The Wolf Man (1941)
In this Universal Studios, moody black and
white horror film classic from producer-director George Waggner -
this was one of the greatest, classic horror films - a tense, well-made,
atmospheric and eerie production, and one of the last of Universal's
great creatures or monsters (following Dracula and Frankenstein).
The literate original script was written by German-American Curt
Siodmak, the younger brother of noir director Robert Siodmak.
The shape-shifting transformation from a human into
a "wolf man" was often interpreted as an allegory of the
onset of puberty (and the rapid acquisition of additional hair),
or the release of the animalistic and aggressive Freudian ID, to
commit crimes such as rape, and murder. The romance in the film between
Larry and Gwen was a form of the "Beauty and the Beast" legendary
Universal's first werewolf movie was director Stuart
Walker's Werewolf of London (1935) starring Henry Hull.
The star of this 1941 film, Lon Chaney (Jr.) would eventually star
in a total of five werewolf films from 1941 to 1948, but never
again was "The Wolf Man" solely featured:
- The Wolf Man (1941)
- Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man (1943)
- House of Frankenstein (1944)
- House of Dracula (1945)
- Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein (1948)
There was an additional remake, The Wolfman (2010),
starring Benicio del Toro and Anthony Hopkins, and another The
Wolf Man (2024).
- the opening credits presented images and character
names for each of the major actors in the film, and then an encyclopedia's
definition of lycanthropy (werewolfism) ("a disease of the
mind in which human beings imagine they are wolf-men"); it
stated that the sign of the Werewolf is a pentagram, a five pointed star
- in the opening sequence, easy-going,
American-educated, innocent British heir Sir Lawrence Talbot (Lon
Chaney, Jr.) was driven to Llanwelly, Wales to his ancestral home;
he was returning to the castle-mansion of his estranged father
Sir John Talbot (Claude Rains); he was to be formally reunited
and reconciled with him after 18 years of being educated in America;
Larry was set to run the vast Talbot estate, after the unfortunate
death of his older brother John in a hunting accident
- Larry spent some of his time anonymously spying
with his father's gigantic observatory telescope on an attractive
shop-woman in town, above the Charles Conliffe Antiques store,
in her bedroom where he watched her put on earrings; while visiting
the antique shop, Larry had already awkwardly fallen
in love with the pretty blonde antique shopgirl Gwen Conliffe (Evelyn
Ankers), the daughter of the shop owner; to please her, he purchased
a rare silver-topped, wolf-headed cane-stick with a pentagram design
- a symbol of the werewolf; she explained what a werewolf was: "That's
a human being who at certain times of the year changes into a wolf...Little
Red Riding Hood was a werewolf story. Of course, there have been
many others."
- Gwen also recited an old
legendary poem for him: "Even a man who is pure in
heart, and says his prayers by night, may become a wolf when the
wolfbane blooms, and the autumn moon is bright"; more
importantly, Gwen told him that a werewolf always saw the mark of
a pentagram in the palm of his next victim's hand
- back in the castle, Larry's father shared his knowledge
of the werewolf legend, and repeated the poem: "...like most legends,
it must have some basis in fact. It's probably an ancient explanation
of the dual personality in each of us. How does it go? 'Even a
man who is pure in heart and says his prayers by night may become
a wolf when the wolfbane blooms and the Autumn moon is bright'"
- that evening at 8 pm, the persistent Larry
pressured Gwen outside her shop as she was closing up to join
him for a 'date,' to attend a nearby gypsy camp festival; they were accompanied (or
chaperoned) by Gwen's girlfriend - beautiful young Jenny Williams
(Fay Helm); on the way, Jenny ominously picked wolfbane blooming
in the foggy moonlight
- Jenny was the first to have her palm read and
fortune foretold by traveling gypsy fortune-teller Bela (Bela Lugosi); while
awaiting their palm readings, Larry and Gwen had taken a walk into
the moors (marsh), where she told him she was already engaged
to a man named Frank Andrews (Patric Knowles), the gamekeeper for
the Talbot estate
- meanwhile, the results of Jenny's card reading were
dismaying to Bela, who grabbed his forehead (revealing a pentagram
star marking); her right hand's palm was even more alarming and
showed her ominous future - it revealed the image of a pentagram,
the sign of the werewolf; the prophecy was that she would
be the werewolf's next victim; the exceedingly-distressed Bela
dismissed the girl ("Go quickly") before proceeding with any further
palm-readings, and she ran off into the foggy moors; her flight
was witnessed by Bela's gypsy mother-sorceress Maleva (Maria Ouspenskaya) [Note: Her name was
literally "Mal" (bad) and "Eva" (evil) combined.]
- suddenly after hearing Jenny's
screams nearby, Talbot attempted to save Jenny from
being attacked in the throat by a beastly quadrupedal creature,
and he was bitten in the chest by the ravenous, hairy werewolf
(also Bela Lugosi); with his newly-purchased silver-topped cane
used as a weapon, he beat the werewolf to death; in her arms, Gwen
comforted the wolf-bitten Talbot; he was taken home to his castle
by Maleva in her horse-drawn cart

