Narcissus (1947, UK)
In Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger's dazzling,
Technicolored cinematic masterpiece and religious-psychological drama:
- the film featured breath-taking imagery and Technicolor
cinematography of a Himalayan palace (once a bordello) with a
bell tower on the edge of a precipice (the film was mostly
shot on a British sound stage), where five Anglican-British nuns
lived in the remote setting
- the beautiful, alluring, orphaned, lower-caste local
Indian maiden Kanchi (18 year-old Jean Simmons in her second major
film role) performed a provocative and censor-defying dance through
the palace; later, she closed her eyes and sensuously smelled the
perfumed essence (of black narcissus) of the Himalayan general's
nephew Dilip Rai (Sabu), known as "the Young General"
- the central character was devout, chaste and pious
Sister Superior Clodagh (Deborah Kerr), who was repressing a failed
romance she had left at home in Ireland, although she was continually
reminded and tormented by it - and reliving her sexual frustrations
through a series of sense-stimulated memories that jolted her memory
- she admitted that she was being seduced by her environment: "I
had forgotten everything until I came here":
Most of Sister Clodagh's Flashbacks to Her Former
Life in Ireland

Sparkling Blue Lake

Grandmother's Emerald Necklace

Singing of Christmas Hymns
- four 'offensive' flashback segments - edited out
of the film's original release at the behest of the Catholic Legion
of Decency, included the following:
- during prayers, a view of a brilliant blue
sky through an open window triggered, through a dissolve, a memory
of waves on a sparkling lake during a romantic idyll with suitor
Con (Shaun Noble) while fishing
- a dog barking brought back another
sight of fox-hunting hounds leading a group of horse-riders,
including Sister Clodagh and Con on horseback
- a mention of the words: "grandmother's footstool" brought
back a memory of her own grandmother's emerald necklace in a case on
a footstool, which was promised to her by her granny (Margaret Scudamore)
for her expected marriage: "These emeralds are for you, my
darling, when you marry"
- the singing of Christmas hymns (i.e., "Noel")
during services invoked a thought of Christmas-caroling, arm-in-arm
with her suitor Con on a wintry night back in Ireland
- one of Sister Clodagh's sisters was
the mentally-insane character of a sexually-conflicted and starved
Sister Ruth (Kathleen Byron) who turned mad with lust for British
government intermediary-agent Mr. Dean (David Farrar)
- Sister Ruth experienced a climactic nervous breakdown
and confrontational scene with Sister Clodagh - when she wore a forbidden
red dress after renouncing her nunhood; Sister Clodagh begged: ("I
know that you've left the order. I only want to stop you from doing
something that you'll be sorry for"); as a symbolic statement
of her break from the nunnery, Sister Ruth sensuously applied bright
red lipstick in Sister Clodagh's presence
- the film's climactic scene commenced with Sister Clodagh
at 6:00 am exiting the building and walking along the edge of the
cliffside precipice and chasm to the belltower, to reach for the
rope and ring the morning bell; Sister Clodagh stepped up
onto the bell platform, and dizzingly looked down as she pulled on
the rope and the bell clanged
- Ruth emerged from a doorway - with fiery evil and
reddish eyes - her red dress was now transformed into a black shroud.
She stealthily approached the bell-tower in the cathartic ending
scene; she came up from behind her intended, unaware, and unprotected
victim. A desperate struggle ensued as the jealous and vengeful Ruth
rushed forward and pushed Sister Clodagh toward the chasm; Clodagh
was saved from death by grabbing ahold of the belltower rope, but
she still dangled precariously over the edge - she tried to regain
her footing on the platform to save herself, while her hands grasped
the bell rope above her. Ruth frantically attempted to peel her fingers
away from the rope
- when
Sister Clodagh was able to right herself, Ruth lost her balance and
plunged backward to her death, as Clodagh watched with horror as
screams followed Ruth's body into the depths
The Crazed Appearance of Insane Sister
Ruth Before Lethally Assaulting Sister Clodagh
The Himalayan Bell Tower
Kanchi (Jean Simmons)
Sister Superior Clodagh (Deborah Kerr)
Sex-Starved and Insane Sister Ruth (Kathleen Byron)
Sister Ruth's Confrontation with Sister Clodagh
Sister Ruth Applying Bright, Sensuous Red Lipstick

Reaction to Sister Ruth's Death-Fall