B |
Title Screen
Movie Title/Year and Scene Descriptions |
Babe (1995, Australia/US)
- director Chris Noonan's Best Picture-nominated
storybook animal tale and family film featured remarkable animatronic
talking animals including Fly the sheepdog, Ferdinand the duck
(who thought he was a rooster to spare being eaten), the elderly
ewe Maa, the trio of singing mice, and of course, the runty,
orphaned piglet Babe
- the film's opening was a harrowing account (by
off-screen narrator Roscoe Lee Browne) at a gigantic hog farm
where pigs were being loaded up into a truck to be taken away
to market
- one runty little piglet who appeared alone and
sad was randomly selected - to be used for a Lion's Club guessing
contest at the local fair; Farmer Hoggett
(James Cromwell) had the winning entry in the fair contest -
accurately guessing the piglet's weight

Young Runt "Babe"

Fly - the Sheepdog

Elderly Ewe Maa
- he brought it to his farm - where the farm animals
spoke to the disconsolate pig; he was given the name of Babe
(Christine Cavanaugh): ("Our mom called us all
the same...She called us all Babe"); Fly the Sheepdog (Miriam
Margolyes) tried to comfort Babe who piteously cried out: "I
want my Mom!" -- "There, there, You've got to be a
brave boy now. I left my mother when I was your age, and my pups
will have to leave me soon. But I'll keep an eye on you, if you
like, just 'til you find your feet. The little pig's a bit low.
He's going to sleep with us just 'til he finds his feet"
- in a hilarious sequence (titled "Crime &
Punishment"), Ferdinand (voice of Danny Mann) convinced
Babe to engage in a secret mission for him - to sneak into the
farmhouse, avoid disturbing the nasty cat Duchess (Russi
Taylor), and abscond with a "mechanical rooster" -
Mrs. Esme Hoggett's (Magda Szubanski) new alarm clock -- Ferdinand
watched through the window as Babe began to botch the theft;
the two ended up covered with paint in the destroyed living room,
and the duck became a fugitive
- after Fly was saddened when her puppies were offered
for sale, Babe allowed himself to be adopted ("Fly, may I call you
Mom?"); the narrator mentioned: "And so it was that the pig found
his place in the world of the farm. And he was happy even in
his dreams"
- in the next segment, titled "Pork is a nice sweet
meat," the animals commented upon Christmas festivities at the Hoggett's
farmhouse as the relatives arrived, including Ferdinand sitting
on the weathervane and quacking: "Christmas
dinner, yeah. Dinner means death. Death means carnage! Christmas
means carnage!"; Babe also sang: "La, la, la" - fortunately,
Babe was spared from becoming Xmas dinner, although his duck friend
Rosanna was served instead, prompting Ferdinand to escape from
the farm ("I'm not going to be a goner, I'm gone")
- the film's first indication that Babe was capable
of something beyond his 'pig nature' was when he sensed that
something was wrong on the farm - sheep rustlers were stealing
Farmer Hoggett's sheep and loading them onto a truck; he ran
back to the farm and alerted Rex (and Hoggett) to the problem;
in the next segment: "A Pig that thinks it's a Dog,"
shortly later, Babe demonstrated his ability to sort brown hens from white ones
- Babe's attempts at sheep-herding improved via
coaching from elderly ewe Maa (Miriam Flynn) who suggested Babe
treat the animals with politeness - and they behaved; later,
in the sequences: "The Sheep Pig" and "A Tragic
Day," Babe was further trained in sheep-herding, and one
day provided Farmer Hoggett a timely alert that three feral
dogs were stealing some of his flock, resulting in the death
of Maa from the marauding wild dogs
- Farmer Hoggett first
suspected Babe and aimed his double-barreled shotgun at the pig,
the Farmer abruptly changed his mind when he heard from his wife
that other neighbors had also experienced problems with feral
dogs ("That was the police on the telephone. Said there
are wild dogs about. Apparently the Mitchells lost six lambs
this morning")
- the jealous and begrudging cat Duchess sought
revenge on Babe by cruelly telling him he was scoffed by the
other animals for wanting to be a sheep-herding pig, and that
humans ate pigs: "I probably shouldn't say this, but I'm
not sure if you realize how much the other animals are laughing
at you for this sheepdog business...Well, they say that you've
forgotten that you're a pig. Isn't that silly? They even say
that you don't know what pigs are for....You know, why pigs are
here...Well, the cow's here to be milked. The dogs are here to
help the boss's husband with the sheep. And I'm here to be beautiful
and affectionate to the boss...The fact is that pigs don't have
a purpose. Just like ducks don't have a purpose...All right,
for you own sake, I'll be blunt. Why do the bosses keep ducks?
To eat them. So why do the bosses keep a pig? The fact is that
animals that don't seem to have a purpose really do have
a purpose. The bosses have to eat. It's probably the most noble purpose
of all when you come to think about it...Pork, they call it.
Or bacon. They only call them pigs when they're alive....The
boss's husband's just playing a little game with you. Believe
me, sooner or later, every pig gets eaten. That's the way the
world works" - in fear, Babe ran away and was found the
next morning in a cemetery by Fly's mate Rex (Hugo Weaving)
- Farmer
Hoggett brought Babe home and responded to Babe's demoralized state
and refusal to eat after hearing that humans ate pigs - he fed Babe
from a baby bottle, sang the song "If I Had Words", and
danced a jig to enliven his spirits
- knowing Babe's ability to herd sheep, Farmer Hoggett
had signed Babe up for trials in a sheepherding competition -
the prestigious National Grand Challenge Sheepdog Championships;
Babe was entered into the competition with the name "PIG";
while she was out of town, Mrs.
Hoggett was watching the competition on TV - she nearly fainted,
as did the animals at the farmhouse during the exciting and tense
- at first, Babe struggled to control the sheep,
and Hoggett was soundly ridiculed for using a pig to herd sheep;
Babe was saved when sheepdog Rex ran back to the farm to get
a secret password "Baah Ram Ewe. To your breed, your
fleece, your clan be true! Sheep be true!" (in exchange
for promising to treat them better); once
the password was relayed to Babe, he was victorious in controlling
the sheep to follow his commands, and received a perfect score
of 100 from all the judges
- in the rousing finale, amidst wild applause and cheers from the human
audience in the grand-stands, the narrator described the tremendous
accomplishment: ("And so it was,
that in all the celebration, in all the hubbub of noise and excitement,
there were two figures who stood silent and still, side by side...And
though every single human in the stands or in the commentary
boxes was at a complete loss for words, the man who in his life
had uttered fewer words than any of them, knew exactly what to
say") - the simple congratulatory words of kind-hearted, prideful owner Farmer Hoggett
were: "That'll do, pig, that'll do"; Babe looked up and sighed
The Sheepdog Championships Contest
"That'll do, pig, that'll do"

Farmer Hoggett (James Cromwell)

Babe Selected at Fair Guessing Contest
Other Talking Farm Animals

Chapters Were Introduced by a Trio of Giggling, Singing Mice

Ferdinand the Duck Orchestrating Babe's Theft of Alarm Clock
Ferdinand: "Christmas Means Carnage"

Babe: "La, la, la"
Babe's Sheepherding Skills
Duchess's Cruel Revenge

Feeding Babe with a Bottle
Farmer Hoggett's Care for Demoralized Babe
The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer (1947)
- director Irving Weis' romantic comedy and farce,
noted for its Oscar win for Best Original Screenplay (Sidney Sheldon),
was about three main characters: a bachelor-playboy artist, an
impressionable teenaged girl, and a female judge - with all its
entangling implications
- in the opening municipal court scene, Richard "Dickie" Nugent
(Cary Grant) - a womanizing, handsome, and well-dressed bachelor-playboy
- had been arrested after a brawl in The Vampire Club - an LA nightclub
(instigated by two women fighting over his attentions); although
it was his third such charge, he was released by presiding, serious-minded,
single Judge Margaret Turner (Myrna Loy), who disregarded the contrary
advice of her Asst. DA Tommy Chamberlain (Rudy Vallee), her part-time,
prissy and stuffy yet hopeful boyfriend
- afterwards, Nugent appeared as a guest art lecturer
to Sunset HS students in a school assembly, where 17 year-old teenager
Susan Turner (a grown-up Shirley Temple in a more adult role),
who happened to be the ward and younger sister of Judge Turner,
was in the audience with her HS boyfriend Jerry White (Johnny Sands)
- after interviewing Nugent,
Susan imagined him as her 'knight in shining armor' - literally
- as he walked away from her; and soon after, she confessed to
her sister: "I'm in love with him - don't you realize that?"

Susan with Boyfriend Jerry White at School Lecture

The "Bachelor" and the Infatuated "Bobby-Soxer"

Susan Imagining 'Dickie' Nugent as Her "Knight
in Shining Armor"
- Susan also brazenly decided to sneak out of her
house and visit Nugent in his apartment to model a dress for him;
Nugent was confronted there and accused of being a trouble-making
seductor by both the Judge and ADA Tommy Chamberlain; Nugent retaliated
and slugged Chamberlain in the nose
- another similar court case ensued, when Nugent was
charged with assault and again called before Judge Turner; after
speaking with the court psychiatrist Matt Beemish (Ray Collins),
Susan's and the Judge's uncle, Nugent was encouraged to accept
an unusual compromised sentence
- to Nugent's utter surprise and against the Judge's "better
judgment," he was ordered to date Susan; the Judge's objective
was to 'cure' or end Susan's obsessive romantic interest (as the
Judge stated: "Just until she gets over you" and her feelings wear out);
to complicate matters, both sisters had boyfriends who were jealous
of Nugent
- there were many instances of the repeated and popular
bobby-soxer word-play game or exchange - a hip sing-song dialogue;
it was first recited between Nugent and Susan when he arrived to
pick her up for the high school picnic: - "Ready poot, let's
scoot." - "Greet."
- "Greet." - "You remind me of a man." - "What
man?" - "A man with the power." - "What power?" - "The
power of hoo-do." - "Hoo-do?" - "You do." - "Do
what?" - "You remind me of a man." - "What man?" - "A
man with the power." - "What power?"
- there were a number of typical youth settings that
awkwardly paired Nugent with Susan at HS events, including a basketball
game, a malt shop, and then a high school picnic; in the latter,
Nugent competed with other juveniles (including Jerry) in an obstacle
course race - and with the assistance of Susan bribing his competitors
to lose, Nugent won the race
- meanwhile, Judge Turner was beginning to fall in
love with Nugent; she invited him to dinner
and dancing at the Tick Tock Club, where the elegantly-dressed
couple were constantly interrupted on the dance floor and at their
table by various group renditions of "Happy Birthday" and "Happy
Anniversary," and a succession of individuals, including
Susan and her ex-boyfriend Jerry (who had just been drafted), the
Judge's aspiring boyfriend Tommy, and one of Nugent's former girlfriends
Agnes Prescott (Veda Ann Borg)
- the evening soon spun out of control into another
uncomfortable situation (when Susan began acting as a wronged female
and threatened to break up with Nugent); exasperated, Judge Turner
reprimanded Nugent: "I've had enough of this and I've had
enough of you. Everywhere you go, you attract trouble!" and
then stormed off before everybody exited; left alone at the table,
the waiter came by and asked Nugent (who had been doused by an
overturned glass): "Would there be anything else?" -
and Nugent replied: "For instance?"; Susan
was soon convinced to return to her appropriately-aged boyfriend
- in the final scene at the airport, the reluctant
Judge Turner and Nugent were set up by her cupid-playing Uncle
Matt Beemish to board the same TWA airplane - and spend vacation
time together in Chicago; when they realized they would be fellow
passengers at the gate, Margaret turned to him and initiated the
familiar bobby-soxer word game beginning with: "You remind
me of a man"; she ended the recitation with the question: "Give
up?" - he quickly replied "Give up. Let's go," and
took her arm
Judge Turner (Myrna Loy)
Richard Nugent (Cary Grant) Before Judge Turner
Judge Turner with Hopeful Boyfriend, ADA Tommy Chamberlain (Rudy Vallee)
Nugent Awkwardly Dating Susan - At a Basketball Game
Nugent and Susan Reciting: "You remind me of a man" Exchange
Dickie Winning at Rigged Obstacle Course Race
Final Scene at Airport Boarding Gate
The Bad News Bears (1976)
- Michael Ritchie's realistic, underdog baseball sports
comedy-movie, an un-PC mid-1970s classic, was about the failing
Little League team of the Bears (with some of the least skilled
players) from LA's San Fernando Valley, coached by washed-up, drunken,
hang-dog, ex-minor league pitcher and professional pool cleaner Morris
Buttermaker (Walter Matthau)
- during the team's first practice, coach Morris Buttermaker complained to his obnoxious, overweight and chubby
catcher Mike Engelberg (Gary Lee Cavagnaro): "There's chocolate
all over this ball"; Engelberg replied: "People are always
buggin' me about it. My shrink says that's why I'm so fat. So you're
not doing me any good, so just quit it!"
- Buttermaker became further exasperated at his talentless
team during practice when no one moved to pick up a B-U-N-T, and
then catcher Engelberg made a wild throw to first base and broke
his parked convertible's front windshield; simmering with anger,
Buttermaker delivered a run-down of the basic rules of baseball
by his car: "All right, boys. Let's get back to basics. This
is a baseball. The object of the game is to keep the baseball within
the confines of the playing field"
- the rag-tag misfit team that
Buttermaker eventually assembled was a group of very juvenile "bad
news" ball players, with anti-authoritarian attitudes, obnoxious
behavior, and obscene language, including: profanity-spewing, racist-talking,
short-tempered shortstop Tanner Boyle (Chris Barnes), nerdy, bookwormish,
stats-obsessed backup player Alfred Ogilvie (Alfred W. Lutter),
booger-eating, bullied and withdrawn outcast right-fielder Timmy
Lupus (Quinn Smith), black Muslim, Hank Aaron-idolizing outfielder
Ahmad (Erin Blunt), Harley-Davidson-riding, cigarette-smoking trouble-maker
and outfielder Kelly Leak (Jackie Earle Haley)
- Tanner demeaningly
insulted his entire team: "All we got on this team is a bunch
of Jews, spics, niggers, pansies, and a booger-eatin' moron" -
followed by teammate Alfred's clever warning: "Tanner, I think
you should be reminded from time to time that you're one of the
few people on this team who's not a Jew, spic, nigger, pansy, or
booger-eating moron. So you better cool it, or we may be disposed
to beat the crap outta you"

