Le Voyage
Dans La Lune (1902, Fr.) (aka A Trip to
the Moon)
In this pioneering early,
silent science fiction film, a 14-minute ground-breaking masterpiece
with 30 separate tableaus (scenes), one reel in length (about 825
feet), it was one of the earliest experiments in film. The remarkable
film was made by imaginative, turn-of-the-century
French filmmaker/magician Georges Melies, approximating the contents
of the novels by Jules Verne (From
the Earth to the Moon) and H.G. Wells (First Men in the Moon).
Melies wrote the whimsical script, acted in the film
in the lead role, designed the sets and costumes, directed, photographed,
and produced the film! He made up and invented the film medium as
he directed. He developed the art of magical special effects
(and film editing) in earlier films and then perfected them and used
them in later films, such as this one. For many, it is regarded as the
first sci-fi movie. It has all the elements that
characterize the science-fiction genre: adventurous scientists, a futuristic
space voyage, special effects such as superimpositions, and strange aliens
in a far-off place.
It was one of the earliest, if not the first example,
of the use of miniatures (the model spaceship, for example). With
innovative, illusionary cinematic 'editing' techniques (trick photography
with superimposed images, dissolves and jump cuts), he depicted many
memorable, whimsical old-fashioned images and scenes:
- the film opened in a scientific meeting/congress
of a French astronomical society - the Astronomic Club; the
society president - white-bearded, academic professor with
a pointed hat Professor Barbenfouillis (Georges Melies
himself), explained to the members his plan for an exploratory
trip to the moon, illustrating on a blackboard how a rocket
would be fired from Earth (a basketball-looking Earth) from
a great space gun toward the lunar surface
- although one member of the society violently
objected, the plan was approved, and five learned men/explorers
made up their minds to go with him; the female assistants-manservants
brought traveling suits for them to change into
- in a workshop, smiths, mechanics, weighers,
carpenters, upholsterers and inventors constructed the projectile
rocket ship for the mission; one clumsy astronomer, Micromegas,
fell backwards into a tub of nitric acid
- a group of five ascended to the rooftop to
witness "a splendid spectacle" - the casting of the cannon (or space-gun)
by the foundry; the hoisting of a flag signaled the start of the
procedure; the mass of molten steel was directed from the furnace
into the mold for the cannon; the molding process produced flames
and vapors, causing the enthusiastic astronomers to rejoice; a
modern-looking, projectile-style rocket ship was constructed
- at the launch site, the rocket shell was in
position, ready to receive the six travelers, who arrived and
responded to the acclamations of the crowd before entering
the steel-riveted shell (their space vehicle); they were assisted
by a line of uniformed females for the launch [Note:
the scantily dressed assistants (or pages) who launched the
cannon were dancers from the Châtelet ballet]; the female
assistants/gunners pushed the shell up an incline into the
mouth of the cannon - and it was closed
- a man on a ladder ignited the gun; the
rocket shell was fired or launched out of a monstrous iron cannon
pointed into space (gunpowder powered?) into space
- as the hollow, bullet-shaped shell moved
through space, the moon approached [in a sophisticated, multi-plane
process shot] and was magnified. As in a fairy tale, it turned
out to be a huge smiling face of "colossal dimensions" -
it has become one of the most recognizable images in film history
and has often been used as the iconic symbol for early pioneering
efforts in cinema
- the rocket ship shell moved closer and closer
to the moon, and then crashed into the pie-face, smack into
the right eye of the pasty-faced 'Man in the Moon', who winked
or grimaced
Six Astronomers After Landing and
Stepping Out Onto Moon's Surface, and Looking Back at the Earth
Rising Behind Them
- the scientists' team stepped out onto the desolate
lunar surface through the shell's door, delighted by the unfamiliar
landscape marked by craters; against the moon's horizon, the
visitors from another planet (dressed in Victorian garb) looked
back to view the Earth slowly rising into space
Imaginative Dream Sequence as the Explorers Slept
on the Lunar Surface - The Vision of a Passing Comet, Seven Gigantic
Stars, a Goddess on a Crescent Moon and Two Females Holding Up a Star
- they were interrupted and rocked by a violent explosion
(volcanic?) that sent them in all directions; to rest their
fatigued bodies after a "rough trip," they stretched themselves out on the lunar surface under
blankets; as they slept - in an imaginative dream sequence (marked
by a dissolve) as they slept - they first saw
passing comets and meteors in their dreams
- then, seven gigantic stars slowly appeared
in the blackness behind them; out of the center of each of the stars
emerged the face of a beautiful woman, who each seemed annoyed by
their presence; the stars were replaced by
a lovely vision of goddess Phoebus (Bleinette Bernon, a music hall
singer) sitting on a crescent moon (she was on the Moon and also
sitting on the Moon?), and bearded, old-man Saturn peering out from
a window in his globe surrounded by a ring, and two charming young
girls holding up a star
- Phoebus ordered the terrestrial intruders to be
punished by causing a snowstorm, covering the ground with a white blanket of snow;
to seek shelter, the men descended into the
interior of a great moon crater
- in the lunar underground kingdom, the scientists
marveled at a mysterious grotto filled with enormous mushrooms
of every kind; strange beings that made contortions, moon inhabitants
(Selenites - acrobats from the Folies Bergere), emerged from under
the mushrooms; when poked at by one of the astronomers' umbrellas,
two of the Selenites disappeared in a puff of smoke
(a camera technique known as a jump cut)
- although the terrified scientific explorers fled,
they were captured when overwhelmed by large numbers of moon people
and taken prisoner; the group was led to the palace of the King
of the moon people, who was on his throne in his court, surrounded
by the seven living stars

Prisoners In the Court of the King of the Selenites (Moon People)

The Rocket Shell Propelled by Being Tipped Off a Cliff's Edge

The Pursuing Selenites
- President Barbenfouillis attacked the King and threw
him to the ground, where he burst into smoke like a bombshell and
disappeared; during their escape, other fragile moon people were
also transformed into dust after being whacked by umbrellas; the
assaulted group of travelers fled back to their rocket ship shell;
five of the astronomers entered the space-ship, but the President
took it upon himself to hang from a rope attached to the tip of
the rocket, to cause it to fall off the cliffside - and vertically
drop into space back to Earth; it was a miraculous last-minute
- the rocket shell splashed into the Atlantic Ocean
and sank to the bottom (where there were wonderful sea creatures,
lizards? and a sunken vessel) before floating back to the surface,
where it was rescued by a steamer and towed to a French port; the
scientists were greeted in Paris by a general ovation/grand march
of Marines and the French fire brigade for their happy return -
with the retrieved rocket shell as part of the proceedings; they
were decorated as heroes (each received a crown), and in their
honor, the mayor unveiled a commemorative statue of the club's
President pointing toward the stars

Astronomers in Club Meeting
The Construction of a Projectile Rocket (or Spaceship)
The Rocket Shell (with Astronomers Inside) and the Cannon
Female Assistants Pushing the Projectile Rocket Shell
Forward Into the Cannon Preparing For
the Launch

The Firing of the Rocketship Into Space

The Approach Toward the Moon
The Crash Landing into the 'Man in the Moon'

The Underground Grotto With Giant Mushrooms

One Selenite Disappearing in a Puff of Smoke

Rocketship Shell Rising Back to Surface of Ocean

Towed To a French Port

The Retrieved Rocket Shell in Parade

The Commemorative Statue