E |
Title Screen
Movie Title/Year and Scene Descriptions |
the Extra-Terrestrial (1982)
- Steven Spielberg's classic and popular magical
fantasy movie myth was about an alien creature and its friendship
with a telepathic boy
- in the opening scene set near a suburban development,
a group of extraterrestrials (after landing), who were exploring
in a California forest, were surprised by a crew of botanists (one
named Keys (Peter Coyote) with a set of jangling keys); one of
the aliens (later named E.T.) was left behind and abandoned on
Earth after its alien spaceship took off - it was a wise creature
from outer space 3 million light years away
- after returning home with a take-out order of pizza
from a delivery, young 10 year-old Elliott (Henry Thomas) discovered
something in his backyard's dark gardening tool shed; he casually
tossed his softball into the shed and it was playfully thrown back
out to him at his feet; he ran into the house, where his disbelieving
divorced single mother Mary (Dee Wallace) and older brother Michael
(Robert MacNaughton) quickly dismissed Elliott's claims when they
only found odd-shaped tracks in the dirt
- later that night at 2 am and unable to sleep, Elliott
returned to the backyard with a flashlight and entered the adjoining
cornfield next to the house, where he saw the strange tracks again
and moved some stalks aside; when he shined his light on the creature,
they both shrieked at each other on first viewing - both equally
and identically scared
- the next day after school while riding his bicycle
into the woods high up above his house, Elliott scattered bits
of Hershey's Reese's Pieces (like small, round, and colorful pills)
on the forest ground, possibly to locate, feed and befriend the
creature or to lead the hungry creature to his home with the sweet
path of chocolates

Elliott's Divorced Single Mother Mary (Dee Wallace)

Elliott's Annoying Older Brother Michael (Robert

Elliott's Younger Sister Gertie (Drew Barrymore)
- that evening at the dining table, Elliott engaged
in another argument with his family - they thought he was again
imagining things in the backyard and had only seen an iguana, or
a stray alligator, or "maybe it was a pervert or a deformed
kid or somethin'...maybe an elf or a leprechaun" - Elliott
lashed out at the teasing of Michael: "It was nothin' like
that, penis breath!"; his mother cautioned: "If you see
it again, whatever it is, don't touch it. Just call me and we'll
have somebody come and take it away"; Elliott was fearful: "But
they'll give it a lobotomy or do experiments on it or somethin'" -
a foreshadowing
- later that night as Elliott slept outside on the
patio, he finally got a glimpse of the short creature backlit from
the light of the toolshed; the creature with two elongated fingers
returned some of the Reese's Pieces that were in the forest - a
symbol of friendship; Elliott quietly lured the alien into the
house using the Reese's Pieces as bait to move him into his bedroom
and ultimately into his closet filled with stuffed animals
- in a profoundly simple scene when Elliott feigned
illness and stayed home from school the next day, he used objects
in his bedroom to introduce his 'alien' world and culture to the
creature, a world of materialism and violence
- after school was out, Elliott revealed his secret
stray friend, the "goblin," to his disbelieving brother,
who was dumbfounded by the creature; Elliott's younger impish blonde-haired
sister Gertie (Drew Barrymore) also had her first startling, face-to-face
look at E.T. during Elliott's reveal to his brother; the creature
craned its neck up in fear and she emitted a loud-pitched scream
- the alien reacted by belching out a horrifying moan in imitation;
after calming down and being amazed by E.T., both his siblings
promised to keep the creature a secret from their mother and others;
the next day, E.T. cleverly hid amongst the stuffed animals in
Elliott's bedroom closet to avoid being detected by his mother

