100 Years of Title Screens

Movie Title Screens


100 Years of Memorable Title Screens


Movie Title Screens Index
Best Pictures | James Bond Films | Film Studio Logos | Saul Bass
100 Years of Title Screens (1900-1919) | (1920-1929) | (1930-1939) | (1940-1949) | (1950-1959) | (1960-1969)
(1970-1979) | (1980-1989) | (1990-1999) | (2000-2009) | (2010-2019) | (2020-2029)
Film Noir (1940s) | Film Noir (1950s) | Hitchcock Films | Greatest Westerns | Creature-Features of the 1950s
Filmsite's 100 Greatest Films | Filmsite's Another 100 Films | Filmsite's Third 100 Films

1930s Movie Title Screens By Year
1930 | 1931 | 1932 | 1933 | 1934 | 1935 | 1936 | 1937 | 1938 | 1939

100 Years of Memorable Movie Title Screens: 1938

Adventures of Chico (1938)

The Adventures of Marco Polo (1938)

The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938)

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1938)

Alexander Nevsky (1938, Soviet Union) (aka Aleksandr Nevskiy)

Alexander's Ragtime Band (1938)

Algiers (1938)

The Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse (1938)

Angels With Dirty Faces (1938)

Annabel Takes a Tour (1938)

Army Girl (1938)

The Baker's Wife (1938, Fr.) (aka La Femme du Boulanger)

Bank Holiday (1938, UK)

Barefoot Boy (1938)

The Beloved Brat (1938)

La Bête Humaine (1938, Fr.) (aka The Human Beast)

The Big Broadcast of 1938 (1938)

Blind Alibi (1938)

Blockade (1938)

Block-Heads (1938)

Blondes at Work (1938)

Blondie (1938)

Bluebeard's Eighth Wife (1938)

Border G-Man (1938)

Boy Meets Girl (1938)

Boy of the Streets (1938)

Boys Town (1938)

Bringing Up Baby (1938)

Brother Rat (1938)

The Buccaneer (1938)

Bulldog Drummond in Africa (1938)

Bulldog Drummond's Peril (1938)

Call the Mesquiteers (1938)

Carefree (1938)

The Challenge (1938, UK)

Charlie Chan in Honolulu (1938)

Child Bride (1938)

A Christmas Carol (1938)

The Citadel (1938, UK)

Come On, Rangers (1938)

Comet Over Broadway (1938)

Condemned Women (1938)

The Cowboy and the Lady (1938)

Cowboy From Brooklyn (1938)

Crime Ring (1938)

Crime School (1938)

The Crowd Roars (1938)

The Dawn Patrol (1938)

Desert Patrol (1938)

The Devil's Party (1938)

Dick Tracy Returns (1938)

The Divorce of Lady X (1938, UK)

Double Danger (1938)

Down in "Arkansaw" (1938)

Dramatic School (1938)

The Drum (1938, UK) (aka Drums)

The Duke Is Tops (1938)

The Duke of West Point (1938)

Everybody Sing (1938)

Fast Company (1938)

Five of a Kind (1938)

Flash Gordon's Trip to Mars (1938)

Fools For Scandal (1938)

Four Daughters (1938)

Four Men and a Prayer (1938)

Four's A Crowd (1938)

Garden of the Moon (1938)

The Girl Downstairs (1938)

The Girl of the Golden West (1938)

Girls on Probation (1938)

Girls' School (1938)

Gold Diggers in Paris (1938)

Gold Is Where You Find It (1938)

The Great Waltz (1938)

Happy Landing (1938)

Hard to Get (1938)

Having Wonderful Time (1938)

He Couldn't Say No (1938)

Heart of the North (1938)

Held For Ransom (1938)

Here's Flash Casey (1938)

Hold That Co-Ed (1938)

Holiday (1938)

Hotel du Nord (1938, Fr.)