Tanner's Racist Insult of the Entire Team

Alfred's Taunting Warning to Tanner
- on opening day, the Bears
team were miserably defeated by the Yankees, coached by aggressive
Roy Turner (Vic Morrow) who encouraged Buttermaker to withdraw
or drop out of the league: ("Your team has no right bein'
on that field"); the Bears forfeited the game and declared
defeat after the Yankees scored 26 runs without a single out; afterwards,
feeling disgraced, demoralized and shamed by the loss due to his
errors, team-member Ahmad stripped off his uniform and climbed
a nearby tree, where Buttermaker convincingly urged him to return
to the team
Opening Day - The Team's Disgraceful First Game

Bears Team Photo

Yankees Coach Roy Turner (Vic Morrow)

Ahmad Expressing Humiliaton About Loss
- Buttermaker engaged in his first talk with 11 year-old,
tough-talking Amanda Whurlizer (Tatum O'Neal) (the daughter of
one of Buttermaker's ex-girlfriends); he used to coach her fast-ball
pitching a few years earlier; Amanda was initially opposed to speaking
to coach Buttermaker about being on his team: "I'm through
with pitching. My mom says you almost ruined me with that, that
sports stuff...That fast ball you taught me put my arm in a sling"
- Amanda blamed him for his irresponsible behavior
and frequent drunkenness, his role as a 'father figure,' and ultimately
his failed relationship with her mother: "You handled it like
s--t...Look, Buttermaker, you're not my father and I ain't interested
in playing baseball for you any more. So why don't you get back
into that sardine can of yours and go, go vacuum the bottom of
the Pacific Ocean? I've got business to take care of. You're blocking
my customers with your car" - she resumed selling maps to
movie-stars' homes
- during a second visit with Amanda, Buttermarker
doggedly recruited the reluctant Amanda who insisted she was through
being a tomboy, and was an aspiring model who was starting ballet
lessons; she was convincing: "I'm almost 12, and I'll, I'll
be getting a bra soon. Well, maybe in a year or so. I can't be
playing no dumb baseball"
- remaining dogged, he downplayed his interest in
her: "You're right. You're absolutely right. You're turning
into a regular little lady. It was a dumb idea anyway. I mean,
you wouldn't have helped the team much. I mean, you were great
when you were 9, but girls reach their peak athletically about
that age. Probably haven't picked up a ball in two years anyway";
Amanda spoke up and bragged about how she was actually practicing
her pitching in secret: "Got my curve breaking 2 1/2 feet";
they agreed on a bet of $20 dollars for her to prove it";
he knew he had her hooked when she started throwing pitches at him
Buttermaker's 2nd Effort to Recruit Amanda to
Play Ball
- while riding in his car, she still acted resistant
and bargained for favors and incentives, such as paid ballet and
modeling lessons, and imported French jeans; Buttermaker complained: "Who
do you think you are, Catfish Hunter?", but she didn't know
who he was ("Who's he?"); he was able to convince her
to join the team - the team's only girl - and a curve-ball pitcher
- when she was brought to the team and introduced,
Tanner demeaned Amanda: "Jews, spics, niggers, and now a girl?" -
she shot back: "Grab a bat, punk!"
- Buttermaker enforced the league rule that everyone
on the team had to wear a cup and an athletic supporter: "Gotta
be worn at all times.... Either you wear 'em or you don't play";
Amanda asserted: "You ain't strapping one of these things
on me," followed by the entire team's refusal: "If she
don't wear one, I don't wear one" - they all tossed their
boxes of supporters back at the coach
- during the
climactic, exciting championship game against the Bears' arch-rivals,
the Yankees, Amanda was kicked in the chest during a spiked slide and
play at home plate when she backed up the catcher, leading to a major
fight between her team to defend her against their rivals; she told
Buttermaker: ("I know I don't have too much up there, but what I got sure
don't feel too good")
- also, the demanding and competitive coach Roy Turner
reprimanded his pitcher son Joey Turner (Brandon Cruz) for almost
beaning Bears' catcher Engelberg at bat with a wild pitch; after
coach Turner slapped his son to the ground at the mound, on the
next pitch, Joey allowed a ground ball to the pitcher's mound to
become an inside-the-park homerun by holding onto the ball, to
retaliate against and defy his father; as he left the park, he
dropped the ball at his father's feet
Coach Turner's Vicious Treatment of Pitcher Son
Joey - With Retaliation

Joey Slapped to Ground

Holding Onto Ground Ball Without Fielding It

Joey Leaving the Game After Defying His Father
- by game's end, it was lost narrowly by the Bears
(by only one run, 7-6) who were awarded a smaller second-place
trophy; one of the Yankee players spoke up: "You guys played
a good game. And we treated you pretty unfair all season. We want
to apologize. We still don't think you're all that good a baseball
team. You got guts, alla ya"
- the defeated team refused to acknowledge the win;
Lupus tossed their small trophy at the condescending winners as
Tanner yelled out: "Hey Yankees. You can take your apology
and your trophy and shove it straight up your ass!"; the shy
Lupus challenged them: "And another thing, just wait 'til
next year," and then the Bears players celebrated and doused
themselves with beer (as if they had won the game) - as the film

Tanner: "You can take your apology and
your trophy and shove it straight up your ass!"

Timmy Lupus: "And another thing, just wait 'til next year"
Buttermaker: "There's chocolate all over this ball"
Catcher Engelberg's Response: "Quit bugging me about
my food!
Buttermaker's Speech: "Let's get back to basics"
All of the Players in Buttermaker's Car

Amanda's Feelings of Blame Toward 'Father Figure' Buttermaker

Amanda Riding in Car with Buttermaker
Enforcement of Rules - Passing out Jock Straps and Cups
Amanda: "You ain't strapping one of these things
on me"
Amanda Spiked in the Chest

Championship Game
Championship Game's 1st Place Trophy
A Small Second Place Trophy Was Awarded to the Bears
- actor/director Woody Allen's early anarchic slapstick
comedy had frequent lampooning political commentary, visual
set-ups and sight-gags, and witty one-liner jokes
- in the opening scene (bookended with the closing
scene), play-by-play commentary was
provided by sportscaster announcer Howard
Cosell (Himself), as he observed a Latin-American
president's "live, on-the-spot assassination",
in the Republic of San Marcos, on the outdoor palace steps for
ABC's Wide World of Sports; he asked the dying leader: "Well,
of course, you're upset, and that's understandable under the
circumstances. l guess now you'll have to announce your retirement"
- the main protagonist was clumsy, anxiety-ridden
nerd Fielding Mellish (Woody Allen); he was
employed by General Equipment as a guinea-pig for his New York company's
strange inventions as a consumer product tester (including a stereo
headphones coffin for Californians) of a malfunctioning,
sedentary exercise-machine ("The Execu-cisor") designed
to be used by busy office executives at their desks
- in an adult porno shop, the aspiring playboy Fielding
nervously purchased a porno magazine (camouflaged by other more
intellectual publications such as Time Magazine, Commentary,
Saturday Review, and Newsweek) and was embarrassed
when a shop dealer made it obvious to other respectable, disapproving
customers that he was purchasing a dirty magazine; Fielding cringed
when his order was screamed out by the clerk: ("Hey Ralph?
How much is a copy of Orgasm?...Orgasm. This man
wants to buy a copy. How much is it?"); Fielding stuttered:
"Doing a sociological study on perversion. l'm up to advanced
child molesting"
Fielding's Awkward Purchase of a Porn Magazine
- the cowardly Fielding unsuccessfully
attempted to protect an old woman during a subway mugging by
two thugs (including a young Sylvester Stallone in his screen
- Mellish first met his future, red-headed radical,
social activist, college student girlfriend Nancy (Louise Lasser)
when she visited his apartment and urged him to sign a petition
supporting the rebels of San Marcos (a stand-in for Cuba), who
were opposed to the new appointed dictator Gen. Emilio M. Vargas
(Carlos Montalban)
Fielding's Girlfriend Nancy (Louise Lasser)

Awkward Sex
Dream of Being Crucified
- after attending a student protest and demonstration
together (where Mellish became entangled
in a firehose), the two returned to his apartment, where Fielding
awkwardly attempted to make a good impression; however, their
struggle to have sex was quite unsatisfactory
- he ended up telling his therapist that as a young
boy, he stole a pornographic book printed in Braille and then
rubbed the dirty parts with his hands. Due to being a nervous
child, he also was a bed-wetter, and was constantly electrocuting
himself with his electric blanket; he described how he dreamt
of being nailed on a wooden crucifix carried through NYC streets
by monks who fought for a parking place with another crucified
- shortly later, Nancy decided to break up with
him when she complained that she needed something "more";
she claimed it wasn't because of his personality or looks, or
his intelligence, or his short height or bad teeth; she said
that she needed a "strong man" or "leader" with
political convictions; her main objection was that he was completely
immature: (Fielding: "How am I immature?" Nancy: "Well,
emotionally, sexually and intellectually." Fielding: "Yeah,
but what other ways?")
- in despair after the breakup, Fielding decided
to travel to the tiny Latin American banana republic (fictional)
of San Marcos by himself to see what the conditions were like
down there; meanwhile, a resistance fighter (Axel Anderson) was being
tortured in a room by Vargas and forced
to listen to a phonograph record player playing the entire score
of Naughty Marietta; he revealed that rebel leader Esposito
(Jacobo Morales) was planning a revolutionary strike two months into
the future
- Fielding arrived in San Marcos and entered the
cheap Hotel Bonaire; soon after, he was invited to an 8 pm dinner
with the President at Vargas' palace; harp playing in the background
came from a man practicing with his harp in his closet ("l was
trying to find someplace for practice"); upon being greeted as
the guest of the new dictator Gen. Vargas at his palace, Fielding
was labeled "an American intellectual" who would be able to "exchange
political ideas and opinions"; the tense
and nervous Fielding began chewing on his wine glass after Vargas'
poison-tester fell ill; a small concert
band above them on the balcony pretended in pantomime to be playing
non-existent instruments
- in an after-dinner discussion, Vargas declared:
"If l give a better life to my people, l have to exterminate
a few troublemakers," causing Fielding even more trepidation;
after Fielding departed, Vargas described his conspiratorial
plan: "We'll kill him as planned - dressed as rebels. Then an
outraged United States will see how bloodthirsty beasts Esposito
and his men are and we'll get all the support we need"
- soon after, in the countryside, Fielding was assaulted
and chased by a disguised group of Vargas' assassins posing and
dressed as rebels. suddenly, after believing he had escaped,
he was knocked out, and awoke in the rebel camp of Esposito's
soldier forces; he was told that Vargas had falsely publicized, as a propaganda
tactic, that he had been killed by the rebels; Fielding was told
he would have to remain there until the revolution was won in six
- while training with the
rebels in the jungle, nebbish Fielding viewed
a half-naked woman (Princess Fatosh) clutching her left breast
while crying out: "I
got bitten by a snake" - this was after he had learned about
first-aid treatment for snakebite: ("In the event of snake-bite,
you make an incision and you suck out the poison - remember, you
suck out the poison"); with a huge grin on his face, he pursued
her greedily and lasciviously, and was followed by the rest of
the rebel soldiers
- once the rebels' food supply ran out during their
South American revolution, Fielding was appointed
to prove himself by visiting the nearby town; there, he placed a
complicated to-go order of 1,000 grilled cheese, 300 tuna and 200
BLT sandwiches and 700 regular coffees, 500 Cokes and 1,000 7-Ups
(and coleslaw) for troops at a lunch counter deli
- shortly later, the rebels
over-ran San Marcos, and Vargas fled to Miami after renting an
expensive room at the Fontainebleau Hotel; once the revolution
was successful and the capital of the banana republic of San
Marcos was overrun by the rebels, the
"glassy-eyed" Esposito betrayed his cause; the power-mad,
rebel leader refused to step down, and ordered Vargas'
supporters to be ruthlessly lined up to be executed by a firing squad
- each one was given a 'service-number' to establish the order
- it was obvious to Fielding and others that the
new head of the republic Esposito, who refused to follow through
on his revolutionary beliefs, was insane and needed to be deposed;
Fielding was recruited, although under protest, to be the new
El Presidente of the republic to replace
the Caligula-like rebel leader Esposito
- wearing a ridiculous
fake red beard to pose as a Castro-like revolutionary guerrilla,
Fielding returned
to the US to attend a high-society dinner fundraiser for upper-class
dignitaries; he
opened his speech with a grossly inappropriate sex joke, followed
by an outrageous plea for money - in which he haplessly drew attention
to his country’s worst parts – locusts, loose women,
hernias and STDs: "Although the United States
is, uh, a very rich country and San Marcos is a very poor one,
there are a great many things we have to offer your country in
return for aid. For instance, there, uh, there are locusts. Uh,
we have more locusts than...uh, locusts of all races and creeds.
These, these locusts, incidentally, are available at popular
prices. And so, by the way, are most of the women of San Marcos...despite
the tiny size of our nation, few people realize that we lead
the world in hernias. They also fail to realize that before Columbus
discovered your country, he stopped in San Marcos and contracted
a disease which today can be cured with one shot of penicillin..."
- CIA government officials feared that the Latin
American leader was an imposter who was threatening to overthrow
the United States, and decided to arrest him for treason: "attempting
the overthrow of the United States government" as a "subversive
- Fielding was also reunited with Nancy (who at
first didn't recognize him and thought of him as wonderful compared
to her previous "idiot" boyfriend - "He was just
this little stupid clown"); she described how she was impressed
by his tremendous leadership qualities: ("l think that you
are terrific. Really terrific...l'm awestruck...Would you mind
if l kissed you... once?"); after a cut to black (and Nancy's
words: "That was wonderful. lt was practically a religious
experience"), the two appeared in bed where Fielding removed
his disguise and revealed his true identity; she was aghast: "My
God, I knew something was missing"
- news stations reported Fielding's upcoming trial
for treason; during the scene of his
US trial (The People vs Fielding Mellish), Fielding immediately
objected to Judge (Arthur Hughes): ("l
object, Your Honor. This trial is a travesty. lt's a travesty of
a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of
a sham. l move for a mistrial. Do you realize there's not a single
homosexual on that jury?"); various character
witnesses were called to the stand, including a prejudiced Police
Officer Dowd (Ted Chapman), a transvestite-disguised FBI head J.
Edgar Hoover (Dorothi Fox) who appeared as a fat, middle-aged black
woman with an Afro hairstyle, and Miss America Sharon Craig (Dagne
Crane) who sang her beauty pageant's talent competition song from
an opera
- during the unconventional trial, Fielding questioned
character witnesses, and when he was called to the stand, he
also acted as his own defense lawyer - he cross-examined and
interrogated himself - exhaustingly jumping in and out of the
witness box: ("I wouldn't joke if I were you!" - "Wouldn't
you, or couldn't you?") - both posing and answering non-sensical
questions; the court's ruling was that Mellish was found
guilty on 12 counts of treason and would receive a 15-year suspended
sentence (if he promised to not live in the Judge's neighborhood)
- the
closing televised Fielding Mellish Honeymoon Night broadcast (on
the Wide World of Sports) was viewed as a between-the-covers, sexual
boxing match by commentator Howard Cosell; Fielding was reunited
with Nancy as his recent marital partner and in bed with her at
the Royal Manhattan Hotel for the competitive bout; their speedy
sex session that lasted 30 seconds was described by Nancy: "Well,
Howard, it all went by so fast. I just had no idea that it would
be so quick, really. I was expecting a longer bout... Well, as
you know, l'm extraordinarily ticklish so l had a kind of a rough
time there. l couldn't stop laughing...And you know, l thought
it would really get in my way. But l really trained well for
this and l think it sort of held me, so there really wasn't any
time that l didn't feel in complete control." Then
she added that it was over too quickly: "The timing was
a little off, but I think he'll be fine. I mean, he's not the
worst l've had. Not the best, but not the worst"; their
next bout would possibly be in the late spring, although they seemed
to disagree on a date for a future rematch
- Cosell ended the interview
with special hope that "they may live
happily ever after and again they may not," but assured
the viewers that he would be there to cover the action

