Way Down
East (1920)
In D.W. Griffith's silent melodrama, subtitled "A Simple
Story of Plain People", with a spiritually-affecting performance
by Lillian Gish:
- the setting - a remote village in New England, where
young Anna Moore (Lillian Gish) lived with her
poor mother (Mrs. David Landau); the innocent young country girl
departed to live with her rich (and condescending) relatives in
Boston, the Tremonts; there, Anna met the "dashing" Lennox Sanderson
(Lowell Sherman), who reportedly had three specialties: "ladies -
Ladies - and LADIES"
Three Major Characters
Anna Moore (Lillian Gish)

Lennox Sanderson (Lowell Sherman)

David Bartlett (Richard Barthelmess)
- near the country estate of the Sanderson family
was Bartlett Village, where 21 year-old daydreaming son David Bartlett
(Richard Barthelmess) lived with his Puritanical parents
- during the Tremont's grand social ball, Anna's appearance
and "delicate beauty [is] a whip to Sanderson's jaded appetite" - the
callous city playboy quickly flattered her beauty, and became "obsessed
by a new desire" for Anna
- Sanderson lured Anna to his apartment under false
pretenses, and made a physical advance, followed by a marriage
proposal ("I want you to - to
marry me"); Anna reacted ecstatically
to the proposal,
soon followed by the revelation that her marriage to him as "husband" was
only a faked and mock ceremony
- after their sham "marriage," their
horse-drawn carriage took them for their honeymoon to their "bridal
suite at Rose Tree Inn" where he seduced and despoiled her
(off-screen) in the bedroom
- shortly later, Anna returned home (keeping her marriage
a "great secret") with promises from Sanderson to visit; she was
finally able to reveal to him that she was pregnant
- and that their secret marriage had to be revealed; he demanded: "You
musn't tell anyone!" and
then admitted to her the truth about their sham marriage: "Well
- if you must know the truth - because
we aren't married at all!"; at first, she thought that he must be joking;
she held out her ring (in a necklace around her neck) and
blurted out - "WE MUST be married - see-see- our ring!", he pushed
her away and then when she became hysterical, he coldly told
her: "For Heaven's sake, don't make a scene! I'll let you have
lots of money and you can go away"; the duplicitious scoundrel
Sanderson abandoned her - walking out on her, and forcing Anna
to reveal her situation to her mother

Anna's Revelation to Sanderson That She Was Pregnant
With His Child

Sanderson: "Well - if
you must know
the truth - because we aren't married at all!"

Anna Became Hysterical

Sanderson: "Don't make a scene!"
- soon after, Anna's mother died, and she had to hide
herself "away with her shame" in the village of Belden; she gave
birth to a nameless, illegitimate baby that was very sick; her
stern-faced Belden landlady Maria Poole (Emily Fitzroy) reminded
Anna that if the baby died without being baptized, it would never
see God
- in one
of the film's most emotionally and poignantly-acted scenes, fearing
for her baby's soul, Anna held her dying baby close to her breast
as she performed the sacred ritual and baptized it - just before
it died in her arms ("the little hands grow cold upon
her breast")
- now ostracized and without work, Anna arrived at
the Bartlett home to find work; the religious and kind Mrs. Bartlett
(Kate Bruce) took pity on her and gave her refuge as a serving
girl; then in an awkward situation, she found herself face-to-face
with her former "husband" Sanderson; threatened by the awkward
coincidence, he immediately asked her to leave because his estate
was nearby; although Anna wanted to leave immediately, son David
persuaded her to stay and she soon became a beloved
member of the Bartlett family; David slowly began to
fall in love with Anna ("David [was] thrilled with the thought
that she is the virginal white flower of his dreams")
- they experienced an innocent love scene
by the river together, accompanied by the title card: "One
heart for one heart, One soul for one soul, One love for one love,
Even through Eternity"
- Anna was reluctant to fall in love with David when reminded of
the "stark ghosts of her past" - she sadly could not allow him to say
such things (he told her he loved her), feeling unworthy of him due
to her checkered past: "So
she tells him he must never speak like this again"
Anna Reluctant to Fall In Love With David, Who Loved
- in town, Anna's former landlady Maria Poole from
Belden recognized the wayward girl, and then whispered the evil
story of Anna's past life to Martha Perkins, the town's gossip; meanwhile,
the dastardly Sanderson again became worried about Anna's presence,
and demanded that she leave: ("Suppose they find out about your
past life? You'd have to get out then!"); Anna reminded
him of the double-standard: "Suppose they find out about YOUR past
life!"; Sanderson was uncaring: "Oh, it's different with a MAN!
He's supposed to sow his wild oats"
the news of Anna's past reached the Bartlett family; at the same
time, David confessed
his love to her: ("I love you! I want
you to be my wife"); shamed by her past, Anna told David: "I can
never be ANY MAN'S WIFE!"; when the scandalous tale of Anna's unwed
pregnancy and baby was confirmed, she was condemned as a fallen woman
by David's prudish, self-righteous father, Squire Bartlett (Burr
Anna's Casting Out Into the Blizzard by Squire Bartlett,
But Not Before She Denounced Sanderson as a Scoundrel
- during a classic casting-out
scene, Anna was thrown out of the house by Squire Bartlett: ("She
ain't fit to be here! She's the mother of a baby - but she ain't
got - NO HUSBAND!"); David was incensed and crazed by the incomprehensible
accusation, but Anna confirmed that it was true, but then denounced
Sanderson before leaving: ("You found out so much! Why didn't you
find out the whole truth? That I was an ignorant girl betrayed
through a mock marriage. (Pointing at Sanderson) This man - an
honored guest at your table - why don't you find out what HIS life
has been? For HE is the man who betrayed me!")
- in the final sequence, Anna departed and
entered into a fierce, freezing snowstorm-blizzard; the
finale was Anna's daring, last-minute rescue by David from floating
ice floes that were perilously close to a precipitous waterfall;
he nimbly jumped from ice block to ice block to try to reach her
before the ice jam gave way - rushing to the falls. As Anna regained
consciousness after falling exhausted, she started to sink into the
frigid water at the edge of the falls; David scooped her up and saved
her, running perilously upstream on unstable blocks of ice to reach
the shore

Anna Lying On a Floating Block of Ice

Anna Saved by David By Scooping Her Up

Anna Carried to the Shore
- David warmed Anna in a nearby sugar shack, and soon
after when the family gathered together, the Squire asked forgiveness
and Anna obliged; Anna rejected Sanderson's conciliatory offer of
marriage, while David claimed Anna as his bride and they were
married with others in a triple wedding ceremony as the film concluded

'Playboy' Sanderson Flattering Innocent Young Anna's Beauty

Anna's Flustered Reaction to Sanderson's Marriage Proposal

Sham Marriage Ceremony

Honeymoon at Rose Tree Inn - and Anna's Despoilment

Anna With Her Illegitimate, Newborn (and Sick) Baby

Performing the Sacred Rite of Baptism With Her Baby

The Baby's Death in Her Arms

Looking for Work at the Bartlett Farm

Anna At the Farm

Anna Shocked to See Sanderson

David's Confession of Love to Anna

Anna's Response to David: "I can never be ANY MAN'S WIFE!"

Anna Cast Out into a Blizzard

Anna's and David's Marriage in the Film's Ending