Elliott's Introduction of the Creature To Brother
Gertie's Scream at Seeing E.T. in Elliott's Bedroom
- explained the location of his home in the universe
to the three children by levitating and rotating several spheres
(five different colored objects - three pieces of fruit and two
eggs) like the planets in the solar system; E.T. also healed Gertie's
sick and wilting, potted geranium plant and caused it to bloom
- while everyone was at school, E.T. had amusing experiences
with suburban living after leaving the bedroom and sampling items
from the refrigerator, such as an old container of potato salad;
he became drunk after drinking from a pop-top can of Coors beer,
experimented with a Speak 'n' Spell learning toy, and watched
TV and read a Buck Rogers comic strip; he came up with the idea
of building a space communicator from various spare components
to transmit a message to his alien homeland
E.T.'s Funny Experiences With Suburban Living
- at school in Elliott's school biology science lab
in cross-cut parallel scenes, Elliott shared a symbiotic, extra-sensory
telepathic or mentally-bonded relationship with his new friend;
he decided to save the frogs from being chloroformed and dissected,
with the help of young blonde classmate (Erika Eleniak), by letting
them escape from their glass jars and tossing them out the window
- the scene ended with Elliott kissing the girl - imitating a scene
in John Ford's The Quiet Man being watched simultaneously
by E.T. on television
Elliott Liberating the Frogs in Science Lab and
Kissing the Blonde Girl
- after quickly learning to speak with Gertie's help, E.T. delivered
his famous line of dialogue - pointing to the heavens and indicating: "E.T.
Home Phone," but then was corrected by Gertie with the right
word order: "E.T. Phone home," as he pointed to the window
with his long finger; she added: "He wants to call somebody"
- Elliott accidentally cut himself on the sharp jagged
edge of a circular saw blade - and exclaimed:
"OUCH!"; Elliott held out his bloody, red-glowing finger
into the air, as E.T. repeated the word "Ouch" and demonstrated
his magical powers for the first time by reaching out with his white
glowing finger and healing Elliott's injury - in the next room, Mary
read the magical tale of Peter Pan to Gertie as a bedtime
story; in his closet home and possessed with super-intelligence,
E.T. began to build a message-making transmitter to contact his alien
brethren for rescue
- in a humorous Halloween trick-or-treat scene, E.T.
was draped with a white sheet and wearing oversized clown shoes
over his three-toed feet, pretending to be Gertie dressed as a
goblin; from his POV, E.T. looked out through his eye peep-holes,
seeing Mary dressed as a leopard-cat woman - and other ghouls,
monsters, skeletons, and aliens
Soaring Into Sky With E.T. On Bicycle on Halloween
- there were two magical, transcendent soaring bicycle
scenes exhibiting E.T.'s telekinetic powers while sitting in Elliott's
handlebars' basket - first with Elliott photographed and silhouetted
against a giant silvery moon in the night sky - with Elliott's
scream of delight at the view, enhanced by John Williams' score
- due to depression, poor diet, and homesickness,
the effects of gravity on E.T.'s body were taking their toll, with
tears in his eyes, Elliott sensed that E.T. would be leaving him
soon - one of the most touching scenes in the film; soon after,
E.T. was discovered moaning and dying in water next to a flowing
stream in the forest, weakened with a pale white color; his health
was rapidly worsening and deteriorating; both Elliott and E.T.
experienced the same physical symptoms and were expiring together
as a result of their symbiotic relationship
- the household was inundated with government men
who quickly sealed off the area and set up a medical unit to examine
and help Elliot and E.T.; both Elliott and E.T. were stretched
out on long tables alongside each other within another quarantined
and plastic-enclosed room; in an overwrought sequence, as E.T.'s
life faded away, Elliott lost his telepathic connection to E.T.
and miraculously came back to full life
- while viewing his friend for the last time, Elliott's
heart-felt love revived his friend; E.T.'s red heartlight glowed
through the glass window within the lead, tomb-like container and
he was resurrected; Elliott knew that he must help his friend to
escape from the cold and hostile government workers and scientists
so that he could return home; they devised a plan to return E.T.
to the forest
- covered with a white blanket, E.T. was placed into
Elliott's bicycle basket and they all raced off on their bicycles;
in a second instance, the kids escaped on bicycles from ominous
adults and a resurrected E.T. lifted them off the street and over
a police barricade (with armed officers in the original version)
to fly away toward the forest, as the alien space ship descended
into view there
- in a touching, goodbye ending, E.T. left his earthbound
friends; E.T. bid farewell to all of his friends at the rendezvous
site before returning home in his spaceship; he offered advice
to young Gertie: "Be Good", followed by her good-bye
kiss on E.T.'s forehead; his finger then glowed as he lifted it
and touched Elliott's forehead: "I'll be right here";
the film's last line was spoken by a tearful Elliott to E.T.: "Bye"
Elliott's Tearful Farewell to E.T.

Alien Spaceship Landing in California Forest

Elliott's First View of the Alien Creature in Cornfield
Elliott to Brother Michael: "It was nothin' like that,
penis breath!"

Elliott's Second Backlit View of Alien in His Backyard

The Alien's Return of Reese's Pieces to Elliott

The Three Childrens' Amazement at the Alien

The Alien Avoiding Being Seen by Elliott's Mother in Closet Filled with Stuffed
ET Pointing and Speaking: "E.T. Home Phone"
Elliott's "Ouch!" and the Healing of His Cut

