B (continued) |
Title Screen
Movie Title/Year and Scene Descriptions |
Saddles (1974)
- Mel Brooks' iconoclastic, non-politically-correct
western spoof - one of the funniest, most successful and most
popular films, with non-stop jokes and slapstick, was an unsubtle
spoof, lampooning or parodying all the cliches from the time-honored
genre of westerns and cowboys, with much political incorrectness,
vulgarity, offensiveness and political satire
- in the early scene of a town meeting in Rock Ridge's
white homogenous church, Reverend Johnson asked whether the townsfolk
should stay or leave the lawless town: ("Well, I don't have
to tell you good folks what has been happening here in our beloved
town. Sheriff murdered, crops burned, stores looted, people stampeded
and cattle raped! Now the time has come to act. And act fast!
I'm leaving")
- he was interrupted by a grizzly mountaineer
named Gabby Johnson (Jack Starrett), who argued unintelligibly
in a speech composed of "frontier gibberish" about
remaining steadfastly in town: ("You get back here, you
old pious, candy-ass sidewinder! There ain't no way that nobody
is gonna leave this town! Hell, I was born here, and I was raised
here and dadgum it, I'm gonna die here! And no sidewinder, bushwhacking,
hornswoggling, cracker croaker, is gonna ruin me biscuit-cutter!")
- the group decided to petition the Governor to
send the town a new Sheriff - because every Sheriff appointed
by the townspeople has been murdered
- the near-sighted and dim-witted Governor Le Petomane
(Mel Brooks) was being advised at the same time by his own villainous
and scheming Attorney General Hedley Lamarr (Harvey Korman) to
take over 200,000 acres of Indian land in exchange for a box
of paddle-board toys, and to convert a hospital (for the insane)
into a gambling casino (for the insane)
- the Governor first appeared (in his underwear),
nuzzling into bosomy secretary Miss Stein's (Robyn Hilton) cleavage
while addressing her full breasts: "Hello boys. Have a good
night's rest? I missed you"
- a new scheme was developed
by the Governor and his AG - a cheap land grab of the town of
Rock Ridge where a railroad route was about to be constructed.
The AG turned the idea of a law-and-order sheriff into his own
advantage, to panic the citizens so that they would cheaply sell
out their land to him. Their plot was to take over the town of
Rock Ridge (in the path of the railroad) by scaring off the townsfolk
and replacing them with their own thugs, led by villainous Taggart
(Slim Pickens)
- as part of their scheme, pardoned black railroad
worker Bart (Cleavon Little) was to be appointed as the new Sheriff.
The assumption was that the bigoted townsfolk would immediately
leave town once they saw the black Sheriff - thereby leaving
the town vulnerable to take-over
- the naive new Sheriff Black Bart (in a gaudy but
fashionable cowboy outfit) rode into Rock Ridge to be greeted
by a welcoming ceremony - during his acceptance speech, he warned
the townsfolk as he reached down into the front of his pants: "Excuse
me while I whip this out" - to the sound of their gaspings;
when the townspeople soon realized that he was a "ni-," they
threatened to shoot him. To divert the mob, hold them at bay
and escape, Bart held a gun to his own neck, shouting: "Hold
it. The next man makes a move, the n----r gets it...Drop it!"
- drunken former gunslinger The 'Waco Kid' (Gene
Wilder), in jail in town, met the new Sheriff; the Waco
Kid explained his past history to Black Bart: "Oh, well,
it got so that every piss-ant prairie punk who thought he could
shoot a gun would ride into town to try out the Waco Kid. I must
have killed more men than Cecil B. DeMille. It got pretty gritty.
I started to hear the word 'draw' in my sleep. Then one day,
I was just walking down the street, and I heard a voice behind
me say, 'Reach for it, Mister!' And I spun around and there I
was, face to face with a six-year-old kid. Well, I just threw
my guns down and walked away - little bastard shot me in the
ass! So I limped to the nearest saloon, crawled inside a whiskey
bottle, and, I've been there ever since"; soon the two would
be allied together to save the town
- in the film's most notorious, vulgar and well-remembered
scene, gassed-up, wind-breaking, flatulent cowboys from Taggart's
crew sat around the night's campfire eating beans - burping and
farting incessantly - bathroom humor at its finest. When Taggart
was asked: "How
about some more beans, Mr. Taggart?", he replied with
exasperation: "I'd say you've had enough!" -- play clip (excerpt):

- Taggart was pleased that
the dreaded, simple-minded brutish Mongo (ex-football player
Alex Karras) was proposed as the one
to kill the new black sheriff; the thuggish Mongo
entered Rock Ridge riding an ox to threaten the town, then later
punched out a horse with a bare, single-fisted punch, but was
ineffective against Black Bart
Unique Western Characters
The Waco Kid (Gene Wilder) and Black Bart
(Cleavon Little)
Taggart (Slim Pickens) and AG Hedley Lamarr
(Harvey Korman)
Mongo (Alex Karras)
- Rock Ridge's saloon singer Lili Von Shtupp (Madeline
Kahn) delivered an exquisite parody of Marlene Dietrich's "Frenchy" from Destry
Rides Again (1939), when on stage;
she performed an off-key version of I'm Tired, parodying
Marlene Dietrich's Falling in Love Again with a world-weary
Germanic, monotoned accent and a lisp; in the lyrics, she asked
one of the drooling cowboys: "Hello, handsome, is that a
ten-gallon hat - or are you just enjoying the show?" (a
variation of one of Mae West's most infamous pronouncements)
- after Lili's performance, Lamarr schemed with
her to seduce sheriff Black Bart (and then break his heart) with
a parody of Jean Harlow in Hell's Angels
(1930): ("Won't
you excuse me for a moment while I slip into something a little
bit more comfortable?"); after the lights were turned out
in a back room of the saloon with Bart, she asked him if black
men were "gifted," and
went to investigate his physical endowments in the dark - she
was memorably impressed: "Tell me, schatzie [affectionate
German nickname meaning sweetheart, little treasure or little
dear one], is it twue what they say about the way you people
are gifted? (A loud zipper noise signaled that his fly was opened.)
Oh, it's twue. It's twue. It's twue. It's twue..." - Lili
was the one who turned out to be seduced
- meanwhile, Black Bart and the Waco Kid snooped
around the chain gang site where the railroad track was being
laid, and they learned that the railroad tracks were going to
pass directly through the town. Suddenly, it dawned on them why
Lamarr was involved in his evil scheme
- foiled again, Hedley made a request of cowpoke
Taggart to find individuals to assault the town: ("I want
you to round up every vicious criminal and gunslinger in the
west. Take this down....I want rustlers, cutthroats, murderers,
bounty hunters, desperados, mugs, pugs, thugs, nitwits, half-wits,
dimwits, vipers, snipers, con men, Indian agents, Mexican bandits,
muggers, buggerers, bushwhackers, hornswagglers, horse thieves,
bull dykes, train robbers, bank robbers, ass-kickers, shit-kickers
and Methodists") - with Taggart's dumbfounded response after
finding a pencil and paper: "Could
you repeat that, sir?"
- in a related scene, Hedley was reviewing the
qualifications of the applicants selected to assault the town
(Hedley Lamarr: "Qualifications?" Applicant: "Rape,
murder, arson, and rape." Hedley Lamarr: "You said
rape twice." Applicant: "I like rape."); nearby, in
order to get closer to see what was happening and entice two KKK
members away in order to steal their white robes and hoods, the
Waco Kid held up Bart as bait from behind
a large rock as he called out: "Hey, boys! Look what I've got here.";
Bart also called out
with a mock-dumb (racially-stereotyped) taunt: "Hey!
Where are the white women at?"
- later that evening, Bart enlisted the aid of black,
chain-gang railroad workers to build an exact replica of Rock
Ridge (three miles east of the real town), and to lure Taggart
and his gang of men to destroy it instead of the real town; after
luring Taggart's men into the town, a dynamite blast sent bodies
of horses and men flying into the air; the good guys - Bart,
the Kid, the townspeople, Mongo, and the chain gang laborers
swooped down into the town to wipe out the bad guys with clubs
and hand-to-hand combat
- the film ended with an absurdist brawl between
the two sides - when the
camera pulled back to show that the film was being shot on a
present-day Hollywood set in the middle of Los Angeles
- in an adjoining soundstage on the
lot, a pseudo-Busby Berkeley musical number
("The French Mistake") was being performed with an all-gay cast of men in black tuxedos and
top hats, directed by effeminate choreographer Buddy Bizarre
(Dom DeLuise); the choreographer criticized the dancers and demanded
that they watch his own flawed demonstration: "Just watch
me. It's so simple, you sissy Marys! Give me the playback! And
watch me, faggots" - the chorus sang as he stumbled around: "Throw
out your hands Stick out your tush Hands on your hips Give 'em
a push You'll be surprised You're doing the French Mistake! Voila!"
- the chaotic fighting from the Blazing Saddles set
burst through the "fourth wall", bringing two conflicting
film genres together, and degenerated into a major fight; in
the studio's commissary where bikini clad actresses, a Hitler-look-alike
(Ralph Manza), and others were eating, the Adolph Hitler character
responded to a question about how many days he had left: "They
lose me right after the bunker scene," as the place erupted
into a 'great pie fight.'
- the melee spilled out onto the streets of Burbank
and included the landmark Grauman Chinese Theatre in Hollywood; Bart
pursued Hedley who ran from the movie theatre and shot him in
the groin; then he joined his buddy the Kid to watch the ending
of movie that was playing inside -- Blazing
- the film ended with a happy conclusion - in the
screened film - as the people of the saved town of Rock Ridge
said goodbye to their black sheriff; Bart bid them goodbye with
an obligatory farewell speech about how he was moving on; he
invited the Waco Kid to join him, and they rode out of town into
the desert where they dismounted, entered an awaiting limo, and
drove off 'into the sunset'
Rev. Johnson and Gabby Johnson
Gov. Le Petomane and Miss Stein

Black Bart Entering Town as New Sheriff
Black Bart: "Excuse me while I whip this out"

The Waco Kid Explaining His Past History to the New

Bean-Eating Campfire Scene
Lili Von Shtupp (Madeline Kahn)

Lili Seduced by Black Bart

Taggart to Hedley: "Could you repeat that, sir?"

Hedley Reviewing Applicant Qualifications: "You said
rape twice"
Buddy Bizarre (Dom DeLuise)

Film's Ending: The Kid and Bart Dismounting and Entering a Limousine in the Desert
The Blues Brothers (1980)
- director John Landis' rock-filled, anarchic, musical
crime-comedy featured many cameo appearances (Twiggy, Carrie
Fisher, Ray Charles, John Lee Hooker, James Brown, Pee-Wee Herman,
Aretha Franklin, Cab Calloway, Steve Lawrence, Steven Spielberg,
and Frank Oz - of the Muppets, and more!); the idea of the "Blues
Brothers" was derived from Aykroyd's and Belushi's popular
SNL (NBC-TVs Saturday Night Live) sketch
- the title characters were
brothers" -
two white singers with soul who wore shades,
and identical black suits and hats; in the opening scene, Joliet
(Illinois) Prison inmate "Joliet" Jake
Blues (John Belushi), a blues singer, was paroled after three
years; outside the prison gate, he met up with his brother Elwood
Blues (Dan Aykroyd), driving a used, battered, super-powered
Plymouth police car - dubbed their Bluesmobile; Elwood described
how he picked up the car at a police auction: "It's got
a cop motor, a 440 cubic inch plant, it's got cop tires, cop
suspensions, cop shocks. It's a model made before catalytic converters
so it'll run good on regular gas. What do you say, is it the
new Bluesmobile or what?"; Jake was unimpressed: "Fix
the cigarette lighter"
- in Elwood's apartment lobby, he announced
that his brother Jake would be staying with him, and card-playing
Cheez-Whiz (Layne Britton) yelled out: "Did you get me my
Cheez-Whiz, boy?"
to which Elwood responded by revealing a Cheez-Whiz can from his
jacket and tossing it to him
- the brothers traveled to their childhood home
in Calumet City, IL, where they visited the Roman Catholic orphanage
(St. Helen of the Blessed Shroud) where they were raised; they met
with their former teacher and head orphanage nun Sister Mary "The
Penguin" Stigmata (Kathleen Freeman); she sent
them on a "mission from God" to
raise $5,000 (for property taxes) to save her orphanage from foreclosure;
otherwise, it would be closed by the Archbishop; she also reprimanded
the two for their bad behavior: ("You
are such a disappointing pair. I prayed so hard for you. It saddens
and hurts me that the two young men whom I raised to believe
in the Ten Commandments have returned to me as two thieves"),
she struck at them with a yardstick (until it broke) for having
"filthy mouths and bad attitudes" - and warned them not
to come back "until you've redeemed yourselves"
- after speaking to an old friend - the
orphanage's handyman, and their father figure Curtis (Cab Calloway),
they were encouraged to go to an evangelical church to redeem
themselves; the brothers attended the
Triple Rock Baptist Church, in the presence of Reverend Cleophus
James (James Brown), who was preaching a sermon titled "The
Old Landmark": "Do
you see the light?...Have you seen the light?"; the two
brothers had an epiphany (conversion experience), and dedicated
themselves to raising the $5,000 for the orphanage
after reassembling their R&B Blues Brothers Band; Elwood
repeatedly spoke his famous line to Jake: ("We're on a mission
from God!") to justify their brotherly activities
- soon after, they were stopped by two Illinois
State Police Troopers: Daniel (Armand Cerami) and Mount (Steven
Williams) for driving through a red light; the police were about
to impound Elwood's car, due to his long criminal record, a
suspended license, 116 outstanding traffic tickets and 56 moving
violations; to avoid arrest, they fled in their Bluesmobile,
followed by a contingent of police cars and two more troopers:
Trooper La Fong (director John Landis) and a "Charming Trooper" (Stephen
- the comedy has become well known for its tremendous
number of noisy and wasteful multi-car crashes and pile-ups on
their way to and in the city of Chicago as they were relentlessly
pursued in their Bluesmobile by police; there was an incredible
amount of carnage, destroyed buildings and an entire shopping
mall (Dixie Square Mall)
- once the Blues Brothers arrived in a run-down
area of Chicago, they narrowly avoided being hurt by a bazooka
rocket launched by a strange Mystery Woman (Carrie Fisher) driving
a red Cadillac, while on their way to Elwood's dingy flophouse
hotel filled with homeless and indigent transients; the next
morning, the Mystery Woman again assaulted the hotel building
with her rocket launcher and reduced it to rubble, just as Troopers
Daniel and Mount were about to arrest the brothers; they fled
unharmed after her attack saved them from arrest
- to assemble their band, the brothers searched
for their ex-band members, and located the 5 member Murph and
the Magic Tones playing a gig in an empty Holiday Inn Hotel lounge,
and successfully persuaded them to join up; they also coerced
band member and former trumpet player 'Mr. Fabulous' (Alan Rubin)
at an upscale Chez Paul Restaurant to be recruited
- while driving around in their Bluesmobile, a traffic
jam at Jackson Park was caused by Head Neo-Nazi Leader (Henry
Gibson) conducting a rally of "Illinois
Nazis" on a stone bridge: ("White men! White women!
The swastika is calling you! The sacred and ancient symbol of
your race since the beginning of time. The Jew is using the black
as muscle against you. And you are left there, helpless...What
are you gonna do about it, whitey? Just sit there? Of course
not! You are going to join with us, the members of the American
Socialist White People's Party - an organization of decent law-abiding
white folk just like you")
- the Blues Brothers
forced the hateful Nazi followers to jump off the bridge into
a lagoon when they drove through, after Jake's stated: "I
hate Illinois Nazis"; the Neo-Nazi leader vowed to seek revenge
("We're gonna kill that son of a bitch!")
- later inside a soul food restaurant on Maxwell
Street, they found two more band members to accompany them -
cook and owner Matt 'Guitar' Murphy (Matt Murphy) (a guitarist)
and dishwasher 'Blue' Lou Marini (Lou Marini) (a saxophonist)
- there were numerous Blues Brothers' musical performances,
along with some others:
- "Think" - a show-stopping version
performed in the soul food diner by Mrs. Murphy (Aretha
Franklin), the wife of the restaurant owner who tried to
dissuade her husband from joining the band
- "Shake a Tail Feather" with
blind music store owner Ray (Ray Charles) at Ray's Music
Exchange Shop in Calumet City, where they bought (with
an I.O.U.) $1,400 dollars worth of musical instruments
that he had demonstrated for them
- the "Theme from "Rawhide" at
Bob's Country Bunker in Kokomo, Indiana, where they had
to win over an unruly country bar crowd after not paying
their bar tab, and after impersonating the late-arriving
country western band scheduled to play - the Good Ole Boys,
led by singer Tucker McElroy (Charles Napier) who also
doubled as their Winnebago driver
- their first major gig was booked with promoter
Maury Sline (Steve Lawrence), to play at the Palace Hotel
Ballroom over 100 miles north of Chicago; in the packed
ballroom, the opening act was "Minnie the Moocher" (reprised
by Curtis (Cab Calloway)) who filled in for the late arrival
of the Blues Brothers; Elwood praised the troopers in the
audience poised around the perimeter to
arrest them after their performance ("And we would
especially like to welcome all the representatives of Illinois's
law enforcement community that have chosen to join us here
in the Palace Hotel Ballroom at this time. We certainly
hope you all enjoy the show"); they sang the energetic
"Everybody Needs Somebody to Love"
Memorable Musical Performances