Howard Cosell's Play-by-Play of a Latin-American Assassination

Fielding Mellish as Consumer Product Tester

Subway Mugging by Thugs (Sylvester Stallone)

Torture Victim of Gen. Vargas

General Vargas at Dinner With Afflicted Poison-Tester

Rebel Leader Esposito (Jacobo Morales)
Fielding Offering to "Suck Out the Poison"

Complicated To-Go Order of Sandwiches and Drinks for
the Troops

The New President of San Marcos - Fielding Mellish

Speech as President of San Marcos (With Fake Beard)

Fielding Revealing His True Identity in Bed with Nancy

Mellish Bound and Gagged During His Trial for Treason
Honeymoon Night: Boxing Match
The Bank
Dick (1940)
- W.C. Fields' last great
classic comedy was this one - with wonderful, bumbling
sight gags and hilarious one-liners
- the title character was
Egbert Souse (W. C. Fields) (pronounced "Soo-zay"),
a drunken, unemployed, no-account, henpecked, child-hating husband
living in Lompoc, California (pronounced Lompoke); to escape
from his family who often complained:
"House just smells of liquor and smoke," lush barfly Egbert
Souse often snuck out to the Black Pussy Cat Cafe for stiff drinks,
where he often performed a drinking routine in front of bar proprietor
Joe Guelpe (Shemp Howard, one of the replacement Three Stooges) -
he dipped his fingers in a glass of water, dried them with a paper
napkin that he crumpled and rolled into a ball, then tossed it into
the air over his shoulder and neatly kicked it away with the heel
of his shoe, followed by a burb and cough
- his family included his cranky mother-in-law Mrs.
Hermisillo Brunch (Jessie Ralph), his younger daughter Elsie
Mae Adele Brunch Souse (Evelyn Del Rio), and his nagging wife
Agatha Sousé (Cora Witherspoon)
Egbert Substituting For Drunken Movie Director
Egbert's Astonished Family
Elsie Mae Demanding a Part in the Movie
- to his family's astonishment, he had the opportunity
to direct an on-location movie in town (to replace drunken director
A. Pismo Clam (Jack Norton)); after his chair toppled backwards
off his majestic perch on the platform, his bratty young daughter
Elsie Mae approached, pulled on his coat tails, and demanded
a part in the picture: "I wanna be in the picture (he deferred
her request by patting her on the head)...What's the matter,
Pop? Don't ya love me?"; when Egbert went to slug her, Cora
threatened: "Don't you dare strike that child!"
- to which Egbert replied: "She's not gonna tell me I don't
love her!"
- he also inadvertently foiled a bank robbery in
town for allegedly capturing Loudmouth McNasty (George Moran),
one of two bank robbers with the money, and was rewarded for
his accidental heroism with a free bank calendar and an in-bank
position as a vigilant bank security guard (or "dick"-detective)
by grateful Lompoc State Bank president Mr. Skinner (Pierre Watkin)
- Egbert met with the pompous Mr. Skinner to be
congratulated on his daring, gallant deed:
"And I wish to personally give you a hearty handclasp."
Skinner avoided shaking Sousè's outstretched limp-wristed
hand, barely touching the tips of his fingers to his palm
- Egbert also concocted an ill-advised embezzlement
plan (with the complicity of his future, dim-witted son-in-law
Og Oggilby (Grady Sutton), a bank clerk and the fiancee of his
lovesick oldest daughter Myrtle (Una Merkel)) to temporarily "borrow" or
steal $500 from the bank (until he could repay the money with
Og's bonus due in a few days) to invest in worthless stock in
the questionable and flimsy mining operation known as the Beefsteak
Mining Company - offered by charlatan con J. Frothingham Waterbury
(Russell Hicks). To convince Og, Egbert told him: "Surely,
don't be a luddie-duddie, don't be a moon-calf, don't be a jabbernow,
you're not those, are you?"
- during Egbert's work as
a vigilant bank security dick - he choked a young boy in a cowboy
outfit waving a toy gun - believing that he was a holdup man
- as the bratty boy walked out of the bank, he ridiculed the
guard's shiny, bulbous red nose: "Mommy, doesn't that man
have a funny nose?" His mother chided him for making fun: "You
mustn't make fun of the gentleman, Clifford. You'd like to have
a nose like that full of nickels, wouldn't you?"
- Souse used knock-out Mickey Finn
drinks to hold off effeminate, prissy, inquisitive and persistent
bank examiner/auditor J. Pinkerton Snoopington (Franklin Pangborn)
- who was suspicious of Egbert's financial dealings
- as it turned out, the Beefsteak
Mine stock was actually valuable, and Waterbury urged Egbert
to resell him the shares, but before the transaction could occur,
the second uncaught bank robber Repulsive Rogan (Al Hill) returned
to rob the bank of mining stock and cash, and took Egbert "hostage
- Egbert was forced to drive the getaway car, with
the robber in the back seat; it was a memorable, zany, slapstick
car chase scene - a superbly-timed chase amongst multiple cars
(Souse's car was followed by the local police, the bank president,
and a representative from the movie company) that zoomed and
circled around, barely avoiding crashing into each other or other
obstacles in the path
Getaway Car Chase
- the getaway car careened through streets, over
ditches (over the heads of ditchdiggers), around curves and up
a mountainside, missing collisions at every turn with the pursuit
vehicles. When asked by the thug in the back seat to give him
the wheel, Egbert matter-of-factly pulled it off the steering
column and gave it to him; after the robber was struck unconscious
by a tree branch and apprehended, Sousè was an unlikely
hero once again for thwarting another heist
- this time, he received
$5,000 for capturing the thief, and a film company bought his
story for $10,000 - funds he used to purchase a top hat and tails,
and a new mansion, before returning for a visit to the Black
Pussy Cat Cafe

Egbert's Drinking Routine at The Black Pussy Cat Cafe
Egbert's "Hearty Handclasp" With the Bank
President Skinner
Egbert to Og: "Don't be a luddy-duddy. Don't be
a moon calf..."
Egbert (as a Bank Dick) Fighting with Young Boy in the
Meeting the Suspicious Bank Examiner J. Pinkerton

Getaway Car Chase
Bedazzled (1967, UK)
- director Stanley Donen's fantasy comedy was a retelling
(in parody form) of the Faustian tale in 1960s London, in which
the Devil-Satan offered to take a man's soul in exchange for seven
- Stanley Moon (Dudley Moore),
a 28 year-old short-order cook at a
London Wimpy Bar, who timidly loved from afar his co-worker waitress
Margaret Spencer (Eleanor Bron), and lacked the courage to speak
to her; in voice-over, he expressed his infatuation for her: "I
only live to hear your voice...Each time you speak, it's like a
thousand violins playing in the halls of heaven. I-I love you,
Miss Spencer. I love everything about you. The way you walk, your
sweet smile, your easy grace and charm...I wish I could take you
away from all this. I'd like us to start a new life together, a
little house of our own, a car, the two of us against the world,
joined forevermore in holy wedlock"
- depressed over being spurned by Miss Spencer's love
for six years, the suicidal Stanley contemplated hanging himself; he
was presented with a Faustian bargain by an excommunicated Fallen
Angel (Peter Cook) (aka George Spiggott) - a devil figure - after "an
unsuccessful suicide bid"; Stanley complained about his lot
in life: "I'm
miserable. I've got a boring job, no money, no prospects. I haven't
got a girlfriend, I can't get to know anyone, and no one wants
to get to know me, and everything is hopeless"
- Stanley was
tempted by the self-named "horned one" - with alternate
names including the Prince of Darkness, Beelzebub, Mephistopheles,
the Horned One, the Devil and Lucifer: "Everything
you've ever seen in the advertisements. Fast, white convertibles,
blonde women, their hair trailing in the wind, wafer-thin after-dinner
chocolates. If you had all that, would you be any happier?"
- Lucifer proposed to add Stanley's soul to his collection
("I collect souls. I'd like to add
yours to my collection... And all I want from you is the exclusive
global and universal rights to it"); in exchange, Stanley
was offered seven wishes ("It's the standard contract. Gives you
seven wishes in accordance with the mystic rules of life. Seven
Days of the Week, Seven Deadly Sins, Seven Seas, Seven Brides for
Seven Brothers...") - and Stanley accepted; his main goal for each
of his wishes was to win Margaret's love: "I want her to be in
love with me, everything about me, madly in love with me"
- Stanley also met the living personification of the
Seven Deadly Sins - including Vanity (Alba), Anger (Robert Russell),
Envy (Barry Humphries), Gluttony (Parnell McGarry), Avarice (Daniele
Noel), Sloth (Howard Goorney) and Lust (Raquel Welch)
- there were many
ingenious ways that Stanley was fooled by each of his seven wishes,
signaled by the magical phrase: "Julie Andrews!", for
his first wish, Stanley was tricked and double-crossed by Satan;
for example, before signing a contract with the Devil, Stanley's
innocent request for "a
Frobisher and Gleason raspberry-flavored ice lolly" was called
a trial wish, but was counted as one of his seven wishes
- throughtout the film, Satan
was in a race to claim 100 billion souls so that God would readmit
him to Heaven; meanwhile, he made everyday life miserable with
minor acts of malicious vandalism - he spitefully scratched LPs
('60s), removed "wet paint" signs from park benches,
phoned people in the bathtub and then claiming it was a wrong number,
upset an old lady’s groceries cart, tore
out the endings of Agatha Christie mysteries, drilling ventilation
holes in the side of oil tankers, and forced parking meters to
read "expired"
- in each of his attempts to win over Margaret in
various amorous scenarios, Stanley's attempted wishes to be
someone else failed or he was fooled: (1) as a pretentious
and "articulate" intellectual
with a Welsh accent in his bachelor pad, he was accused of 'Rape'
when he finally physically advanced on her, (2) as "multimillionaire"
industrialist-businessman Sir Stanley Moon who lavished his wife
Margaret with expensive gifts including the Mona Lisa,
she was cheating with her affectionate harp teacher Randolph (Robin
Hawdon), (3) as a pop-singing rock star, the fickle groupie Margaret
soon became attracted to another band, (4) as "a
fly on the wall" - Stanley's off-handed wish turned true and
he literally became one, (5) as a warm and tender couple living
with Margaret in a cottage in the countryside, he learned that
she was actually married to a saintly George for seven years,
and behind his back they couldn't consummate their illicit love
for each other (Margaret: "We must never see each other again,
for his sake"), and (6) Stanley's wish to live with Margaret far
from the modern world with
no other men in her life, and in love with each other; it resulted
in both Stanley and Margaret becoming Berilian Order nuns who expressed
lesbian love for each other that could not be fulfilled: (Margaret: "Whatever
it is that draws us together we must cast out. It is unnatural
and wrong...It is wrong, and I'm so ashamed to break my vow")
Two of Stanley's Wishes - Upended by Satan