Talbot Fighting Off a Nocturnal
Werewolf Attack Against Jenny in the Moors

Talbot Beating the Wolf With His Cane

Wolf-Bitten Talbot Comforted by Gwen After Failing
to Save Jenny
- later, when the murders of Jenny and Bela were
being investigated at the scene by the local
retired Chief Constable - Larry's old friend Colonel Paul Montford
(Ralph Bellamy) and Dr. Lloyd (Warren William), only the
bodies of Jenny (with her throat and jugular torn out by "powerful
teeth") and a bare-footed Bela (with a crushed skull from heavy blows
from a "sharp instrument") were discovered - there was no werewolf
carcass; the group also found Larry's cane-stick with a silver wolf's-head
handle near Bela's body that delivered the blows; they also noted
wolf tracks leading up to the body
- the next morning as Larry was questioned in the
castle, he admitted to Montford and Dr. Lloyd that he had used
his newly-purchased cane to kill the wolf: "That's
the stick I killed the wolf with"; Larry's father
was confused: "Larry, Bela the gypsy was killed last night. They found your stick
by the body"; Larry couldn't believe it:
"You mean, Bela the fortune teller? I only saw a wolf";
he then realized that his chest-bite wound
had miraculously healed overnight ("That's funny, it must have healed
up"); Larry asserted: "Don't try to make me believe that I killed
a man when I know that I killed a wolf"; Dr. Lloyd recommended that
Larry needed rest; Larry privately told his father: "They're treating
me like I was crazy!"
- the two officials and Larry's father were worried
about Larry's sanity - and his strange imaginings about a wolf
and a wolf-bite, and Dr. Lloyd surmised: "The patient is mentally
disturbed. Perhaps the shock did it"
- in the evening, Larry watched from the shadows as
Bela's coffin was placed in a dark crypt within the church, and
then he overhead the voices of Reverend Norman (Harry Stubbs) and
Bela's mother Maleva approaching; she refused a traditional prayer
service and expressed her relief: "Bela has entered a much better
world than this"; she anticipated a customary pagan ceremony with
singing and dancing amongst the gypsies; the Reverend called her
beliefs "superstition"; in private, she spoke these prayerful words
over Bela's opened coffin and corpse (as Larry listened): "The
way you walked was thorny, through no fault of your own, but as
the rain enters the soil, the river enters the sea, so tears run
to a predestined end. Your suffering is over, Bela my son. Now
you will find peace"
- meanwhile, rumors had developed
in town, led by Jenny's grieving mother Mrs. Williams (Doris Lloyd),
who harshly accused and criticized Jenny's father Charles Conliffe
(J.M. Kerrigan) in his home for Gwen's involvement in her daughter's
death: "How dare you permit her to walk out with other men when
she's engaged to Frank Andrews...It's because of her that my little
Jenny was killed....She's to blame"; Larry's entry into the shop
where the complaints were being voiced quickly broke up the gathering
- in the home's parlor, Larry and Gwen both attempted
to figure out the confused truth of whether there was a werewolf
or not: (Gwen: "Well, maybe there wasn't a wolf. It was dark and
foggy, and, well, perhaps the story I told you about the werewolf
confused you"); when Gwen's fiancee Frank entered to speak to the
two of them, his dog continually barked at Larry, sensing something
evil or unusual; Frank was also disturbed by Larry's walking stick
and cautioned her about Larry bringing harm to her: "Gwen, be careful, will you?"
- during Larry's second visit to the gypsy camp for
a festival, he encountered Gwen and Frank arm-in-arm, who invited
him to participate in a side-show target-shooting contest; Larry
balked when shooting at the figure of a howling wolf; Larry's father
viewed the incident and wondered about his son's psychological
state: "He's unstrung. Long trip. That unfortunate accident the
other night"
- at the encampment dwelling of Bela's gypsy mother Maleva, Larry recognized her from the night
of Bela's death and also in the crypt; she told Talbot that he
hadn't just killed any normal wolf, but Bela - a werewolf or lycanthrope: "Bela
turned into a wolf and you killed him. A werewolf can only be killed
by a silver bullet, or a silver knife -- or a stick with a silver
handle"; Talbot became incensed: "You're
insane! I tell you, I killed a wolf! A PLAIN, ORDINARY WOLF!"
- she informed Talbot that he was now cursed
and in danger from an "evil spell," because the
bite was from no ordinary wolf - he had been bitten by a werewolf; she
presented him with a silver pentagram amulet necklace - a charm
to wear over his heart to help prevent a transformation into
a werewolf; she explained that at each new full moon, he was now condemned like her son Bela was,
and would be transformed; she warned: "Whoever
is bitten by a werewolf and lives becomes a werewolf himself...The
wolf bit you, didn't he?...Wear this charm over your heart always....Go
now, and Heaven help you!"; afterwards, she whispered to other