"Shake a Tail Feather"

"Theme from Rawhide"

"Minnie the Moocher"

"Everybody Needs Somebody to Love"

"Jailhouse Rock"
- their performance was so exceptional that after
sneaking offstage, Clarion Records' President and music promoter
(Michael Klenfner) offered them a cash advance of $10,000; some
of the money was used to pay their I.O.U. for their instruments; the
two brothers were able to sneak out through a trap door and service
- in the crazed concluding sequence, they were again
confronted by the Mystery Woman firing a high-powered M-16 rifle
at them; it was revealed that she was Jake's ex-fiancee whom
he had abandoned at her wedding several years ago; Jake apologized:
("I ran out of gas. I-I had a flat tire. I didn’t
have enough money for cab fare. My tux didn’t come back
from the cleaners. An old friend came in from out of town. Someone
stole my car. There was an earthquake. A terrible flood. Locusts!
It wasn’t my fault, I swear to God!"), and then after
removing his sunglasses, he was able to charm her, and she was
moved to reconcile with him
- Elwood introduced their road-trip journey back
to Chicago: "It's 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank
of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing
sunglasses" - Jake responded briefly: "Hit it!"
- a massive car chase commenced as the Bluesmobile
headed southward toward Chicago, pursued by police officers and
state troopers, the enraged Good Ole Boys, the Nazis, Illinois
National Guardsmen, SWAT teams, MPs, helicopters, and other disgruntled
characters, etc.; at times, the race back to Chicago sometimes
exceeded speeds over 100 mph, and dozens of cars crashed or piled
- in the final scene, their dilapidated car arrived
at Daley Plaza as it sputtered to a stop; inside the adjacent
Cook County City Hall Assessor's office, the Blues Brothers were
able to pay the orphanage's property taxes to one of the office
clerks (Steven Spielberg in a cameo) - but were then promptly
arrested and handcuffed with dozens of guns pointed at them
- following their arrest, the Blues Brothers played
"Jailhouse Rock" during a prison concert to entertain
the other inmates
The Blues Bros.

Elwood's Bluesmobile - A Used Police Car

Cheez-Whizz Guy
Sister Stigmata

The Blues Bros. with Curtis

Epiphany in Church
"We're on a mission from God!"

Mystery Woman (Carrie Fisher) Attempting to Kill Elwood

Carnage in Shopping Mall

Elwood Thanking Troopers in the Audience for Attending Their Performance

Jake's Apology to Mystery Woman For Leaving Her at the Altar

"It's 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full
tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses"

Final Scene - At the Assessor's Office In Cook County
City Hall
Borat: Cultural Learnings of America
for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan (2006)
- director Larry Charles' controversial yet strangely
popular mockumentary (faux documentary) comedy was essentially
a road trip film to find the real America; the title character
Borat Sagdiyev (actor and co-scripter Sacha Baron Cohen), an obtuse,
ill-mannered, fictitious, anti-Semitic, sexist, bigoted and racist
Kazakhstan TV reporter-journalist was selected by his government
to film a documentary in the USA as he interacted and reacted with
Americans in unscripted situations; he continually admitted his
anti-Jewish prejudice: "Although Kazakhstan a glorious country,
it have a problem, too: economic, social, and Jew"; there were
numerous quotable one-liners, especially in Borat's butchering
of the English language: "I like to make sexy time!"
- in the non-PC film's opening set in his hometown
of Kusak in Kazakhstan, Borat introduced himself: ("My
name Borat. I like you. I like sex. It's nice"); he also introduced
his sister - with a lengthy kiss: ("This is Natalya. She is
my sister. She is number four prostitute in all of Kazakhstan");
she held up a trophy as proof; he also told a disgusting story
about how his brother Bilo ultimately was able to rape his teasing
sister: "Sometime my sister, she show her vazhïn
to my brother Bilo and say 'You will never get this you will never
get it la la la la la la.' He behind his cage. He cries, he cries
and everybody laughs. She goes 'You
never get this.' But one time he break cage and he 'get
this' and then we all laugh. High five!"
- upon his arrival in the US (New York City), Borat
described his possessions: "I arrived in America's airport
with clothings, US dollars, and a jar of gypsy tears to protect
me from AIDS"; his first mishap occurred on the subway to
his hotel when his pet chicken escaped from his suitcase, as he
assured everyone: "I'll get him! Careful, he bite"; he also insulted a
New York businessman on the street by asking: "I kiss you?";
the man snapped back: "Yeah, you kiss me and I'll pop you in the f--king balls,
- during Borat's meeting with a group of veteran feminists
as the only male, he derisively asked them: "Do you think
a woman should be educate?...But is it not a problem that a woman
have a smaller brain than a man?... But the government scientist,
Dr. Yamak, prove it's the size of squirreI"
- the film's recurring theme was Borat's recent obsession
with Baywatch's lifeguard character C.J. Parker (Pamela
Anderson), with a tight, red one-piece swimsuit who he first viewed
on his hotel's TV - "This
C.J. was like no Kazakh woman I have ever seen. She had golden
hairs, teeth as white as pearls, and the asshole of a seven-year-old.
For the first time in my lifes, I was in love"; he decided
to travel to Los Angeles to meet her, motivated while
dreaming about her: "The only thing keeping me going was my
dream of one day holding Pamela in my arms and making romance explosion
on her stomach"; he also expressed his unrealistic fantasies
of having sex with her: "I will take her vagin for the first
time! I will uncork her!"
- Borat was relieved when he learned that his wife
Oxanna was reported to have died in an accident; he remembered
how she had threatened him if he was unfaithful: "If you cheat
on me, I will snap off your cock!"
- after taking driving instruction lessons, the sex-obsessed
Borat engaged in a conversation with a car dealership owner-salesman,
asking first: "I want to have a car that attract a woman with
a shave down below"; when told he should buy a Corvette or
a Hummer, he added: "I must buy one with a pussy magnet" -
a literal one - and Borat kept asking: "Where do you
keep this magnet?"; Borat continued by obscenely comparing
his aging wife to the car's warranty: "When I uh, buy my wife,
at the start she was uh, cook good, her vazhïn work well,
and she strong on plow. But after three years when she was fifteen,
then she become weak, her voice become deep: BORAT BORAT, eh, she
receive hair on chest, and vazhïn hang like sleeve of wizard";
with only less than $1,000 dollars, Borat was sold an old
ice cream truck
- their stops along the way included North and South
Carolina, and Washington, DC, where he met with a TV weatherman
and a gay-pride supporting politician Alan Keyes (Himself)
- during
a rodeo in Salem, SC, Borat told the cheering crowd: "We
support your War of Terror," and then announced: "May we
show our support to your boys in Iraq?. May U.S. and A kill every single
terrorist. May George Bush drink the blood of every single man, woman
and child of Iraq. May you destroy their country so that for the next
thousand years not even a single lizard will survive in their desert" -
and then he followed up by singing his own Kazakhi anthem to the tune
of the "Star Spangled Banner": ("Kazakhstan is the greatest
country in the world / All other countries are run by little girls
/ Kazakhstan is number-one exporter of potassium / Other Central Asian
countries have inferior potassium / Kazakhstan is the greatest country
in the world / All other countries is the home of the gays")
- while visiting a gun shop (to buy a gun to kill
Jews), Borat handled a gun as he remarked: "I feel like American
movie star Dirty Harold"; and then he pointed and aimed
the gun and pretended to be "Dirty Harry" as he threatened: "Go
ahead, make my day, Jew..."
- in Birmingham, AL in preparation for a formal, high-society
dinner party, patient female etiquette coach
Kathie B. Martin attempted to help Borat with his table manners
in an hour tutorial session after he asked: "Will you please teach
me how to dine like gentleman?"; during the actual dinner party
at the Magnolia Mansion (on Secession Dr.) with Southern dining
society guests, he misinterpreted a 'retired' construction worker
as a "retard" and asked: "PhysicaI or mentaI?", he also offered
to show pictures of his family (a totally full-frontal photo of
his son Huey Lewis, along with detailed commentary about the boy's
genital growth: "He grow three centimeter. He now 17 centimeter
long"); Borat made a sexualized comment about the appearance of
one of the females: "You have a very gentle face and a very erotic
physique," and after visiting the restroom or 's--t-hole' - ("the
place to make the s--t...Not to bath. To make dirt from anus"),
he returned with a white bag supposedly holding his own human feces;
amazingly, one of the guests thought Borat had promise: "I
think he's a delightfuI man, and it wouldn't take very much time
for him to really become Americanized"; the night was topped off
with the arrival of Borat's prostitute-friend Luennell (as Herself)
for dessert, and calls to the Sheriff to arrest him
- the film's humorous, lengthy, and nervously-funny
precursor to the lengthy naked fight scene in Cronenberg's Eastern
Promises (2007) was also an epic naked (ass-to-mouth) wrestling
match between Borat and his own overweight and hairy documentary
producer-cinematographer Azamat Bagatov (Ken Davitian); in their
Houston, TX hotel room, Borat caught Azamat masturbating over
a picture of Baywatch's "goddess" Pamela
Anderson (he shouted at his partner: "How dare you make hand-party
over Pamela?"); they began to wrestle naked in their hotel room
The Epic Naked Wrestling Match in Hotel Room After
Azamat Was Caught Masturbating to Magazine
- during their fight, their genitals were continually
blocked out by black squares (an insanely-long black bar for Borat's
genitals); after they ended up in an embarrassing '69' position
(and Azamat threatened to crush his weight into Borat's face: "Eat
my asshole!"), their struggle eventually left the hotel room,
spilled out into the hallway, elevator (with other shocked guests)
and into the lobby and conference hall where a meeting was being
conducted; they ended up on the stage of a mortgage brokers' annual
- after leaving Houston and hitchhiking to Phoenix,
AZ, Borat attended a Pentecostal church and found himself joining
the church and being baptized; he eventually ended up in Hollywood,
where he was reunited and reconciled with Azamat, who reported
locating Borat's idol - Pamela Anderson; she was found at a DVD
signing at
a Virgin Records store in Orange, CA
Borat with Pamela Anderson (Herself) at a California
Book-Signing - And His Attempt to Kidnap Her
- after the love-smitten Borat
proposed marriage to her, she naturally declined, but he wouldn't
accept rejection; he responded: "Agreement not necessary" and attempted
to capture her, Kazakhstan-style, by placing a 'wedding sack' over
her head to kidnap her; she resisted him and ran off, and he was
arrested by security guards
"My name Borat"
Borat's Sexy Sister Natalya With a Trophy

Escaped Pet Chicken from Suitcase on a NYC Subway
Insulting A Group of Feminists
Borat Requesting a "Pussy Magnet" Car with Auto

With a TV Weatherman
At an SC Rodeo, Borat Sang His Own Country's National

Gun Shop - Pretending to be "Dirty Harold"