"Fly on the Wall" - with George

Nuns - Margaret (and Stanley as Sister
- George instructed Stanley that if he wanted to end
the effects of any of the wishes, he could "blow a raspberry" (or fart)
- the most memorable
of the Seven Deadly Sins was "Lilian" Lust (known
as "the babe with the bust") who
requested that Stanley help her to unbutton her outer pink blouse,
to reveal her red bra and bikini underwear: ("I seem to be
all thumbs this mornin'. Oh, I find clothes so constructin'. We
must allow our pores to breathe. Oh, that's better"), and
then held him close to her breasts and asked: "Can you hear
my pores breathe? Listen. Would you like a nibble?"; she was
referring to an offer of breakfast in bed: "Why, you must
be ravenous. Would you like orange juice?....Or a succulent, sun-ripe,
whole pineapple? But you have to be careful of the prickles....Do
you like it in bed?"
- she jumped into bed with him (admired
the overhead mirror: "Don't we make a pretty pair?"), and continued seducing
him as she served him coffee and toast: "Strong, black and
sweet. Two mountainous spoons full. Hot toast or buttered buns?...Oh,
I love a man who knows what he wants. Do you crave marmalade or
honey?...Ohh! I do so love the smell of honey on a man's lips" (she
smeared honey on his lips for a kiss); George interrupted and called
her away: "Pick your clothes up. You're due down at the Foreign Office"
Stanley with 'Lilian' Lust (Raquel
- finally George Spiggot admitted
to Stanley that he had attained his goal: ("the first one to
reach a hundred billion souls is the winner...I've only got six to
go") - and he would be rewarded by God: "When I've won, the world
will be in such a rotten, stinking mess that it can get on without
me. I'll go back to heaven, sit on God's right hand and be his
favorite angel again"
- George rationalized: "I've got me hundred billion
souls and a few to spare. I don't really need yours. It's not much
of a catch. I can give it to you back again"; he decided to give
Stanley his soul back as "a
very magnanimous gesture" in order to hopefully gain entrance for
himself to Heaven; George explained that once Stanley became his
old self again, "nobody will know that any of this has ever happened"
- Stanley returned to his Wimpy's job and
life under normal circumstances - but now was wiser; he vowed:
"All I want to be is me," and tried on his own to ask
Margaret (who also worked at Wimpy's) for a dinner date; when Margaret
claimed she was busy, George piped up and offered
to fix the situation : ("I've got a new deal for you"),
but Stanley refused and asserted "No,
thanks, George. I'd like to try it my way"
- the revengeful Spiggot, who was denied reentry
and readmission (he "failed the entrance exam")
to Heaven by God's disembodied voice, became frustrated and angered,
and delivered a curtain-closing curse to God: "All
right, you great git, you've asked for it. I'll cover the world
in Tastee-Freez and Wimpy Burgers. I'll fill it full of concrete
runways, motorways, aircraft, television, and automobiles, advertising,
plastic flowers and frozen food, supersonic bangs. I'll make it
so noisy and disgusting that even you'll be ashamed of yourself!
No wonder you've so few friends; you're unbelievable!"
Stanley Moon (Dudley Moore) - Wimpy Bar Employee

Margaret (Eleanor Bron) - Co-worker Waitress
Stanley's Failed Hanging Suicide Attempt
Stanley Tempted by Devil-Satan (Peter Cook) (aka George

Stanley's First Wish - As an "Articulate" Intellectual, Ending In Accusations
of 'Rape' in His Bachelor Pad

Stanley's Fifth Wish: Living in a Cottage with Margaret, But She was
Married to George!

Back to Normal: Stanley Asking Margaret at Wimpy's For a Dinner Date

George's Concluding Vengeful Rant Against God
Beetlejuice (1988)
- director Tim Burton's haunted comedy-fantasy was
about a ghost named Betelgeuse who haunted the home of a recently-deceased
- a fatal car crash and drowning accident
killed the newly-wed Maitlands: Adam (Alec Baldwin) and
Barbara (Geena Davis); the Maitland house
was resold by their realtor Jane (Annie McEnroe) to the yuppie
Deetz family from NYC, who moved in and lived in the Maitland's
Winter River, Connecticut home; the Deetz family included real-estate
developer Charles Deetz (Jeffrey Jones), his obnoxious sculptor
wife Delia Deetz (Catherine O'Hara), and their goth, black-clad
teenaged Deetz daughter, photographer Lydia (Winona Ryder) from
Charles' first marriage (who stated: "My whole life is a
darkroom. One big dark room"); a decorator named Otho (Glenn
Shadix) was hired by the Deetz's to remodel the house
- initial efforts by the Maitlands to scare away
their home's new tenants failed, and Adam and Barbara were forced
to retreat to the attic; the title character Betelgeuse
(pronounced Beetlejuice) (the "afterlife's
leading bioexorcist") was first introduced on a TV in the
attic; in a commercial, the demonic, crude,
yellow-haired, morbid, and over-the-top individual was seen hawking
his services as a free-lance veteran scare-master:
("Havin' trouble with the livin'? Ya tired of havin' your
home bein' violated? Ya wanna get rid of them pesky livin' critters
once and for all? Well, come on down and see me folks, because
I'm the afterlife's leading bio-exorcist. Yes, sirree! Come on
down here. I want to tell ya, I'll do anything! I'll scare 'em
real bad. The point is, I'll do anything to get your business.
Hell! I'll possess myself if I gotta! Yo! I got demons runnin'
all through me. All through me. Come on down here and see it.
And hey - if ya act now, you get a free demon possession with
every exorcism. Ah! You can't beat that, can ya? Bring the little
partners down here. Hell, we've got plenty of snakes, lizards
and worms for them to play with. There's no problem with that
at all. So, say it once, say it twice, third time's a charm.
And remember, (singing) I'll eat anything you want me to eat.
I'll swallow anything you want me to swallow. So, come on down,
I'll chew on a dog")
Betelgeuse on a TV Advertisement and With the
- while consulting a Handbook for the Recently
Adam and Barbara entered into an other-worldly (or netherworld)
afterlife waiting-room full of other recently-dead
and distressed clients, including an explorer with a shrunken
head and ping pong ball eyes, before meeting their caseworker
Juno (Sylvia Sidney) who advised them not to haunt the new
residents; she informed them that their fate was to remain in the
house for 125 years, and that they would have to scare the Deetzes
away if they wanted them gone, but should not contact her former
assistant Betelgeuse
- the Deetz daughter, Lydia - the object of Betelgeuse's
affection, was the only living person who could see the Maitlands;
she discovered the ghostly, decaying and dead Maitlands in the
attic (she met when they were first wearing sheets) she asked: "Are
you gross under there? Are you Night of the Living Dead under
there? Like all bloody veins and pus?...You're not gross. Why
are you wearing sheets?"; she explained her magic power: "I
read through that Handbook for the Recently Deceased.
It says: 'Live people ignore the strange and unusual.' I myself
am strange and unusual"; Lydia learned why the Maitlands were
wearing sheets and their main objective - to scare the Deetz
family away: "We wanted to frighten you so you would move
out...You tell them that we are horrible desperate, ghoulish creatures
who will stop at nothing to get our house back"
- once the Maitlands met the uncouth, obnoxious
and insane ghoul and 'bio-exorcist' Betelgeuse with rotten teeth,
they were repelled by his crazed and malicious personality but
considered having him remove the Deetz family from their home;
he claimed: "In
order to do that, I'll have to get to know you. We've got to
get closer. Move in with you for a while. Get to be real pals.
You know what I'm saying?...Come on, we're simpatico, here....We're
like peas in a pod, the three of us, let's face it. You want
somebody out of the house. I want to get somebody out of your
house" - and shortly later, asked: "Come on kids, what
do I have to do to strike a deal with you two, huh?" - and
then demonstrated how he could spin his head around ("Don't
you hate it when that happens?"), however, they resolved
to scare the Deetzes on their own
- during a hosted dinner party (song and dance)
in the Deetz home, the recently-deceased Maitlands attempted
(without Betelgeuse's help) to use a haunted 'parlor trick'
to spook and dislodge the Deetz family from their home; during
the dinner, the bowls of shrimp in front of them shot out arms
made of shrimp that grabbed their faces and threw them against
the wall; to her shock, Delia belted out the calypso "Day-O
(The Banana Boat Song)" - in Harry Belafonte's voice;
the Maitlands' antics to scare the Deetz's backfired and were ineffective
- in fact, Charles Deetz was inspired by the 'ghostly'
supernatural events and saw a lucrative business opportunity
to attract tourists to Winter River; however, he was horrified
when Betelgeuse transformed into a menacing slithering snake
(with his human head and long sharp teeth), and had
to be called off by Barbara calling out Betelgeuse's name three
- after the Deetz' interior designer Otho acquired
the Handbook, and Charles had discussed his plans to turn
the town into a paranormal-themed attraction with his business
associate, real estate tycoon and boss Maxie Deen (Robert Goulet),
a seance was conducted by Otho to bring the Maitlands out into
view; the seance was actually an exorcism - and the Maitland
couple were instantly transformed and withered into greenish,
wrinkled and decaying ghosts
- to save the decaying Maitlands, Lydia rushed to
Betelgeuse who begged her to marry him so that he could escape
to the world of the living and also help save the decaying Maitlands:
("Look, I'm what you might call an illegal alien. OK? I
want out - for good. In order for me to do that, hey, I gotta
get married. Hey! These aren't my rules. Come to think of it,
I don't have any rules. Come on. Come on. Look, you think of
it as a marriage of inconvenience. OK? We both get something.
I get out. You get to say you're hitched to the most eligible
bachelor since Valentino came over. We're even")
- when she agreed to help
him, she summoned him by saying his name three times; Betelgeuse
- with outstretched arms - exhorted as lightning flashed: ("It's
Showtime!"); he quickly got rid of Maxie Dean and his wife
Sarah Dean (Maree Cheatham), and also Otho; Betelgeuse grew inflated
mallet-arms and propelled them through the ceiling (as if in
a carnival's strong-man 'ring the bell' game)
Betelgeuse's Expulsion of the Deans - With
a 'Ring the Bell' Game
- Betelgeuse's wedding to Lydia was conducted
before a ghastly-looking preacher (Tony Cox, voice of Jack Angel),
although the marital ceremony was interrupted at the last moment
by a Sandworm! (ridden by Barbara through the house) that devoured
Betelgeuse and sent him back into the netherworld
- in the final scene set in the netherworld's waiting
room, Betelgeuse was seen with a shrunken head (after a witch
doctor seated next to him sprinkled powder on him for cutting
ahead of him in line) - he delivered an hilarious, upbeat, but
dead-panned statement about his messed-up hair: ("Whoa,
hey! What are you doing? Hey, stop it! Hey, you're messing up
my hair! C'mon! Whoa! Whoa! Stop it! Whoa! Hey, this might be
a good look for me")
Betelgeuse With A Shrunken Head in the Netherworld's
Waiting Room
Lydia's Performance of: "Jump in the Line"
- during the pre-ending credits, Lydia performed
(suspended in mid-air) "Jump in the Line (Shake Señora)",
with singing by Harry Belafonte, after the Deetz's and the Maitlands
agreed that they would live in cooperative harmony in the house
Netherworld Waiting Room Scene
Barbara With Explorer with Shrunken Head
Lydia Deetz's (Winona Ryder) Attic Discovery of the Maitlands
Dinner Party Song and Dance: 'Day-O'
Decaying Maitlands After Exorcism