E.T. Hidden Under Sheet
E.T.'s Halloween Costume Peep-Holes

E.T. Near Death in Forest

Elliot's Symbiotic Deterioration
E.T.'s Death in Government Quarantined Lab

E.T.'s Rebirth and Resurrection

Elliott's Flying Escape with E.T. on Bicycle From Authorities
Rider (1969)
- actor/director Dennis Hopper's independent classic
road film was accompanied by the sounds of 60s acid-rock 'n' roll; in
the story, two hippies Billy (Dennis Hopper) and Wyatt/Captain America (Peter
Fonda) - after a successful cocaine deal - rode high-handled motorcycles
cross-country (eastward) to the tune of Steppenwolf's "Born
To Be Wild" in the opening title credits
- during a visit to a commune, there was a 360 degree
scan view of the entire group saying a blessing for a meal; later,
they went skinny-dipping at a local hot springs with two female
commune members
Sarah (Sabrina Scharf) and Lisa (Luana Anders)
- the group of riders were arrested for joining in
the parade without a permit and jailed, where they met up with
drunken ACLU civil rights lawyer George Hanson (Jack Nicholson)
in jail; after being released, George
toasted the day with a bottle of Jim Beam, accompanied by his
elbow flapping on his side like a chicken: "Here's to the first
of the day, fellas. To ol' D. H. Lawrence. Nik-nik-nik-f-f-f-Indians!"
- George was invited to join them on their two-to-three
day trek to New Orleans; he claimed he had always wanted to visit
a famous whorehouse there printed on a business card: "The
governor of Louisiana gave me this. Madame Tinkertoy's House of
Blue Lights, corner of Bourbon and Toulouse, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Now, this is supposed to be the finest whorehouse in the south.
These ain't no pork chops! These are U.S. PRIME!"
With ACLU Lawyer George Hanson
- Captain America questioned George: "You got
a helmet?" - and George responded: "Oh, oh, I've got
a helmet. I got a beauty!" - next was the priceless image
of George grinning and wearing a football helmet as he rode on
the back of Captain America's high-handled motorcycle (to the tune
of "If You Want to Be A Bird") and
spread his arms as wings
George's First Sampling of Marijuana
George's Crackpot Theory About Alien Venutians
- at a campfire, George
had his first sample of marijuana when he asked: "You - you
mean marijuana. Lord have mercy, is that what that is? Well, let
me see that,"
and then displayed paranoia when he presented his lengthy, 'stoned'
theories about extra-terrestrial UFOs and alien Venutians on Earth
and freedom: ("They've been coming here ever since 1946 - when
the scientists first started bouncin' radar beams off of the moon.
And they have been livin' and workin' among us in vast quantities
ever since. The government knows all about 'em...Well, they are people,
just like us - from within our own solar system. Except that their
society is more highly evolved. I mean, they don't have no wars,
they got no monetary system, they don't have any leaders, because,
I mean, each man is a leader. I mean, each man - because of their
technology, they are able to feed, clothe, house, and transport themselves
equally - and with no effort...Why don't they reveal themselves to
us is because if they did, it would cause a general panic. Now, I
mean, we still have leaders upon whom we rely for the release of
this information. These leaders have decided to repress this information
because of the tremendous shock that it would cause to our antiquated
systems. Now, the result of this has been that the Venutians have
contacted people in all walks of life - all walks of life. [laughs]
Yes. It-it-it would be a devastatin' blow to our antiquated systems
- so now the Venutians are meeting with people in all walks of life
- in an advisory capacity. For once, man will have a god-like control
over his own destiny. He will have a chance to transcend and to evolve
with some equality for all")
- at a local
cafe/diner in rural Louisiana, the shunned hippie group, immediately
considered as troublemakers, witnessed "country witticisms" from
good ol' boys, including both racist and homophobic slurs
- during George's last campfire scene, he spoke about
the film's prophetic theme - their threat to the Establishment
and to Americans who were hypocritical about life, liberty, and
the pursuit of happiness; shortly later, he was beaten to death with
a baseball bat by presumably the rednecks at the diner, although
Billy and Wyatt survived
- after visiting a bordello, the two experienced a
psychedelic LSD trip in a nearby graveyard with two prostitutes:
Karen (Karen Black) and Mary (Toni Basil); they frolicked throughout
the crypts, but ultimately they shared a sour, bad trip together
- during their final campfire scene as they again
set off eastward toward Florida, although Billy was ecstatic about
their trip: "Hey, man! We've done it! We've done it! We're
rich, Wyatt. Yeah, man. Yeah. Say, we did it, man. We did it! We
did it. We're rich, man! We're retirin' in Florida now, mister," Wyatt
disagreed: "You know Billy, we blew it"
The Deaths of Billy and Wyatt
- the finale was not funny - the two riders met an
unexpected brutal end at the hands of two rednecks in a pickup
truck - instigated first by Billy's rebellious middle-finger gesture
toward the Southerners - resulting in his being shotgunned; Wyatt
turned around and saw how injured Billy was on the side of the
road, and then pursued the truck - which had stopped and reversed
itself further down the road; suddenly, Wyatt's leather American
flag-decorated bike exploded in flames (metaphorically?) (after
a brief flash of red) when his gas tank was shot, but his body
didn't appear in the wreckage of the bike that went sailing through
the air
- the film ended with a pull-back shot of the camera
rising high into the sky to view the wreckage

