Side Story (1961)
In co-directors Jerome Robbins and Robert Wise's Best
Picture-winning adaptation of the popular Broadway musical - the
modern, musical updating of William Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet:
- the opening prologue featured breathtaking
aerial shots of Manhattan from a bird's eye view that captured
the city with its bridge traffic and highway ramps, its waterfront
docks, parks and skyscrapers; the camera passed over recognizable
landmarks as it moved steadily to the Upper West Side of Manhattan,
and then speedily zoomed down and plunged into a concrete playground
- the remarkably energetic Jerome Robbins' choreography
(filmed in New York's Hell's Kitchen district) was especially evident
in the opening balletic sequence; the 'cool' white, second-generation
American teenaged Jets led by finger-clicking, brown-haired Riff
(Russ Tamblyn), were poised in a rivalry with the new immigrant
Puerto Rican Sharks led by black-haired, darker-skinned Bernardo
(George Chakiris); the Caucasian gang performed the highly-stylized
dance-song "The
Jet Song" ("When you're a Jet, you're a Jet all the way...") with
daring, high-stepping moves to demonstrate that they owned
the turf and the streets; shortly later, there was a challenge by the
Jets against the Sharks to a decisive "winner
take all" rumble
- a dance at the gymnasium marked the first meeting
of star-crossed lovers Maria (Natalie Wood) and Tony (Richard Beymer);
it was obvious that they were entranced with each other and it
was 'love at first sight,' although they were from the opposing,
warring factions
Maria and Tony Meeting at Gymnasium - Love at First
- in the conclusion of the gymnasium sequence, Tony
subsequently sang the lyrical love song "Maria" -
about his newfound love, as he walked from the dance in a love-sick daze
and the settings changed behind and around him
- with the entire Puerto Rican
cast on the rooftop, hot-blooded Anita (Oscar-winning Rita Moreno)
sang and danced (with passionate skirt-tossing and with biting wit
and humor), about her love for her new homeland in the rousing, lively
and aggressive "America" - she viewed the 'land of the free'
both a land of opportunity and enmity
for new immigrants:the scene of Anita's passionate
skirt-tossing dance with other Puerto Ricans on the rooftop in the
singing of "America"
- that same evening, Tony visited
with Maria on the tenement fire escape outside her bedroom - the Romeo
and Juliet balcony
scene; they embraced, sang to each other, and joined in unison
to express their love to each other with the love duet "Tonight";
after the song, they decided to see each other the next day after
Maria's work in Madame Lucia's Bridal Shop across the street from her
- the next bowdlerized song featured the biting satire
of "Gee
Officer Krupke" that mocked the police and
blamed multiple sources for the causes of juvenile delinquency among
- in the bridal shop the following
day, Maria modeled fancy hats, coyly agreeing that she was "crazy" in
love, "looks
somehow different," and "is up to something." She
told her gossipy Puerto Rican girlfriends "what is going on" by
"I Feel Pretty": "I feel pretty,
oh so pretty, I feel pretty and witty and gay, And I pity, any girl who
isn't me today I feel charming, oh so charming, it's alarming how charming
I feel And so pretty, that I hardly can believe I'm real See the pretty
girl in that mirror there? Who can that attractive girl be? Such a pretty
face, such a pretty dress, such a pretty smile, such a pretty me!..."
- Tony arrived in the bridal shop to see Maria after
hours, knowing that they were defying loyalties and breaking the
rules of their respective societies; the couple sensitively exchanged love
vows during a make-believe wedding between them in
"One Hand, One Heart"; they playfully pantomimed their
engagement and wedding with mannequins that represented the in-laws
and other members of their families; with a bridal veil on her head,
and a black top hat on his head, they walked down an imaginary aisle
in the store and enacted their wedding. As a couple, they kneeled and
exchanged marital vows
- in an action-oriented rumble/dance sequence, the Sharks
and Jets moved toward their eventual confrontation at the rumble,
sung by all gang members; they met face-to-face under a highway,
where the conflict escalated to deadly proportions when switchblades
were pulled out; Sharks leader Bernardo accidentally killed Riff
with a single plunge of the knife to his mid-section. As he fell,
Riff passed his switchblade to Tony. In retaliation to counter Riff's
death, Tony vengefully and passionately stabbed and killed Bernardo
- Maria was dismayed when she heard news of a fight and
was stunned
to learn of her brother's death, and numbed by the tragic turn of
events; she couldn't believe that her boyfriend had killed her own
brother. She prayed in her bedroom before the Virgin Mary: "Make
it not be true!...I will do anything. Make me die"
- Tony arrived and Maria forgave him
and vowed to steadfastly stand by him: "Stay with me. Don't
leave me...Hold me...Tighter." Tony
remained blinded and rebelliously-indifferent to their plight, believing
and hoping that there was still "Somewhere" they could
run away to and find peace together for their forbidden love; the
two sang "Somewhere" together
- in the film's untimely twist of fate, Anita's message
of reconciliation between the two lovers failed to get through, and
then spitefully, she lied and claimed that Maria's ex-boyfriend
Chino (Jose de Vega) had killed Maria in anger; when Tony heard
the rumor, not wanting to live without Maria, Tony
came out of hiding to challenge Chino
- in the shocking ending, Tony raced through the streets
crying out for Chino to kill him: "Come on Chino, get me too...There's
nobody here but me...I'm waitin' for ya." Tony learned the truth
that Maria was alive too late - dressed in red, she was on the other
side of the chain-fenced playground. She rushed joyfully toward him
to embrace him, but he had already been spotted by Chino. Just before
they reached each other's arms in a tiny spot of light (and in the
only area of dry pavement) on the playground, he was shot by Chino
as revenge for Bernardo's death (and as retribution for being thwarted
in his love for Maria)
- in the melodramatic finale, the anguished and grieving
Maria held the dying Tony in her arms and knelt
by his side (and sang a reprise of Somewhere:
"Hold my hand and I'll take you there"); then, she ranted
at gang members - accusing all of them for being responsible for Tony's
senseless death, and lecturing them at how hate breeds more hate, as
she wielded Chino's murder weapon: ("...You all killed
him!...Not with bullets and guns! With HATE! Well, I can kill too,
because now I have hate!")
- she fell to her knees, weeping, and then tenderly
kissed the lips of Tony one last time and expressed her love for him
in Spanish: "Te adoro,
Tony Dying in Maria's Arms: "Te adoro, Anton"
- the two gangs, confused, stunned, ashamed and sobered
by the unnecessary triple killings, finally put aside their enmity.
As some of the Jets struggled to bear Tony's body away, a few of
the Sharks assisted them. Together, they solemnly carried Tony's
body down the street, with Maria following. For once, the opposing
groups were united and reconciled - by the heart-breaking tragedy

Riff with Jets

Energetic Choreography of the Jets

Tony Singing "Maria" on His Way Home
Anita (Rita Moreno) Singing "America" on
the Rooftop with the Sharks

Tenement Fire Escape Scene of "Tonight"
Maria Singing "I Feel Pretty" in Bridal Shop
Make Believe Wedding: "One Hand, One Heart"

Earlier, Two Gangs Agreeing on a Rumble Between Riff and Bernardo

Riff Stabbed in Mid-Section by Bernardo

Tony Stabbing Bernardo

Tony and Maria Singing "Somewhere"

Tony Shot by Chino As He Embraced Maria on Playground

Maria With Gun: "Now I have hate!"