Betelgeuse: "It's Showtime!"
Betelgeuse's Forced Marital Ceremony with Lydia Before
Ghastly Preacher
There (1979)
- Hal Ashby's satire was adapted from Jerry Kosinski's
screenplay about a fool-turned-prophet
transformation - it was an insightful tale that satirized politics,
celebrity, media-obsession and television, and extolled the wisdom
of innocence; its story was told through an enigmatic character
-- illiterate, TV-watching gardener Chance the Gardener or Chauncey
Gardiner (Peter Sellers in a chameleon-like
role in his second-to-last film) [Note:
this role was the forerunner to the mentally-challenged Tom Hanks
character in Forrest Gump (1994)]
- Chance was a reclusive, emotionless, passive, and
simple-minded gardener who was well-groomed, fed on schedule, and
dressed in custom-tailored suits. He had lived his whole sheltered
life within the walled, Washington, DC estate of an eccentric millionaire
named Jennings. His only knowledge of the "real" outside
world, an encroaching inner-city ghetto area, was through watching
- after his employer died, Chance wandered out into
the street in a daze with his TV's remote-control to aid him. When
his leg was injured in an accidental mishap, and his name was thought
to be "Chauncey Gardiner," he was befriended by Eve Rand
(Shirley MacLaine), the wife of dying billionaire financier-industrialist
Benjamin Rand (Melvin Douglas)
- in a short scene, his black maid-cook Louise (Ruth
Attaway) cynically and contemptuously commented on retarded Chance/Chauncey
Gardiner's rise to power, while watching him on television and
seeing the country's adoration for him: "It's for sure a white
man's world in America....Look here: I raised that boy since he
was the size of a piss-ant. And I'll say right now, he never learned
to read and write. No, sir. Had no brains at all. Was stuffed with
rice pudding between the ears. Shortchanged by the Lord, and dumb
as a jack-ass. Look at him now! Yessir, all you've gotta be is
white in America, to get whatever you want. Gobbledy-gook!"
- Dennis Watson (Mitch Kreindel)
hit on Chauncey at a formal party after Chauncey's naive reply: "Is
there a TV upstairs? I like to watch" and Dennis gave a delighted
response: "You like to, uh, watch?... You wait right here.
I'll go get Warren!"
- simpleton, quiet, and unassuming
Chauncey even caught the attention of none-other than President
Bobby (Jack Warden), when he lectured about how the garden grew
and was thought to be offering profound wisdom: ("As long
as the roots are not severed, all is well, and all will be well
in the garden....In a garden, growth has its season. First comes
spring and summer, but then we have fall and winter. And then we
get spring and summer again....There will be growth in the spring")
- his new-found popularity led to talk-show appearances,
insider parties, book publisher advances, and the potential to
become a presidential candidate
- during a protracted "seduction scene," Eve
Rand, love-starved and seductive, desperately tried to arouse an
unresponsive Chauncey - he only responded, with a shocking but
understandable line, that he "like(s) to watch" - and "it's
very good, Eve"; she mistakenly viewed his statement as an
invitation to sexually arouse and stimulate herself; she complied
with his request by reclining on the floor, and laid on top of
a full-sized bear-skin rug while grabbing the bedpost; meanwhile,
he was watching an exercise program on TV from the end of the nearby
bed and mimicking the exercises (he even performed a hand-stand)
- oblivious to her sexual pleasure as she masturbated herself nearby
Seduction Scene with Love Starved, Self-Pleasuring
Eve Rand
- the film's ending took place during the memorial
funeral of sickly businessman-financier Benjamin Turnbull Rand,
while one of the pallbearers discussed the protagonist's bid for
the Presidency: "I do believe, gentlemen, if we want to hold
on to the Presidency, our one and only chance is Chauncey Gardiner"
- in the mystical, incongruous conclusion (accompanied
by off/on-screen voices), the totally innocent idiot Chance-Chauncey
Gardiner, who had wandered away from the ceremony into a wooded
area closeby, blithely stepped onto a pond and literally walked
on the water as his Presidential candidacy was discussed
off-screen; he tested the depth of the water with the length
of his umbrella - and then continued walking away from the camera
- the
final words of the film were delivered by the President at the
funeral, and were heard from a distance: "Life
is a state of mind"
TV-Watching Chauncey
Black Maid Louise's Cynical Commentary on Chauncey
Dennis: "You like to, uh, watch?"

Garden Talk with the President (Jack Warden)
Funeral of Benjamin Rand

"Walking on Water"
Best in Show (2000)
- director/writer Christopher Guest's satirical, quirky,
and semi-improvised mockumentary film was about championship dog
breeding and shows; mockumentary interviews
were conducted with five different sets of neurotic, eccentric
and quirky dog owners, and
trainers who would be involved in Philadelphia's
up-coming Mayflower Kennel Club Dog Show; the film opened with
the voice-over of an unseen narrator: "I imagine the best place
to start is at the beginning"

The Swans' "Beatrice" (Weimaraner)

The Flecks' Norwich Terrier "Winky"

Harlan's Bloodhound "Hubert"

Christy and Sherri Ann's White Poodle "Butch" (or Rhapsody in White)

Scott's and Stefan's Shih Tzu "Miss Agnes"

"Best in Show" Winner
The Film's Prominent Dogs
- the first interview was with Meg Swan (Parker
Posey) and her equally-yuppie
husband Hamilton Swan (Michael Hitchcock) - a wealthy,
materialistic, trendy, upwardly-mobile, catalogue-loving suburbanite
couple; both were lawyers living in a suburb of Chicago known as
Moordale, IL who were speaking with therapist
Dr. Chuck Nelken (Jay Brazeau) - the two over-caring, obsessive and
neurotic dog owners were worried that their gray Weimaraner named "Beatrice" had
been traumatized and depressed after watching Meg engaged in
experimental Kama Sutra style sex: ("We got a book, Kama Sutra.
I lit some candles and, uh, played some music and got myself in
a position that wasn't, uh, very easy for me emotionally. Uhm,
it's called the Congress of the Cow, uh, where, uh, the woman is
bent over, the hands are on the floor, and the man is behind")
- the next couple to be introduced was nerdy middle-class
Florida salesman Gerald "Gerry" Fleck (Eugene Levy), cursed with
two left feet (literally), and his still-sexy ex-waitress wife
"Cookie" (Catherine O'Hara) lived in Fern City, FL; they
were asked questions about their Norwich terrier "Winky";
the two remarked how "Cookie" had
"dozens" - actually "hundreds"
of previous lovers and boyfriends, to Gerry's dismay and jealousy
- a third individual Harlan Pepper (Christopher
Guest, the film's director) was filmed in Pinenut, NC - he owned
The Fishin' Hole, a fishing goods shop; he bragged about the breed
of dog he owned, a bloodhound named "Hubert": "The Bloodhound,
of all the breeds, is just such a noble, loyal, perfect dog. You
can't find a better dog on the whole planet Earth"
- in the Tribeca neighborhood of NYC, a gay couple
composed of the gossipy, wildly-flamboyant Scott Donlan (John Michael
Higgins) and hair salon proprietor Stefan Vanderhoof (Michael McKean),
classic movie lovers, expressed great pride for their two Shih
Tzus, "Miss Agnes" and non-competitive "Tyrone" and expected to win
- at the Cabot mansion in Philadelphia,
young and very buxom blonde trophy wife Sherri Ann Cabot (Jennifer
Coolidge) and her very elderly, oblivious, senile 'sugar-daddy'
80 year-old husband Leslie Ward Cabot (Patrick Cranshaw) described
their unusual marriage: ("We have an amazing relationship
and it's very physical. I mean, he still pushes all my buttons.
And uhm, you know, people say: 'Oh, but he's so much older than
you.' And you know what? I'm the one having to push him away. We
both have so much in common. We both love soup and uh, we love
the outdoors, uh, we love snow peas, and uh, talking and not talking.
Uh, we could not talk or talk forever and still find things to
not talk about"); they also spoke about their two-time defending
winner, a white poodle named
"Butch" (or Rhapsody in White) who was being trained by
manly, short-haired handler Christy Cummings (Jane Lynch)
- at the Swan home, the couple with
matching sets of braces described how they met at Starbucks: ("We
met at Starbucks, not the same Starbucks, where we saw each other at different Starbucks
across the street from each other"); Hamilton remembered: "I remember
what I was drinking when I met you - it was a Grande Espresso,"
and she affirmed: "That's right, and I thought that was really sexy";
the two reminisced about their similar likes - Macs, J. Crew, and L.L.
- it was slowly but conclusively revealed that lesbian
dog trainer Christy Cummings and Sherri Ann Cabot with their prized
dog "Butch" (or Rhapsody in White) were sex-partners ("Rhapsody
has two mommies")
- while traveling on the road in his RV from NC with
his bloodhound "Hubert" to the dog show, Harlan told
a memorable story about how he drove his mother mad by his unique
talent of naming nuts: ("I used to be able to
name every nut that there was. And it used to drive my mother crazy,
because she used to say, 'Harlan Pepper, if you don't stop namin'
nuts,' and the joke was, of course, that we lived in Pinenut, and
I think that's what put it in my head at that - at that point.
So I'd go to sleep - she'd hear me in the other room and she would
just start yellin'. I'd say: 'Peanut. Hazelnut. Cashew nut. Macadamia
nut.' That was the one that would send her into goin' crazy. She'd
say: 'Would you stop namin' nuts!' And Hubert used to be able to
make the sound, and he wasn't talkin', but he used to go "rrrawr
rrawr" and it sounded like Macadamia nut. Pine nut, which
is a nut, but it's also the name of a town. Pistachio nut. Red
pistachio nut. Natural, all natural white pistachio nut")
- on their meandering route
to Philadelphia during stays with acquaintances, Cookie kept encountering
ex-paramours who openly discussed their previous sexual activities,
enraging Gerry, such as Max Berman (Larry Miller) who recalled
an incident at the lake with her: "She was famous for putting her
legs behind her head, she could get both legs behind her head"
- meanwhile, aspiring ventriloquist Harlan practiced
his vocal skills while parked at the side of the road for the night; while
checking in at the Taft Hotel in Philadelphia, Scott was upset
when the hotel manager Mark Schaefer (Ed Begley Jr.) stated harmlessly: "We
have you down for a queen"; as Philadelphia
residents, Sherri Ann and Christy were interviewed on WPHY-TV for
the "AM Philadelphia" show hosted by Robin (Teryl Rothery) and her male counterpart (Tony
Alcantar) after a cooking segment, when questions were asked about
their dog show's two-time champion white poodle "Butch" (Rhapsody
in White) and his strange grooming patterns; meanwhile, after
finally arriving at the Taft, the financially-overdrawn Fleck couple
with a faulty credit card were forced to sleep in the hotel's 3rd floor
utility-storage room stock-piled with cleaning solutions for doggie accidents
- during a welcome party hosted by the Chamber of
Commerce in the Taft, Malcolm (Malcolm Stewart) approached Cookie and remembered her as a waitress
at Louisville's Mint Julep almost 20 years earlier: "I've
banged a lot of waitresses in my day, but you, you, you were the
best by far"; referring to her breasts, he added: " Keep 'em up. Keep 'em up"
- as the dog show commenced, the 125th annual
Mayflower Kennel Club's competition for the "Best in Show," there
was a frenzied and panicked search by the overzealous Swans for their
Weimaraner Beatrice's favorite but missing "Busy
Bee" squeeze toy - in the crate, and back in their Taft Hotel room suite: (Meg to
hotel manager: "Of course I've looked under the bed, of course I've looked
under the bed. That's where you look when you lose things...Thanks
for your help, you stupid hotel manager!"), she had an additional
tirade against a Latina cleaning house-keeping maid (Carmen Aguirre):
("I know a man who has a van and he will take you back to exactly where
you came from!"), and Meg also frustratingly searched for a replacement toy in a
pet store: ("No, that's a bear in a, in a bee costume...This?...This
is a fish. This is a fish! You know what? Just shut up...I didn't
ask for your opinion. I asked for a toy that you don't have!")

Buck Laughlin (Fred Willard)

Trevor Beckwith (Jim Piddock)
The Dog Show Commentators
- the national dog show
was emceed by the comical TV commentator Buck Laughlin (Fred Willard)
who was joined by long-suffering co-host and dog expert Trevor
Beckwith (Jim Piddock); Buck peppered his comments with lots of lewd
comments and often-offensive jokes: ("When
you look at how beautiful these dogs are, and to think that in
some countries these dogs are eaten,"
and "If you're gonna put them on a football team, which would
be your wide receiver, which would be your tight end? Who can go
the farthest, the fastest?", and "Look at Scott! He is
prancing along with the dog! Man, I tell you something, if you live
in my neighborhood and you're dressed like that, you'd better be
a hotel doorman", and "I don't think I ever could get used
to being probed and prodded. I told my proctologist once: 'Hey, why
don't you take me out to dinner and a movie sometime?'")
- there were seven group competitions in the evening's
show as the dogs progressed to the "Best in Show" title; the winning
dog in the first "Hound" group competition was Harlan's Bloodhound
"Hubert", and the winner in the second "Toy" group category was
Stefan's Shih Tzu "Miss Agnes"; in the third "Terriers" competition,
the Fleck's "Winky" won; during the judging of the category of
"Sporting" or "Hunting" dogs, the Swan's dog "Beatrice" was dismissed
for jumping onto the chief Judge Freda Dunlop (Corrine Koslo);
in the "Non-Sporting" category, handler Christy's white poodle
dog "Butch" (Rhapsody in White) also won
- after seven preliminary
rounds for specific categories won by most of the featured contestants
(except for the Swans' "Beatrice"), Buck
described the "Best
of Show" competition: "The final seven. It's the bottom
of the ninth inning. It's the goal line stand. It's the
final round. And after all the grooming, the petting, the kibbles,
the liver snaps..."; among the five featured
contestants, the
winner was the Fleck's "Winky" (who was out-performed by
his handler, two-left-footed Gerry Fleck)
- in the film's epilogue six months later, the winning
Fleck couple back in Florida capitalized on increased celebrity attention
by recording an audio tape of novelty songs about terrier dogs, and
calling themselves "The Captain and Cookie"; Sherri
Ann and Christy (in a "new level" of their sexual relationship)
created a magazine titled "American
Bitch" designed specifically for lesbian pure-bred dog owners
like themselves; Harlan visited an Israeli kibbutz for three weeks,
and fulfilled his dream of being a ventriloquist with a song and
dance show, while the classic moving-loving male gay couple published
a dog calendar with monthly images of their two costumed Shih Tzu
dogs posed as characters in great love scenes (Gone with the Wind
(1939), Casablanca
(1942), The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1939), and the TV
show McMillan
and Wife (1971-76); the Swans
told their therapist that they had happily acquired a pug dog named "Kipper" who
wasn't upset by their love-making ("Our sex life is finally
back on track...He likes to watch")