Borat's Etiquette Lessons Failed at an Elegant Dinner Party

Borat Showing Off an Inappropriate Picture of His Son

Wrestling Match Ended in Convention Room

Borat's Attendance at a Pentecostal Church
Born Yesterday (1950)
- director George Cukor's comedy - one of the greatest
of all-time, was based upon Garson Kanin's 1946 play, and remade
as Born Yesterday (1993) with Melanie Griffith, John Goodman, and
Don Johnson
- in the opening sequence, all three of the major
characters were introduced during an elaborate arrival scene
at Washington DC's Hotel Statler:
- corrupt, disreputable and uncouth, ignorant,
and crooked millionaire junkyard (scrap-iron) tycoon Harry
Brock (Broderick Crawford)
- his unrefined, expensively-dressed (with
multiple fur coats) "dumb blonde" ex-chorus girl
mistress/fiancee (a 'kept woman' for seven years) from
Brooklyn named Emma "Billie" Dawn (Judy Holliday,
a Best Actress Oscar winner in a major upset)
- and influential, DC political journalist
Paul Verrall (William Holden)
- Paul was stunned by their lengthy entourage and
amount of luggage; he was unsuccessful in speaking to Brock as
he entered the hotel's private elevator; the group (with the
over-accommodating leadership of the hotel's concierge (Grandon
Rhodes)) was escorted to an upper-floor, reserved "entire
wing" of three suites of rooms "usually reserved for
foreign diplomats" - costing $400/day
- the first instance of hearing Billie's screeching,
shrill, unabashedly vulgar, stupid-sounding (Betty Boop-like)
voice occurred after loud-mouthed meat-head Brock shouted at
her from one wing of the hotel to another - she responded with
a thick-accented, brassy: "WHAT?!"
- in one of the film's most famous scenes, Billie
played a gin rummy game against Harry and always won ("Gin!")
- in consultation with his
Washington lawyer Jim Devery (Howard St. John), Brock was seriously
contemplating setting up an educational tutor to refine Billie's
harsh social graces, so that he wouldn't be embarrassed by her
behavior in front of congressmen and other influential people
- Brock hired Paul Verrall as Billie's tutor for
$200/week - to refine Billie and make her more socially respectable
and happy: ("Show her the ropes, sorta, and kinda explain
things to her"), while he was working bribes and trying
to influence politicians; Paul was particularly interested in
trying to expose Brock's nefarious business dealings while working
with Billie
- (It was revealed during
the story that Brock had unethically been using the unwitting
Billie as an accomplice for his many business maneuverings and
illegalities by having his empire of junkyards registered in
her name - so he wouldn't be held responsible if prosecuted)
- Paul explained his mission to Billie, who at first
thought he was a gigolo until he specified: "He'd just like
me to put you wise to a few things, show you the ropes, answer
any questions"; she admitted, however, that she was mostly
satisfied and happy ("He thinks I'm too stupid, huh?...He's
right. I'm stupid, and I like it....I'm happy. I got everything
I want. Two mink coats. Everything. There's somethin' I want,
I ask. If he don't act friendly, I don't act friendly....So,
as long as I know how to get what I want, that's all I wanna
know") - but there was one thing she did request: "I'd
like to learn how to talk good"
- to illustrate her ignorance,
Billie was unaware of the difference between a peninsula and
penicillin, but with increased intelligence after her lessons
with Paul about proper diction, she began to correct Brock -
i.e., Harry Brock: "Shut up! You ain't gonna be tellin'
nobody nothin' pretty soon!" Billie Dawn: "DOUBLE NEGATIVE!
Right?" Paul: "Right!"
- Paul provided civic-lessons to Billie through
field trip/tours around Washington DC's monuments and public
buildings, while they shared ice-cream bars and she stated: "It's
interesting how many interesting things a person could learn
if they read"; he became amused when she put on her glasses
and admitted that she was "practically blind" (he had
to correct her misplaced adverb: "I'm blind, practically");
after he summarized for her the meaning of his own obtuse article
about American democracy: "The Yellowing Democratic Manifesto" in
just a simple sentence, she exclaimed: "That's this?...Well,
why didn't you say so?"; over time, Billie began to develop
social consciousness and a true understanding of democracy, as
well as an understanding of Brock's corruption, greed, power
and personal arrogance
- there was a burgeoning
romance that slowly developed between Billie and bachelor Paul,
after he kissed her in an elevator: (Billie: "What are ya
doin'?" Paul: "If you don't know, I must be doing it
- in the climactic scene, the newly-independent,
free-thinking Billie realized that she needed to escape from
Brock forever, when he was becoming more aggressively abusive,
and repeatedly calling her 'dumb': "I feel like I wanna
go away!...I just know I hate my life. There's a better cut.
I know it. And if you'd read some of these books, you'd know
it too. Maybe it's right what you say: I'm still dumb. But I
know one thing I never knew before. There's a better kind of
life than the one I got. Or you!...You eat terrible! You got
no manners! Takin' your shoes off all the time, that's another
thing, and pickin' your teeth. You're just not couth!...You don't
own me. Nobody can own anybody. There's a law that says";
when he shouted at her to "Beat it!" and mercilessly
slapped her - she called him a "Big Fascist!"
- Billie retorted to Harry: "Would you do me
a favor, Harry?...Drop dead!"
- finally, she stood up to
Brock, and laid down an ultimatum. She affirmed that she would
no longer sign any of his business papers in his scheme to form
a scrap-iron cartel, and she threatened to leave him: ("When
you steal from the government, you steal from yourself, ya dumb
ox!") - she decided to slowly relinquish his 126 different
properties back to him that she legally owned (he had signed
them over to her to hide them from the government), but only
one by one: "In this whole thing, I guess you forgot about
me - about how I'm a partner....So here's how it's gonna be.
I don't want 'em. I don't want anything of yours or to do with
you, so I'm gonna sign 'em over ...only not all at once. Just
one at a time. One a year. Only you gotta behave! 'Cause
if you don't, I could let go on everything! For what you've done,
even since I've known you, I bet you could be put in jail for
about 900 years. You'd be a pretty old man when you got out"
- meanwhile, the two lovers
Paul and Billie were married; the film's final lines were spoken
to a motorcycle cop who asked for their license, but the officer
was given their recent marriage license; he chuckled: "License
please. No, not this license" - but then quickly forgave
their crime: "Okay, forget it. My wedding present. But take
it easy, or you'll never make it"; Billie spoke about her
recent marriage to Paul: "Oh, don't worry, we'll make it.
It's a clear case of predestination."
Officer: "Pre--- what?" Billie: "Look it up!"
Opening Sequence:
Billie Dawn (Judy Holliday) Screeching - "What?!"
Billie to Brock: "Gin!"
Billie's Civic Lesson DC Tours with Paul
Paul and Billie Kissing in Elevator
Ultimatums to Brock: "Drop dead"
Billie to Motorcycle Cop:
"Look it up!"
Bowfinger (1999)
- in director Frank Oz's satirical, showbiz Hollywood
film-making comedy spoof (about making a bargain-basement movie
by not letting the main male star know that he was being filmed
for the movie), desperate, 49 year-old washed-up, second-rate
movie producer-director Robert "Bobby" K.
Bowfinger (Steve Martin) was determined to make a sci-fi alien
invasion movie based upon a screenplay by an accountant named
Afrim titled "Chubby Rain" - with only $2,184 dollars of his own life's
saved-up funds; the film's title was explained: "You see, the aliens
come down to Earth in the raindrops"
Director Bobby Bowfinger (Steve
Martin) Meeting With Studio Executive Jerry Renfro (Robert
Downey, Jr.)
- in the Dome, an upscale Beverly Hills restaurant,
Bowfinger (after entering and conducting a fake mobile phone
conversation with himself) orchestrated a meeting with Universal
Pictures' studio executive Jerry Renfro (Robert Downey Jr.) at
an adjacent table; he expressed enthusiasm and promised distribution
for the movie if Bowfinger could acquire self-absorbed action-star
Kit Ramsey (Eddie Murphy) for the lead role to make it a "go
- in his mansion, the paranoid and twitchy Kit
was introduced complaining with his agent about Hollywood's unfair
treatment, awful casting decisions, and poor scripts: ("...the
white man takin' all the best catch phrases and then givin'
them to Arnold or Stallone...And Jackie Chan and Van Damme, and
they can't even speak English good"); he was unconvinced
by Bowfinger to take the role in his sci-fi film, and then
abandoned Bowfinger outside his gated home

MindHead Institute

Kit's Spiritual Counselor Terry Stricter
- the insecure Kit immediately was driven off in
a limo to attend his weekly session at a cult-like pseudo-Scientology
institution for mesmerized Hollywood elites known as MindHead
(with the slogan: "Truth Through Strength"); due to his fears that he
was being stalked by aliens, he expressed his concerns to his
New Age head psychiatrist-counselor Terry Stricter (Terence Stamp),
the MindHead Honcho; the paranoid Kit was encouraged to have
happy thoughts, and not buy into his belief in aliens and covert
conspiracy theories; Stricter also insisted that Kit not continually
talk about sexually exposing himself to the Lakers Team Cheerleaders: "You
cannot show it to the Laker Girls. Keep Mr. Weenie in the pants.
Always in the pants. I know you want
to show it to the Laker Girls, but you must never show it to the
Laker Girls"
- the scheming Bowfinger
cunningly announced that they would film Kit (covertly without
his permission with hidden cameras), but not let him know that
the footage shot of him would be for the movie ("He won't know
he's in it"); Bowfinger also informed
his crew and cast that Kit had agreed to make the movie, but wished
to remain in character; later on in the film,
Bowfinger rationalized his deceit: ("Did
you know Tom Cruise had no idea he was in that vampire movie
till two years later?");
the film's tagline was: "THE CON IS ON"; the film would
take advantage of Kit's fear of aliens; and to keep costs down,
illegal Mexican immigrants were cheaply hired for the crew after
Bowfinger asserted: "I wanna get the best damn crew we can afford"
- Kit was found lunching at an outdoor table at
the Rodeo Grille with his agent where he was delivering a ranting
complaint about racist discrimination in Hollywood evidenced
by white-only Oscar nominations: "White
boys get all the Oscars. It's, it's a fact...Did I get a nomination?
No! And you know what? 'Cause I, I ain't played one of them slave
roles, and get my ass whipped. That's when you get the nominations.
A black dude play a slave role, gets his ass whipped, he gets
the nomination. A white boy play an idiot, they get the Oscar.
Maybe I should play - give me, find me a script as a retarded
slave, then I get the Oscar...Yeah, go find that script, 'Buck
the Wonder Slave!'"
- when his agent left the table, Kit
was flabbergasted by strangers coming up to him during surreptitious filming and
speaking about aliens; later, he told Stricter how confused he
was: "They talk about things I never heard of. They talk about
people I don't know. Somebody named Cynthia, somebody named Keith.
And aliens, sex and umbrellas"
- desiring more screen time in Bowfinger's film,
a naive Midwesterner from Ohio (who was bedhopping
for favorable career advancement) - aspiring ingenue
floozy starlet Daisy (Heather Graham) - a possible lead
co-star for Kit, requested that Afrim write more flesh-baring
sex scenes for her in the film; she told Bowfinger that she offered
to bare herself for the sake of the film: ('If I have to. If
it's for the movie, and you really really want me to. And if
it's not just about nudity, but if it's artistic and says something
about reality, and if it's in character and if it's for the scene,
and if it's not just a body that...")
- when the sanity of the
strained Kit caused a nervous breakdown, he went into hiding
in MindHead's special "celebrity relaxing quarters"; Bowfinger
went on a search for a stand-in look-alike
actor ("We'll round up look-alikes just for the long shots. We'll
shoot 'em from behind and not show his face"); during
the audition of naive, giddy, nerdy fast-food restaurant worker Jiffrinson
(also Eddie Murphy), he boasted: "I'm an active, uh, renter
at Blockbuster, and I, um, attend the filmed cinema, uh, as much
as possible, weekly, bi-weekly, inter-week- intermediately";
when asked: "Would you be willing to cut your hair?" he responded:
"Yes, but it's usually better if someone else does it"
- during his first day on the set, Jiff made a
frantic, death-defying run (twice) across a busy Los Angeles
freeway (the cars were digitally-added later!) [Note: Jiff later
revealed that he was actually Kit's blood-brother.]
- during dinner with Bowfinger, Daisy spoke about
their mutual likes and dislikes, including The Flintstones TV
show, "walks in the park - in the rain", and Robert
Preston in The Music Man; then, when she asked: "Do
you LOVE Smashing Pumpkins?", he gave an inept reply: "Are
you kidding? I LOVE to do that!"
- their interactions turned into a seduction scene
when Bowfinger was stretched out on top of the much younger Daisy
and kissing her as they discussed her scripted nude scene: (Bowfinger: "But
I worry about our age difference";
Daisy: "What is age? It's a state of mind....Who cares if
when I hit my sexual peak, you'll be 70?"); she demonstrated
her cluelessness when she didn't understand his film reference: "I
know, it's Bogey and Bacall!" - and she asked him: "Who?"; she
then admitted that she wanted to make love to him, but that she
had concerns about shooting love scenes: "It's
so hard to make love, to give yourself to a man. It's the woman
who's entered, it's the woman who's violated....To know that
the man inside you is part of you and that he would not prevent
the added scenes of yours from being shot"; he promised to put
her in the film: "I want you in this movie, and this movie
is your movie" before she agreed to make love to him
- during the shooting of
Daisy's topless love scene with an awestruck Jiff, he responded
with a wide grin after she removed her blouse; when she whispered
to him: "I have feelings that make me need you. Need you
now" - he told her: "Awesome! (ad-libbed) You're doin'
great. You're gonna be a star!"
- soon after, Bowfinger became accusatory and jealous
after Jiff confessed to him about the "fringe benefits" of
acting - he had just had sex with nymphomanic Daisy in the production
van: "She gave me the works, man. She is the most inventive
girl...She's so strong. She's pure power and speed. Real hot";
then after sending Jiff on some errands, he called Daisy into
his office and reprimanded her: "We are finished! We are
over!" but he was quick-to-subside his anger at Daisy when
she replied: "So?", he acquiesed: "I never thought
of it that way" - and they made future plans to see each
other that night at 8 o'clock
- eventually, Bowfinger Studios became worried
that they might not be able to finish the film's final scene,
set to be shot at Griffith Park Observatory; their attempts to
conclude the film with Kit's popular signature catchphrase: "Gotcha
suckas!" failed when Kit's therapist Terry Stricter - who feared that the "aliens" weren't
just in Kit's head, disruptively arrived at the Observatory via
helicopter and interrupted the production to save Kit
- meanwhile, cinematographer Dave (Jamie Kennedy)
was reviewing off-set footage he had shot while following Kit
around; Bowfinger was astounded that some of the footage - of Kit
in front of the Los Angeles Lakers basketball team cheerleaders
- would allow them to keep filming: "I think we just got our

Bowfinger Viewing Offensive Footage of Kit: "I think we just got our permission!"

