content; and Max desired to broadcast
the pirated VCR cassette of "Videodrome"
- Renn didn't know that he was being used by the villainous
political forces behind Videodrome - the Spectacular Optical
Corporation (and Videodrome's producer), headed by Chief
of Special Programs Barry Convex (Leslie Carlson)
- Renn was deceived into becoming mind-controlled
and infected, by watching (and becoming hooked on) Videodrome; Spectacular
Optical's goal (with the motto "Keeping An Eye on the
World") was to seize and take over Renn's Channel 83 TV station
to broadcast its signal to the masses ("It can be a giant
hallucination machine, and much much more!")
- a mind-controlled Renn began to become infected
due to his own TV watching (that seduced and controlled him), leading
to his brain mutating and developing fatal tumors, and he was experiencing
many disturbing, mind-altering visions and sights
- exposure to the Videodrome film
caused carcinogenic tumors that triggered hallucinations in Max;
sexual imagery included a vaginal-like slit or womb-wound orifice
that opened in his abdomen (into which he could insert videocassette
tapes, or his entire hand holding a gun) as he became an organic
video-recorder. He could be both "raped" and "programmed" by
the villains forcefully inserting videotapes inside his body to "play"
- in the film's most notable scene, Max watched a
videocassette of Videodrome's origins on his TV set (including
the strangulation of Videodrome technology cult leader
and pioneer Professor Brian O'Blivion (Jack Creley) when he learned
of Spectacular Optical's malicious intentions), revealing the
black-hooded executioner as femme fatale Nicki - his future 'girlfriend'.
She beckoned Max: "Come
to me now. I'm Nicki. Don't keep me waiting"
- in the film's most stupendous, surrealistic
scene, her seductive red lips enlarged on his TV screen
(the set itself undulated, pulsated, formed engorged veins, and
moaned as if sexually-aroused). He submissively fell to his knees
and pushed his own lips into the enlarged and bulging hallucinogenic
TV screen image to kiss them -- a symbolic metaphor for oral sex
(cunnilingus), as he was sucked into the glass monitor's image
- Renn also engaged in a torrid and bizarre S&M
romance with self-help radio guru-personality Nicki Brand (rock
star Deborah Harry or Blondie) - their first encounter in Max's
apartment when she proposed "Wanna try a few things?" revealed
her interest in masochistic sadism (piercing her body with a long
needle, and burning her bare breast with Max's cigarette) and voyeurism
when she encouraged him to play the cassette "Videodrome"
- Renn was ordered by Convex to
"kill your partners and give me Channel 83" - in order to take over the
channel (and broadcast Videodrome as part of a crypto-government
conspiracy to morally and ideologically "purge" North
America and produce fatal brain tumors in "lowlifes" fixated
on extreme sex and violence); however, Renn was soon after deprogrammed
and ordered to reverse himself, and instead kill the creators
and manipulators of Videodrome ("Death
to Videodrome. Long live the new flesh")
- afterwards, Renn assassinated political leader
Harlan (Peter Dvorsky), his own technical colleague, by transforming
his hand into a slimy gun-grenade; Renn also
murdered Barry Convex at the Spectacular Optical trade show at the
Toronto Convention Centre - he shot him with his organic gun that
caused tumors to erupt from his torso and skull

Renn's Own Hand-Gun
Murder of Barry Convex at Trade Show

Renn's Own Suicide
- in the conclusion, Renn was convinced to
ultimately take his own life to ensure the total and complete destruction
of Videodrome - first, Nicki prompted him to kill himself by having him watch a
TV broadcast of himself blowing his own head open, causing the TV
set to explode; then, Renn committed an imitative
suicide with his own organic hand-gun, and as he pulled the trigger
for real, he proclaimed: "Long live the new flesh"

O'Blivion's Executioner Nicki (Deborah Harry)
Giant Lips Beckoning Renn

Renn's Abdominal Slit

Kinky Sex: Earlobe Piercing with Nicki

S & M: Cigarette Branding