gypsies that they must pack up and leave immediately because of
the presence of a werewolf in the camp
- as he was walking out of the festival, Larry confessed
to Gwen (who was alone after a quarrel with Frank) what the old
gypsy woman had told him: "She said that I was a werewolf"; he offered
his silver pentagram amulet necklace to Gwen to protect her: ("I
won't need this. I want you to have it. It'll protect you")
- in a series of bizarre hallucinatory images and
a montage of dissolving and double-exposed visions including
views of Maleva, Bela, a werewolf, the pentagram symbol, Gwen,
his wolf's-head cane, and wolfbane, Larry recalled how he had become
involved with the legend of the werewolf; he raced to the Talbot
Castle to his bedroom
Larry's Hallucinatory Fears of Soon Transforming Into a Werewolf
- as a result of being bitten by Bela, during an amazingly-effective
transformation scene in Talbot Castle (when the
moon was full) (filmed with a series of lap dissolves), Talbot
stripped off his shirt, fearing that he was growing hair on his
arms or face; he realized to his horror that his legs showed tufts
of hair and were growing hairier and hairier through dissolves, followed
by the appearance of paws for feet; ultimately, he was
transformed into a blood-thirsty, bi-pedal furry creature (walking
on his toes) with superhuman strength and long canine teeth; that
same evening, the werewolf's first victim was a local villager - Richardson (Tom
Stevenson), a gravedigger in the churchyard's cemetery
- later, at the site of the gravedigger's murder,
Constable Montford and Dr. Lloyd noted that the man was killed
the same way as Jenny - with a severed jugular; they also spotted
wolf tracks in the area
- the next morning (Sunday), Talbot transformed back
into human form, suffering from amnesia without any recollection
of the previous night, although he saw muddy wolf tracks on his
upper window sill and leading to his bed where they changed to
human prints; he also noticed a pentagram symbol on his chest;
Talbot saw that Dr. Lloyd was outside, examining the
animal tracks leading straight toward the castle
- in a subsequent discussion with his father Sir John
about the legend of the werewolf, Larry was informed that it was an
old legend found in the folklore of nearly every nation; he called
"lycanthropia" a mental disease ("It's a variety of schizophrenia");
Larry replied: "That's all Greek to me"; Sir John explained further:
"The good and evil in every man's soul. In this case, evil takes
the shape of an animal"; he also stated his worries: Now, you ask
me if I believe a man can become a wolf. Well, if you mean, can
he take on the physical characteristics of an animal? No. It's
fantastic. However, I do believe that most anything can happen
to a man in his own mind"
- as villagers gathered for church that morning, they
spoke about the gravedigger's murder; the spiteful Mrs. Williams
blamed the beast-murders on Larry: "Very strange there were no
murders here before Larry Talbot arrived"; as Larry and his father
entered the cathedral, Gwen gave Larry a very knowing and suspicious
look; most of the parishioners in the pews glanced back at Larry,
standing by himself at the back of the church; feeling uncomfortable,
he hurriedly departed
- later in the castle, as the threat of the wolf was
being discussed, Larry corrected everyone: "It isn't a wolf...it's
a werewolf"; Dr. Lloyd agreed with Sir John's earlier assessment:
"I believe that a man lost in the mazes of his mind may imagine
that he's anything. Science has found many examples of the mind's
power over the body"; they decided to set up some bear traps (covered
with leaves) to capture the creature
- in private, Dr. Lloyd recommended
treatment for Sir John's son: "Sir John, your son is a sick man.
He's received a shock that has caused definite psychic maladjustment.
You must send him out of this village"; Sir John refused and suggested
that Dr. Lloyd was talking like a "witch-doctor"
- that evening, Talbot (again in werewolf
form) became caught and ensnared in one of the wolf-traps; he was
saved when Maleva's magical sorceress spell or chant brought him
back to human form: ("The way you walk is thorny, through no fault
of your own. But as the rain enters the soil, the river enters
the sea, so tears run to a predestined end. Find peace for a moment,
my son"); transformed, Larry escaped before a search party (with
hunting dogs) found him
'Werewolf' Caught in Bear Trap and Rescued by Maleva's
Magic Spell
- knowing he was doomed to be a werewolf, as he limped
back into the village, Larry decided to leave town permanently;
he awakened Gwen in her upstairs bedroom at the shop, and told
her he had to leave; she changed her mind about joining him and
helping him when he confessed: "I killed Bela. I killed Richardson.
If I stay around here much longer,
you can't tell who's gonna be next"; he became
even more fearful and fled when he saw the fabled pentagram in
the palm of her hand - a sign that she would definitely be his
next victim