Footage of Kit Exposing Himself
to the Lakers' Cheerleaders |
- Stricter was shown the potential "blackmail" footage
of Kit doing "it" -
exposing and
"flashing" himself (with a paper bag over his head with
eye holes slits) by opening his coat and showing himself to the
Los Angeles Lakers basketball team cheerleaders, who responded
with hysterical laughter; he shouted at them: "It's not funny!"; Bowfinger
threatened and then requested: "All I really
need is a shot of Kit saying, 'Gotcha, suckas' and a couple of
close-ups. Or we have to tag our film with a shot of Kit wagging
his thing at the Laker Girls. Which is a great ending. I mean,
who wouldn't wanna see that? Although technically, it's not such
a good ending for Kit because it could sort of stop his money
flow, and possibly make that family film he's about to do,
just pff-ff!"; Stricter agreed to encourage Kit
to finish the project, and to release the finished film
- the film concluded with the highly successful
premiere of "Chubby Rain"; afterwards, at a celebratory
party at the home of director Bowfinger, he received a FedEx delivery
of an envelope holding a contract for the studio's next film -
a martial arts Kung Fu film ("Fake
Purse Ninjas") starring Kit's brother Jiff (Bowfinger reacted: "We're
going to Taiwan!")

Aspiring but Broke Wanna-Be Director Bowfinger (Steve Martin)

Kit Ramsey (Eddie Murphy)

A Scene Filmed at the Rodeo Grille With the Unaware Kit Ramsey Not
Knowing He Was In the Film

Jiff Auditioning for the Part of a Look-Alike Kit
Jiff Running Across Freeway During His First Day of Shooting

Bowfinger after Dinner with Aspiring Actress
Daisy (Heather Graham): "It's Bogey and Bacall"

Bowfinger to Daisy: "I want you in this movie, and
this movie is your movie"

Daisy's Topless Scene With Awestruck Actor Jiff Ramsey (Eddie
Murphy) - With Bowfinger Directing
Bowfinger's Brief Jealousy at Daisy for Sleeping
Around ("We are finished, we are over")

Kit's Aborted Line of Dialogue: "Gotcha Suckas" Atop Griffith
Observatory During Filming

Marquee for "Chubby Rain"

Kit and Daisy at the Premiere of "Chubby Rain"

The Next Film: Fake Purse Ninjas
Bridesmaids (2011)
- director Paul Feig's R-rated romantic comedy was
about a jealousy-based competition that quickly developed between
two affection-seeking females for the love, friendship and attention
of an engaged bride-to-be; it boasted the tagline: "Chick
Flicks Don't Have to Suck."
- in the opening sequence set in Milwaukee, WI,
mid-30s, lovelorn, depressed and single female Annie Walker (co-scripter
and actress Kristen Wiig) was having dysfunctional sex with her
uncaring, self-absorbed and misogynistic sex partner Ted (Jon Hamm),
who insisted on having no-strings-attached sex: ("l
just don't want to make promises l can't keep") - something
that Annie agreed with ("We're on the same page")
Annie Walker with Misogynistic Ted (Jon Hamm) -
Wild but Dysfunctional Sex
- over lunch the next day with her best friend Lillian
Donovan (Maya Rudolph), Annie was
advised to find someone better: "You're
a total catch, and any guy would be psyched to be your man. You
should just make room for somebody who is nice to you"
- after the failure of her bakery store Cake
Baby that she had opened during a recession, the underachieving retail
store pastry chef Annie had resorted to working as a low-paid jewelry
store clerk at Cholodecki's; due to her depressed state of mind,
Annie was turning away customers (she inappropriately whispered
to one engaged Asian couple (Tom Yi and Elaine Kao): "You
cannot trust anybody, ever. Especially someone you're in a relationship
with"); she was cautioned by her recovering alcoholic boss
Don Cholodecki (Michael Hitchcock) for poor salesmanship: "You're
selling lifelong happiness. You're not telling everyone about your
problems and how your boyfriend left you, and maybe marriage will
work out"
- Annie was burdened with renting a room in a cramped
apartment with two socially-clueless, British immigrant siblings
- well-nourished and bald Gil (Matt Lucas) and his lazy and overweight
sister Brynn (Rebel Wilson) who had just received a hideous, free
abdomen tattoo of a "Mexican drinking worm" (now infected)
from a streetside tattoo artist; they didn't respect Annie's privacy
read her excerpts from her private diary
- the film's turning point came when she was asked
by her very best and oldest friend, recently-engaged Lillian Donovan,
to be her maid of honor (and wedding planner) at her impending
wedding to a wealthy Chicago banker named Doug/"Dougie" Price
(Tim Heidecker).
- during a fancy outdoor garden engagement
party at Lillian's house, maid of honor Annie met for the first time with the four
selected bridesmaids for Lillian's bridal party:
- Rita (Wendi McLendon-Covey) - Lillian's blonde,
older, marriage-cynical and sexy older cousin
who described the disgusting, semen-drenched wake created by
her three adolescent boys
- Becca (Ellie Kemper) - Lillian's naive, idealistic
and sickly-in-love, newly-wed friend and work colleague, who
mentioned her recent honeymoon at Disney World with her nerdy
husband Kevin (Greg Tuculescu)
- Megan (Melissa McCarthy) - the
brash, loud-mouthed, uncouth, vulgar, slobbish
sister of the groom who was
recovering with pins in her legs after falling off a cruise
ship and being saved by a telepathic dolphin: ("Took a hard,
hard, violent fall. Kind of pinballed down. Hit a lot of railings,
broke a lot of s--t. l'm not gonna say l survived, l'm gonna
say l thrived. l met a dolphin down there. And l swear to God,
that dolphin looked not at me, but into my soul. lnto my god-damn
soul, Annie. And he said, 'l'm saving you, Megan.' Not with
his mouth, but he said it, l'm assuming, telepathically");
after Megan mistook a tall, black man for Annie's fella (Hugh
Dane), she quipped: "l'm glad he's single, because l'm gonna
climb that like a tree"
- Helen Harris III (Rose Byrne) - the seemingly-perfect,
pretty, snobbishly-wealthy, controlling, and vain sophisticate
with a Type A personality - the wife of Perry Harris (Andy
Buckley), the boss of Lillian's fiancee

Rita (Wendi McLendon-Covey)

Becca (Ellie Kemper)

Megan (Melissa McCarthy)

Helen Harris III (Rose Byrne)
The Four Bridesmaids
- immediately, the insecure Annie took a jealous and
personal dislike to Helen, especially after Helen made a tearful,
public statement before all the guests at the engagement party
about her friendship with Lillian ("Lillian, you are my best
and Annie unsuccessfully tried to upstage her during a duel of
- after lunch arranged by Annie for all the bridesmaids
in a cheap, local and seedy Brazilian steak restaurant,
the group was led to an upscale, chic wedding gown shop (Belle
en Blanc) where Annie was told she needed a reservation and was
denied entry; the influential Helen who knew the store's manager
Whitney (Jessica St. Clair) upstaged her and they were quickly allowed
- while trying on dresses to be considered for all
the bridesmaids, some of the group members realized
that their lunch had caused food poisoning; almost all of them
(except for Helen who had ordered a salad) were suffering severe
stomach ailments and uncontrollable diarrhea; two of them rushed
to the bathroom, where Megan - with the toilet occupied - hopped
up on the sink to expel her stomach's contents, roaring out:
"Look away!...What did we eat? It's
coming out of me like lava! Don't f--kin' look at me!"
- soon after, the sickened bride Lillian - who was
wearing a white sample wedding gown, also ran out into the middle
of the street to find a bathroom, sank or squatted down with her
white dress billowing around her, as she evacuated her bowels: "It's
happening?...It happened!"; Annie reacted in shock: "You're
really doing it, aren't ya? You're s--tting in the street!"
- after the fiasco at the bridal shop, Annie
suggested a bachelorette party at Lillian's parent's Lake House,
but Helen co-opted the situation and proposed instead an expensive
trip to Las Vegas; maid
of honor Annie refused a first-class ticket offered to
her by Helen and sat in the economy seats instead, as Helen explained:
"She's too proud"
- during take-off, Annie visited her friends in first
class, and was vehemently told to return to her seat; the embarrassing
Annie became drunk, paranoid, loud, and outrageous as a result
of many factors - her fear of flying due to her nervous seatmate
(Annie Mumolo) who told her: ("l had a dream last night that we
went down...l heard about a woman who went to the bathroom on a
plane. She got sucked into the toilet"), and her consumption of
a Scotch drink and a sedative provided by Helen
- during a second visit to her friend Lillian and
Helen when she was told that coach passengers couldn't
be in first-class, Annie made a Hitler-face and rebuked male flight
attendant Steve (Mitch Silpa) with a German accent:
"Ooh, this a very strict plane. Welcome to Germany! Aufwiedersein
Asshole"; shortly later, during a third visit when Annie sat
down in a first class seat, she was again ordered by Steve to return
to her economy seat: ("You
have 3 seconds to get back to your seat"), she quipped: "You
can't get anywhere in 3 seconds....You're setting me up for a loss
- as a result of Annie's disruptions, disrespect
for the flight attendant, and her scary announcement over the PA
system ("There is a CoIoniaI woman on the wing...She was churning
butter on that wing...She is dressed in traditional Colonial garb"),
US Air Marshal Jon (Ben Falcone) chased after her and detained
her; coincidentally, the Air Marshal was Megan's seatmate whom
she suspected all along as being an Air Marshal when she tried
to seduce him; the plane made a premature landing in Casper, WY
where the entire group was escorted off the plane
- as a result, the bachelorette party was cancelled,
and the group was forced to take a Chicago-bound bus back to Milwaukee;
Annie's apologies to Lillian were overruled - Helen was appointed
to take over all future wedding plans for both the bridal shower
and the marital ceremony itself
- later in town, Annie met up again for the third
time with Irish-American Wisconsin State Patrol officer Nathan
Rhodes (Chris O'Dowd) whom she had met a few days earlier when
he stopped her for a suspected DUI and broken taillights, and at
a 24/7 convenience store; after drinks in a bar, their brief overnight
together at his place led to a misunderstanding (a "curve-ball")
and a quick parting of the ways when she became annoyed that he
kept pressuring her to reopen her bakery business by asking her
to bake for him in his kitchen with recently-bought ingredients:
(Annie: "I don't need you to fix me...l don't need any help")
- Annie also faced two further disruptions in her life - she lost her job at
the jewelry store after engaging in a vicious argument (consisting
of crude back and forth personal insults) with a 13 year-old girl
(Mia Rose Frampton), culminating in Annie's loud name-calling of
the young customer: ("You're a little c--t!");
she was also asked to leave by her apartment mates: (Brynn: "We
would like to invite you to no longer live with us"), and she
was forced to move in with her mother Judy Walker (Jill Clayburgh)

Breakup with Officer Rhodes After a Sleep-Over

Annie Trading Personal Insults With Young Jewelry Store Customer

Brynn to Annie: "We would like to invite you to
no longer live with us"
- at a fancy bridal shower brunch held in the Harris
Estate in Chicago, extreme micro-managing Helen (who had borrowed
Annie's idea about its Parisian theme) again outperformed Annie's
handmade shower gift (of her favorite things and mementos) by presenting
Lillian with a pre-wedding vacation trip to Paris to attend a gown
fitting with a top designer; during another angry outburst from Annie,
she accused Helen of being a lesbian, and
for putting on a "over-the-top" event: ("Oh
how romantic! What woman gives another woman a trip to Paris? Am
I right? Lesbian! We're all thinking it, aren't we?"); she also
made fun of a "f--king" giant cookie on display in the garden ("Did
you really think that this group of women was going to finish that
cookie?"; her hateful words and destructive acts caused her to be
dismissed from both the shower and the wedding by Lillian for runing
all her wedding events
- depressed at home while watching Cast Away (2000) (the
scene of the loss of Tom Hanks' friend 'Wilson'), a very helpful
and understanding Megan came over and listened to Annie's distressed
predicament: "I can't get off the couch. I got fired from my job, I got kicked
out of my apartment, I can't pay any of my bills, my car is a piece
of s--t, I don't have any friends..."; Megan advised her to not
feel sorry for herself: "You have got to fight back on life...l'm
life and l'm going to bite you in the ass!...l'm trying to get
you to fight for your s--tty life, and you won't do it!...Now,
you got to stop feeling sorry for yourself...You're your problem,
Annie. And you're also your solution"
- in the film's turn-around conclusion, on the day
of Lillian's wedding, Helen appeared at Annie's door requesting
her help in finding Lillian who had disappeared; Helen apologized
for splitting the friendship between Lillian and Annie, and admitted
that she was lonely and had few friends: ("I'm basically just
by myself"), and that Lillian had only requested her help
because of her skill at organizing parties, and not because of
Annie's Many Attempts in Her Car to
Get Officer Rhodes' Attention: ("Hey, I'm Topless!")
- after finally getting the attention
of reluctant Officer Nathan Rhodes and enlisting his help to locate
her, the overwhelmed Lillian was found hiding out in her apartment;
she admitted that she was fearful of Helen's extravagant, micromanaged
wedding plans and her future new life outside of Milwaukee, and
also was apologetic to Annie for being left out of the proceedings:
("This whole wedding is f--ked
up. Helen just took over everything, and everything's got out of
control...l'm sorry l kicked you out of my wedding"); Lillian
and Annie were reconciled, and Annie was restored as the maid of
- at the fancy wedding, Helen had arranged for neon
signs, fireworks and an appearance by Wilson Phillips; after the
wedding, Annie was reconciled with an apologetic Helen, who had
orchestrated a reunion for her with Nathan; after kissing her, he
invited her to be "arrested" and ride in the backseat
of his squad car with flashing lights and a siren - - there was
hope for a real romance
with Officer Rhodes

Bride-to-be Lillian Donovan (Maya Rudolph)

Maid of Honor Annie Walker (Kristen Wiig)

Annie's Closed-Down Bakery Shop in Milwaukee

Annie's British Flatmates: Gil and Brynn

Lillian With Her Fiancee Doug Price (Tim Heidecker)

Annie's Acquaintance with Officer Nathan Rhodes (Chris

Annie and the Bridesmaids at the Belle en Blanc Bridal Shop
Sickened Bridesmaids Rita and Megan in Bathroom

Megan to Rita: "LOOK AWAY!"
Megan With Food Poisoning Perched on a Sink in a Chic
Bridal Gown Shop
Lillian Suffering Diarrhea In the Middle of the Street
happening...It happened!")