Meg Swan (Parker Posey) and Hamilton Swan (Michael Hitchcock)
With Therapist

Gerald "Gerry" (Eugene Levy) and Cookie Fleck (Catherine

Harlan Pepper (Christopher Guest) - Owner of Pinenut, NC's Shop The
Fishin' Hole

Stefan Vanderhoof (Michael McKean) and Scott Donlan (John Michael Higgins)

Leslie Ward Cabot (Patrick Cranshaw) and Sherri Ann Cabot (Jennifer

Christy Cummings (Jane Lynch)
On the Road to the Show, Harlan Pepper's Story About Naming Nuts

Kennel Club Dog Show at the Beyman Center

The Overzealous Swans with "Beatrice"

After Winning, the Flecks' Release of a Vocal Tape

Christy and Sherri Ann's Magazine Publication: "American Bitch"

Harlan's Ventriloquist Show
Beverly Hills Cop (1984)
- in this "fish-out-of-water"
comedy, the "Beverly Hills cop" character was comic, resourceful,
street-smart renegade Detroit cop Axel Foley (on a working vacation
in Southern California) (Eddie Murphy); the loudmouth Foley delivered
fast-talking, rapid-fire laughs (with uncensored wisecracks) in almost
every scene
- in the film's opening, Detroit policeman Foley was
recklessly conducting an unauthorized sting operation (regarding
a truckload of smuggled cigarettes from Dearborn) that went awry;
the two hustlers (Frank Pesce and Gene Borkan) escaped, and Foley
was later reprimanded for his unapproved operation by his boss
- Inspector Douglas Todd (Gilbert R. Hill); it was considered his "worst
f--kup ever," according to co-worker Detective Jeffrey Friedman
(Paul Reiser); Foley was threatened with losing his position: "One
more time and you're out on the street"
- Axel was present (but knocked unconscious) when his
old "hoodlum friend" and ex-crime partner Michael "Mikey" Tandino
(James Russo), who had recently returned
from a job as a security guard in an art gallery warehouse in Beverly
Hills with stolen German bearer bonds, was shot and killed by Zack
(Jonathan Banks); Foley was ordered by Inspector Todd to stay out
of the case; determined to learn more about the case and track
down Mikey's killers, Foley was granted two weeks' vacation time
- and was next seen driving around ritzy Beverly Hills taking in
the sights in his dilapidated "crappy
blue Chevy Nova"

Axel Foley (Eddie Murphy) Registering
a Suite at the Beverly Palms Hotel
- in a hotel registration
scene at the front desk of the overbooked luxury Beverly
Palm Hotel, Foley was posing as a Rolling Stone magazine
reporter there to interview Michael Jackson; he was offered a suite
by the flustered blonde desk clerk at the single-room rate ($235/night)
after playing the race card: "Don't you think I realize what's
going on here, miss? Who do you think I am, huh? Don't you think
I know that if I was some hotshot from out of town that pulled
inside here and you guys made a reservation mistake, I'd be the
first one to get a room and I'd be upstairs relaxing right now.
But I'm not some hotshot from out of town, I'm a small reporter
from 'Rolling Stone' magazine that's in town to do an
exclusive interview with Michael Jackson that's gonna be picked
up by every major magazine in the country. I was gonna call the
article 'Michael Jackson Is Sitting On Top of the World,'
but now I think I might as well just call it 'Michael Jackson
Can Sit On Top of the World Just As Long As He Doesn't Sit in the
Beverly Palm Hotel 'Cause There's No Niggers Allowed in There!'"
- meddling in the case, Foley met up with
his old childhood friend Jenny Summers (Lisa Eilbacher) - she
was manager of the Beverly Hills art gallery (the Hollis Benton
Art Gallery on Wilshire Blvd) where Mikey had worked; he learned
that she (and Mikey) were employed by international-British-born
art dealer and gallery owner Victor Maitland (Steven Berkoff);
posing as a flower deliveryman, Foley met
face-to-face with Maitland in his office and confronted him; he
was tossed through the main floor's glass window by
Maitland's bodyguards including Zack - the art dealer's right-hand
- during his arrest, Foley was aghast and argued back
at the arresting officers: ("Disturbing the peace? I got thrown
out of a window! What's the f--kin' charge for getting pushed out
of a moving car, huh? Jaywalking? This is bulls--t!"); on
his way to the Beverly Hills police HQs in the back of a squad
car, Foley mused: "You know, this is the cleanest and nicest police
car I've ever been in in my life. This thing's nicer than my apartment"
- he was detained
(for a concealed weapon and disturbing the peace) and reprimanded by Lieut. Andrew Bogomil
(Ronny Cox), uptight Det. Sgt. John Taggart (John Ashton) and his
dim-witted assistant Det. "Billy" Rosewood
(Judge Reinhold); after being bailed out by Jenny, Foley still
suspected that Maitland's ten-year
operation as a top art dealer was a cover-up for something else
- he was apparently linked to the German bearer bonds and Mikey's
- although tailed by Taggart and Rosewood, Foley distracted
them by ordering room service for them in their car while he stuffed
a banana into their unmarked car's exhaust pipe; he also entertained
them at a striptease bar, where the embarrassed duo watched a topless
stripper dance behind them (he told them: "Billy, you know, you
don't have to be embarrassed if your dick gets hard. Your dick
is supposed to get hard. See? That's the whole object of this"),
before they worked together to foil an armed robbery attempt; however,
the two detectives were removed for incompetence from the case
and replaced
- Foley again trailed shady art dealer
Maitland in his black Mercedes from his gated BH mansion to the
members-only, high-class Harrow Club for lunch; where he posed
as Maitland's homosexual male hustler Ramon with the front desk
clerk: ("Tell Victor that Ramon - the fella he met about a week ago? Tell him
that Ramon went to the clinic today, and I found out that I have,
um, herpes simplex 10, and I think Victor should go check himself
out with his physician to make sure everything is fine before things
start falling off on the man")
- he gained entry and
confronted Maitland and Zack, but was again arrested; Foley explained
to an increasingly-irritated Lieut. Bogomil how Maitland was a "hot-shot
art dealer" and also a smuggler who also dealt in crates filled with German bearer
bonds - similar to the stolen ones found on Mikey when he was killed;
Foley also suspected that drugs were packed in coffee grounds,
found at the warehouse
- although Foley was ordered by no-nonsense Chief
of Police Hubbard (Stephen Elliott) to be escorted to the city
limits and threatened to never return, he was able to convince
demoted Det. Rosewood to help him blow the case wide open; at the
warehouse with Rosewood and Jenny, Foley found evidence
of cocaine packets buried in coffee grounds in a crate that hadn't
passed through customs yet; however, they were apprehended by Maitland's
henchmen, and Jenny was personally kidnapped and taken hostage
by Maitland and driven to Maitland's mansion on Palm Canyon Road
- during an assault on Maitland's house (with backup
support from Bogomil's police forces), after
a cat-and-mouse game with hitman Zack, Axel shot him dead but was
wounded by Maitland, and then Jenny was rescued (and both Foley
and Bogomil killed Maitland with blazing gunfire)
- Foley was vindicated when Chief Hubbard was told
(falsely) by Lieut. Bogomil that Foley had been acting in a joint
Beverly Hills-Detroit narcotics trafficking investigation with
Officers Rosewood and Taggart; Foley asked for a favor - to notify
his boss back in Detroit and "straighten things out" - while
threatening that he could possibly move to Beverly Hills permanently
and work as a private detective if he lost his Detroit job
- after
Foley was treated at the hospital for a right arm wound, Taggart
and Rosewood met Foley as he checked out of his hotel suite, and
the trio decided to have a farewell beer in a respectable place
before he left the city limits

Foley Thrown Out of Maitland's Office Glass Window and
Arguing With Arresting Officers

In Back of Squad Car

Banana Into Cops' Tailpipe

With Taggert and Rosewood at a Stripclub Bar

Posing as Male Hustler Named Ramon at Country Club To Gain Entry

With Officers Rosewood and Taggart at Maitland's Mansion for Final Shootout

Maitland Shot Dead by Axel and Bogomil
Big (1988)
- in director Penny Marshall's body transference and
"fish-out-of-water" fantasy, it told about a 13 year-old boy in
the body of a 30 year-old man
- in a carnival scene one evening where teenaged 13
year Josh Baskin (David Moscow) was with his parents and baby sister
Rachel, he was humiliated after being told that he was too short
for the "Ring of Fire" roller coaster ride - witnessed by a pretty
blonde female classmate Cynthia Benson (Kimberlee M. Davis)
- by himself, he approached
toward an automated, wish-granting machine known as "Zoltar
Speaks"; after inserting 25 cents, suddenly
Zoltar became animated with glowing red eyes and a sign lit up:
ZOLTAR SAYS - MAKE YOUR WISH; he made a wish to be 'big' ("I
wish I were big"); he received a card - from the strangely
unplugged machine - telling him: "Your
Wish is Granted" but didn't feel anything different
a Wish at the "Zoltar Speaks" Machine
- the next morning, Josh became panicked when he realized,
in front of his bathroom mirror, that he was a full-grown, unrecognizable
young adult male (now Tom Hanks as a 30 year-old); he reached into
his pocket and found the 'Zoltar Speaks' card in his wallet - informing
him: "Your Wish is Granted"
- Josh quickly rode his now-undersized bicycle back
to the carnival grounds, but found them empty; he returned to his
home in Cliffside Park NJ, where his freaked-out mother (Mercedes
Ruehl) didn't recognize him and thought he was an intruder-kidnapper;
to convince her of his identity, Josh pulled down his sweatpants
to show her his birthmark behind his left knee, but she was even
more aghast that he was wearing her son's underwear; he was forced
to flee from his own house when she threateningly grabbed a butcher
- fortunately, at
his school, he was able to convince Billy Kopecki (Jared Rushton),
his next-door neighbor and best friend, of his predicament, and
confirmed his identity by singing a recognizable nonsense song;
Billy stole cash and some of his father’s
clothes for Josh, and the two rode together on a bus to New York
City - to locate the Zoltar machine so that his life could be restored;
soon after Billy helped Josh to find a cheap flophouse room at the
St. James Hotel, where Josh cried himself to sleep; Billy left
and promised to return the next day; meanwhile, Josh's parents
filed a "Missing Persons" report
- the boys' efforts at a Consumer Affairs office to
locate the carnival or fair that might help reconnect them with
Zoltar failed, and they were told their request required six weeks
until they received results
- in the meantime, Josh successfully
applied for a computer operator data-entry job at the MacMillan Toy
Company, after faking his Social Security number and his resume's
work history
- to assuage his distraught mother, he phoned her
posing as Josh's kidnapper, and promised that Josh would soon be
returned unharmed; he provided proof of his claims by answering
her question about the song she would often sing to him ("The
Way We Were")
- in the film's most recognizable sequence, while
Josh was in the main showroom of an F.A.O. Schwartz toy store on
a weekend, he happened to meet the MacMillan
Toys company executive boss "Mac" MacMillan (Robert Loggia),
and quickly impressed him with his childlike enthusiasm and knowledge
of toys; Josh enjoyed tap
dancing and foot-tapping to the tunes Heart and Soul and Chopsticks on
a giant, floor-sized and mounted electronic piano keyboard; soon
after, Josh invited MacMillan to join him as a crowd of onlookers
watched and applauded them
- after MacMillan recognized Josh for his child-like
intuition and ability to pick successful toy products, he was ultimately
promoted to toy tester in charge of Product Development; however,
his sudden advancement upset top-level co-workers: sexy yuppie
toy executive Susan Lawrence (Elizabeth Perkins), and her competitive
boyfriend Paul Davenport (John Heard)
- with his salary, Josh rented a large loft apartment
and transformed it into a childlike playroom with arcade games
(a pinball machine), toys, a trampoline, and a basketball hoop
- at a fancy MacMillan company office cocktail party, Josh was inappropriately
dressed in a white tuxedo with sequins, and reacted to the hors d'oeuvres
(miniature corn cobs) by eating them as if they were full-sized;
Susan befriended him after seeing his awkwardness, and invited
him to ride with her in her hired limousine to Josh’s
apartment; during the ride, Josh was distracted by the limo's sunroof
and kept popping out of the vehicle
- Josh experienced
a confused sexual relationship with Susan when she asked to spend
the night with him; she misinterpreted her sexual interest in him
and agreed to a "sleep-over" in
bunk beds; he agreed to share his bunk bed
with her - Susan: "I want to spend the night with you." Josh: "Do
you mean sleep over?"
Susan: "Well... yeah!" Josh (with a guileless reply): "Well,
okay... but I get to be on top!"; afterwards, Josh jumped
on a trampoline with Susan (viewed through windows from outside
his apartment

"But I get to be on top!"