Larry's Tortured Confession to Gwen: "I killed
Bela. I killed Richardson"

Gwen's Palm With the Sign of the Pentagram
- Larry rushed to the castle
where he also warned his father that he was a werewolf (and had
killed two people, Bela and the gravedigger), and that Gwen was
next; Sir John was unconvinced and only thought his son was insane
or delusional due to Maleva's influence: ("Larry, how can
I help you get rid of this fear, this mental quagmire you've got
yourself into?...The Gypsy woman!...She's been filling your mind
with this gibberish, this talk of werewolves and pentagrams. You're not a child, Larry, you're
a grown man and you believe in the superstitions of a Gypsy woman!")
- to prove him wrong ("We'll settle this thing tonight"),
Sir John bound Larry up in a chair, locked the windows and bolted the door to
his bedroom; as his father left to join the search party, Larry
cautioned him to carry his silver cane with him, as a precaution; with
his super-human strength later that evening when he was transformed again, Larry broke free
- in the final moments of the film, an atmospheric, exciting climax
in fog-shrouded woods/swamp (during the full moon), Talbot's father
Sir John (with the cane) joined a search party (some were holding
shotguns which would prove ineffective without silver bullets)
in search of the wolf; in the moors herself, Maleva assured him
that he was safe with the cane: ("Don't
be startled, Sir John. You have the silver cane for protection")
Wolf Man's Stalking and Attack on Gwen in Foggy
- Gwen ignored warnings given to her by Maleva, and
went deep into the woods to find Larry, where the werewolf stalked
after her and attacked; Sir John heard her screams
and came to her rescue; the beast was bludgeoned to death with
his silver-tipped cane, ending the man's suffering
Larry's Human Facial Features Restored
- at the site, Maleva drove up in her cart and looked
down at the body of the Wolf Man; she repeated her incantation:
("The way you walk is thorny...Your suffering is over. Now you will
find peace for eternity") to revert the werewolf back to
the human facial features of Talbot
- Larry was praised by Chief Constable Montford as Gwen's heroic rescuer: "The
wolf must have attacked her and Larry came to the rescue. I'm sorry,
Sir John"; in the depressing conclusion,
Sir John looked on in horror, realizing that he had slain his
own son; Gwen cried out "Larry!" as she collapsed into the arms
of her fiancee Frank

Encyclopedia Definition of
Lyncanthropy (Werewolfism)

Larry Talbot (Lon Chaney, Jr.) Reconciled With His Estranged Father Sir
John Talbot (Claude Rains) At the Talbot Castle in Wales

Larry Spying on Female in Second Floor Bedroom in Town With His
Father's Telescope

Larry Purchasing Walking Cane-Stick With Silver Wolf-Head And Pentagram
Symbol from Gwen Conliffe (Evelyn Ankers)

Gwen's Pretty Girlfriend Jenny Williams
(Fay Helm)

In the Gypsy Camp (l to r): Bela, Gwen, Larry, Jenny

Walking on the Moors Together - Larry and Gwen - While Jenny's Palm Was

Palm-Reading by Fortune Teller Bela (Bela Lugosi) - An Ominous Pentagram

The Next Morning - Larry Only Admitting That He Killed a Wolf With His

Bela's Gypsy Mother Maleva (Maria Ouspenskaya) - Offering a Prayer Over
Son's Coffin

Maleva's Chilling Revelation to Larry: "Bela
turned into a wolf and you killed him"

Maleva Presenting Larry With a Pentagram Amulet Necklace to Protect Him
From an "Evil Curse"

Larry Offered the Charm Necklace to Gwen, to Protect Her

The Chilling Legs and Feet
Transformation Scene

Fully Transformed Into a Werewolf

Werewolf's First Victim - A Gravedigger

The Next Morning - Sir John to Larry: "I do believe that most anything
can happen to a man in his own mind"

Larry Eyed Suspiciously At the Back of the Church

Sir John Blaming the Gypsy Woman for Larry's Delusions

Maleva's Warning to Gwen to Stay Out of the Foggy Forest - She Ignored

Sir John Beating the Werewolf to Death with the Silver-Headed Cane-Stick

Maleva Intoning Chant Over Dead Werewolf - Reverting It
Back to Human Form

Sir John Realizing He Had Bludgeoned His Own Son

Gwen in Arms of Frank: "Larry!"