The Start of the Their Eastward Journey to Mardi Gras
("Born to be Wild")

Prayer at Commune's Mealtime With 360 Degree Scan

Skinny-Dipping at Local Hot Springs

Jailed with ACLU Lawyer George Hanson (Jack Nicholson)

Toasting Jail Release with a Bottle of Jim Beam: "Nik-nik-nik-f-f-f"
George's Last Campfire Discussion About Freedom

Billy with Prostitute Karen (Karen Black)
Hallucinating on LSD in a New Orleans Cemetery
Wyatt: "We blew it"
Erin Brockovich (2000)
- director Steven Soderbergh's biographical legal
drama about corporate pollution, based upon a true case of toxic
waste and environmental activism in 1993, told about a legal assistant
and single mother - the title character Erin Brockovich - who helped
to reach a settlement with the Pacific, Gas & Electric (PG&E)
energy company regarding contamination of the water supply in the
town of Hinkley, California
- in the film's opening, unemployed, struggling, flirtatious,
and dogged lower-class Erin Brockovich (Best Actress-winning
Julia Roberts), a twice-divorced single mother
with three children, lost a personal injury lawsuit involving a
car accident with a doctor; through her persistence, she was able
to secure a low-paying job as a legal assistant/file clerk in the
offices of her jaded and beleaguered lawyer Ed Masry (Albert
Finney), who had recently lost her personal injury lawsuit after
a car accident
- on her own initiative after finding some medical
records placed in real estate files, she did further digging into
the background of the unusual medical cases related to a pro-bono
case involving San Francisco-based Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E);
she discovered that the company was actively but secretly buying
up properties in the town of Hinkley, California from residents
who were sick; was it possible that the company's irresponsibility
had led to a cover-up of contamination?
- in a County Water Department office, the brazen
and newly-hired Erin Brockovich posed as a file clerk and admitted
to the nervous, anxious-to-please counter attendant Mr. Scott (Jamie
Harrold) that she was on a search for records: "Believe it
or not, I'm on the prowl for some water records" - she used
her push-up bra and cleavage to flirtatiously access the files
in the back room, when she suggested: "You
know, it would probably be easiest if I just squeezed back there
and poked around myself"
- she was shocked to find key pieces of evidence
in an incriminating 1966 memo (a "Cleanup and Abatement Order")
that mentioned poisonous "hexavalent chromium" (known
as Chromium 6) and "contamination" causing toxic "polluted
groundwater" that had affected the city's drinking
water supply; it proved that the corporate headquarters knew the
water was contaminated with high levels of hexavalent chromium
6 prior to 1987, but did nothing about it. It was clear that PG&E
had advised the Hinkley operation to keep this secret and cover
it up
- the carcinogenic substance was causing residents
to suffer serious health effects (tumors, miscarriages, and Hodgkin's
Disease); Erin interviewed a number of residents to confirm her
suspicions, including Donna Jensen (Marg Helgenberger) and her
husband Peter (Michael Harney)
- when her boss Ed Masry, who had fired but then
rehired Erin to further investigate her "cancer stuff" findings,
asked how she was able to so easily obtain copies of the incriminating
classified documents, she told him bluntly: "They're
called boobs, Ed"
- after faxing the copied documents to PG & E's
Claims Department, young, low-level, hot-shot PG & E lawyer
Mr. David Foil (Michael Shamberg) was sent to Ed's office; Ed scoffed
and responded sarcastically after the company offensively offered
a final value of $250,000 for the purchase of the Jensen home;
Ed asserted that PG & E's own technicians had documented dangerous
levels of 'hexavalent chromium' in its own test wells, and that
there was proven exposure of the residents of Hinkley to the chemicals,
resulting in exorbitant medical expenses; before
departing, after Foil stated
the entire worth of PG & E at $28 billion, Ed mocked his boast: "I
didn't know it was that much! Wow! Twenty-eight billion! Holy cow!"
- Erin and Ed became a team to bring a major class
action lawsuit against the multi-billion dollar energy corporation,
for its systematic coverup of the industrial poisoning of the community;
however, Ed was worried that they couldn't pin the fault on the
higher echelons of PGE's corporation
- in Barstow, CA in a San Bernadino County Law & Justice
Building courtroom, Judge Simmons (LeRoy A. Simmons) ruled that
the lawsuit of the claimants in the Hinkley, California vs. Pacific
Gas and Electric, regarding damages, medical expenses and personal
trauma due to contamination of the groundwater, could proceed and
go to trial
Erin Confronting a "Lame-Ass Offer" from
PG & E Lawyer Ms. Sanchez, and Offering Her Water From a
Well in Hinkley
- shortly later, a negotiating conference and meeting
was held at Masry's law firm with a group of PG
& E officers;, Brockovich reacted emotionally with an angry
outburst to a statement by Ms. Sanchez (Gina Gallego) that her offer
of a $20 million settlement was more than any of the defendants
had ever dreamed of: "See, now that pisses me off. First of
all, since the demurrer, we have more than 400 plaintiffs. And let's
be honest, we all know there are more out there. They may not be
the most sophisticated people, but they do know how to divide and
$20,000,000 dollars isn't s--t when you split it between them. Second
of all, these people don't dream about being rich. They dream about
being able to watch their kids swim in a pool without worrying that