Entering the Plane to Las Vegas

Annie - Drinking and Taking a Sedative on the Plane

Drunken Annie - Making a Hitler-Face toward Flight Attendant
Steve on the Airplane to Vegas

Annie's Spiteful Outburst at Helen During the Bridal Shower Brunch -
Accusing Her of Being a Lesbian

Annie Destroying Giant Cookie at Bridal Shower

Helen Apologizing to Annie For Splitting Up Annie From Lillian

Lillian in Ill-Fitting Designer Wedding Dress

The Fancy Wedding Ceremony

Annie Reconciled with Officer Rhodes
Bridget Jones's Diary (2001,
- director Sharon Macguire's comedy-romance was
based upon Helen Fielding's popular 1996 novel (a
reinterpretation of Jane Austen's 1813 novel Pride & Prejudice),
about the disastrous love life of a 30-something, unattached, plump,
ever-single London Britisher female with a job in publishing; she
was always embarrassed and contending with her over-indulgent
drinking, smoking, and eating, while seeking someone to love;
- it was widely noted that Bridget Jones'
romance with Mark Darcy mirrored Elizabeth Bennet's romance with
Fitzwilliam Darcy in the novel Pride & Prejudice; Bridget
also worked at Pemberley Press - the name of Darcy's estate in the
book; there were also parallels between George Wickham and his modern
philandering counterpart Daniel Cleaver

Bridget Jones (Renée Zellweger) at Work at London's Pemberley

Bridget's Editor-in-Chief Publisher Boss Daniel
Cleaver (Hugh Grant)

Bridget's Detested Proper Childhood Friend-Acquaintance Mark
Darcy (Colin Firth)
Bridget Jones and Her Two Romantic Rivals
- at a New Years Day "turkey curry buffet" party
in 1999 at her mother's place, attempts were vainly made to set
up overweight
32 year-old London book publisher assistant Bridget Jones (Renée
Zellweger) with staid, proper-acting 36 year-old divorced barrister
Mark Darcy (Colin Firth), who was home visiting his parents (neighboring
friends of her family); when viewing him from the back, she thought
to herself: "Maybe this time Mum had got it right...Maybe
this was the mysterious Mr. Right I'd been waiting my
whole life to meet"; after she caught
a glimpse of Mark's ugly reindeer Christmas sweater, she added
to herself that she had changed her mind:
"Maybe not"; according to her mother (Gemma Jones), she
had apparently known him since childhood, running around naked
on his lawn
- Bridget told Mark that
she was slightly hung-over from the previous night's London party
and vowed to reform this next year: "New
Year's Resolution: drink less, oh, and quit smoking, hmm, and
keep New Year's resolutions, and stop talking total nonsense
to strangers - in fact, stop talking, full stop"
- she happened to overhear
Mark complaining to his mother (Charmian May) about being set
up: "Mother, I do not need a blind date. Particularly not with some verbally
incontinent spinster who smokes like a chimney, drinks like a
fish, and dresses like her mother"; Bridget mused to herself: "That
was the moment. I suddenly realized that unless something changed
soon, I was going to live a life where my major relationship
was with a bottle of wine and I'd finally die fat and alone..." as
the title credits began to play to the tune of "All By Myself"
by Jamie O'Neal
- she vowed to keep a record for
the next year as her New Years' resolution - to document her
progress in a diary about reaching all of her personal goals
to attain a more perfect life (finding a boyfriend, losing weight,
and drinking and smoking less); Bridget
wrote in her diary (voice-over): "I had to make sure that
next year, I wouldn't end up s--t-faced and listening to sad
FM, easy-listening for the over-thirties. I decided to take
control of my life and start a diary to tell the truth
about Bridget Jones, the whole truth. Resolution #1: Oh -
obviously will lose 20 lbs. #2: Always put last night's panties
in the laundry basket. Equally important: will find nice sensible
boyfriend to go out with and not continue to form romantic
attachments to any of the following: alcoholics, workaholics,
commitment-phobics, peeping toms, megalomaniacs, emotional
f--kwits, or perverts. And especially will not fantasize about
a particular person who embodies all these things. Unfortunately,
he just happens to be my boss..."
- against her lofty intentions, Bridget decided
to pursue her rakish, disreputable and sleazy editor-in-chief
publisher boss Daniel Cleaver (Hugh Grant), an "office scoundrel,"
who sent her provocative and vulgar emails ("Like your tits in
that top"); she even fantasized marrying him, and then he invited
her to a dinner date that she put off but eventually accepted; she
sought advice for the date and was told to look "gorgeous" and
to "ooze intelligence"; she prepped herself with a pedicure,
shower, self-waxing, and choice of "granny" panties -- "scary
stomach-holding-in panties"

Bridget's Choice of "Granny" Panties for Her Date
with Daniel

Bridget's Awkward and Rambling Book-Launch Speech
- before her evening's date, she attended her publishing
house's book launch where she happened to see Mark again, and
imagined describing him as "a prematurely middle-aged prick";
Mark introduced Bridget to his condescending law colleague Natasha
Glenville (Embeth Davidtz), a top family law attorney, and then
snidely remarked about Bridget: "Bridget works in publishing
and used to play naked in my paddling pool"; at the book launch
event, Bridget spoke before the audience (with a malfunctioning
microphone) to announce "Kafka's Motorbike" - advertised as the
"Greatest Book of Our Time" - and delivered an awkward, semi-insulting,
rambling speech; when introducing Daniel's boss Mr.
Fitzherbert (Paul Brooke), she mispronounced his name as "Tits
Pervert"; afterwards, Daniel falsely claimed Bridget had exhibited
"oratorical fireworks" and complimented her on her "very sexy"
- during dinner, Bridget
explained how she knew Mark: "Apparently, I used to run 'round
naked in his paddling pool" - Daniel quipped: "I bet you did,
you dirty bitch"; then he revealed an
on-going rivalry between Mark and himself, who were "mates" who
had attended Cambridge University together; however,
many years later, Daniel claimed that he had made a "somewhat
catastrophic mistake" of introducing Mark to his fiancée
- without providing any further details; they agreed that Mark
was a "bastard"
- after their dinner
date (and some kissing), they retreated to Daniel's place
where the film's funniest scene occurred; Bridget's special tummy-holding-in
pants (called "enormous")
were embarrassingly uncovered while she and Daniel were kissing
and rolling around on the floor; however, Daniel told her that
he liked them: "Now these are very silly little boots, Jones.
And this is a very silly little dress. And, um, these are, uhm,
f--k me, absolutely enormous panties...No, no. Don't apologize.
I like them. Hello, Mummy (they kiss). I'm sorry, I have to have
another look. They're too good to be true...They're nothing to
be embarrassed about. I'm wearing something quite similar myself"
- for the next few days, they were regular sex-partners
sleeping together, and Bridget worried if they would be noticed
differently at the office; when the phone rang (it was her mother),
she jokingly answered: "Bridget Jones, wanton sex goddess with
a very bad man between her thighs"
- Bridget felt that she had finally found her man (voice-over: "Hurrah. Am
no longer tragic spinster, but proper girlfriend of bona fide sex
god so committed that he's taking me on a full-blown mini-break
holiday weekend"; Daniel took Bridget to a country inn, and she
turned hopeful: (voice-over: "This
can't be just shagging. A mini-break means true love. Suddenly feel
like screen goddess in manner of Grace Kelly"); two of the
guests at the inn turned out, unfortunately, to be Mark and Natasha
taking a "work" weekend; that evening, when Bridget asked twice
if Daniel loved her, he refused to answer and implied that he would
have "illegal" sex (oral or anal sex?) with her a second time as
- on Sunday morning, Daniel left
early with a questionable excuse that he had to return to London
for work, leaving Bridget alone to attend a "Tarts
and Vicars" costume party wearing a Playboy bunny costume; she thought to herself
as she walked in: "Seems unnatural, wrong even, for 60-year-olds to dress up as prostitutes
and priests on a Sunday afternoon";
she immediately realized she was out-of-place with no one else
in costume since she wasn't notified that the costume contest had been cancelled;
she received many insults, aghast laughter and abrasive looks for
her sexy outfit
- when she returned to London in the afternoon,
she was suspicous that Daniel had a female visitor and asked: "Is
there someone here?", but Daniel denied having any company; she
agreed to meet up with him later for dinner, but then found an
incriminating pink sweater in the hallway; she returned to Daniel's
upstairs bathroom and found a naked Lara (Lisa Barbuscia), an
American colleague from the New York office; she was seated on
the edge of Daniel's bathtub with just an oversized book (Pemberley
Press) covering her; Daniel had been caught red-handed - cheating;
Lara insultingly asked Daniel: "I thought you said she was thin"
- Bridget was devastated and ended up on her
couch watching Glenn Close becoming an obsessed, homicidal
'wronged woman' in Fatal Attraction (1987); switching
the TV channel, she tuned into a nature show exhibiting a male
lion penetrating a female lioness and then walking off; back
at work, Bridget was told by Daniel that he had known Lara
previously, and that they were now engaged; Bridget vowed to
herself that she would stay strong: "I will not be defeated
by a bad man and an American stick insect. Instead, I choose
vodka and Chaka Khan"; a montage of Bridget working out and
carrying on with her life (discarding and buying a new set
of self-help books) was viewed to the tune of Chaka Khan's
"I'm Every Woman"
- Bridget decided to find new work in television
(and proceeded to attend job interviews) and also to break ties
with Daniel; when he claimed she needed to give six weeks' notice
before quitting and was offered promotions to stay, she refused
to accept any deals with Daniel: "But if staying here means
working within 10 yards of you, frankly, I'd rather have a job
wiping Saddam Hussein's arse"; to the tune of Aretha Franklin's
"Respect," she walked off the job
- while on a live-feed TV reporting assignment for
"Sit Up Britain" at the Lewisham fire-station, Bridget was instructed
to wear make-up, dress in a mini-skirt, wear a fireman's helmet,
hold a hose, and slide down a fire pole; during filming, she
descended butt-first into the camera, knocking down the cameraman
and providing a quick glimpse of her panties; she felt she was
a "national laughing-stock" for the gross view of her fat behind
descending the pole
- on another occasion when Bridget attended a
dinner party of smug married couples (including Mark with Natasha),
she was the only single person invited; after being asked to
confirm that she had broken up with her publishing chap, she
was given unexpected advice by the married Cosmo (Mark Lingwood):
"Never dip your nib in the office ink"; he also condescendingly
urged her to get a man because "time's a-running out - tick-tock!"
- when
Mark spoke with Bridget privately as she was leaving, he stated
his delight that she had broken up with the detested Daniel; he
claimed he didn't consider her an "idiot" at all, but then listed
all of the "ridiculous" elements
he didn't like about Bridget, such as being "an appallingly
bad public speaker," and someone who often tended to blurt
out whatever was in her head "without much consideration
of the consequences"; but then he repeated his "inarticulate"
claim that he liked her alot: "In fact, perhaps, despite
appearances, I like you very much"; she retorted back: "Ah,
apart from the smoking and the drinking, and the vulgar mother
and the verbal diarrhea," but he interrupted and again affirmed
that he liked her: "I like you very much just as you are";
disbelieving, Bridget told her friends: "I hate him"
- Bridget prepared the food over a four hour period at her house to celebrate
her birthday with friends at a multi-course dinner party: ("A
feast of blue soup, omelet, and marmalade"); before
the other guests arrived, Mark appeared and Bridget asked him: "Did
I really run round your lawn naked?" and
he remembered: "Oh, yes. You were four, and I was eight"
- something she considered: "quite pervy really"; he
volunteered to help prepare the meal and they became
better acquainted; during dinner, one of Bridget's friends asked:
"Mark, why did your wife leave you?" - but he didn't answer
- things took a bad turn when a drunken Daniel arrived, pulled Bridget aside,
and tried to win Bridget back: "I can't stop thinking about you,
and thinking what a f--king idiot I've been...I'm a terrible
disaster with a posh voice and a bad character. You're the only
one who can save me, Bridge"; he explained how Lara had dumped
him - "She realized that I hadn't got over you. I know you're
thinking, it's just a sex thing, but I promise you, whenever
I see that skimpy little skirt on TV, I just close my eyes and
listen to all the intelligent things you've said"
- the two rivals Mark and Daniel challenged each other to a brutal fist-fight
out that was fought in the street, inside a Greek restaurant, and
then outside again; from the sidelines, Bridget wasn't clear who
to support, especially when one male friend noted that Mark "shagged
Daniel's fiancée and left him broken hearted"
- Mark left after punching Daniel one final time to the ground, and as
he was leaving, he was shocked when Bridget chastised him: ("You're
just as bad as the rest of them"); Daniel then appealed to her to take him back: "Come on. We belong
together, Jones, me, you, poor little skirt. If I can't make
it with you, then I can't make it with anyone"; she rejected
his rude and insulting offer: ("That's not a good enough offer
for me. I'm not willing to gamble my whole life on someone, who's
well, not quite sure. It's like you said. I'm still looking for
something more extraordinary than that")
- shortly later just before the Darcys' ruby
wedding party, Bridget's mother off-handedly asserted that Daniel
was found on Christmas Eve with Mark's Japanese wife "in
a most unorthodox position, stark naked, a tit like rabbits"
- at the party, Bridget approached Mark to confirm why he and Daniel
had a falling-out during their university days. Daniel had lied
by always claiming that Mark had run off with his fiancee and left
him broken-hearted. She apologized for despising Mark for the wrong
reasons, and Mark told her that the truth was reversed: (Mark:
"No, it was the other way around. It was my wife, my heart"); it
now made sense to Bridget why the two men had always been
engaged in a strange rivalry and why Mark "beat him to a
pulp: ("That's why you always acted so strangely around him and beat him to a pulp, quite
rightly. Well done")
- Bridget then told Mark how she truly felt about
him and his sideburns: "You once said you liked me just as I
am and I just wanted to say likewise. I mean there are stupid
things your mum buys you, tonight's another classic. You're haughty,
and you always say the wrong thing in every situation and I seriously
believe that you should rethink the length of your sideburns.
But, you're a nice man and I like you. If you wanted to pop by
some time that might be nice, more than nice"
- by
now, however, the relationship between Bridget and Mark appeared
to be over and he was preparing to be engaged to Natasha, his "brilliant
partner-in-law" and they had both taken jobs in New York at Abbott
and Abbott; during the ruby wedding party, Mark's father toasted
their engagement to the tune of "Here Comes the Bride"; Bridget
interrupted with a halting plea for Mark to not leave England:
"No, No! It's just that it's such a terrible pity for England
to lose such a great legal brain...For the people of England,
like me and you, to lose one of our top people. Uh, just top
person, really...Well, better dash. I've got another party to
go to. It's single people. Mainly poofs. Bye"; the tune of Gabrielle's
"Out of Reach" played
- in the film's conclusion as Gabrielle's "Out of
Reach" played, Bridget was surprised by her three friends with
a planned weekend trip to Paris, to get her to
forget about Mark (considered "the most dreadful cold fish");
the friends asked: "Has
he ever actually stuck his f--king tongue down your f--king throat?",
she confirmed that he hadn't; but then Mark suddenly appeared behind
Bridget outside her flat, complimenting her for her earlier speech:
"I just wanted to know if you were available for bar mitzvahs
and christenings as well as ruby weddings. Excellent speech";
he informed her that he wasn't going to reside in America, and had returned home
unexpectedly because he had forgotten something - he had come to
kiss Bridget goodbye; she was utterly taken aback by his straight-forward
- Bridget hurriedly dismissed her friends and invited Mark into her upstairs
apartment; she told him: "Keep yourself busy, read something" while she was
changing her clothes in her bedroom, and promised: "I'll
be right with you." She expectantly told herself: "Definitely
an occasion for genuinely tiny knickers." As she put on sexier
underwear, he happened to scan through her diary and glimpsed
a series of insults that she had written about him. He was dismayed
by her critical assessment of him - that he was boring
and dull: "Mum was really scraping the
barrel, with Mark Darcy. He acts like he's got a giant gherkin
thrust up his backside...But let's face it. Mark Darcy is rude,
he's unpleasant, he's DULL - no wonder his clever wife left him.
I hate him. I HATE HIM!"
- when Bridget returned, she saw that he had abruptly departed into the snowy
night and didn't respond to her calls out to him; she realized
he had read her negative words about him and began swearing: "Oh,
s--t. Double s--t. Bollocks!"; realizing why he had left and to
prevent him from leaving for the last time,
she ran after him into the snowy street, wearing only running shoes,
a purple lingerie top, an ill-fitting beige sweater and leopard-striped
panties; at first, she couldn't locate him, but fortunately, he reappeared;
she caught up to him in the street as he left a store, when she told
him that her diary was foolish: "I am so sorry. I'm so
sorry. I didn't mean it. Well, I meant it, but I was so stupid that
I didn't mean what I meant. For Christ's sakes. It's only a diary.
Everyone knows diaries are just full of crap"; during her ranting,
he was silent, but then he replied: "I
know that. I was just buying you a new one (in order) to make a new
start, perhaps."
- he revealed a new diary
from his coat pocket, bought for her to begin a new diary; she
embraced him as they hungrily kissed, while passers-by watched
in amusement on the street corner; to the tune of Van Morrison's
"Someone Like You" and in the midst of a series of kisses during
snow flurries, she pondered: "Wait
a minute. Nice boys don't kiss like that"; he responded: "Oh
yes they f--kin' do!" (and he
wrapped her up in his coat)
Mark's Ugly Reindeer Christmas Sweater

