Yellow Submarine (1968, UK)
In the trippy, landmark animated film directed by
George Dunning that
featured many colorful, inventive animations. Its story was about the
Beatles accompanying Admiral Fred in his Yellow Submarine to venture
back to Pepperland to defeat the music-hating Blue Meanies:
- Pepperland was portrayed as a paradisical land 80,000
Leagues Under the Sea - a happy, colorful, peaceful, music-loving kingdom.
On an elevated bandstand, the 4-member Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts
Club Band (resembling the four Beatles) played in a concert for the
members of the Kingdom.
- the Blue Meanies, led by Chief Blue Meanie and his henchman
Max, lived closeby beyond the mountains and were planning to invade
and put an end to Sgt. Pepper's Pepperland. They had various devices,
such as Apple Bonkers (with Huge Green Apples), Splotch Guns, Dreadful
Flying Gloves (that turned residents into stone with pointed fingers),
and Anti-Music Missiles to eliminate Pepperland by immobilizing everyone
and taking away color and turning everything grey.

Chief Blue Meanie

Attack with Music-Proof Glass Globe to Imprison

Turning Things Grey and Colorless
- as an attack occurred, uniformed Young Fred - who was
appointed Admiral by the elderly Lord Mayor at the base of the platform
holding Pepperland's Yellow Submarine, was sent off to seek help in
the surface world. He journeyed to Liverpool, England, to retrieve
the four Beatles (Ringo, John, Paul, and George) to return with him
in the submarine back to Pepperland to save the land.
In England ("Eleanor Rigby")

Ringo Starr Found in Liverpool
Four Beatles in Portholes of Submarine
- once the submarine arrived in post-war England, it traveled
over a depressed, industrialized, gray land, as the song
"Eleanor Rigby" played - about loneliness and the elderly ("Ah,
look at all the lonely people"). Ringo (of the Beatles) was located
in Liverpool, before all four Beatles were located. They joined Young
Fred in the submarine - each one viewed in one of the sub's portholes.
- during the submarine journey back (a "modyssey")
when they went under the waves, and singing
"All Together Now," the group encountered various strange worlds,
including the Sea of Time, the Sea of Science, the Sea of Monsters, the
Sea of Nothing, the Sea of Green, and the Sea of Holes. In the Sea of
Time, time flowed both forwards and backwards (the song "When I'm
Sixty-Four") - illustrated by the psychedelic
count of numbers to demonstrate the length of a 60-second minute.
- in
the Sea of Nothing, they met poetry-spouting Jeremy Hillary Boob
Ph.D. - a short and studious creature (the song "Nowhere
Man") who was muttering to himself: "Ad hoc, ad hoc, and
quid pro quo, So little time, so much to know." Shortly later,
in the Foothills of the Headlands, they sang about "Lucy
in the Sky with Diamonds"
accompanied by glittering and glowing fantastical imagery - some thought
it was an oblique reference to an LSD-inspired hallucinogenic trip.
"Nowhere Man"

"Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds"

In the Sea of Holes
- after returning to Pepperland, the Lord Mayor was revived
and the Beatles disguised themselves and dressed up as members of the
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, and also stole some instruments.
They were able, through music ("All You Need Is Love"), to
defeat the Dreadful Flying Glove, unfreeze the inhabitants, and bring
the return of color and blooming flowers that ended the assault of
the invasive Blue Meanies. The Chief Blue Meanie was transformed by
the Boob's poetry and bloomed pink roses on his body as he realized
he was defeated - he bemoaned: "It's no longer a blue world. Where
can we go?" He realized that he must join the happy musical group.
Back in Pepperland

Back in Pepperland to Save Lord Mayor and Inhabitants
The Beatles Disguised as the Band in Pepperland,
"Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band"

Flying Glove Defeated by "All You Need is Love"
- the live-action finale featured the actual Beatles
after restoring love, life, color, and happiness. As a warning while
looking through his spyglass, however, John noted: "Newer and bluer Meanies
have been sighted within the vicinity of this theatre" and urged
everyone to sing "All Together Now." He added: "There
is only one way to go out... Singing!" The film ended with translations
of the song's title into various languages.
Live-Action Finale: "All Together Now"

The Blue Meanies (Led by the Chief) Plotting to Destroy Pepperland

Chief Blue Meanie and Max

Attack of Apple Bonkers With Green Apples

Young Fred Appointed Admiral by edlerly Lord Mayor

Yellow Submarine to the Rescue

"When I'm 64"

Sea of Monsters - with a Vacuum Thrask

The Restoration of Color and Happiness

Flight of the Blue Meanies

Defeat of the Chief Blue Meanie