they'll have to have a hysterectomy at the age of 20. Like Rosa
Diaz, a client of ours. Or have their spine deteriorate, like Stan
Bloom, another client of ours. So before you come back here with
another lame-ass offer, l want you to think real hard about what
your spine is worth, Mr. Walker. Or what you might expect someone
to pay you for your uterus, Ms. Sanchez. Then you take out your
calculator and you multiply that number by 100. Anything less than
that is a waste of our time"; when the
representative grabbed for a glass of water, Erin added: "By
the way, we had that water brought in special for you folks. It
came from a well in Hinkley"; Brockovich
and Masry declined the miniscule "lame-ass" offer
- as the case progressed, Erin and Ed met with more
PG & E officials regarding the company's request to seek binding
arbitration without a "real trial"; the plaintiffs in
the case - all 634 of them - would be offered compensation for
their varying medical conditions; Erin was forced
to put down the haughty tone of PG & E researcher Theresa (Veanne Cox),
who insultingly asked about Erin's missing details or "holes" in her
research; to prove that her work wasn't incomplete and to demonstrate
that she cared, Erin gave an impressive run-down of the ailments and
details of some of the 634 Hinkley plaintiff-clients: "Annabelle Daniels:
714-454-9346. 10 years old, 11 in May. Lived on the plume since birth.
Wanted to be a synchronized swimmer so she spent every minute she could
in the PG & E pool. She had a tumor in her brain stem detected
last November, an operation on Thanksgiving, shrunk it with radiation
after that. Her parents are Ted & Rita. Ted's got Crohn's disease,
Rita has chronic headaches, and nausea and underwent a hysterectomy
last fall. Ted grew up in Hinkley. His brother Robbie, and his
wife May and their five children: Robbie Jr, Martha, Ed, Rose & Peter
also lived on the plume. Their number is 454-9554. You want their
diseases?"; Theresa responded: "Okay, look, I think we got off
on the wrong foot here," but Erin went further: "That's
all you got, lady. Two wrong feet and f--king ugly shoes!"
- Erin learned that all the plaintiffs had to agree
to arbitration by a judge (instead of a long drawn-out jury trial),
whose decision was final and could not be appealed; arbitration
would insure that the plaintiffs would receive the maximum payout
from PG & E, but it wasn't what was initially promised to the
disgruntled and resistant Hinkley residents; in order for the binding
arbitration case to proceed without falling apart, it was required
that about 70% of the plaintiffs had to agree (but PG & E was
demanding 90% compliance) ("Everyone has to agree or no one has
a chance"); there was a possibility of payouts between $50 and $400 million
- going door-to-door in a signature campaign to
get all the residents agree to binding arbitration, Erin struggled
to acquire the signatures of all 634 clients from Hinkley; at a
bar during her campaign, Erin was approached by ex-PGE employee
Charles Embry (Tracey Walter) who admitted to Erin that he had
been ordered by his supervisor to shred documents at the Hinkley
water plant to destroy evidence (information about the holding
ponds and readings from the test wells), but he had saved a few
key documents; he sheepishly admitted: "I wasn't a very good
employee"; she had obtained key evidence
of corporate P G & E's knowledge of the poisoning as early
as March, 1966, thereby tying them to the illegal wrongdoing; they
had written - paraphrasing: "Yes, the water's poisonous, but
it would be better for all involved if this matter was not discussed
with the neighbors"
- in another meeting, Erin matter-of-factly announced
to her dumb-founded associates that she had obtained all 634 signatures
of Hinkley residents, plus Charles Embry's damning stash of "internal
PG & E documents all about the contamination"; she then
answered how she had succeeded: "Seeing
as how I have no brains or legal expertise and Ed here was losing
all faith in the system...I just went out there and performed sexual
favors. 634 blowjobs in five days. I'm really quite tired"
- the case was decided in 1996 with binding arbitration
- the judge ordered PG&E to pay a settlement amount of $333
million to be distributed amongst the hundreds of plaintiffs, while
the Jensens would receive $5 million of that amount
- in the film's conclusion in Ed's new law office
building in Van Nuys, when Erin was about to be presented with
her bonus check by Ed that he claimed was not exactly what she
had been promised - she vehemently complained: "All you lawyers
do is complicate situations that aren't complicated. Do you know
why people think all lawyers are backstabbing, bloodsucking scumbags?
Because they are! Now, I cannot believe you are doing this to me
now....You expect me to go out there, leave my kids to be looked
after by strangers, knock on doors, get these people to trust you
with their lives, and the whole time you're screwing me! I want
you to know something, Ed. It is not about the number! It is about
the way my work is valued in this firm. It's about how no matter
what I do, you're not... "
- but then she stopped short when she saw that the
check was for $2 million dollars and he explained how he had increased
the amount from what she had earlier asked for; Ed noted her inability
to apologize: "Do they teach beauty queens how to apologize?
Because you suck at it!"
- in a postscript, it was stated: "The settlement
awarded to the plaintiffs in the case of Hinkley vs. PG&E was
the largest in a direct-action lawsuit in United States history"