Bridget's New Years Resolution - To Keep a Diary of Progress

Bridget Fantasizing Over Marrying Daniel

Mark's Law Colleague-Girlfriend Natasha (Embeth Davidtz)

Bridget's Dinner Date with Daniel

After Dinner, Daniel with Bridget and Her "Enormous" Panties

Sex-Partners With Daniel for a Few Days
Bridget Calling Herself a "Wanton Sex Goddess"

Bridget in a Playboy Bunny Outfit for "Tarts & Vicars" Costume

Lara From the NY Office Naked in Daniel's Upstairs Bathroom

After Bridget's Embarrassing Slide Down a Fireman's Pole

Mark Listing Off Things He Didn't Like About Bridget,
Although He Claimed That He Liked Her "Just as you are"

After a Fight With Mark, Daniel's Underhanded Insult of Bridget: "If
I can't make it with you, I can't make it with anyone"

Bridget's Response: "That's not a good enough offer for me"

Bridget with Mark, Explaining Her Own Likes and Dislikes About Him -
Including His Sideburns

Mark with Fiancee Natasha Glenville at the Darcys' Ruby Party

Bridget's Impromptu Speech Interrupting a Toast, When She Urged Mark
to Not Marry Natasha

Mark Suddenly Appearing Outside Bridget's Flat

Mark and Bridget Kissing On the Snowy Street
Up Baby (1938)
- director Howard Hawks' classic and
definitive screwball comedy highlighted the comedic
antics and "misadventures"
between shy, bespectacled paleontologist David Huxley (Cary Grant)
and scatter-brained, fast-talking eccentric heiress Susan Vance
(Katharine Hepburn) [Note: It was remade in homage as Peter Bogdanovich's What's
Up, Doc? (1972) with Barbra Streisand and Ryan O'Neal]
- in the film's opening, the mild-mannered David
was high up on a scaffolding working in the Stuyvesant Museum
of Natural History to assemble a Brontosaurus skeleton
(but he was missing only a single bone about to finally be delivered
- an "intercostal
clavicle"); he was preoccupied by his stiff and bossy co-worker
and bride-to-be Miss Alice Swallow (Virginia Walker) who he would
marry the following day, and an impending $1 million dollar donation
- that afternoon, David had an appointment to play
golf with Mr. Alexander Peabody (George Irving), a lawyer who
represented a wealthy, gift-giving philanthropist-sponsor; Peabody
would supervise Mrs. Elizabeth Carlton Random (May Robson), aka
Aunt Elizabeth, and her proposed donation to complete the construction
of the hall
- during his golf game on the course,
the bumbling David encountered the mad-cap, flighty Susan Vance,
Mrs. Random's niece, who wrongly claimed that his golf ball was
hers; she also drove away in his battered car as he pursued her
and called out to his golf partner: ("I'll
be with you in a minute, Mr. Peabody!")
- in the next sequence set at a fashionable supper
nightclub in the Ritz Plaza Hotel, a tuxedoed, black top-hatted
David arrived to meet Mr. Peabody for dinner to discuss the million
dollar grant; Susan was also present, showing off an "olive game"
that she learned from a bartender -- she held an olive on the
flat part of her hand, tapped her hand, and then caught the airborne
olive in her mouth; walking by, the unsuspecting David slipped
and took a pratfall on the olive she just dropped on the floor
- a rapid exit from the supper club ensued - to
cover up David's torn tuxedo and her ripped evening dress; it
was expedited as he walked in unison close behind her, covered
her posterior and saved her reputation; outside, David confessed
his fixation on Susan: "Now it isn't that
I don't like you, Susan, because after all, in moments of quiet I'm
strangely drawn toward you, but well, there haven't been any quiet
moments. Our relationship has been a series of misadventures from
beginning to end...", before he sprawled
face-first onto the ground
- when Susan offered to drive
him to her Aunt's Connecticut farm on the day of his scheduled
marriage to Alice, he wasn't aware
that she had a music-loving, 3 year-old tame pet leopard named
Baby that she planned to bring along in the car. He was also
forced to bring along a package containing the all-important "intercostal
clavicle bone" for the brontosaurus reconstruction that
he was working on
- during their drive to her
Aunt Elizabeth's farm in Westlake, Connecticut,
with her 3 year-old pet leopard Baby in the back seat
- and along the way after Susan rear-ended a truck carrying a
load of chickens, Baby got away and attacked fluttering poultry
(off-screen) in the chicken coop; covered with chicken feathers,
David fumed - annoyed that he had to pay for Baby's expensive
meal - "an
assortment of ducks and chickens, not to mention a couple of
swans" that
cost him $150
- in a funny scene, David
purchased 30 lbs. of raw sirloin steak (in one piece) at a market
from a bewildered butcher for the hungry animal
- fluffy negligee-wearing David admitted his strange
appearance ("I don't know, I'm not quite myself today");
he also sarcastically exclaimed in front
of Susan's rich Aunt Elizabeth as he jumped into the air while
dressed in the fluffy and frilly negligee (Susan's dressing gown): "Because
I just went gay all of a sudden"; Susan explained
to her Aunt that David was a friend of her brother's from Brazil
and that David was on the verge of a nervous breakdown, he quipped: "I'm
a nut from Brazil"
- further
upset arose when David's dinosaur bone was stolen by Susan's
aunt's dog George (Asta of The Thin Man series)
and buried somewhere on the grounds
- during a long chase in
the woods after an escaped Baby, Susan carried a butterfly net
while David was prepared with a rope and croquet mallet; they
found Baby sitting on a neighbor's roof - to calm the tame leopard
and attract him down off the roof, they serenaded Baby with his
favorite and fondest song, "I Can't Give You Anything But
Love, Baby"; after causing a disturbance, the two were reported
by the home owner Dr. Fritz Lehman (Fritz Feld) and thrown in
the local jail by Constable Slocum (Walter Catlett)
- during a major incarceration scene in adjacent
jail cells in the Westlake City Jail, Susan fancifully pretended
to be a gangster moll (a member of the 'Leopard Gang,' infamous
for robberies and other criminal activities); suddenly, another leopard (not
Baby but a murderous escaped animal from the circus) appeared - it
was a case of mistaken leopard identity; Susan dragged the angry
and spitting wild leopard into
the jailhouse at the end of a rope; stepping in front of her with
a chair, David heroically defended her from the vicious leopard
and chased it into an empty jail cell
- in the climactic finale, the missing dog-buried
bone was to be returned by Susan, and Alice broke up with David;
in the museum, Susan arrived to see David, and found him attempting
to reconstruct the brontosaurus skeleton high up on a platofrm;
Susan and David found themselves swaying and dangling from the
crumbling and collapsing scaffolding platform; she apologized
to David: ("Oh
David, look what I've done. Oh, I'm so sorry. Oh, oh, David,
can you ever forgive me? You can and you still love me...You
do, oh David"), and he replied during their final kiss and
embrace: ("Oh, dear. Oh, my. Hmmm")
An Interrupted Golf Game with Mr. Peabody
David Covering Up Susan's Ripped Dress
'Baby' (Susan's Pet Leopard) in Back Seat
David: "I just went gay all of a sudden"
Serenading 'Baby' With "I Can't Give You Anything
But Love, Baby"
The Westlake City Jail

Collapse of Brontosaurus Skeleton
Broadcast News (1987)
- James L. Brooks' romantic comedy/satire of TV
news (with
commentary on the issue of style vs. substance) opened with an ironic
prologue illustrating the formative childhoods of a trio of future
broadcast news professionals; the two male TV reporters would
become romantic rivals for the love of the female producer at
the same news network where they worked together in Washington
- young Tom Grunick (Kimber Shoop) spoke to
his father Gerald Grunick (Stephen Mendillo) in 1963 about
his good looks: "What can you do with yourself when
all you can do is look good"
- in the future, Tom Grunick (William Hurt)
turned out to be a handsome, airhead, narcisistic, charismatic,
and slightly dumb news anchor
- young Aaron Altman (Dwayne Markee) was 15
at his high school graduation in 1965, and beaten up afterwards
by older upperclassmen; he tried to insult the bullies assaulting
"Go ahead Steven. Take your last licks! But this will
heal! What I'm going to say can never be erased! It'll scar
you forever! Ready? Here it is. You'll never make more than
$19,000 a year!"
- in the future, Aaron Altman (Albert Brooks)
turned out to be a socially-insecure, serious, uncharismatic,
and gifted intelligent network news reporter
- young Jane Craig (Gennie James) was engaged
in a wordy argumentative discussion with her father (Leo
Burmester) over the word 'obsessive' in 1968: ("Dad,
you want me to choose my words so carefully, then you throw
a word like 'obsessive' at me. Now, unless I'm wrong, please
correct me if I am. But obsession is practically a psychiatric
term concerning people who don't have anything else but the
object of their own obsession, who can't stop and do anything
else. Well, here I am stopping to tell you this, OK, so would
you please try and be a little bit more precise instead of
calling a person something like 'obsessive'? Good night")
- in the future in 1981, Jane Craig
(Holly Hunter) turned out to be a fussy, driven, intense,
forthright and strident network news producer
Young Future Professionals