I Met My Love Again (1938)

If I Were King (1938)

International Crime (1938)

Island in the Sky (1938)

Jezebel (1938)

Joy of Living (1938)

Judge Hardy's Children (1938)

Just Around the Corner (1938)

Kentucky (1938)

King of the Newsboys (1938)

The Lady Vanishes (1938, UK)

The Law West of Tombstone (1938)

Letter of Introduction (1938)

Listen, Darling (1938)

Little Miss Broadway (1938)

Little Tough Guy (1938)

Lord Jeff (1938)

Love Finds Andy Hardy (1938)

Love Is a Headache (1938)

Love On A Budget (1938)

Mad About Money (1938)

Mad About Music (1938)

The Mad Miss Manton (1938)

Maid's Night Out (1938)

Man From Music Mountain (1938)

A Man to Remember (1938)

Marie Antoinette (1938)

The Masseurs and a Woman (1938, Jp.) (aka Anma to onna)

Men Are Such Fools (1938)

Merrily We Live (1938)

Mother Carey's Chickens (1938)

Mr. Boggs Steps Out (1938)

Mr. Moto's Gamble (1938)

Mr. Moto Takes a Chance (1938)

Mr. Wong Detective (1938)

My Bill (1938)

My Lucky Star (1938)

Mysterious Mr. Moto (1938)

Nancy Drew -- Detective (1938)

Next Time I Marry (1938)

Of Human Hearts (1938)

Olympia (1938, Germ.)

Out West with the Hardys (1938)

Outlaws of Sonora (1938)

Over the Wall (1938)

Overland Stage Raiders (1938)

Painted Desert (1938)

Penrod and His Twin Brother (1938)

The Port of Shadows (1938, Fr.) (aka Le Quai Des Brumes)

Prairie Moon (1938)

Prison Break (1938)

Pygmalion (1938, UK)

Quadrille (1938, Fr.)

Racket Busters (1938)

Radio City Revels (1938)

The Rage of Paris (1938)

Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm (1938)

Reefer Madness (1938)

The Renegade Ranger (1938)

Rich Man, Poor Girl (1938)

Riders of the Black Hills (1938)

Romance for Three (1938) (aka Paradise for Three)

Room Service (1938)

Sailing Along (1938)

The Saint in New York (1938)

Saleslady (1938)

Sally, Irene and Mary (1938)

Sally, Irene and Mary (1938)

Sally, Irene and Mary (1938)

Santa Fe Stampede (1938)

Le Schpountz (1938, Fr.) (aka Heartbeat)

Secrets of an Actress (1938)

Sex Madness (1938)

Shadows Over Shanghai (1938)

She's Got Everything (1938)

Shine On Harvest Moon (1938)

The Shining Hour (1938)

The Shopworn Angel (1938)

Sinners in Paradise (1938)

The Sisters (1938)

Sky Giant (1938)

A Slight Case of Murder (1938)

Smashing the Rackets (1938)

Spring Madness (1938)

Stablemates (1938)

Start Cheering (1938)

St. Martins Lane (1938, UK) (aka The Sidewalks of New York)

Suez (1938)

Sweethearts (1938)

Swing It, Sailor! (1938)

Swing Your Lady (1938)

Tarnished Angel (1938)

Tarzan and the Green Goddess (1938)

Tarzan's Revenge (1938)

The Terror of Tiny Town (1938)

Test Pilot (1938)

The Texans (1938)

Thanks For the Memory (1938)

That Certain Age (1938)

There Goes My Heart (1938)

There's Always A Woman (1938)

They Drive By Night (1938, UK)

This Marriage Business (1938)

Three Blind Mice (1938)

Three Comrades (1938)

Three Loves Has Nancy (1938)

Too Hot to Handle (1938)

Topper Takes a Trip (1938)

Torchy Blane in Panama (1938)

Torchy Gets Her Man (1938)

The Toy Wife (1938)

Trade Winds (1938)

Two Gun Man From Harlem (1938)

Under Western Stars (1938)

Valley of the Giants (1938)

Vivacious Lady (1938)

When Were You Born (1938)

Wives Under Suspicion (1938)

Woman Against Woman (1938)

Women Are Like That (1938)

A Yank at Oxford (1938, UK)

Yellow Jack (1938)

You Can't Take It With You (1938)

Young Dr. Kildare (1938)

The Young in Heart (1938)

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