Single Mother Erin Brockovich (Julia Roberts) - Interviewing
For Job

Begging for a Job From Her Litigation Lawyer Ed Masry
Erin's Sexy Pursuit of "Water Records"
Erin Revealing Her Secret Weapon to Her Boss: "They're
called boobs, Ed"

Worried Hinkley Resident Donna Jensen About the Harmful Effects of Chromium 6
On Herself and Her Family

Young Hot-Shot PG&E Lawyer Mr. Foil (Michael Shamberg)
Erin's Boss Ed to Young PG & E Lawyer About the Company's
Worth: "28
billion! Holy Cow!"

Erin to Prim Researcher Theresa (Veanne Cox) : "Don't
talk to me like I'm an idiot"
Erin Putting Down Theresa
Erin's Statement That She Performed Sexual Favors to
Obtain Signatures and Damning Evidence

Erin Complaining to Ed About the Amount of Her Bonus Check Before Looking at

Ed's Retort
Dead 2: Dead By Dawn (1987)
- Sam Raimi's gruesomely funny horror film sequel
(and/or remake) was a well-done horror parody with an intense kinetic
tone and quick edits, including incredible special effects such as
stop-motion animation, reverse motion, and lengthy tracking shots
- the film's opening sequence presented a modified
or alternative recap of the previous film in which Ash Williams
(Bruce Campbell) and his girlfriend Linda (Denise Bixler) arrived
at a remote Tennessee cabin; unfortunately, he happened to find
a reel-to-reel tape-recording made by the cabin's owner, archaeologist
Prof. Raymond Knowby (John Peakes) about his translation of "The
Book of the Dead" ("Necronomicon Ex Mortis"); he
played the tape that recited one of the book's passages, thereby
awakening evil, demonic forces in the woods and infecting Linda;
she was taken outside through a broken bedroom window, where Ash
decided to end her torment as a "deadite" and to save
himself by decapitating her - he neatly sliced her head off at
the neck with a shovel and then buried her headless body

Ash With Girlfriend Linda

The Book of the Dead ("Necronomicon Ex Mortis")

Linda Infected With Demonic Forces

Ash Temporarily Possessed
- Ash was also temporarily possessed by the demonic
spiritual forces in the wooded forest until dawn broke, when his
body was picked up, carried and swept through the wooded area and
dumped into a large puddle; in an attempt to drive off and escape
in his Oldsmobile, he discovered that he was entrapped at the cabin
due to a destroyed bridge; as darkness descended and clouds covered
the sun, he was pursued in his speeding car back through the woods
to the cabin where he crashed, and his body was hurled through
the windshield into a tree; when he revived, he raced on foot through
the woods toward his cabin, entered and tried to escape through
multiple doors and hallways from the evil forces before hiding
under a trap door; the demonic power retreated momentarily