In Bunk Beds
- Paul's jealous retaliation against Josh for stealing
Susan away led to Susan's break up with Paul; during a tender,
simple and innocent scene in Susan's apartment, he gently touched
her breast through her bra before kissing her, and they spent the
night together
- Billy was finally able to receive a list of carnivals
and fairs that he and Josh requested, but by this time, Josh had
become completely distracted by his relationship with Susan, and
he ignored and neglected Billy's demands that Josh listen to him
and set his priorities straight
- in a subdued scene, Josh returned to his hometown
and walked around his neighborhood and school; he noticed younger
kids, including his friend Billy, having playful fun and longed
to return to the simple joys of childhood; later,
during dinner with Susan, Josh attempted to explain his transformation
and his real age ("I'm a child, Susan, and I'm - I'm
not ready for all of this"), but she interpreted his fears
as a lack of commitment, and dismissed what he was saying
- eventually, Billy was able to inform Josh of a Zoltar
machine at Sea Point Park; in a daze, Josh left the toy company
(in the middle of a proposal presentation) and took a taxi to the
park, where he made a wish to become a kid again; his wish was
not fulfilled until he unplugged the machine to put it back into
its magical mode of operation; Susan followed after him and realized
that Josh's earlier confession about his transformation was actually
true, and that their relationship would be ending; she declined
Josh's offer to have her use the machine to turn herself into a
little girl
- in the conclusion, Susan drove Josh home, and outside
his house she kissed his forehead before they parted ways; there
was a poignant final shot of Susan watching Josh, who waved goodbye
- he transformed into a 13
year-old boy again (with clothes that now didn't fit him) - he
ran toward his home, calling out: "Mom?...I missed you all
so much"
- in the short epilogue, Josh and his friend Billy
walked down the street discussing playing stick ball (to the instrumental
tune of Heart and Soul)

(l to r): Billy Kopecki (Jared Rushton) and
Josh Baskin (David Moscow)

In Roller-Coaster Line at the Carnival With Older Blonde

The Bathroom Mirror - Unrecognizable

"Your Wish is Granted" Card

Josh's Freaked-Out Mother
Giant Electronic Piano Keyboard in an F.A.O. Schwartz
Toy Showroom with "Mac" MacMillan (Robert Loggia)

In His Playroom Loft Apartment
Josh Eating Miniature Corn Cobs at a MacMillan Toy Company
Cocktail Party
Josh's Grown-Up Relationship with Susan
During a Visit to His Hometown, Josh Remembered and Missed
His 'Childhood'

After Waving Goodbye, Susan Witnessed His Transformation
Big Business (1929)
- this famous silent 20 minute short (two-reeler),
a comic slapstick about reciprocal destruction, was considered
the best silent comedy from the team of Laurel and Hardy; this
was one of their final silent comedies before they switched to
sound films in March of 1929
- portraying
California door-to-door salesmen, Stan (Stan Laurel) and Ollie (Oliver
Hardy) were selling Christmas trees loaded in the back of their
open Model T
- their first unmarried female customer (Lyle (pronounced
as “Lily”) Tayo), who was asked if her husband wanted
to buy a tree, responded that she had no husband; Stanley then
inappropriately asked: "If you had a husband, would he buy one?";
she slammed the door on them
- at their second house, the two ignored
a "POSITIVELY NO PEDDLERS OR SOLICITORS" sign, and Oliver then boasted:
"It's personality that wins"; after they rang the doorbell, the
homeowner reprimanded Oliver with a blow to the top of his head
from a hammer
- a third disgruntled homeowner (James Finlayson),
a bald and squinting individual, at their next house became exasperated
when the pair kept getting their Xmas tree branches caught in his
front door; after being soundly rejected, Stanley proposed: "I've
got a big business idea" and persistently returned to the
front door to ask the customer for a future order: "Could
I take your order for next year?";
the man departed for a moment and returned with a giant pair of
hedge-clippers - he responded by cutting one of their trees into
- in retaliation, Stanley used a pocket knife to remove
the home's address numbers, and then carved part of the frame
of the wooden front door; the customer reciprocated by smashing
Ollie's pocket watch on the front steps; Ollie vengefully used
the pocket knife to destroy the front doorbell; the man phoned
the police: "Give me the patrol wagon!" but Stanley cut his phone
wire; he again retaliated by using a pair of scissors to cut a
piece out of Ollie's shirt and to slice his tie in two
- the duo engaged in
an escalating vindictive fight with the man; the two
destroyed more of his home by pulling off a porch light
and smashing the front window after he had vandalized their Model
T by yanking off a headlight and smashing their
windshield; the enraged homeowner then proceeded to pull off one
of the vehicle's doors; the two returned to the home and pulled
up landscaping in his yard and then entered his home and broke
down the front door; he proceeded to their car and removed the
steering wheel and destroyed their remaining inventory of trees
- Stan and Ollie used an axe to destroy
the home's front awning and windows and cut down shrubbery, and
with a shovel they dug up the front lawn, while the man
continued to completely dismantle and destroy the remaining parts
of the Model T; Stanley entered the house and began throwing out
pieces of furniture, vases, and other breakable items (Ollie practiced
his baseball batting by swinging at the objects with the shovel);
Ollie also destroyed the home's brick chimney; the last item to
be vandalized by Stanley was the home's piano
- a burly but stoic policeman
(Stanley John "Tiny" Sandford) sat in his vehicle and calmly watched
(while writing up citations) before approaching closer to further
observe the destruction; finally he was able to bring a peaceful
resolution to the feud, and everyone (including the large crowd)
broke out hankies for a good cry, although Stan and Ollie were
faking their tears
- as a peace offering, Stan and Ollie freely
offered the homeowner a cigar (with a "Merry Christmas" wish), but
as the man sat down to smoke it, the explosive
"trick" cigar blew up in his face

Stan and Ollie - Xmas Tree Salesmen

Tit for Tat Destruction of Property
Sneering Eye-Popping, Exasperated Home Owner (James Finlayson)

Police Officer (Stanley John "Tiny" Sandford) Observing the
Chaotic Destruction

The Explosive "Trick" Cigar
Big Deal on Madonna Street
(1958, It.) (aka I Soliti Ignoti)
- director Mario Monicelli's wacky, satirical crime
caper comedy (literally translated "Usual Unknowns") that was intended
as a spoof of director Jules Dassin's Rififi (1955, Fr.) and
John Huston's The Asphalt Jungle (1950),
has been considered one of the best examples of Italian cinema;
it was the first of nine collaborations between Monicelli and actor
Vittorio Gassman
- it told about an amateurish,
inept and incompetent group of misfit Italians (mostly petty thieves
and crooks) who planned the perfect crime that ultimately went
very wrong - the robbery of a state-run pawnshop's safe in Rome
on "Via della Madonna"
- the heist was masterminded by Giuseppe 'Peppe er
Pantera' Baiocchi (Vittorio Gassman), a womanizing, conniving,
washed-up boxer; while briefly jailed and pretending to be sentenced
to three years, he fooled inmate crook Cosimo
(Memmo Carotenuto) - who was in jail for car theft - into divulging
plans for a pawn shop heist; after learning all the details, Peppe
revealed he was only on probation and walked out of prison
- to execute the pawn shop robbery, Peppe then recruited
members of Cosimo's gang - a group of inexperienced
crooks - to execute the plan:
- Tiberio Braschi (Marcello Mastroianni), an
unemployed cameraless photographer and photo-journalist who
was baby-sitting his squawling infant while his wife was jailed
for smuggling black market cigarettes
- Michele 'Ferribotte' Nicosia (Tiberio Murgia),
a proud, hot-tempered Sicilian (who kept his pretty sister
named Carmelina (20 year-old upcoming star Claudia Cardinale)
under lock and key to assure that she was virginally chaste for
her upcoming wedding to her fiancee)
- Mario Angeletti (Renato Salvatori), a
young rookie thief and unemployed orphan, a ladies' man who
fell in love with fellow crook Michele's sister Carmelina
- Pierluigi 'Capannelle' (Carlo Pisacane), an
elderly, one-toothed, washed-up, ex-jockey
and pickpocket who was always hungry
- Dante Cruciani (Italian
stage star and comedian Toto), an on-parole, 'retired' safecracker
(with ridiculous tools such as a cheese grater) who was paid
to be the gang's mentor and offer ridiculous lessons on
safecracking that were often interrupted by police visits and
noisy children
- the idea was to break through the thin wall of an
adjacent apartment to gain entry into the pawnshop and acquire
access to its safe
- during the planning stages, Tiberio stole a movie
camera from a flea market, and with the inadequate camera, he shot
jerky surveillance footage of the pawn shop (and projected it for
the gang members), including trial footage of his young baby; he
failed in his attempt to view the pawn shop safe's combination
with a telephoto lens
Tiberio's Projected Footage of Pawn Shop - With
Trial Shots of His Baby Mixed In
- during the heist planning, Peppe fell in love with
the pretty maid Nicoletta (Carla Gravina) who was employed by the
elderly lady spinsters ("two old hags") who lived in
the apartment; while kissing her on a tram, he was able to purloin
the keys to the apartment out of her purse, and she reacted: "You
take my breath away," but then he showed them to her when
she became frantic
- in the climactic scene, many elements of the break-in
plan fell through and it was a complete failure; Mario quit the
group to pursue romance with Carmelina; Tiberio's arm was broken
by the angered flea market proprietor, and he became somewhat hampered
by the injury; entry into the apartment in the middle of the night
via a rooftop was delayed by an argument between a feuding couple

The Thieves Delayed When Entering the Apartment Via a Rooftop

Ruptured Water Pipe in Wall
- and finally after gaining access to the apartment,
as the crooks drilled through the wall, they ruptured a
water pipe and caused a flood of water; they also realized that
after a considerable amount of time, they had mistakenly broken
through the wrong wall: ("That's the wrong wall! Damn it!
We really blew it!")
- one that led into the apartment's kitchen since the elderly tenants
had recently rearranged the furniture and disoriented them
- with no time left, the loveable and hungry but loser-crooks
sat around for a midnight meal of pasta e fagioli (traditional pasta
and bean soup) after raiding the kitchen's refrigerator, while Capannelle
accidentally blew up the gas stove while attempting to light it with
a match; the huge explosion covered their faces with
dark ash; the foursome marched home through the streets at dawn,
and one-by-one split off in different directions
- the film concluded with a newspaper article describing
"the big deal" - an apartment robbery break-in and the theft of
pasta with beans: "Persons unknown bore a hole to steal pasta
and beans. The police are still investigating a strange burglary
from last night. A group of thieves broke into an apartment in
Via delle Madonne through a window overlooking the..."

While Briefly in Jail, Peppe Learned of Plans From Cosimo for a Pawn
Shop Heist

Recruited Gang Members: (l to r): Capannelle, Michele,
Tiberio (with child), and Mario

Mario With Carmelina (Claudia Cardinale)

One of Dante's (Toto) Tutorial Lessons on Safecracking

Peppe in Love With Maid Nicoletta

Crooks Sitting Around Kitchen Table Eating After Breaking Through the
Wrong Apartment Wall

The Loser-Crooks Returning Home at Dawn

Concluding Article About Robbery
The Big Lebowski (1998)
- this quirky Coen Brothers stoner comedy was a
Philip Marlowe-style LA neo-noir
- the opening scene narrated by the Stranger (Sam
Elliott) introduced bearded hippie, disheveled, pot-smoking,
slacker, unemployed slob Jeffrey 'The Dude' Lebowski (Jeff Bridges),
wandering in the aisles of a Los Angeles Ralph's grocery
store late at night, and smelling a carton of Half & Half before
writing a check for $.69 cents
- upon Lebowski's return home to his Venice Beach
(California) bungalow, he was assaulted
by two debt-collecting thugs (Mark Pellegrino) and Woo (Philip
Moon), who alleged that The Dude owed them money: ("Don't
f--k with us! Your wife owes money to Jackie Treehorn. That means
you owe money to Jackie Treehorn")
- they roughed him up and then Woo peed on the Dude's favorite
carpet: (The Dude complained: "No, no, don't do that! Not on
the rug, man"),
but then after realizing that the Dude was the wrong individual,
the goons took off: ("He looks like a f--kin' loser...F--king
time wasted. Thanks a lot, asshole")
- the Dude commiserated with his bowling buddies:
uptight nutcase Vietnam war veteran Walter Sobchak (John Goodman)
and ex-surfer Donny (Steve Buscemi), about his ruined, valued rug
that was peeded upon by the Chinaman Woo ("Yeah, man, it
really tied the room together")
- The Dude, wearing shorts
and a T-shirt, visited the Pasadena, CA home of wheel-chair bound
philanthropist millionaire Jeffrey 'The Big' Lebowski (David Huddleston)
- his namesake; he was there to complain
about and demand compensation from Lebowski for the mistaken attack
by two hoods (due to a mix-up of addresses for "Lebowski");
the thugs were actually targeting Mr. Lebowski's indebted, promiscuous
trophy wife Bunny (Tara Reid), a porn actress
- the Dude introduced himself to "The
Big" Lebowski: ("You're Mr. Lebowski. I'm the Dude. So
that's what you call me. You know, uh, that or, uh, His Dudeness,
or uh, Duder, or uh, you know, El Duderino if you're not into the
whole brevity thing")
- Mr. Lebowski offered employment advice to the laid-back
Dude: ("My wife is not the issue here! I hope that
someday my wife will learn to live on her allowance, which is ample,
but if she does not, that is her problem, not mine, just as the
rug is your problem, just as every bum's lot in life is his own
responsibility, regardless of who he chooses to blame. I didn't
blame anyone for the loss of my legs. Some Chinaman took them from
me in Korea. But I went out and achieved anyway. I cannot solve
your problems, sir, only you can....Yes, that's your answer. That's
your answer to everything. Tattoo it on your forehead. Your revolution
is over, Mr. Lebowski! Condolences! The bums lost! My advice to
you is to do what your parents did! Get a job, sir! The bums will
always lose! Do you hear me, Lebowski?! The bums will always lose!");
in response, the Dude briefly answered: "Oh, F--k it!" and
abruptly left
- on his way out of the Lebowski estate, the Dude
met up with the millionaire's sexy young wife Bunny, a free-spirited
nymphomaniac, and one of the porn stars of sleaze king mobster
Jackie Treehorn (Ben Gazzara); while painting her toenails, she
offered the Dude: ("I'll suck your c--k for $1,000 dollars")
- afterwards, the Dude was hired (for a promised $20K)
by his namesake to serve as a courier to deliver ransom money of
$1 million to free the allegedly-kidnapped Bunny
- along the way, the Dude met Mr.
Lebowski's estranged daughter Maude Lebowski (Julianne Moore), an
eccentric, super-stoic, avante-garde feminist artist, exhibited
living erotic art to the Dude; she delivered a "vagina monologue":
("Does the female form make you uncomfortable, Mr. Lebowski?...My
art has been commended as being strongly vaginal, which bothers
some men. The word itself makes some men uncomfortable. Vagina....Yes,
they don't like hearing it and find it difficult to say, whereas
without batting an eye, a man will refer to his d--k or his rod
or his Johnson")
- in one of the film's most unique sequences ("Gutterballs"), the
Dude experienced a fanciful Busby-Berkeley inspired musical dream
of bowling after being slipped a
mickey in his White Russian cocktail by Jackie Treehorn; the Dude's
dream was filled with images including the Viking Queen, Saddam
Hussein, and bowling
- at the Dude's bowling alley,
competitive, flamboyant, lavender-jump-suited Latino bowler Jesus
Quintana (John Turturro) (with a long painted pinky fingernail
on one of his ring-laden fingers, who seductively licked his bowling
ball) rolled a strike, then did a strange victory dance to the
Spanish-tinged tune of Hotel California;
then he threatened the Dude: "Let
me tell you something, pendejo. You pull any of your crazy s--t
with us, you flash a piece out on the lanes, I'll take it away
from you, and stick it up your ass and pull the f--kin' trigger
'til it goes click....Nobody
f--ks with the Jesus..."
Bowler Jesus Quintana Seductively Licking His
Bowling Ball