Tom Grunick

Aaron Altman

Jane Craig
- wacky news assistant director Blair Litton
(Joan Cusack) painfully rushed to get a finished tape to the
control booth in time for broadcast - running into a garbage
can and a file cart, slipping on papers under an opened file
drawer, jumping over a toddler and her mother, and slamming into
a hallway water fountain
- in one of the film's key scenes, during a special
live news report on a Libyan attack on a US military base in
Sicily (Italy), Tom was clueless and unable to function on-camera
during a live-breaking broadcast without a teleprompter; with
the assistance of highly-qualified but nervous and undervalued
Aaron on the phone, the quick-thinking Jane cleverly fed Tom
information via his earpiece; afterwards,
the exhilarated Tom gleefully responded with thanks to Jane at
her desk: ("You're an amazing woman. What a feeling having
you inside my head... It's like indescribable -- you knew just
when to feed me the next line, you knew the second before I needed
it. There was like a rhythm we got into... it was like great
sex!"); over time, Jane was becoming infatuated with Tom
- in an apres-sex
scene with the handsome but vacuous and nude Tom, reporter Jennifer
Mack (Lois Chiles) playfully asked about his prominent penis
shadow in silhouette after sleeping with him, as she laughed: "Do
you do bunny rabbits?"; earlier, he had told her about her
open clothes closet: "You can
see everything you have"
- in his debut appearance as the anchor of the
weekend news while Jane and Tom attended the White House Correspondents'
Dinner together, the uncharismatic
and nervous Aaron began to sweat profusely
("flop sweat") as he read the news; a producer
commented: "This is more than Nixon ever sweated"; Aaron gave an aside as
the news went to a commercial after he reported: "...at
least 22 people dead" - "I wish I were one of them"
- Jane and Tom left the dinner party to share a
romantic moment on the steps of the Jefferson Memorial; they
embraced and passionately kissed when he suggested sex to her
in obvious terms: "I've been wondering what it'd be like to be inside all that
energy"; to cool their passion, Jane excused herself to go and
console Aaron for his disastrous TV debut
The Jealous Aaron to Jane: Comparing Tom to
the Devil
- Aaron, who was in unrequited
love with Jane, met with Jane after his disastrous weekend
news appearance and made a desperate attempt to dissuade Jane
from a relationship with the media-friendly, vacuous-headed
Tom by comparing him to the devil, and by admitting his own
love for her: "Tom,
while being a very nice guy, is the devil...I'm semi-serious
here...He will be attractive, he'll be nice and helpful...He'll
never do an evil thing. He'll never deliberately hurt a living
thing. He'll just bit by little bit lower our standards where
they're important. Just a tiny little bit. Just coax along.
Flash over substance...And he'll get all the great women";
Jane accused Aaron of being the devil, but he countered that
her assertion was impossible: ("You know I'm not...Because
I think we have the kind of friendship where if I were the
Devil, you'd be the only one I would tell...Give me this. He
personifies everything you've been fighting against - And I'm
in love with you. How do ya like that? I buried the lead")
- as a result of the TV news station's restructuring,
budget cuts and multiple layoffs, Jane was appointed as the
replacement for bureau chief Ernie Merriman (Robert Prosky),
and Tom was promoted to work in the network office in London,
while the dejected-feeling Aaron quietly resigned to take a
local anchor position in Portland, Oregon; during Tom's transition
period, he and Jane planned to take a romantic getaway vacation
- before leaving, Jane met
up with the embittered Aaron in a difficult farewell scene,
when he made a sour-grapes prediction of Jane's
future when she asked what would happen to their relationship
as friends: "Anyway, I'll be walking along with my wife and my two lovely children
and we'll bump into you. And my youngest son will say something,
and I will tell him it's not nice to make fun of single, fat

Aaron's Prediction of Jane's Future
Tom's Faked Tears - On Cue
Jane's Airport Rejection of Tom For His Fakery
- Jane felt tremendous anguish and anger when Aaron
informed her that Tom had unethically faked tears in a cutaway
shot during an earlier, emotionally-powerful date-rape interview; Jane
confronted Tom at the airport about the phony staging - "It
made me...ILL...You can get fired for things like that...(Tom's
retort: "I've gotten promoted for things like that!")
You totally crossed the line"; she told him that
they were so mismatched that she would not join him for a vacation
during her time-off
- in the film's poignant epilogue set in the present
day of 1987 about seven years later, the trio reunited at a broadcasting
conference; both men were happily married with others (and Jane
was in a strong relationship); Jane revealed that she would again
be working alongside national anchor Tom in New York as a managing
editor; the film concluded with a pull-back shot of Jane and
Aaron reminiscing in the rain under a gazebo
News Assistant Blair Running with Videotape - Water
Cooler Collision

After Tom Was Fed Information By Jane During a Live
Broadcast, he told her: "It
was like great sex!"
Work Colleague Jennifer Mack (Lois Chiles) - "Do
you do bunny rabbits?"
Tom's Penis Shadow
Aaron's Profuse Sweating: "This is More than Nixon
Ever Sweated"

Tom and Jane's Passionate Kiss
Film's Ending: Jane and Aaron in Gazebo
Broadway Danny Rose (1984)
- in director Woody Allen's comedy, hapless
one-man, NYC theatrical talent agent Danny Rose (Woody Allen) and
Italian-American singer Lou Canova's (Nick Apollo Forte) brassy
blonde mistress Tina Vitale (Mia Farrow) had been paired together;
Lou had arranged for Danny to pretend to "be
the beard" as Tina's date for Lou's performance at the Waldorf,
so that it wouldn't arouse suspicions from Lou's jealous wife Teresa
(Sandy Richman)
- however, the crooner and Tina had a fight, resulting
in Tina's refusal to attend Lou's performance; she returned
to her ex-Mafioso boyfriend Johnny Rispoli (Edwin Bordo), who jealously
presumed that Danny was Tina's new love interest; Johnny's mother
(Gina DeAngelis) declared a vendetta against Danny, and sent her
two sons Vito (Paul Greco) and Joe Rispoli (Frank Renzulli) to
eliminate him
- armed Rispoli mob hoods
chased Danny and Tina as they attempted to escape from a remote
warehouse that was used to store giant floats and balloons for
the Macy's Thanksgiving Day; when one of them shot a hole
in a helium tank used to fill the balloons, it caused the three of
them to shout at each other in high-pitched, cartoonish Munchkin-like
voices: (Hood: "Don't move or I'll blow your god-damned brains
out"; Danny: "Don't shoot, don't shoot, I'm just a beard. really";
Tina: "You're making a mistake, he's just a beard"; Hood: "Don't
tell me you're the beard, you god-damned little rat, you"; Danny:
"Run, Tina, run! He's outta bullets! It's our chance! Tina, it's
our chance! He's outta bullets!"; Tina: "All right, all right,
I'm coming!")

Helium Tank Leaking Gas

Danny: "Don't shoot, don't shoot"
Bruce Almighty (2003)
- in director Tom Shadyac's fanciful comedy during
the opening title credits, a discontented Buffalo NY WKBW-TV field
reporter, Bruce Nolan (Jim Carrey) was only assigned to cover the
worst, most superficial and inconsequential lightweight stories;
as he was reporting at Mama and Vol Kowolski's (Lillian Adams and
Christopher Darga) downtown bakery shop on its 30th anniversary
and was forced - for health reasons - to wear a hair-net; he asked
himself: "God, why do you hate me?"; he interviewed the Kowolskis
who were attempting to set a record by making Buffalo's largest cookie at 10 feet,
4 inches; he mentioned that the cookie represented "the Price of
Buffalo" and ended his pleasant, humorous
local report with his signature closing line: "And
that's the way the cookie crumbles, I'm Bruce Nolan, Eyewitness News"
- afterwards, Bruce
complained to his sweet girlfriend Grace (Jennifer Aniston) about
his stagnant job: "I'll never be an anchcorman, not with this.
The job's right there, but I can't reach it. Because every time
they make me do this kind of stuff, I have to act like a total
goof in order to make it work. I have no credibility"; at work,
he appealed to his station's boss, Jack Baylor (Philip Baker Hall) to be seriously
considered for the open news anchor position, challenging his nemesis
- the "favorite" Evan Baxter (Steve Carrell)
Bruce's On-Camera Breakdown at Niagara Falls After
Losing the Lead News Anchor Position ("Eroding, eeeeroding,
- during Bruce's reporting of a story at Niagara Falls
while on the Maid of the Mist ferry, the station announced that
Evan had been appointed as the replacement news anchor; on-camera,
the freaked-out Bruce suffered a complete nervous breakdown; he
insulted Evan ("Let me just add another congratulations to Evan
Backstabber - pardon me, Bastard. Baxter, rather"), expressed his
disbelief: ("I guess that's how life is, isn't it? Some people
are drenched, freezing to death, on a stupid boat, with a stupid
hat, while others are in a comfy news studio, sucking up all the
glory"), and then verbally abused Bill (Dan Desmond), the ferry owner:
("Tell me, why do you think I didn't get the anchor job?...Is it
my hair, Bill? Are my teeth not white enough? Or, like the great
falls, is the bedrock of my life eroding beneath me? Eroding, eeeeroding,
eeeeerodding"); he ended his report with a fist and obscene sign-off: "Back
to you, f--kers!"; when he returned to the office, he was
immediately fired and thrown out the door - literally, and shouted
as he laid on his back: "That is perfect! That is the motivation
that i needed! right there! thank you! Thank you, WKBW! Wimpy Kiddy
Baby Whiners! That's what that stands for! I'll see you on Channel
5, where they do the real news!"
- to remedy his life's failures and disappointments,
the disgruntled Bruce complained to God (Morgan Freeman), first
envisioned as a black janitor in a large empty warehouse, who then
was transformed into God in a brightly-lit room - wearing a white
suit and tie; although Bruce was skeptical, God revealed to him
a long expanding file cabinet representing all of Bruce's life;
Bruce then played a guessing game with fingers behind his back
- and was shocked to see his own hand with "seven" fingers
- Bruce made the outrageous
accusation that he could perform God's job better: ("Fine!
The gloves are off, God! C'mon, lemme see a little wrath! Smite
me, O mighty smiter! You're the one who should be fired! The only
one around here not doing his job is You! ANSWER ME!"); he
was offered the chance of trying to be God himself for one week,
but later learned that there were two major rules - he couldn't
tell anyone that he had God's powers, and he couldn't interfere with free will
- Bruce experimented with his newfound powers in a
local diner, when he attempted to part the tomato soup in his
bowl in front of him - and it worked; God suddenly appeared next
to him and asked: "Having fun?"; as he strutted down the street
to the tune of "The Power!" ("I've got the power"), he commanded
a fire hydrant to burst and it explosively sprayed water; he was
also able to swap clothes with a fashionably-dressed mannequin
in a store window
- after Bruce came upon a gang of bullies that had
beaten him up earlier, he decided to teach them a lesson when they
wouldn't apologize to him (the hood leader (Noel Gugliemi) told Bruce:
"We'll apologize the day a monkey comes out of my butt. Then you
get your 'sorry'. How about that?"); Bruce vengefully used his
powers to actually have a monkey painfully emerge from the leader's
back end
- Bruce realized that he would somehow have to answer
millions of prayers from worshippers; his first idea was to create
a system to receive the prayers by organizing all of them into file cabinets;
since it wasn't a "space-saver" idea and was too noticeable, his
next bright idea was to create Prayer Post-Its, but again, he and
the entire room were immediately plastered with the yellow post-its;
his final idea was to use an online solution: "I need something
with a lock, security, combination, a password" - and he developed
a website titled: "YAHWEH" - an AOL-like computerized email-like
system (Insta-Prayer) to receive the prayers
- the most outrageous scene came when Bruce sent powerful
"pleasurable" mental sensations into his girlfriend Grace
Connelly's mind; she experienced a 'no-contact'
uncontrollable, mental orgasm without human touch; while alone in
her bathroom with intense sexual arousal through his
mental powers, she moaned as she fell back on the toilet seat: "Oh,
my God! Ooh!...Oh, God! Oh, Good God!"; she appeared from the
bathroom bedraggled, sex-hungry and ready for more - and received
a body-slam down into the bed; the camera moved outside their one-bedroom
apartment to view their flickering lights and listen to Grace's
continued loud moans of sexual bliss

Grace's Entirely "Mental" Orgasm Created
by Bruce

Grace Asking Bruce About Her Breasts: "Do they
look bigger to you?"
- during breakfast the next morning, Grace observed
that her breasts had grown larger overnight (she asked: "I
woke up this morning and I felt like, like my boobs were bigger.
I mean, do they look bigger to you?"); Evan responded with
a double-entendre reply: "This has been the breast beckf..."
- with his newfound powers, Bruce was able to solve
the Jimmy Hoffa murder case and locate his missing body, and he
also forced a damaging meteor to harmlessly land near a cook-off;
he received the nickname "Mr. Exclusive" and
was rewarded with his old reporting job - he realized that he was
now reporting on better, late-breaking news stories
- using his special powers, during the first anchor
broadcast of the Eyewitness News at 6 by Evan - his newly-promoted,
obnoxious co-anchor rival, the vengeful Bruce was
able to sabotage and disrupt the show; he managed to modify Evan's
voice; in addition, Bruce pantomimed typing in alternative
news-copy into the teleprompter, causing Evan to say: "In
other news: The prime-minister of Sweden visited Washington today,
and my tiny little nipples went to France," followed by other
ridiculous lines: "The White House reception committee greeted
the prime rib roast minister and I do the cha-cha like a sissy girl.
I lika do da cha-cha";
Bruce also perfectly lip-synched Evan's voice with complete and
hilarious gibberish, and made some embarrassing fart noises (from
his own underarm), thought to come from Evan
Bruce's Sabotage of Evan's First News
- as a result, Evan was fired and Bruce was appointed
as the new anchor; however, as expected, Bruce found that his efforts
to be God backfired, for instance, when those who all offered
prayers were granted their wishes, but this resulted in all those
who prayed to win the lottery having winning numbers, but their prize
money only amounted to $17 dollars apiece; during a conversation
with God atop of Mt. Everest, Bruce admitted that his attempt at
using God's power had destroyed many things and caused chaos, including
the breakup of his relationship with Grace; he attempted to set
things straight after realizing his mistaken use of God's powers,
including making amends with Evan and restoring his job;
in a state of despair and emotional anguish, he knelt in the middle
of the road to pray to ask God to take back his powers - and was hit head-on by an oncoming truck

Bruce Awakening in a Hospital After Life-Threatening Accident

Reconciled with Grace in the Hospital
- following the accident, Bruce met with God in the
clouds and learned how to pray; he selflessly begged and prayed that
his estranged girlfriend Grace would find someone to make her happy
("I want her to be happy. No matter what that means. I want her
to find someone to treat her with all the love that she deserved
from me. I want her to meet someone who’ll see her always
as I do now through your eyes")
- suddenly, he was back
at the accident scene being treated by EMTs and then he woke
up in a hospital, where the doctor told him that he was lucky to
be alive: "Someone up there must like you"; he noticed he was receiving
a transfusion of life-saving AB Positive Blood (Grace's blood type),
just before she arrived and reconciled with him
- in the final bookending scene, Bruce was
back doing light-weight fluff reporting at the American Red Cross
"Be the Miracle" Blood Drive, telling his viewers: "It’s
a B-E-A-UTIFUL day"; earlier in the film,
he had expressed his reluctance about donating blood: ("They’re
not touching me with no needle!... It’s blood. Blood
is supposed to stay inside the body. That’s how it’s
meant to be"), but now he announced to the crowd that he was
engaged to Grace as Mrs. Exclusive before they went off to donate

Bruce Nolan (Jim Carrey) Reporting on Superficial Stories for WKBW-TV
- Buffalo's Biggest Cookie

Bruce Practicing His Signature Sign-Off: "And that's the way the
cookie crumbles"

Thrown Out of the WKBW-TV Offices Onto the Street After Being Fired

Bruce Atop His Own Life's Expanding File Cabinet

Bruce With God (Morgan Freeman) - Testing His Clairvoyant

Bruce (as God) Parting His Tomato Soup Like the Red Sea

"I've Got the Power"