Linda's Revived, Naked Headless Body Doing a Macabre

Linda's Body With Attached Head

Linda's Separated Head in Ash's Lap Before Biting
and Infecting His Right Hand
- once he revived, Ash thought he had vanquished Linda,
but that night, both her head and naked headless body came to life
in a reanimated state; after rising up from her grave, her head
was joined to her body and she performed a brief danse macabre for
him before attacking him through a window; Ash woke up in a rocking
chair and believed that he was dreaming; however, Linda's separated
head fell into his lap where it bit his right hand, and he struggled
to disattach her grip on him; he ran to a nearby workshed and pried
her head off in a vise; she was joined by her headless body and
again assaulted him with a chainsaw; lacking a head with eyes,
the corpse bloodily and clumsily sawed into itself; Ash grabbed
the chain saw and cut into Linda's head in the vise, spraying the
room with blood
- back inside the cabin, Ash swapped the chain saw
for a loaded shotgun (boomstick) and noticed an invisible creature
moving in the rocking chair; in a startling, hallucinatory Dr.
Jekyll and Mr. Hyde-like sequence, Ash stood in front of a mirror
where his reflection suddenly reached out with his infected right
hand, grabbed him, and maniacally said: "We just cut up our
girlfriend with a chainsaw. Does that sound fine?" Then the
reflection grabbed him by the throat and began choking him, and
he realized he was only strangling himself; when his own possessed
right hand threateningly grabbed his face - he was angered: "You
dirty bastards! Give me back my hand!"
Schizophrenic Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Sequence
Ash Was Attacked by His Own Demonic Hand
- as the gruesomely hysterical fight between Ash and
his own possessed, tormenting attacking hand continued - it bashed
him over the head with plates, grabbed his hair, smashed his face
into the kitchen sink, punched him, and tried to beat him up in
a schizophrenic frenzy; it dragged his unconscious body across
the floor to try and grab a meat cleaver and inflict self-harm;
to stop his uncontrollable body part, Ash pinned his hand to the
floor with another knife and laughed spitefully at the evil body
part: "That's right. Who's laughing now? Who's laughing now?";
however, his severed hand kept assaulting him; in the gory scene,
he was forced to grab his chainsaw with his left hand, and to saw
off his own demonic, evil hand (before it infected his entire body),
spattering his face with blood
Ash Sawing Off His Infected Right Hand With a
Chain Saw,
Spraying His Face With Blood
- the lobbed-off hand began flopping around and re-attacked;
to contain it, Ash covered up his decapitated hand with a bucket,
weighted down with books [Note: the top-most book was A Farewell
to Arms]; after the hand escaped into a mouse hole, Ash attempted
to blast it with his shotgun through the wall; in defiance, it
flipped him the 'middle finger"; when he thought he had killed
it for good: "Got ya, didn't I, ya little sucker!" -
he was sprayed directly in the face with a torrent of blood from
multiple holes in the wall; many of the objects in the living room
then began laughing at him - the mounted deer head, a lamp, the
books in a bookcase cabinet, the wall clock, and various wall hangings,
etc. and he hysterically joined in
- meanwhile, other additional characters prepared
to arrive at the Knowby cabin - Annie Knowby (Sarah Berry), daughter
of Prof. Knowby, and her blonde handsome boyfriend Ed Getley (Richard
Domeier); she was bringing her father's missing pages from the Book
of the Dead; for a $100 fee, the two were led to the cabin
on an obscure trail (since the bridge was twisted and mangled)
by a local redneck named Jake (Dan Hicks) and his girlfriend Bobby
Joe (Kassie Wesley)
- Ash fired at the front door and then approached
cautiously and opened it, believing that the evil forces were possibly
on the other side; suddenly, Jake burst through the entryway and
tackled Ash to the floor; Ed joined him to restrain Ash and knock
him out; Annie entered and worried: "Oh my God, where are
my parents?"; she saw the bloodied chainsaw on the floor,
and suspected that Ash might have killed her father Knowby and
his wife Henrietta; to protect themselves, Ash was thrown down
a trap door and imprisoned in the fruit cellar
- Annie listened to more of the Professor's tape recording
which divulged that his wife Henrietta (Lou Hancock) had become
a demonic deadite that he had to destroy (but not dismember) and
bury in the cellar: ("I fear that my wife has become host
to a Candarian Demon. May God forgive me for what I have unleashed
unto this earth. Last night Henrietta tried to kill me....Henrietta
is dead. I could not bring myself to dismember her corpse. But
I dragged her down the steps and I buried her. I buried her in
the cellar")
- Henrietta came to life in the cellar and horrifically
confronted and attacked Ash face-to-face; after he begged: "Let
me out! There's something down here!", he was released from
the locked fruit cellar; while imprisoning Henrietta away underground,
both Jake and Ed were grabbed by the face - Ed was thrown into
a wall and knocked out, and Henrietta's dislodged eyeball was propelled
in the air into Bobby Joe's mouth
- Ash explained to everyone: "There's something
out there. That, that witch in the cellar is only part of it. It
lives out in those woods, in the dark, something, something that's
come back from the dead"; he urged everyone to wait until
daylight to escape; the deadite Henrietta (taking the form of Annie's
mother) begged and tempted Annie to be released from the cellar
by singing a familiar lullaby from her childhood, but she refused
- fighting back, Henrietta possessed Ed who levitated
and chanted: "Dead by Dawn" and then grabbed Jake and
temporarily knocked him out; to prevent any further harm, Ash was
able to hack and dismember Ed with an axe, producing gobs of green
slime; as the evil forces threatened the cabin, the Professor's
ghostly disembodied head appeared and warned Ash and Annie how
to defeat them, by reciting from the pages of the book Annie had
brought: "There is a dark spirit here that wants to destroy
you. Your salvation lies there. In the pages of the book. Recite
the passages. Dispel the evil. Save my soul. And your own lives!"
- after Ash's dismembered hand took Bobby Joe's hand,
she became so panic-stricken that she fled outside where she was
assaulted, tied up by branches, and dragged to her death by possessed
demon trees
- Annie and Ash looked at the pages from the book
that she had brought; two passages revealed that in 1300 AD, it
was prophesied that a "hero from the sky" would come
and destroy the Evil" - a foretelling of the film's ending
- during a futile search for Bobby Joe in the woods,
Ash became possessed and attacked Jake, and then threatened Annie
back in the cabin; she grabbed a large bone dagger and accidentally
stabbed Jake when she mistook him for the evil Ash demon attempting
to enter the cabin; Henrietta dragged Jake's body down into the
cellar trap door to bloodily finish him off, creating a torrent
of blood; Ash entered and tossed Annie against a wall, rendering
her unconscious; after being reminded of Linda by Annie's necklace
ripped from her neck, he reverted to his normal self
- all of the characters were now dead except for
Ash and Annie, who began to cooperate together to defeat the evil
forces; in the film's denouement, Ash clamped the chainsaw to his
severed right wrist and twirled a sawed-off shotgun into his backside-holster
(and then exclaimed: "Groovy!"); with Annie's help, Ash
sawed into the fruit cellar's trap door, and was able to retrieve
the pages from the Necronomicon in the cellar, and toss them up
to Annie
- the demonic, monstrous Henrietta emerged and attacked
both of them, before Ash (with Annie's assistance to distract the
demon) was able to dismember and then decapitate the long-necked
creature and ultimately destroy her with a shotgun blast to the
head (Ash: "Swallow this!")
Ash's Battle Against Monstrous, Long-Necked, Demonic
- with little time left before the forest demons destroyed
the house, Annie had only recited the first of two passages from
the Book of the Dead to disperse the evil spirits through a rift-portal;
as Annie was finishing chanting the second incantation to send
away the evil deadite demons, she was lethally stabbed in the back
by Ash's severed and possessed hand wielding the bone dagger
- Annie's incantations of the passages from the Necronomicon
were designed to create a rift in time and space to suck up all
the dark forces; Ash congratulated her: "You did it, kid" as
she completed the recitation, but expired; the reading triggered
the opening of a whirling, spinning portal or rift that sucked
Ash in (with all of the evil forces) and propelled him along with
his '88 Oldsmobile and other objects, into a time-travel journey
to the Middle-Ages, ca 1300s, the time of the Book of the Dead