Bowler Jesus Quintana: "Nobody f--ks with
the Jesus..."
- Walter had nothing but bad things
to say about Jesus: "He's a sex offender with a record. He did
six months in Chino for exposin' himself to an eight year old...When
he moved to Hollywood he had to go door to door to tell everyone
he was a pederast"; of course, Donny asked: "What's a pederast,
Walter?" and was rebuked as usual: "Shut the f--k up, Donny"
- at the bowling alley during competition, the Dude's
bowling buddy Walter told rival bowler Smokey (Jimmie Dale Gilmore)
that he had committed a minor infraction of bowling league rules
by fouling over the line - accompanied by scary, gun-wielding threats: "You're
entering a world of pain" and "Mark
it zero"

Walter: "You're entering a world of pain"

'The Dude' Scattering Donny's Ashes in the Wind
- later in the confusing plot,
the Dude theorized that Mr. Lebowski had chosen him as a courier
(with a briefcase empty of cash) for the $1 million to pay off
Bunny's kidnappers, assuming that the "deadbeat" would
screw things up and could be used as a scapegoat; Lebowski was
a fraud and phony who was actually poorer than he claimed; his
intention was never to get Bunny back. Instead, he wanted her dead
while he embezzled the 'ransom money' derived from his charity
program/foundation - the Little Lebowski Urban Achievers. The ransom
demands came not from pornographer Treehorn, to whom Bunny owed
money, but from three opportunistic German nihilists (one of whom
was Bunny's boyfriend) who thought they could con Bunny's rich
husband Mr. Lebowski with ransom demands
- after Donny's death following a fatal heart attack,
Walter and the 'Dude' prepared to scatter Donny's cremated
ashes from a Folger's coffee can on a windy cliff-side; first,
Walter delivered a rambling eulogy: ("Donny was a good bowler
and a good man. He was one of us. He was a man who loved the outdoors
and bowling. And as a surfer, he explored the beaches of Southern
California, from La Jolla to Leo Carrillo and up to Pismo. He died,
he died, as so many men of his generation, before his time. In
your wisdom, Lord, you took him, as you took so many bright, flowering
young men at Khe Sanh, at Lan Doc, and Hill 364. These young men
gave their lives. So did Donny. Donny who loved bowling. And so,
Theodore Donald Karabatsos, in accordance with what we think your
dying wishes might well have been, we commit your final mortal
remains to the bosom of the Pacific Ocean, which you loved so well.
Good night, sweet prince"); however, the
breeze blew the ashes back - and all over the Dude's face
- in the concluding scene set at a bar in the bowling
alley, the Stranger discovered how the Dude was doing: "Oh,
you know, strikes and gutters, ups and downs." As the Dude wandered
off, he bid goodbye: "The Dude abides." The Stranger
expressed his hope that the Dude and Walter would win their
upcoming bowling tournament, and stated that Maude was pregnant
with a "little Lebowski" - not with Maude's surname but
with the Dude's surname!
Introduction of 'The Dude' in a Grocery Store
Woo Peeing on the Dude's Rug: "No,
no, don't do that! Not on the rug, man"
The Dude Commiserated with his Bowling Buddies: Walter
and Donny
The Dude with Mr. Lebowski: "You're Mr. Lebowski.
I'm the Dude"

Mr. Lebowski's Nympho Wife Bunny (Tara Reid)
Mr. Lebowski's Estranged Daughter Maude (Julianne Moore)
Gutterballs Dream Fantasy
Billy Madison (1995)
- director Tamra Davis' gross-out, low-brow farcical
comedy was about an immature, childish, spoiled, 27 year-old rich
kid named William "Billy" Madison (Adam Sandler); it
was self-described as "a comedy about an overwhelming underachiever"
- the
obnoxious, infantile, unmotivated and irresponsible Billy spent
most of his days drinking, lounging on a pool float at his father's
estate awaiting the mail delivery of nude magazines, and generally causing problems; the film's
tagline established the title character's main issue: "To
inherit his family's fortune, Billy is going back to school... Way
- as an example, while taking a bubble bath, Billy
acted out an argument between his shampoo and conditioner bottles
about which one was better ("Shampoo is better. I go on first and
clean the hair. Conditioner is better. I leave the hair silky and
smooth"); afterwards, he retorted toward his gold, swan-shaped
bathtub spout: "Stop looking at me, Swan!"
- the underachieving, idiotic Billy was
due to be the prospective heir of his retiring, tycoonish father
Brian Madison's (Darren McGavin) wealth, by acquiring his Madison
Hotel business chain (a Fortune 500 company); after disrupting
an important business dinner in his home with gibberish talk and
the slurping of soup, Billy's father claimed that he didn't trust
Billy's ability, and proposed transferring ownership to his Harvard-educated,
executive VP Eric Gordon (Bradley Whitford)
- Brian admitted to his son that he had underhandedly bribed Billy's school
teachers to give him passing grades so that he could graduate; as
a result, Billy decided to accept the challenge to demonstrate his
competence by redoing Grades 1-12 in 24 weeks (2 weeks for each grade):
("First Grade through Twelfth Grade all over again. I'll do each
grade in two weeks, take the test, re-graduate, prove to you I'm
not an idiot, and then I get to take over Madison Hotels")

Billy Passing Second Grade: "I am the smartest
man alive"

In an Elementary School Classroom

A Scolding by His 3rd Grade Teacher Veronica Vaughn
(Bridgette Wilson) For Making Fun of Another Student
- during Billy's schooling, when asked to show off
his cursive writing on the blackboard, he was stumped with the
word "Rizzuto" and she ridiculed his spelling of "Rirruto" - Billy
complaned to his teacher: "That's not fair! Rizzuto's not a word!
He's a baseball player! You're cheating!"; when she suggested that
he write out the word: "Buzz," he yelled out: "I hate cursive and
I hate all of you!"
- and then during a field trip, Billy shielded the
embarrassment of schoolboy Kyle (Kyle Bailey) by splashing water
on his crotch and making it look like he also peed in his pants
- he told the class: "Of course I peed my pants, everyone my age
pees their pants. It's the coolest"; the elderly docent-guide (Gladys
O'Connor) quipped: "If peeing your pants is cool, consider me Miles
Davis"; as the students boarded the bus, all of them had wet pants

Stumped Writing the Word "Rizzuto" During Cursive Practice

Billy Bragging About Peeing in His Pants

Billy Making a Scene in HS Science Class with Labmate
- in his high school science class during a boring
lesson about chlorophyll, Billy delivered an outburst toward the
teacher's lecture: "Chlorophyll? More like BOREophyll";
when his female labmate called him a "loser," he made a scene,
accusing her of inappropriate behavior: "No, I will not make out
with you. Did ya hear that? This girl wants to make out with me
in the middle of class. You got Chlorophyll Man up there talkin'
about God knows what and all she's talkin' about is makin' out
with me. I'm here to learn, everybody, not to make out with you.
Go on with the chlorophyll"
- after being bullied in HS, Billy
visited his 3rd grade class, where one of the boys told him: "I
can't wait till I go to hike school";
Billy grabbed the boy's chubby cheeks, shook his head and
stressed: "Don't you say that. Don't you ever say that. Stay here.
Stay here as long as you can. For the love of God, cherish it. You
have to cherish it"
- Billy decided to quit his schooling and drop
out, but his 3rd grade teacher Veronica beat him up and urged him
to go back to school; in a make-believe musical with her (dressed
in a German fraulein dress), he sang about how he was going to
change his life: ("Yes, I will go back to school"), and agreed
with her when she asked: "Don't I have a nice rack?"
- before going back to school (and at other low points
in Billy's life in the film), the drunken Billy hallucinated seeing
giant human-sized penguins
- Eric made concerted efforts to derail Billy's educational
progress by blackmailing Billy's elementary school Principal Max
Anderson (Josh Mostel) about his past; he was an ex-professional
wrestler who was known as the
"Revolting Blob" who accidentally killed an opponent
in the ring in June of 1983 ("he sat on some guy's head and
killed him"); Max was compelled to lie about Billy with false
accusations that he used bribery to cheat his way through and acquire
high grades, resulting in Billy's father deciding to cancel his retraining
challenge and offer the chairmanship of the business to Eric; however,
the distraught Billy was able to challenge Eric to an academic decathlon
to settle their long-running dispute
- during a preparatory quiz session with his sexy 3rd grade teacher - now his
girlfriend, while in a tent with her, she asked him trivia questions
about important history dates, and if he answered correctly,
she would remove an item of clothing; when he couldn't come
up with the correct answer for the date of The Spanish Armada,
he begged to be given time before she reclothed herself:
"Come on, I swear - Just hang in there one second. Please,
God, give me the answer!"; later, when he answered correctly ("That
is correct!"), he was rewarded with a striptease - not from Veronica
but from the school bus driver (Chris Farley)
- at the end of the closely-contested academic decathlon
(after competitions in many areas, including
trigonometry equations, home economics (baking), a track running
race, chemistry, music, and theatrical-drama), both Eric and Billy
had demonstrated excellence in different areas of expertise; they
were about to participate in the decathlon's final event - a game-show, Jeopardy!-style
academic competition before a cheering Knibb High audience
- when the category of "REFLECTIONS
OF SOCIETY IN LITERATURE" was chosen by Eric for Billy's question,
he responded by comparing the Industrial Revolution to a children's
story: The Puppy Who Lost His Way: ("...the puppy was
like industry. In that, they were both lost in the woods.
And nobody, especially the little boy - society - knew
where to find them. Except that the puppy was a dog. But the industry,
my friends, that was a revolution"; after a pause, he added:
"Knibb High football rules!" - prompting audience cheers)

Billy: "The Puppy Who Lost His Way"

The Principal's/Judge's Put-Down of Billy's Speech

"A simple wrong would've done just fine"
- the Principal/Judge (James Downey) of the event
delivered a blistering criticism of Billy's dim-witted speech: "Mr.
Madison, what you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic
things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent
response were you even close to anything that could be considered
a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having
listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on
your soul"; Billy sheepishly replied to the insult: "Okay,
a simple wrong would've done just fine"
- when it was Eric's turn to answer a question on
Business Ethics (supposedly his area of expertise and training)
("Explain business ethics and how they are applied today"); Eric
broke down, and pulled out a hand-gun; Max prevented Eric from
shooting Billy, but then Eric attempted to shoot Billy's 3rd grade
teacher-girlfriend Veronica Vaughn who ran toward the stage; his
effort to harm Veronica was prevented by a crazed Danny McGrath
(Steve Buscemi) wielding a rifle in the back of the auditorium
who shot Eric in the buttocks; (Earlier in the film, Billy had
phoned Danny and apologized for bullying him in high school); Danny
waved at Billy after the gunshot, and Billy was thankful ("Man,
I'm glad I called that guy")
- in the film's conclusion, Billy's HS graduation
scene, he announced that he wasn't destined to be a hotel empire businessman; he described his
goal to attend college and acquire training as a teacher,
and turned over the business to his father's associate operations
manager and business partner Carl Alphonse (Larry Hankin)

In his Bathtub - Acting Out an Argument Between His Shampoo
and Conditioner Bottles

William "Billy" Madison (Adam Sandler) Acting
Childishly and Obnoxiously

Billy's Wealthy, Exasperated Father Brian Madison (Darren McGavin)

Billy Urging a 3rd Grader to Not Wish to Be Older and in HS By Jiggling
His Cheeks

Billy Singing: "Yes, I will go back to school..."

Veronica: "Don't I have a nice rack?"

Veronica Quizzing Billy With Trivia Questions - To Be Rewarded With a Striptease

The Striptease Came Not from Veronica But From the Fat Bus Driver (Chris Farley):
"That is correct!"

Home Economics - Baking Competition - Eric in Flames

Eric vs. Billy During Academic Decathlon Game Show Questioning

Eric's Freak-Out While Answering a Question on Business Ethics

Wrestler Max Preventing Eric From Shooting Billy