Bruce's Revenge: Gang Leader Suffering as a Monkey Emerged From His Butt

Bruce Showered and Covered In Prayer Post-Its

Back to Reporting on a Blood Drive in the City with the Kowolskis
Bull Durham (1988)
- writer/director Ron Shelton's feature debut was
a humorous and intelligent romantic sports comedy-drama about a
mediocre Carolina minor leagues baseball team - the Durham Bulls
- during the film's opening title credits sequence,
cultured and literate baseball and sports groupie Annie Savoy (Susan
Sarandon), a junior-college English teacher and sexually-seductive
baseball groupie, provided a lengthy, off-screen speech regarding
her beloved team - the Durham Bulls of North Carolina; she
described her offbeat 'life-as-baseball' beliefs in a celebrated "The
Church of Baseball" monologue (sermon, actually) to the accompaniment
of church organ music, as she was preparing
to leave her house and walk downtown to the local Durham Bulls ballgame:
("I believe in the Church of Baseball. I've tried all the major religions
and most of the minor ones. I've worshipped Buddha, Allah, Brahma,
Vishnu, Siva, trees, mushrooms, and Isadora Duncan. I know things.
For instance, there are 108 beads in a Catholic rosary and there
are 108 stitches in a baseball. When I learned that, I gave Jesus
a chance. (sigh) But it just didn't work out between us.
The Lord laid too much guilt on me. I prefer metaphysics to theology. You
see, there's no guilt in baseball, and it's never borin' (giggle)
- which makes it like sex. There's never been a ballplayer slept
with me who didn't have the best year of his career. Makin' love
is like hittin' a baseball. You just gotta relax and concentrate.
Besides, I'd never sleep with a player hittin' under .250, unless
he had a lot of RBIs or was a great glove man up the middle. You
see, there's a certain amount of life wisdom I give these boys.
I can expand their minds. Sometimes when I've got a ballplayer
alone, I'll just read Emily Dickinson or Walt Whitman to him. And
the guys are so sweet, they always stay and listen. Of course,
a guy'll listen to anything if he thinks it's foreplay. I make
them feel confident, and they make me feel safe - and pretty. Of
course, what I give them lasts a lifetime. What they give me lasts
142 games. Sometimes it seems like a bad trade, but bad trades
are part of baseball. I mean, who can forget Frank Robinson for
Milt Pappas, for God's sake? It's a long season and you gotta trust
it. I've tried 'em all, I really have. And the only church that
truly feeds the soul - day in, day out, is the Church of Baseball.")
- after arriving at the ballpark, there were the typical
sights and sounds surrounding the game; the new hotshot
pitcher for the perennial losing team - the Durham Bulls; making
his professional debut was moronic, erratic, dim-bulb young, up-and-coming
rookie pitcher-ballplayer Ebby Calvin "Nuke" (or "Meat")
LaLoosh (Tim Robbins); his wild
pitches knocked down the bull mascot twice (throughout the film)
and also sailed into the booth of the sports announcer
- 12-year veteran journeyman baseball catcher
"Crash" Davis (Kevin Costner) was being returned to the
A-league to mentor the green young upstart LaLoosh; he
had been acquired to teach the clueless LaLoosh (who was being groomed
for the major leagues and was worth 100 grand) how to discipline his
behavior and improve his concentration, including his erratic pitches
- after the game, Crash and Laloosh were competing
for dating prospects with Annie, both in a local country-western
bar and in Annie's living room, where she proposed to "hook
up with one guy a season"; she announced
that she was deciding between them, but Crash was reluctant to "try
out" for Annie as one of her draft picks; as Crash was leaving
for the door, Annie asked: "What do you believe in, then?",
and he gave a classic, memorable philosophical
speech: ("Well, I believe in the soul,
the cock, the pussy, the small of a woman's back, the hangin' curveball,
high fiber, good Scotch, that the novels of Susan Sontag are self-indulgent,
over-rated crap. I believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. I believe
there oughta be a constitutional amendment outlawing AstroTurf and
the designated hitter. I believe in the sweet spot, soft-core pornography,
opening your presents Christmas morning rather than Christmas Eve.
And I believe in long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three
days. Good-night.") - and Annie gave a breathless reply: "Oh
- after Crash left, Annie fooled Laloosh in her bedroom
into being intellectually seduced by tying his wrists with ropes
attached to her steel-framed headboard, and during his bondage,
she read Walt Whitman poetry to him; she had made her choice for
the season and told Crash: "I'm
committed to Nuke for the season. You had your chance the other
- during an extended road trip on a bus, Crash
taught Nuke (now nicknamed "Meat") the lyrics to his butchered
version of "Try
a Little Tenderness" on the team bus (instead
of "Young girls they do get wearied" he sang: "Young
girls they do get woolly")
- in the middle of
the night, Crash (and three other players) took a taxi to the city's
ballfield, and smashed through a metal gate barrier, found
the water control valves for the field's sprinkler system, and
soon the entire infield and outfield were deliberately flooded; they
then played in the muddy, water-soaked ball field
- as a way to combat Annie's choice of Nuke for the
season, Crash convinced Nuke to rechannel his sexual energy
into his pitching and away from her - depriving Annie of sexual fulfillment
- later during a nightgame, the entire
infield met on the pitcher's mound to discuss wedding gifts
for the upcoming marriage of the team's devout Christian, Jimmy
(William O'Leary) to amoral groupie Millie (Jenny Robertson), punctuated
by irate fast-talking pitching coach Larry Hockett's (Robert Wuhl)
suggestion: ("...candlesticks
always make a nice gift, and uh, maybe you could find out where
she's registered and maybe a place-setting or maybe a silverware
- eventually, Annie began to realize
that "Crash" might
be a better-suited match for her sexual come-ons. She came to
Crash's place and offered herself: "I want you," but
when he declined, she flatly stated: "This
is the damnedest season I've ever seen. I mean, the Durham Bulls
can't lose, and I can't get laid"; she had a chance
to sample his beliefs about three-day long kisses at the conclusion
of the film when "Crash" was released from baseball playing
altogether (although he might be a minor league manager) and he sought
to retire with dignity. He looked up Annie and then over a drink, they
kissed, and soon made love
- their love scene during a weekend-long session was
exaggerated - they rolled over, tumbled from the bed to the floor, still kissing and locked
together, as she grabbed for traction from a nearby table leg -
moaning and shaking. Their love-making was followed by a bowl of
Wheaties ("Breakfast of Champions")
in the kitchen; wearing his oversized sports jacket (while he
wore one of her robes), she glowed at him:"God,
you are gorgeous...You wanna dance?"; he
tossed his cereal bowl into the sink where it smashed into pieces,
and he pulled her onto the kitchen table, where they resumed
making love after he answered: "Yes"; in the
next scene, Annie's arms were tied to the bedpost, as she succumbed
to having her toenails painted red by "Crash," and
then they were in the bathtub together; they slept until early the
next morning when Crash left her bed and wrote a goodbye note before
driving off
- by the end of the film, "Nuke" had
been called up and promoted to the majors. Seen one last time and
now wearing a T-shirt for the ska-punk band Fishbone, he was being
interviewed by TV reporter Raye Anne in a baseball stadium, using
words and cliches that Crash had taught him: ("...Anyway, a good
friend of mine used to say, 'This is a very simple game. You throw
the ball, you catch the ball. You hit the ball. Sometimes you win,
sometimes you lose. Sometimes it rains.' Think about that for a while")

"I believe in the church of baseball"
Crash's Beliefs and Annie's Response: "Oh my!"

Pitching Mound Discussion

Annie with Crash

TV Reporter Interview
Butch Cassidy
and the Sundance Kid (1969)
- in George Roy Hill's comedy-western, there was continual
amusing banter throughout the film between two western legendary,
train-robbing anti-hero outlaws Butch (Paul Newman) and the Sundance
Kid (Robert Redford); the two were leaders of the Hole-in-the-Wall
gang in Wyoming in the early 1900s
- after an absence when the two returned to their
hideout location, Butch found his leadership had been contested,
and he was being challenged by brutish,
Bowie-knife-wielding gang member Harvey Logan
(Ted Cassidy); the unarmed Butch cleverly delayed the fight by
distracting Harvey and arguing: "No, no, not yet, not
until me and Harvey get the rules straightened out"; Harvey exclaimed: "Rules
- in a knife fight? No rules!", when Butch swiftly kicks him
in his crotch with a perfectly-aimed blow. The uprising was quickly
suppressed as Harvey crumpled to his knees
- after re-establishing command, Butch ironically
co-opted Harvey's audacious plan to rob the Union Pacific Flyer
twice on successive runs - they'll hit it in one direction and
then hit it again on its return trip: "Nobody's done that
to the Flyer before. No matter how much we got the first time,
they'd figure the return was safe and load it up with money"
- during the gang's train robbery, Butch implored
the RR agent Woodcock (George Furth), the stubborn,
'patriotic', and loyal agent for E. H. Harriman, the President of the
Railroad, to open the door and avoid getting hurt: "You're
just gonna get yourself blown up if you don't open that door"; when
Woodcock kept resisting, an explosive dynamite charge blew a large
hole in the wall of the railroad car; the two were slightly concerned
that Woodcock was injured
- in town, as the Marshal (Kenneth Mars) vainly struggled
to raise a posse to go after the gang, Butch and Sundance listened
from the second floor balcony-porch of their favorite
brothel/saloon (Fanny Porter's)
- during a film interlude,
both Butch and Sundance paid a visit with Sundance's 26 year-old
lover, prim schoolmarm Etta Place (Katharine Ross); Sundance's
surprise arrival occurred in her farmhouse bedroom when - in the
sexy and surprising scene from the corner of the room, he ordered
her to unbutton her blouse and undress in front of him at gunpoint;
she briefly complied, but then chided him with a question and rebuke:
"Do you know what I wish?...That once, you'd get here on time!"
"Raindrops Keep
Fallin' On My Head" - Bicycle Ride
- the next morning, Butch appeared outside their
window riding one of a salesman's new-fangled
bicycles of "the future" - with a melodramatic voice, he spoke:
"You are mine, Etta Place. Mine.
Do you hear me? Mine. All mine. Your soft white flesh is mine.
Soft. White"; Butch tried out the latest newfangled invention, with
Etta precariously perched on the handlebars, accompanied by Burt
Bacharach's contemporary smash hit, the Award-winning song: "Raindrops
Keep Fallin' On My Head"
- their second robbery of the Union Pacific Flyer
was less successful than the first; they again encountered stubborn,
bruised and bandaged Woodcock guarding the safe; a loud, oversized
female passenger (Jody Gilbert) protested the delays and bullied
her way over to the robbers: "I'm a grandmother and a female
and I've got my rights!"; cleverly using ventriloquism, they
tricked Woodcock into opening the train door; however, the robbers
used too much dynamite to open the reinforced safe and the tremendous
blast blew pieces of paper money into the wind - Sundance laughingly
joked: "Think you used enough dynamite there, Butch?"
- before the gang could gather up the money,
a formidable Superposse of a half-dozen men on horseback swiftly
exited from the side of the boxcar pulled by another locomotive -
Butch sensed trouble and warned: "Whatever they're sellin',
I don't want it!"; soon after, Butch and Sundance realized
that they were being relentlessly pursued by the
mysterious posse; Butch asked: "What's
the matter with those guys?"; their strained banter during
the chase was wryly humorous: (Butch: "I
think we lost 'em. Do you think we lost 'em?" Sundance: "No." Butch:
"Neither do I"), and Butch became worried as they were tracked: "I
couldn't do that. Could you do that? How can they do that?";
Butch repeatedly asked the question: "Who are those guys?"
- when eventually trapped and cornered on a dead-end
cliff, Butch declared: "Kid - the next time I say, 'Let's
go someplace like Bolivia,' let's go someplace like Bolivia." Sundance
wryly responded: "Next time?"; Sundance also
admitted: "I can't swim" (with Butch's guffawing retort: "Why, you
crazy, the fall'll probably kill ya") and they made a big
jump off the steep canyon ledge into the fast-moving river below
while yelling a long and drawn out: "AWWWWW S-----T"

"Who are those guys?"

"I can't swim"

"AWWWWW S-----T"
Stranded on a Cliff and Jumping Into a River
- after the two outlaws retreated to Etta's
place, they decided to high-tail
it to South America (Bolivia) ("wherever the hell Bolivia
is"), believing it would be easy and safe living there; soon after, following
a brief visit to NYC, the trio boarded a steamer to South America;
the dapper-dressed trio stepped off a Bolivian train in a country
village (Santa Ines) in the middle of a god-forsaken landscape,
filled with llamas, pigs, piglets, chickens and adobe huts
- the group (after learning some Spanish words) conducted
a series of successful, clever and amusing heists, as Etta assisted
them, while their outlaw reputation revived their status as hunted
criminals, and wanted posters appeared for the arrest of the marked
men - "Bandidos de los Estados Unidos"; for a short while, they reformed and
went "straight," serving as payroll guards for a mining company
to protect the transport of gold shipments from "payroll thieves",
and employed by old prospector Percy Garris (Strother Martin); when
forced to kill other bandits on the job, Sundance told Butch that
their efforts to go straight had failed, and that the job proved more
violent than robbing banks: "Well we've gone straight. What do
we try now?"; knowing that their days were numbered, Etta decided to
return to the U.S. ahead of them
- with Etta gone, the two offbeat outlaws resorted
to their old ways - robbing a payroll mule train, but the Bolivian
constabulary - including a whole regiment of hundreds
of Bolivian cavalry - was alerted to their presence; in the
final sequence, the surrounded, wounded and doomed heroes, Yanqui
banditos, joked and daydreamed: ("For a moment there, I thought
we were in trouble") and then were caught at the point of
death in a freeze-framed shootout in Bolivia
(turning from color to sepia-toned)
Freeze-Framed Demise During Shootout

Butch Cassidy (Paul Newman)

The Sundance Kid (Robert Redford)

Harvey Logan (Ted Cassidy)
Butch's Knife Fight with Harvey Ending With a Crotch

Etta Undressing at Gunpoint for Sundance

Woodcock Tricked Into Opening Train Door

Sundance: "...Think you used enough dynamite there,

Super-Posse Emerged From Private Train Boxcar

Butch: "Whatever they're sellin', I don't want it"