Sucked into Time-Travel Portal

'88 Oldsmobile and Ash Landing in 1300 AD
- Ash was surrounded by medieval knights in armor
(Crusaders) on horseback; they believed that Ash was a fearsome,
harpy-like deadite, but when he blasted the head of a real flying
deadite with his boomstick-shotgun, he was worshipped as a liberating
hero and savior by all of the knights and its leader (director
Sam Raimi): "Hail, he who has come from the sky to deliver
us from the terrors of the deadites. Hail! Hail!...", although
he was horrified and repeatedly screamed: "Nooo!" as
the camera pulled back and the screen turned to black for the closing

Pages From the Book of the Dead

Ash Inside Cabin With Shotgun (Boomstick)

Annie Knowby (Sarah Berry) With Boyfriend Ed Getley (Richard Domeier)

Jake (Dan Hicks) and Girlfriend Bobby Joe (Kassie Wesley)

The Group Looking Down on Ash After He Was Thrown Into the Fruit Cellar

Deadite Henrietta Knowby (Lou Hancock) Threatening Ash in the Fruit Cellar

Henrietta's Dislodged Eyeball Propelled In Air

Ed Possessed by Henrietta

Foursome Scared by Demonic Forces In and Outside Cabin

The Professor's Disembodied Head

Bobby Joe Dragged to Her Death by Possessed Trees

Prophecy of Hero Vanquishing Demons in 1300 AD

Annie With Bone Dagger, Used to Accidentally Stab Jake

Jake Stabbed in Abdomen

Ash With Chainsaw Strapped to His Right Wrist to Open Up Trap Door

Annie Stabbed in Back by Ash's Own Possessed Hand Wielding Bone Dagger

Annie Finishing the Incantation Before Dying
The Film's Ending:

Ash's Arrival in Middle Ages

Shooting at Flying Deadite With Shotgun

Ending: "Nooo!"